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Dear All,


A summary of the questions asked & the answers thereof from Srirangam Srimad Andavan Asramam:


1.       How will the kaingaryam be carried out ? Will bhattar be provided monthly sum or will provisions be delivered to him (as done by some groups.) Donors would like to know if distributing the donations can be done correctly and smoothly or would money languish in the bank for lack of manpower. 


Ans: Already dealt with - a special group comprising Sreemans - Ganapati Govindachariar, Brihaspathi Venkata Varadachariar, Jagannathachariar Swami {HH's immediate Kainkaryaparar} will run this project under the guidance of HH. We have our HQrs in Srirangam & centers in Oppilappankoli, Kumbakonam, Chennai etc., The managers thereof will directly convey the Provisions like Rice & oil to the Temples chosen. Money 'languishing in Banks' is a dream. This Project will always be chasing funds for running expenses. Lack of manpower is NOT the issue here BUT the guarantee of regular flow of funds is. Adiyen will coordinate all work and keep the donors &  andavan informed at all times.

  2.       Which temples will be supported ? Will you support temples that are also supported by other groups or have different sampradayams ? Can existing donations to each temple be clearly marked so there is no duplication ? How would the various needs be prioritized ? 


Ans: HH will decide this - Only SriVaishnavaite Temples & that too Divya Desams; No choice here as both Thenkalai & Vadakalai Temples will be supported - the only criterion is that the dire need of funds. These queries are more applicable to some Corporate Loan Application, here HH chooses  some 6-8 temples & we get going - all 6-8 are Priority affairs - HH & the Asramam have 6 major temples of our own {not HR & CE affairs} all over India & we know the issues involved.

  3.       What kind of recognition will the donors get ? eg Acharya / Jeeyar blessed birthday prasadam / Archana in their names / their name written on a temple tile? 


Ans: No recognition from the Temples at all. This Kainkaryam is being done voluntarily, adiyen supposes! There is no way the H.R & C.E will permit any plaque or tiles & we will also NOT accept that someone should expect a Tile or something named after this donation.. HH will send Pala Mantrakshathai.

  4.       Can donors have the option of committing monthly payments / annual payments or pay on ad-hoc basis ? Can online donors have online payment facilities (eg Paypal) and Autopay instructions ? It is such a hardship to write, stamp and post a cheque these days ! 


Ans: Asramam doesn't have Online facities as yet - so no choice here till such arrangements are finalised. once in a year or 12 times a year - it should NOT be that difficult - Adiyen will request our Trustee & Secretary Vasu mama to coordinate & ensure only the most minimum inconvenience to the donors!! 

  5.       Can donors choose a temple and their preferred type of kaingaryam ? ( My own view is that too much intervention from bhakthas will make trust administrators work more difficult. We should try to give a free hand wherever we are not very sure about the exact needs of the temple.) 


Ans: NO - the choice of temples will be that of HH & the issues are oil for lamps, Thaligai, honorarium to Bhattars & Cook. You are entering this because of your Trust & faith in HH - better leave it to Him. To get this organised and distribute these 4 to all temples itself is amjor task. Our Sishyas & Abhimanis will administer this firmly and will tactfully ward off Anbu thollai from such bhakthas. Trust me!  

6.       Who will administer such a corpus fund ? Transparent accounting and reporting should be done, receipts issued. Donors’ special requests to be carried out. Progress reports and future funding requirements could be advised.


Ans: Does not arise at this stage. For an initial period of 3-4 years, we will be chasing funds all over - costs will rise inexorably as they have been all these months & years. Rice rose from Rs. 25 to Rs. 38 {Perumal must get good quality rice - NOT ration rice}. If we build up a surplus, it is sure to be spent on the increased demands from the Bhattar & the Thaligai Kainkaryam. We will start off with Rs. 1000.00 per month but this is a pittance today. Adiyen foresees that this will rise to Rs. 2000.00 per month by 2011!! If adiyen mentions this amount to HH now, HH will throw me out - rightly so - as the need of the hour is to get the project going with some assistance to these needy gents.




Donations & paticipation are welcome on this basis.

It is time to close the discussions on these and time to get cracking.

Make no mistake, we are undertaking - with the Blessings of the Padukas & HH Srimad Andavan - a massive project,

This will get more & more complicated as it gets along.

Let us pray for the guidance of the Divya Dhamapthi.

_______________________________Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsDaasan RR___________________________

R Rajagopal,Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office     9144 2249 1971 - Factory     9144 2484 0468 - Fax

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