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tiruppArthanpaLLi (Periya tirumozhi 4.8.5) - tirunAngUr divyadeSam

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja MahA deSikAya namaH


tiruppArthanpaLLi (Periya tirumozhi 4.8) - tirunAngUr divyadeSam


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SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDi,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri


tiruppArthanpaLLi - Periya tirumozhi 4.8.5:


arakkar Avi mALa anRu AzhkaDal Suzh ilangai ceRRa

kurakkarasan enRum kOlavilli enRum mAmadiyai

nerukkumADa nIDu nAngai ninmalan tAn enRenROdi

parakkazhindAL en maDandai pArttan paLLi pADuvALE


A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:

My daughter says - “emperurmAn who vanquished the dynasty of the rAkshasa for

separating Him from His pirATTi. He is the leader of monkeys. He adorns a

beautiful bow. He lives every day in nAngUr, which has tall palaces that

obstruct the path of the moon. He is one who never expects something in return

for His helpâ€. My daughter has forsaken fear of ignominy. She is singing

about pArttan paLLi emperumAn. She is singing loudly so that I will also hear

about His place. What is He going to do now? She keeps crying just looking at

His charming form.



en maDandai – My daughter


anRu – when rAvaNa came to fight


arakkar Avi mALa – in order to kill the rAkshasa-s


AzhkaDal Suzh ilangai ceRRa – He destroyed ilangai surrounded by a deep ocean.

He made sure that He did not just kill rAvaNa who took away His wife, but

vanquished the whole clan.


kurakku arasan enRum - He is the Lord of the monkeys. He destroyed ilangai

belonging to rAvaNan, who had destroyed the worlds belonging to brahmA and

others, by getting the help of the monkey clan that does not know the difference

between the right hand and the left hand.


kOlavilli enRum – He has the beautiful bow. Everyone who thinks he was born

to be an archer, lose to Him; He is holding the bow giving the impression that

He alone is the greatest bowman.


mAmadiyai nerukkumADa nIDu nAngai – He is in nAngai with its tall houses that

stand in the path of the moon.


ninmalan tAn enRum - He does not expect anything in return and He is the

purest. He does not wait for someone to ask Him; He will help even before He is



enRenRu Odi parakkazhindAL pArttan paLLi pADuvALE – she sings more and

more, and she lost her womanhood. She talks about pArttan paLLi.so that I can

hear the name also. What can I do with her from now on?


The mother seems to imply here that her daughter must keep quiet like sIta and

not sing out loud.


adRshTa pUrvavyasanA rAjaputrI yaSasvinI |

tena duHkena rudatI naiva mAm kincidabravIt || (rA.ayodhyA.58.35)


When sumantra returns from the forest, daSaratha asks him, “what did rAma and

lakshmaNa say?†sumantra says, “The illustrious princess sItA, who has not

experienced sorrow before, kept shedding tears and did not say anything to



C. Sri UV:

Mother is saying, " If I tell my daughter - you have to behave as per our family

custom; you are not listening to what our family womenfolk are saying, namely,

you are bringing a bad name to our family. Instead, you are saying, 'Is it a

sacred family law that a lady stays put in the house out of humility, instead of

going to her husband, no matter how long it takes? It is your duty to take me

to Him. When even for unmarried girls, the rule applied is - 'trINi

varshANudIksheta' [manu smRti 9.90 - aDiyEn's understanding of this phrase is -

a father has to give away girls in marriage within the wait period of three

years, after they come to age], I cannot wait much longer.' "


He wanted to kill all the rAkshasa-s, not just rAvaNa; He went to ilangai just

for that purpose.


sugrIvaH SankitaH cAsIn nityam vIryeNa rAghave || (rAmA.bAla.1.51)


kOlavilli - sugrIva, the king of the monkeys, was doubting if rAma would be able

to kill vAli or not; rAma pierced through seven sAla trees with one arrow and

restored his confidence. That is why He is " kOlavilli " .


ninmalan - After vAli was killed, he raised so many questions to rAma, who

provided all the appropriate responses to those and calmed him. You cannot

blame this 'ninmalan' [the purest].


My daughter says - 'The reason why He is not coming to me is because He wants me

to go to Him. The doubts and blaming that you have about me are to be dispelled

just like those of sugrIva and vAli.' But, I end up calling her

" parakkazhindAL " [she is doing great harm].


kurakkarasu EnRum - [Notice the pATha bedam here ] it will mean the Lord of

vAli and sugrIva, who were the king of the monkeys and were made to believe in

Him. Another way to interpret this is - the one who went to ilangai is

kurakkarasu - vAnara rAjA 'sugrIva'. The one who ruled over that kurakkarasu

was rAma.



D. Sri PBA:

parakkazhindAL - If you split this phrase as parakku [humility] + azhindAL

[lost], the meaning would be 'she lost her humility'.


In kambarAmAyaNam, kishkindA kANDam (87),


arakkar Or azhivu seydu kazhivarEl, adaRku vERu Or

irakkam engu uguttAi? EnpAl ep pizhai kaNDAk? AppA!

parakkazhi idu nI pUNDAl, pugazhai yAr parikkaRpAlAr?


the word 'parakkazhi' is used; the vyAkyAnam meaning is 'great blame; big harm'.

SrI periyavAccAn piLLai gives this vyAkyAnam in several places.


In nAcciyAr tirumozhi-12.3, 'kondaLam Akki parakkazhittuk kuRumbu seyvAnOr

maganaip peRRa " , 'parakkazhittu' is explained as " causing blemish " .




PVP = periyavAccAn piLLai

UV = uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr

PBA = P.B. aNNangarAcAriyAr



End of periya tirumozhi 4.8.5 on tiruppArthanpaLLi

To be continued …..

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