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Suitable Alliance - Becoming Tough.

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SRI : }}


Hare Krishna.


Suitable Alliances - Becoming Difficult to find.


Dears .




I wish to place an important matter for the serious consideration of all those interested in the future of our sons and daughters. Getting suitable alliances for our children is becoming very tough. Due to our children travelling far and wide seeking good opportunities and career. the parents find it very difficult to settle alliances for them sitting far away from them.


Again insisting on Kalais, too much oppressed with minute horoscope matching, undue importance given to physical characteristics (ht, wt, color etc etc) intead of according more emphasis on the family background , character and such other desirable human aspects are making the matter of getting desirable alliances more and more difficult.


We should. with full faith in our Lord Sriman Narayana and our AchAryaAs, try to be more practical in our approach in finding suitable alliance, without being very staunch in insisting on subsects, too fussy abt horoscopic adherance and so on , if we do not wish our children run away from SampradAyam and take decisions on their marriage without consulting elders in their too susceptible age towards wrong decisions.


Funny thing is, while the parents and children delay the marriage due to aforesaid reasons, we find more & more children marry people of their choice disregarding all the basic norms and put the parents into unimaginable agonies.


We have been subjected to vast changes in our life styles, anushtaanams , traditions and so on. Can anyone accept the way the marriages are conducted these days as anywhere near how they should be . The way the Vaidheeka Karmas are followed, the way and the things we eat at marriages can never be accepted even by most liberal compromisers. Yet we are going ahead with or without heart burn depending upon our power to go on with changing times,


It is not the author's intention to advocate throwing our time honoured customs and criteria in arranging marriage alliances. But by doing so rigidly we should not delay the marriages & allow our children go astray to get married in their own way and then repent for the same all thro our life.


Our community is already shrinking in size and shape. We are putting fuel to the fire by not accommadating some rational and necessary changes in our views and insistance on norms which are the root cause of promoting intercast , interreligious and international marriages, that are posing a threat to our very existance as a community which has accepted VedAs and Dharma SAstrAs as our base.


We have unshakeable faith that Our Sriman Narayana as The Supreme Lord and Swami Ramanuja as our only light leading us towards The Lord with our respective AchAryAs as our guides.That being the case why some of us should be so strict in insisting of subsects, consulting too many astrologers ( no harm meant to those who genuinely advise us and are practical in their apprroach) to add confusion to the already complex alliance finding process.


On behalf of thousands and thousands of suffering parents, I request, nay beg, Our AchAryAs, great men who contribute to the survival and revival of our SampradAyam to work out ways and means for solving this very critical problem which is threatening our future. They should come forward to advise our people to adapt more practical approach, so that those who follow the same for practical possibilities, are not subjected to reproachment.


We accept Our Azhwars Paasurams which declare that any one even uttering the name of Sriman Narayana and following Ramanuja as our Swami, as verily our proud GURUS, But when it comes to practice, we run away from our own commitments to Srivaishnavism and tend to be too impractical.


We , on behalf of lacs of suffering parents , seek the Guidance of AchAryAs, men of wisdom of our SampradAyam for coming forward with solid solutions to save our community from extinguishing and working out ways and means easy for settling marriage alliances in the long term good for our Community,


Adiyen Sri Ramanuja Dasan,


Kombur Vankeepuram Madhavan.

Please Help The Needy as it is Service To God.

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