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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.15- Authenticity of Srivaishnavam

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all


We discussed Tattva trayam and Artha panchakam. The three tattvas referred to as

Chit, achit and Iswara become thus part of the five fold classification (artha

panchaka). Regarding Iswara tattva, Vedanta sutra (Brahmasutra) is concerned

primarily determining the nature of Ultimate Reality. It focuses its attention

on the criteria for determining a metaphysical entity as the Ultimate Reality-

says Sri SMS Chari in his book.


On the subject of the Purushartha, the author of Vedanta sutra takes a

rationalistic stand. Based on strength of Chandogya Upanishad, that states: Even

so the Jivatman, when it raises up from this body and reaches the Supreme Light

(Brahman), manifests in its true formâ€. Ch. Up.. evamevaisa samprasaadoasmaat

sareeraat samutthaaya param jyOtir upasampadya svena roopena abhinispadyatE…


Once this state is reached there is no return to mundane existence. Na cha

punaraavarttatE… na cha punaraavarttatE…


piNai kodukkilum pOga vottaarE…


Srivaishnavism is thus a monotheistic religion and can be proved unambiguously

on the basis of sound philosophical theoeries, derived from Vedanta sutra and

Upanishads. Srivaishnavism has both the philosophy and the religion. Its

philosophy is as mentioned in Vedanta and its religion is as well from Vedanta

expanded and expounded from there.


Sri Ramanuja has wonderfully explained and proved beyond doubt this aspect.


Srivaishnavism advocates a way of life, involving certain religious practices,

sacraments and cultivation of ethical virtues. As these constitute an important

feature of Srivaishnavism religion, Ramanuja covers them as well in Nitya

grantha and his advice to sishyas.


The sampradaya is covered in the greatest scholarly works of Yamunacharya,

Ramanujacharya, and his immediate successors, Kooratthazhwan, PiLLaan, Parasara

Bhattar, Numjeeyar, and subsequent acharyas Periyavacchaan Pillai, Vaatsya

Varadaguru, Sudarsana Suri, Pillailokacharya, Vedanta Desika, and Manavala

Maamuni. These Srivaishnava acharyas who lived during the period extending from

10th century to 15th centurty have developed the philosophical and religious

texts taking their stand on the authority of the Vedas, Upanishads, Ithihasas,

Puranas, Paancharatra Agamas, and the hymns of AzhwArs. What is found in the

texts of these acharyas thus are none other than reflections of Vedanta and thus

are the authoritative sourcebooks of Srivaishnavism.


We will enjoy more of these in this series. We would cover the remaining Guru

Parampara to reach until our most compassionate acharya’s glories.



Acharya ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam

Namo Narayana


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