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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.39- Alavandhar concludes his sthothra rathnam verse on Nathamuni

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:


Dearest Srivaishnavas,


Being immersed in samsaaric ocean performing thousands

and thousands of sins for millions of births, now,

being blessed with tattva (entities), hitha (way) and

purushaarttham (goal), the vivEkam (discrimination),

vairAgya (detachment) and been blessed to perform

Prapatti [saranagathi] at the Lord’s Lotus feet- the

reason for all this blessing is due to being born as

the grandson of Sriman nAThamuni shrEshtar and also he

being the praachArya of Alavandhaar. Alavandhaar thus

pays his gratitude and prays to the Lord referring to

his association with such Acharya saarvabhouman.


akruthrimatvaccharaNAravindha prEmaprakarshAvathim Athmavandham

pithAmaham nAthamunim vilOkya praseetha math vruttham achinthayithvaa [65]


Sriman nAThamuni- my Grandfather, my Acharya’s

Acharya- the one with the personification and ultimate

of Unalloyed natural

flawless devotion and without expecting any other

fruits other than enjoyment of Your Lotus Feet; Such

great yOga purushar;- Thinking of amy association with

him [as his grandson as well as his sishya’s sishya],

please do not look down upon me for my paapams and

bless me with Your grace.


Alavandhaar’s final Statement on the glories of the

anugraham & sambhandham of the Acharya for successful

Prapatthi and inclusion of his fearlessness(nirbhayam

) as a result of performing prapatthi , even if he

does not have the qualifications of his own



For Sriman Nathamuni, the Lord’s love and dayA started

flowing right from his birth. With no explicit fruits;

but was flowing naturally for the mere enjoyment of

Bhagawaan. With that overflowing love of Yours on my

grand father, and that love flowed from him on me… and

hence I am blessed now with tattva jnAnam, hitham that

You are the means and the Purushaarttham that You

alone are the Goal – I could perform Saranagathi at

Your Lotus Feet as vyAjam for obtaining your grace. I

have been blessed with sampradAya jnAnam due to

adiyEn’s association and blood relation with the muni

shrEshtar Sriman Nathamuni.


Though I had all limitless unbounded sins and

disqualifcatiosn as per my verse amaryaadha kshUdhra:

etc.., still, due to my association with grand father

ad Acharya, You need to bless me . There is no mandate

for You to punish me severely due to the bodily

relation with the devotee of Yours – who is Your



When Your could assure even VibheeshaNaas- who were

even from raakshasa vamsam, can You oh nAThA, leave me

(who has the greatest sambandham with Sriman

nAThamuni)? I have been blessed with Your jnAnam as

Acharya prasAdham..


Here, it may be mistakenly interpreted that

Alavandhaar says: even if You do not accept the

Saranagathi, please bless me and save me due to my

Acharya sambandham. IT IS INCORRECT to assume so, lest

all the 64 slokas of Acharya would be waste then.

Acharyas of Alavandhaar’s calibre wound not do such

gross blunders to compose 64 slokas and then negate

the earlier slokas with the 65th. It is only

reinforcing his faith on the Lord and as a prayer, he

pleads for his mercy due to Alavandhaar’s association

with Acharya Nathamuni. Also seeking His forgiveness

for his probably future errors and omissions after

Prapatti till the final moments – due to Acharya



The meaning of Dwayam is deftly interlaced in the

body of this gem among sthothrams composed by

AaLavandhAr . In the previous work, Chathussloki, our

Acharya made Purushakaara Prapatthi to Sri Devi .

Thereafter, as he starts to perform BharanyAsam

[saranagathi] at the holy feet of the Lord, he

completes guru parampara anusanthAnam as the first

step as a prerequisite. He elaborates next on the

meaning of NaarAyaNa sabdham and follows the arc of

Dwayam and completes the SaraNAgathi at the sacred

feet of Sriman NaarAyaNA. The second

paadham of Dwaya manthram comes into focus now. Our

Acharya now explains the meaning of " SrimathE

nArAyaNAya " section by stating that this portion

stands for the obtainment of the fruit of nitya

Kaimkaryam to Sri VaikunTa naathan in Parama Padham .

He adds next the slokams that cover the " Nama:

section--the concluding word of Dwayam – for seeking

the Lord's anugraham to eliminate any left over

obstacles in his efforts to get the full benefits of

SaraNAgathi (i-e) Nitya Kaimkarya PurNAnubhavam. Thus,

the slokams of Sthothra Ratnam can be considered to

cover the full meaning of the sacred Dwaya Manthram.



Acharyan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

namo narayana



--- On Fri, 7/24/09, Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan wrote:


> Madhavakkannan V <srivaishnavan

> Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.38- To that king among Yogis, let me

pay my obeisance again and again

> , ,

acharya , nama-singapore ,

oppiliappan , parakalamatham ,

, desikasampradaya ,

bakthi-indonesia , andavan ,


> Friday, July 24, 2009, 3:31 AM

> SrI:

> SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah:

> Dearest Srivaishnavas,


> continuing on swami yamunachary's praise on his grand

> father -cum- prapracharyan- Sriman Nathamuni


> Sloka 3 of sthothra rathnam


> Alavandhar now enjoys his grandfather; acharyan for

> others- Sriman Nathamuni blessing us with his

> wonderful granthas and also getting to us with

> AzhwAr’s verses and declares that he was yogisrEshtar,

> offering his praNAmams again and again.


> bhUyO namO(s)parimithAchyutha bhakti tattva

> jnAnAmrtAbdhi parivaaha sibhair vachObi:

> lOkEvatheerNa paramaarttha samagra bhakthi yOgAya

> NAthamunayE yaminaam varaaya


> Unbounded, limitless Lord’s subject matter namely,

> Bhakti and jnAnam; such bhakti jnAnam have over

> flooded and poured out in the form of most auspicious

> Sri sookthis [of Sriman nAThamuni]; and through

> blessing us in this world with the wondefrful divine

> granthas (prabandhams) of AzhwArs filled with bhakti;

> and through these works, AzhwAr pasurams, came down

> and established the unparalled supremacy of Sriman

> Narayanan and the truthful, correct nature of His

> roopa, swaroopa, vibhUthis and about Him, [our

> Nathamuni] had limitless, uninterrupted bhakti yoga.

> To that king among Yogis, let me pay my obeisance

> again and again.


> My humble Obeisance to Sriman Nathamuni again and

> again– the best among those who have subdued the

> senses; by whose works, granthas; which are the

> overflow of unlimited love and jnAnam of the Lord

> Achutha; due to which – the true bhakti yoga appears

> to have landed onto the earth.


> Achyutha bhakti, tattva jnAna- cane be interpreted to

> be the jnAnam based on his own works as well as on the

> works of AzhwArs, Sage vyAsa, Parasara et al; He

> blessed us with nyAya tattva and Yoga rahasya

> granthas. Also he propagated the AzhwAr’s verses; He

> performed bhakti yoga as mere pleasing to the Lord

> even after he performed Prapatti and thus it is swayam

> prayOjanam. That is also kind of dhyAnam and hence it

> is also termed yoga as well. The dhyAna yogam came

> down to his sishya Thirukurugaikkavalappan and could

> not be reached to Sri Yamunacharya. The Yoga rahasya

> though was not passed on later, it could probably be

> there during Alavandhar's time and hence lOkEvatheerNa

> word is indeed apt. Thus having even performed

> Prapatti and been blessed with the same, Sriman

> nAThamuni did not leave his dhyAnam and enjoying of

> the Lord in uninterrupted meditation i.e. yogam and

> hence he was king among Yogins.


> Sri Alavandhar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam

> Regards

> Namo narayana

> dAsan






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