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tiruvaNpuruDOttamam - Periya tirumozhi 4.2.5 : sADu pOi

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja MahA deSikAya namaH


tiruvaNpuroDottamam (tirumangai AzhvAr’s Periya tirumozhi 4.2) – tirunAngUr



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SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDigalE SaraNam,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri


tiruvaNpuruDOttamam - Periya tirumozhi 4.2.5 : sADu pOi


sADu pOi vizhat tAL nimirrtu Isan tan

paDaiyODum kiLaiyODum

ODa, vANanai Ayiram tOLgaLum

tuNindavan uRai kOil

ADu vAn koDi agalvisumbu aNavip pOi

pagalavan oLi maRaikkum

mADa mALigai sUzh taru nAngUr

vaN puruDOttamamE.


A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:

emperumAn kicked the wheel of the cart and hurled it far away [An asuran had

entered the wheel of a cart with the intention to hurt baby kRshNa]. bANAsuran

had jailed aniruddhan who had fallen in love with ushai [bANAsuran’s

daughter]. One time, bANAsuran had played on the percussion beats with his two

hands very well when SivaperumAn was dancing. A pleased SivaperumAn had promised

to protect bANAsuran. Hearing about his grand son’s imprisonment, kaNNan went

to battle with bANAsuran. In the ensuing battle, SivaperumAn, gaNesha, Muruga,

jvara devatA and others lost and ran away; kaNNan cut off bANAsuran’s thousand

shoulders. The place where that kANNan lives in vaNpuruDOttamam.


In the last two lines of the pAsuram, AzhvAr talks about the specialty of the

place; there are big, waving flags atop lofty houses and palaces and obstruct

sun’s rays in tirunAngUr vaNpuruDOttamam.



sADu pOi vizhat tAL nimirrtu – He raised His tiruvaDi to kick the cart which

was hurled off to a far place.


Isan tan paDaiyODum kiLaiyODum ODa – rudra with his army and his family ran



vANanai Ayiram tOLgaLum tuNindavan – He severed the thousand shoulders of



uRai kOil – He is living in this temple


ADu vAn koDi agalvisumbu aNavip pOi pagalavan oLi maRaikkum mADa mALigai sUzh

taru nAngUr –nAngUr has several tall palaces with waving flags that are sky

high; these flags come in the way of sun’s rays and prevent them from reaching

the ground.


vaN puruDOttamamE. It is this place, tiruvaNpuruDOttamam.


C. SrI UV:

The specialty of kaNNan’s toes can be seen in the kicking of the cart wheel;

that of His hands can be seen in bANAsura battle.


D. SrI PBA :

sADu pOi vizhat tAL nimirrtu - yasodhA had left kaNNan in a basinette under the

shadow of a carriage and went to take a bath in the yamunA river. Ordered by

kamsan to kill kaNNan, a demon entered the wheel of the carriage in order to

fall on kaNNan. That bhagavAn realized this and pretending to cry for milk, He

raised up His small feet and kicked the wheel. Immediately, that wheel turned

and broke down, thus killing the demon.


Isan tan paDaiyODum kiLaiyODum Oda - bANAsuran, who came in the clan of bali

cakravarti, played percussion when SivapirAn danced ; very pleased with him,

SivapirAn blessed him with the following – thousand hands, fire fort to

surround his palace, extreme valor, lot of wealth and guarding at his palace

entrance along with his retinue. That bANAsuran had a daughter named ushai.

She once had a dream of being with a charming man and learned from her friend,

citraleka that the man in her dream was krshNa’s grandson and pradhyumna’s

son named aniruddhan. When she requested citralekha to think of a way to attain

him, citralekha used her magic powers to bring aniruddhan from dvArakA to

ushai’s palace. ushai and aniruddhan were enjoying their love life. bANAsuran

came to know about this through his guards and fought anriuddhan with his

illusory power and bound him with nAgAstram. In dvArakA, the yAdava-s were

worried at the disappearance of

aniruddha; when kRshNa was informed by nArada about the truth, He summoned

garuDa in His mind to carry Him to bANAsuran’s place SONitapuram;

SivapirAn’s prime forces attacked Him and got defeated ; next, jvaradevatA

aimed by Sivan came with three legs and three heads and kRshNa aimed a counter

jvaram to chase that. As kRshNa tried to enter the fort, the five agni

devA-s/guards belonging to Sivan attacked Him. kRshNa vanquished them and

started fighting with bANAsura and his side-armies consisting of Siva, muruga

etc. kRshNa used jRmbAstram [weapon that induces yawning] and made Siva become

tired by continuous yawning He drove away mururga and ganesha with His

‘unkAram’ [uttering ‘hum’ with an expression of menace to frighten] . He

used His divine sudarSana cakram [discus] and cut off the thousand hands of

bANAsuran ; as he was standing with bloody hands and kRshNa was about to take

his life, SivapirAn prayed to kRshNa on bANAsuran’s

behalf and so, kRshNa spared his life and left him alone with four hands.

bANAsura also prayed to kRshNa and conducted the marriage of aniduddha and ushai

in a grand manner.


This emperumAn is living for ever in tiruvaNpuruDOttamam to protect His devotees

from asurA-s like bANAsuran.



PVP = periyavAccAn piLLai

UV = uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr

PBA = P.B. aNNangarAcAriyAr


End of periya tirumozhi 4.2.5 on tiruvaNpuruDOttamam


To be continued …..

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