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SRI : ||

Hare Krishna. Dears , My Good Wishes to you all. The foloowing message will certainly be of VERY GREAT impact and consequence in shaping your children. Pl do not skip this message, because it is lengthy.

READ NOW AND FEEL THE IMPORTANCE AND RELEVANCE. The message is from HH Sri Muralidharan Swamy.... Now Read... On... for the sake of your children.

MADHAVAN. ********* Radhe Krishna To All,






Once a person was caught stealing someone's wallet. He was handed over to the police. On investigation, it was found that he had a long history of stealing cash and jewels from his neighbours and friends, and that day he had been caught red-handed. Charges were framed against him and he was produced in the court.

The magistrate asked if he had anything to say before the judgment was delivered. The accused then said, “Your honour! I plead guilty of all the cha rges and I am also aware that I am going to be punished. But I have a request to make. It is my request that my mother should have an equal share of the punishment being accorded. â€

The magistrate was both astonished and confused at these words and asked him to clarify. The accused said, "In my childhood, I used to sneak into my neighbours' homes, filch petty stuffs, bring them home and show them to my mother. Every time I did so, my mother would feel proud of my 'feat' and would highly appreciate my behaviour. Today, I stand before you as a thief, thanks to my mother's encouragement. Had my mother been severe with me the first time I committed thievery and stopped me from repeating it, I would have grown into a good citizen. So my mother is equally responsible for these crimes."

Parenting is an art. The tender mind can be molded into any shape or form, and it is the responsibility of the parents to shape their ward’s mind and heart in such a manner that they grow up to become good citizens of the world.

Today's literature and media repeatedly stress on one fact:

Education without moral values ruins a person and hence spoils the society. Only moral values and fear of God can save the society today.

Orthodox religious practices are no longer relevant to modern times. Instead of confounding the child's mind with such concepts, it is advisable to sow the seeds of moral values and disciplines in their minds. Teach them to be honest and inspire in them values of truthfulness and reverence for elders. Teach them to be God-fearing.

Groom them to have an ambition in life, and not be over-ambitious. Teach them never to nurture desire for others' belongings and never to receive any gift or offering from others even if given voluntarily, if it is not really essential.

Teach them the value of money and not the greed for it. Implant in the young minds the basic precept that monetary comforts are not the only comforts in life and that moral values should never be compromised for money.

'I have stuck to noble values like honesty and truthfulness all my life; yet, I have to face ordeals in life,' would be the immediate reaction of even a grown-up.

In Mahabharata, we find that Dharmaputra suffered in spite of being benign at heart. Do the comforts that Duryodhana enjoyed signify that he was a good soul? Do not evaluate your goodness against your life in the world. The two do not stand comparison. What is the true reward for your righteousness? It is the mental clarity and inner excellence that you will achieve in your life. The worldly comforts are but trifling when compared to this great asset. As a parent, internalize this golden rule and pass it on to your children.

Don't make your child a bookworm. Accord as much importance to play as you do to their study. It is from the playfield that the child brings home the noble quality of equanimity in victory and defeat. There is no better place for the child to inculcate the value of give-and-take. These are virtues that will be the guiding stars for success when the child grows up and faces the world.

Always communicate in the child's language. Feed them with values in the form of fables, stories of great men who have stood by principles and values and stories of Mahans and Saints. Keep repeating these values to the child regularly. Constantly reminding the child of these disciplines certainly makes an impact in its mind and bears fruit in the long run.

As your children grow into mature adults, they should be able to evaluate their life. 'Am I leading a worthy life?' This is the prime question that they will need to answer at various points in their journey of life. Tomorrow, if they have to answer it positively with a clean, guiltless heart, you as parents have to take the right step, today.

A better society tomorrow is in your hands!

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Please Help The Needy as it is Service To God

Please Help The Needy as it is Service To God.

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