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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.5- Sri Vishwaksenar- Senai Mudhali

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Let us continue to enjoy the acharya’s glories. In our tradition, Acharya is

equal to God if not more than Him.


Next in our Acharya lineage is Senai Mudhaliar… (nothing to do with mudhaliar

sect prevalent today). This Mudhaliar means- the first one- Commander in chief.

He is one of of Nithyasuris in Srivaikuntam.


VISHWAKSENA: (aka Senai Mudaliar).

He is said to have been born in the month Aippasi in the constellation of

Pooradam. The lord first taught Periya Piraatti and she in turn taught Senai

Mudaliar the esoteric meanings. The Slokas relating to Vishwaksena are as



Vandhe Vaikunta Senaanyam Devam Sootravthee Sakham |

Yad Vetra Sikhara Spandhe Viswam Yetad Vyavasthitham ||


(meaning) Next Acharya is Vishwaksena also known as Senai Mudaliar. Staying in

Vaikunta, he directs, controls and supervises the duties of all. He is the

Commander-in-Chief of the Lord. He wields a whip in his hand. The entire

Prapancha functions in the constant fear of the whip-end striking them, if they

err. His wife is Sootravathi. He rules over the entire world by his command. I

next bow to this Vishwaksena.


Yasya Dvurita Vaktraadhyaa Parishadhyaah Parah Satham |

Vignam Nignanthi Sathatham Vishwaksenam Upaasmahe ||


I worship the one by whose quick commands function the entire Universe right

from the Nityasuris downwards, the one who always removes obstacles and

impediments (in performing ones duties) - I bow to such a one – Vishwaksena.


Acharya is the one who takes us out of samsaaric afflictions and lead us to



onRE pukalenRu uNarnthavar kAtta thiruvaruLaal

anRe adaikkalam koNda nam athigirith thirumAl

inRe isaiyin iNaiyadi sErppar inip piRavOm

nanRe varuvathu ellAm namakkup param onRu ilathE.


The SadAcAryAs who are familiar with the relationship between artha

pancakam and SareerAtma bhAvam instruct us that SrimAn nArayaNan alone is

our refuge and place us at His sacred feet as protection. The Lord of

Hastigirireadily and immediately accepts that burden of our protection. He joins

the prapanna jeevan recommended by His AcAryans to His sacred feet. After that

merciful act, we will never be born in this Prakruti MaNDalam. After He accepts

our saranagati, all joys and sorrows that come our way during the post prapatti

period are just anukUlams (beneficial developments). We will have no burden on

our part to carry after the Bhara SamarpaNam to the Lord.


JagadhAchAryan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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