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Sri Mannargudi Andavan Thirunaksthram

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SrImathE Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya nama:


Today Vaikaasi Mrigaseersham is Sri Mannargudi Andavan Thirunakshathram.


After Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan Sri Srinivasa desika Mahadesikan, Sri

Ranganthadesika Mahadesikan (RAJAMANNAR KOIL ANDAVAN) took over.

In 1934, in the month of Vaikasi on Pornami day, the AchArya’s look finally

fell kindly on the great scholar disciple from Mannaargudi as hed had decided

that he should succeed him and carry forward the intellectual and spiritual

service that he had so deftly given a new dimension to. Thus Sri Mannargudi

Anadavan, (followed then by sri ViNNaaRRankarai Andavan)

succeeded Sri Srinivasa Mahadesikan (Poundarikapuram Anadavan). And

Prakritham Andavan is Srimad Andavan ParavaakkOttai Gopaladesika

Mahadesikan, whose 81st Thirunakshathram is being celebrated.


Today, let us be blessed to enjoy reading the life history of Sri Mannargudi

Andavan. (This is from Sri Anbil mama’s article- thanks to Sri Anbil mama for

his permission))


Sri Mannargudi Andavan

(Vikrama- Vaikasi- Mrigaseersham)

(8-6-1880 - 17-11-1954)


There was in Mannargudi one Ramanujacharya Swami, one of the

descendants in the lineage of Nadadur Ammaal, one of the immediate

disciples of Sri Bhashyakara. He belonged to Srivatsa Gotram and was a

well known Vedic scholar. His forefathers were famed for their

proficiency in Vedic recitation which would charm the ears of the

listeners. Sri Ramanujachar Swami organized and led the Veda Parayana

Goshti during the festivals of Sri Rajagopala Swami. He was married to one

Senkamalathammaal. To them was born on 28th Mrigasirsha, Vikrama, Vaikasi (8th

June 1880) a male child who was given the name of



After Upanayana Samskara, he started his early studies at the feet of his

father who also administered the Pancha Samskara. Later, he learnt

Vyakarana Sastras under the famous Vyakarana Pandit Uruppattur Sri

Rangachariar Swami (who later became the 39th Pontiff of Sri Ahobila Mutt).


In the beginning he served as Adhyaapaka in the Sastra Patasala at

Orattanad. Sri Srinivasa Gopalan married at the early age of 10 to one

Nachiyar Ammaal who belonged to a very orthodox Sri Vaishnava family. He

arrived at Srirangam with his wife and fell at the feet of Srimad

PoundarikaPuram Andavan and was given a room in the rear of the

Asramam. He studied under the Acharya the Grantha Chatushtayam. At the end

of his studies, he received Bharanyasa from his Acharya. On hearing about

his proficiency in Vyakarana Sastras, the authorities in Kerala Sanskrit

College invited him to serve as Professor of Vyakarana. Sri Srinivasa Gopalan

served in the Sanskrit College at Pattambi for 20 years.


Then, when he completed his assignment at Pattambi, he visited Srirangam.

Srimad Poundarika Puram Andavan, considering the Vairaghya and

scholarship of Sri Srinivasa Gopala Swami desired that he should succeed him and

accordingly he was given Preksha Mantropadesa and admitted into the holy order

of ascetics and was given the new name of Sri Ranganatha Maha Desikan. He was

just 54. When Srimad Poundarika Puram Andavan attained the lotus feet of his

Acharya on 20th October 1934 (*Bhava- Vaikasi- Pournami day* ), Sri

Ranganatha Maha Desikan took charge of the Ashramam with all sincerity and



Many scholars who had intimately known and moved with the Swami in his

Purvasrama came to study at his feet, notable among them are Sri Tatachariar

Swami of Cuddalore, and Sri Ramaswamy Iyengar of Thanjavur.

Srimad Andavan spent his leisure hours in meditation and Ashtakshara Japa.

At the conclusion of every 10 million japam, a _Thadeeya Aaraadhana_

used to be held. He advised the disciples to celebrate the Tirunakshatra

day of Srimad Poundarika Puram Andavan in their own homes so that more and

more Srivaishnavas could come to know of Swami's greatness. Srimad Andavan was

averse to receiving gifts in cash or kind. Once, when he was presented an amount

of Rs.4,000, he handed over the amount to Sri V.R. Ramaswamy Iyengar,

Advocate, Thanjavur with a request that the money should be utilized to

bring out a new edition of Rahasya Traya Sara in Devanagari script. The

instruction was complied with and today we have this beautiful edition in our

hands with the superb commentary of Vangeepuram Navaneetham Sri Rama

Desikachariar swami. It remains a monument to Swami’s vision and generosity

and devotion to Swami Desikan.


Srimad Andavan Ranganatha Maha Desikan attained the lotus feet of his

Acharya on 17th November 1954 ( Jaya/ Kartigai/ Krishna Saptami) when he was 75.


His Tanian reads as follows:-


Aadhya Srinidhi Yogi Labda Manuraat Sri Vaatsya Raamaanujaath

Sampraaptanguna Mantra Jaatham /

Apara Sri Vaasa Yogi Swaraat Gnaanaabdim Suguna Karam

Munivaram Sri Ranganatham Bhaje //



I take refuge at the sacred feet of Sri Ranganatha MahA Desikan, the ocean of

Jn~Anam and the treasure house of all auspicious attributes, who received his

manthrOpadesam from the first SrinivAsa MahA

Desikan, his samAsrayaNam from Sri RaamAnuja MahA desikan of Srivathsa

gOthram and his Bhara SamarpaNam, thuriyAsramam and Ubhaya VedAntha

Isvaryam from the other Srinivasa MahA Desikan .


AchAryan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam



namo narayana


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