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SRI : ||


Hare Krishna.




Sub: Helping The Needy Elders.


Namaskaram / good wishes.


It is with a bleeding heart, I am posting this mail.


As we see more and more elders living alone at their very advanced age unattended and uncared for , we only remeber the forewarning given by Great Maharishis and Men of Eminance like Parasara Bhattar that in the Age of Kali, the elders / parents will not be looked after by the youngsters / children.


In many cases, we find the elders are suffering untold miseries as they have none to physically take care of them. Just giving money to the elders is of no use to them, as they are not able to make use of the same.Where the elders are having physical ailments , the situation is much worse. Not all elders can join old age homes due to various reasons.


Some workable and practically feasible solution must be thought of and implemented before it is too late. Like minded seniors can think of forming some groups with their relatives and friends for living together, so that they can afford engaging some people for physical help. Volunteer groups of youngsters can help coordinate this arrangement for such group lliving of elders.


One should understand that it is a basic duty to take care of the parents and elders at their advanced age. If suitable systems and solutions are evolved now . it may get standardised by the time these youngsters become senior citizens.


This is a very serious problem which should not be taken lightly. What we are doing at Salem in our area is , we select such old people who need help. We provide them monthly provisions, extend medical help through our Doctor friends & provide medicines and even arrange hospitalisation where necessary, provide cothing. Besides we visit them regularly and spend some time with them in the mornings and make that our morning walking. They are immensely happy, as they now feel that there is some one to care for them


There are ever so many ways of attending to this very vital human problem. We request all people who have some compassion towards these seniors, to do a little bit of service in this direction which will go a long way in allieviating the sufferings of those elders who are craving for help, affection and care.


Thanking you & with regards,


Kombur Vankeepuram Madhavan.

Please Help The Needy as it is Service To God.

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