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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.22- Satsampradayam taught by Sadacharyas alone would save us;

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama: 


Dearest all


Our SampradhAyam starting from our Lord and flourishing until today through

the grace of our AchAryAs is a blemishless one and is free of any defect

whatsoever. (from Sri Satakopan swami's write up on Desikan's Sampradaya



It is absolutely essential for us to prostrate before a SadAchAryan to learn the

clear meanings of the Saasthrams to gain VedAntha Jn~Anam. Hence,

search for a SadAchAryan, who has received upadEsam through his AchArya

paramparai is essential for us to be blessed with the true and traditional

meanings of Saasthrams. This upadEsam has to come from a lineage of

qualified AchAryAs (SadAchArya paramparai).


Mere study of SaasthrAs would not be helpful even for a great genius to

comprehend the true meanings of VedAntha Saasthrams. The knowledge

obtained by self-study, as opposed to learning in the traditional AchArya

UpadEsam route, will NOT be useful for one's clarity of mind leading to

ujjeevanam. This is the Sadh SampradhAyam.


Swamy Desikan Quotes the following slOkam to emphasize the hazards of

selflearning without the sampradhAyic upadesam from AchAryAs:


saastra-Jn~Anam bahu-klesam buddhescalana kaaraNam |

upadesAt harim buddhvA viramet sarva karmasu ||


People with their wavering minds will experience immense difficulties in

learning Saasthrams. They should seek upadEsam from a sadAchAryan and

learn about important tattvams such as Isvaran and desist from learning

SaasthrAs on their own.


There are many vishayams (tatthvams) that cannot be grasped though our

senses. These vishayams can only be understood through the sadh

SampradhAyam rooted in Saasthrams given to us by the Lord in His role as

Saasthra PaaNi and preserved and propagated in their pristine form by the

lineage of our SadAchAryAs. The artha VisEsha nirNayam of adhyAthma

Saasthrams (the true comprehension of the inner meanings of the VedAntha

Saasthrams) can only be realized through SadAchArya sampradhAyam.


These Vishayams (Tatthvams) comprehensible solely through Sat

SampradhAyam embracing the Saasthrams are: BhagavAn, Moksham and the

means (upAyam) for securing Moksham. These cannot be seen by the eyes.

These can only be experienced to gain siddhi through Sadh sampradhAyam

propagated through the lineage of SadAchAryAs starting from our Lord as the

Prathama- AchAryan and continuing with one's own AchAryan.Sath SampradhAyam has

arisen from the foundation of Saasthrams. One should not pay attention to the

sampradhAyam that is in conflict with the

SaasthrAs and reject latter.


Further, one should follow sampradhAyams that our poorvALs have conclusively

established on the basis of PramANams. Those sampradhAyams in conflict with

BhagavAn's SaasthrAs or those who are not supported by PramAnams should be

rejected since they might have been established by those, who might have

misunderstood the true purport of Saastraic injunctions; further, these

viparItha SampradhAyams might have been the product of imagination of those, who

might have the intent to mislead one from Sath SampradhAyam.


Therefore such sampradhAyams that do not accept the authority of Vedams

like ChArvAka Matham should not be trusted and cast aside in favor of the

time honored Sath SampradhAyam.


Acharyan ThoruvadigaLE SaraNam


namo narayana


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