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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.6- Swami Nammazhwar- Kulapathi- Shatakopar

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all,


Let us continue to enjoy the acharya’s glories. In our tradition, Acharya is

equal to God if not more than Him.


Next in our Acharya lineage is Swami Nammazhwar. He is our Kulapathi.


We mediate on ShaTaari, (NammAzhwAr) whose garland of VakuLa flowers gets its

fragrance exuded into the fluent flow of poetry - a work of literature at which

the Vedas, having been tired of imparting codes of life, even ineffectively, can

safely rest and relax now, since AzhwAr's works will suffice and do the same job

more effectively!


MaathA pithA yuvatayas tanayA vibhUthis-

sarvam yathEva niyamEna madhanvayAnAm

Aadhayasya Na: KulapathEr VakuLAbhirAmam

Srimath Tadhangri yugaLam praNamAmi MoordhnA


--SthOthra Rathnam of AaLavandhAr: SlOkam 5


For my vasmam, the feet which always are the Mother, Father, the spouses, the

children; the wealth, the bhOgyam (pleasure); those feet of our Kula pathi Sri

NammAzhwAr, wearing magizha maalai (garland of magizha flowers).. I prostrate to

those lotus feet.


Mother takes care of us sacrificing all her pleasures.. moonRu bhuvanatthu porul

muRRUm kodutthu yEnRa vazhipaadhu iyaRRidinum en thaay oru naaL vaLartthathaRkku

iyaiayAvE... says one poet .. Even if one pays back the three worlds at the feet

of one¡¦s mother, it does not equate to one day of her taking care of us. So

great are they. Father takes us in his arms, teaches us, disciplines us..


During youth and later, the spouse takes care of us like the mother and

father and is loving, caring .. At old age and even after death, the children

pave the way for alleviating pains (with pithru tharpaNam..)


Sri NammAzhwAr stood in all these places as bandhus and bhOgam as well for my

lineage (meaning right from nathamuni- janma vamsam and vidhyA vamsam). He is

Kula pathi (Srivaishnava kula pathi) for having initiated and blessed

(Alavandhar’s) my grand father Sri Nathamuni with jnAnam and with 4000. He is

the prapanna jana santhAna kUTashthar.


Swami Desika in Sloka 4 of his Yatiraja Saptadhi pays homage to Nammalwar thus:-


Yasya Saaraswatham Srotho Vakula Modha Vaasitham |

Sruteenaam Visramaaya Alam Sataarim Thum Upaasmahe ||


Vishwaksena taught the esoteric meanings to Nammalwar. Therefore, our next

Acharya is Nammalwar. His words carry the fragrance of the Maghizha flowers. His

Arulicheyals like Tiruvoimozhi is a flood of nectar that flows in chaste Tamil

to instruct with clarity these meanings contained in the Vedas to benefit

everyone irrespective of caste etc. Because his Sri Sooktis perform the work of

all the Vedas put together more efficiently, the Vedas can now go to take rest.

We will constantly meditate on Nammalwar who blessed us with such glorious Sri



JagadhAchAryan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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