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Dear Anbil Swamin,


Adiyen requests that this reply {to your brilliant mail condemning the Utsavams conducted in Divya Desams} be posted in Sri Ranga Sri site.


Sriman R Srinivasan states that he is unable to get his replies posted on your site. You have presented your views on the manner in which the Divya Desams conduct their affairs.


It is fair that the coin's other side be seen by your site members - unless of course you do not wish to receive any critical views bur are only interested to criticise others.


Warmest Regards.


Daasan RR


---------- Forwarded message ----------RR <shrirrMon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:04 PM

Re: Fw: Fwd: MEETING OF MATURE MINDSSrinivasan Rangaswamy <r_sv, andavan


Dear Sevarthis,




Sri RS has forwarded the mail of Sri Anbil Ramaswami {AR in short}.


AR can rightly praise the activities at Pomona Sri Ranganathar Temple and Sri Venkat Kanumalla and the Bhagavatha Goshti therein for their Efforts, Devotion & Commitment to Sriman Narayana. To conduct a 3-4 day Utsavam in a far off land is really a very good affair.


Even allowing for some exaggeration, we will take this as a truthful portrayal.


BUT, his comments about the Utsavams, Bhagavatha Goshtis in India etc., are absolutely irresponsible, factually wrong, immature & malicious to say the least and are totally unacceptable.


Perhaps a title " Meeting of an immature mind with a Bhagavatha Goshti "  would be more appropriate. His mail expressing some kind of regrets is even more pathetic.


It has been adiyen's Bhagyam to personally experience some Divine Instances of Utsavams in Divya Desams & Abhimana Stalams in India that AR has condemned outright - just a few of these are listed for the benefit of Sevarthis:

Adhyayana Utsavam at Srirangam Peria Koil:


Araiyar Seva: If Sriman Narayana Himself came down from KsheerAbdi and recited those Pasurams, He cannot do this any better than the Araiyar Goshti during those 10 days.

It is a Divine Bhagyam that cannot be conveyed by mere words. All SriVaishnavaites - Tenkalai OR Vadakalai - must be Blessed by Sriman Narayana to have this Seva at least once in their lifetime/s.

These Divya Prabandhams are recited - from MEMORY {no reading out from dubbed or translated texts!} to a particular TUNE that is unique.

Even daily Parayanams by the Tenkalai Adhyapaka Goshti is a labour of love - who is paying these Bhagavathas what salary? Even outstation Parayanadhars will apply for leave {LLP if need be} and run to Srirangam for participating in those Utsavams,


Koil Thirumalai


Utsavams or otherwise - the Divya Prabandha Parayanams on a daily basis by the Pedda Jeeyangar Swami { & followed by the Chinna Jeeyangar Swami} at the Sri BAashyakarar Sannadhi immediately after the Jeeyar Sathumarai is another Divine Experience that cannot & should NOT missed out for all the wealth in the world.

Apart from a most minor salary, this Adhyapaga Goshti maintains their families - on the Sambavanai from the Sevarthis - speaking of salaries, does AR have any idea of the " salaries " paid to Temple Staff such as Aradhakars, Madappalli Kainkaryaparars?

Only in the recent past, the Prakritham Pedda Jeeyangar has raised funds and started paying these great Bhagavathas some kind of stipends -

The Veda Parayana Goshti's recital during the Utsavams is another disciplined & delightful acitivity - go to Thirumala on the Ratha Sapthami &  experience this for your self!

Perumal Koil - Devarajan Sannathi


RS has already dealt with the Utsavams - so no repetition,

BUT the Veda Parayana Goshti in Kanchipuram is unique.

That Goshti is a permanent fixture for Devaraja Perumal.

Morning & evening - without any break - Veda Parayanam goes on Utsavam or NO Utsavam all the 365 days,

There will be a break only if someone in Sannadhi Street  attains Acharyan Thiruvadi & the Temple has to close down till the body leaves!!

Labour of Love is a terrible understatement here,

HR & CE never paid them {or pays them} any salary or sambavanai.

The grandson of Vaikuntavaasi Sudarsana Iyengar & Sri Azhisoor Suresh - have organised some donations and has organised some Sambavanai to these Mahaans.

If you call any of them during any Utsavam Days, they will decline - " Their Perumal's Utsavam is going on - they will NOT move out of Kanchi " is the stock answer.

Sri Parthasarathy - Thiru Alli Keni


Look beyond the Kalai Disputes and see the magnificence & grandeur of the Prabandha Parayana Goshti in this Divya Desam,

Nammazhwar & Nathamunigal will be proud & will Bless these fantastic performances year after year - over 100,000 sevarthis experience this during every Adhyayana Utsavam every year.

Who is paying these Bhagavathas any salary?

Can we not experience a divine acitvity without picking holes or criticising as if we are a divinely appointed authority?



Adiyen has quoted just a few examples - can quote another 20 examples from personal experience,

VEDA Parayanams originated from here - in spite of the tremendous fall, we still have a fair number of Vedapatasalas springing up -

HH Srimad Andavan has started 10 Patasalas with nearly 280 Vidyarthis,

Even these Vidyarthis participate regularly in many Utsavams,

Prabandhams originated from here - Azhwar Tirunagari, Kattu Mannar Koil are the HUB's!

In 99.9% cases, Vedas & Prabandhams are recited from MEMORY - NOT read out from Xeroxed & Dubbed sheets,

Adiyen will NOT criticise any community - has submitted enough articles in The Paduka to revive the Vedic Education.

The Bramotsavams conducted abroad in Pomona and/or other temples are to be appreciated and supported.

But they cannot claim to be equal to or be better than the Utsavam in any Temple anywhere in India - these are the originals - may not be perfect but,

This Sannithyam can never be replicated let alone be bettered - the wealth or standing of a sevarthi is no indication of an Utsavam's sacred nature.

Adiyen is willing to engage in a discussion on this with anyone in person - not with eAcharyas on the internet.

We have a fair idea of how many Sevarthis participate in such Utsavam, how many Paryanadhars recite Vedas & Prabandhams as it should be.

In our excitement, we should not go overboard and claim that 1000's participated or did this or that!!

Let us assume - without conceding - that the Pomona Utsavam was conducted in a grand and satisfactory manner - what useful purpose is served by those all the condemnatory statements about the Utsavams in India?

Let AR & others ponder carefully before shooting off such " brilliant " comments!

Warmest Regards & Respects


Daasan RR








On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 8:17 PM, Srinivasan Rangaswamy <r_sv wrote:




Dear Sri RR,

                      This is the background of the earlier mails.I posted my comments to the also, but it did not go through the moderator. Now, you may be able to link the messages with the last reply from Sri Anbil Swamy




----- Forwarded Message ----

Srinivasan Rangaswamy <r_svraghavan veera <raghavanvee; Anbil Ramaswamy ; andavan-owner ; ramanuja mission

Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:03:05 AMRe: Fwd: MEETING OF MATURE MINDS


Dear All,

               I think that I have posted at the right time Kanchipuram Sri Deva Perumal Sannathi Sri Andal Thirukkalyana Mahothsavam in you tube link, http://www.youtube.com/rsrinivasan1. Anyone who watch the movie clips posted therein, will have all the answers,which our respected Anbil Swamy has raised. Only those who had the opportunity to witness  Kanchipuram Deva Perumal Uthsavams personally,will find no need to look for anything else. All those you see in the movie clips are purely volunteers on their own , for no personal gains, coming from different places,many do not have  any ambition except to the service of Sri Deva Perumal . Even if this situation prevails may be only in this temple as cmpared to other temples, it is our Bhagyam to see Ubhaya Kalai devotees compete with one another to get the blessings of Sri Devaadhi Rajan, for no monetary benefits. In the same you tube link, you can see the Sri Deva Perumal Brahmothsavam video links also.

             In the end, what I would like to say is that  festivals at each place has their own imporatance. We all have to respect them. Festival is a festival, inspite of some draw backs.Please remember all good things only and for any thing untoward happening, please take corrective actions, to the best of our ability.,   





raghavan veera <raghavanveeSrinivasan Rangaswamy <r_sv; raghunathan r <rraghunathan_in; sampathkumarr7; S. GOVINDRAJAN <sgovindrajan; narasimhan padmanaban <npn72000; SRI PRAHALADA VARADAN SRIPAADAM THANGIGAL SABHA . <spvstsabha; Ramanujan Patrachari <srisaila; srinivasan sowmianarayanan <vasans2004; thiruthiru <rajamragu; ssaajagan; narasimhannd

Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:01:50 AMFwd: MEETING OF MATURE MINDSDear all, It is very surprising that a learned person like Sri.Anbil Ramaswamy shoud pour out on the calibre of Adhyaapaka Goshti in India as also Sripadam Thangigal contributions.I do not post any messages in SriRangasri.If any of you feel what has appeared is not the truth,please react and post a message in this group,if you are a member.Otherwise pease ignore this message.Regards, Veeraraghavan

---------- Forwarded message ----------Ram Anbil <Ramanbil

Jul 29, 2009 3:33 PM MEETING OF MATURE MINDSJournal SDDS , srtsevak <srtsevak >, venkat kanumalla <sridhardikshit








Do you wish to be a part of a “meeting of mature minds”?

Come to Sri Ranganatha temple at Pomona, New York during any of the several celebrations being conducted there like the just concluded 3rd BrahmOtsavam, 2009. 


What is so special and different about Pomona celebrations that you do not experience elsewhere?

If you read the following, I am sure that you will agree with me.



In several Divya decamps back in India, it is usually a motley crowd of floating population with diverse stages of knowledge and interest - some not even knowing what is going on!


Here in Pomona, you will find hundreds of devotees from coast to coast and even from abroad having absolute understanding of the protocols and with exclusive devotion to the Lord.


In several Diva desams back in India, you will find that the so called “kainkarya paras” called hereditary “Srimaan ThaangigaL” are just “wage earners” - employees” who “work for food” (udara nimittam)


Here in Pomona, the volunteers eagerly look forward and compete in offering their services for FREE. They are not professional “Srimaan ThaangigaL” but hold high positions in the corporate world but have come with a genuine interest to serve the Lord.


In several Divya desams back in India, you will find that members of “Adhyaapaka GOshTis” reciting Veda mantras and Divya Prabandams so mechanically (like the cawing of a murder of crows or croaking of an army, knot or colony of frogs) without understanding what they are reciting! Their concern is on completing the quota of recitals within a time frame.


Here in Pomona when these amateur volunteers holding high positions in life recite in resonance, there is life in it. You feel as if you are in the midst of Nityasooris in Sri VaikunTam praising the lord heartily because they recite with an understanding of the meanings of StOtrams and Paasurams they recite.


The thorough manner of the rites and rituals were organized by “Paramaikanti Sarvabhouman” Sri Venkat Kanumalla Swami and his dedicated band of Trustees like Sri Srinivas Tanikalla Swami, Sri Murthy Ayyala Swami and scores of volunteers was really for “Gods to see”! Due to the diligence and dedication of the volunteers every detail was meticulously attended to without skipping any essentials. Anyone who was someone worthy of being mentioned as “Bhaagavata” was present at the premises coming as they did from far flung areas between the East coast and the West coast. This was a telling attestation of the SlOkam in Srimad Bhagavatam 10.48.31 which says that bath in sacred waters and even worshipping Archa moorthis in temples can purify one’s soul only in due course but the very sight of the congregation of Saadhus can do the same almost instantly.


Na hi ammayaani therthaani na devaa: mrith silaa mayaa: /

 tE punanti uru-kaalEna Darsanaad Eva Saadhava: //


I may mention in this regard that my connections with this temple are special for the following reasons -


-         Firstly, it was at the feet of Prakritam 45th PaTTam Azhagiya Singhar (in His Poorvaasramam) that I had the Bhaagyam of learning through Closed-circuit KaalakshEpams of Grantha ChatushTayams that any VaishNava ought to learn in one’s lifetime.

-         Secondly, it was my own nephew, Late Sri Ranganathan Kuppuswami who dreamed of raising a temple for Sri Ranganatha in the USA (as per the wishes of H.H. 44th PaTTam Mukkur Azhagiya Singhar). He was also instrumental in providing necessary motivation in the first place.


The devotion and dedication with which the priests conducted the various Homams like Vaasudeva Homam, Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha Homam, Srimad Ramayana Homam, Mahalakshmi Homam, Maha-Sudarsana Homam, Kalyana Utsavams. Pushpa Yaagam etc with meticulous attention to every detail were indeed breathtaking. The Alankarams (costumes) for the Lord for Purappadus (Circumambulation) both in the morning and the evening were matchless.


The services of Sri Paravastu Srinivasa Raghavan Swami from Andhra, Sri Naryana Bhattar Swamin from Karnataka and Sri Rajagopalan Swami from Tamilnadu were particularly noteworthy.


It is discipline that differentiates an orderly brigade from a motley crowd. Even the Lord is assisted by Sri Vishwak sEnar in organizing his devotees. We had a couple of such “Masters of ceremonies” in Sri A.M.R. Kannan, Sri Arun Krishnamachari and their group of friends who spared no efforts to regulate the proceedings with razor sharp precision at every stage.



The Nadaswaram party consisting of two grandsons of the famous Sheik Chinna Moulana Saheb of Srirangam (Mr. Kasim and Mr. Babu) on the pipe and two on percussion (Thavil) was ever ready with their enchanting music. The Tavil Vidwans who performed in sync with the modulations of recitation of the mantras set to music by Sri Paravastu Srinivasa Raghavan Swami is absolutely unforgettable.


When the Lord danced our hearts danced in unison and some were tempted to dance physically too! Such an enthralling experience it was!


It used to be said that the gait (naDai) of Sri Ranganatha (in Srirangam), costume (UDai) of Kanchi Varadaraja and the edible cake (Vadai) of Tirumalai TiruvenkatamuDaiyaan are proverbially famous. In Pomona BrahmOTsavam there was a combination of the best of all the three!

12. FOOD

Food was aplenty and always available on all the days FOR FREE to all those who attended the Utsavam. “Even an army marches on its stomach”


The never ending stream of visitors was fed with a variety of items to heart’s content. The food was as filling in the belly as the Darshan of the Lord in various Sannidhis was filling to the heart. The “Anna Daanam” was a 24/7 affair. At no point of time that anyone had to go without food!


The credit for the preparation of such delicious fare goes to Sri Muralikrishnan Swami, who toiled day and night untiringly and with a smiling countenance at all times.


There were a number of entertainments in music and dance which kept the audience spell bound in the afternoons. The notable ones were the music by the Bombay sisters and the Kuchipudi dance by Kuchipudi Arts Academy besides other dance dramas by amateur artists.


The most essential requirement of BrahmOTsavam is the provision of Vaahanams (mounts) on which the Lord goes about giving Darshan even to those who could not or would not come to the temple.


Besides GaruDa Vaahanam, the new additions were Hanumanta Vaahanam, SEsha Vaahanam and Kalpaka Vriksham.  I request all devotees to donate liberally for acquiring other Vaahanams (Mounts) for the temple like Aswa (Horse), Gaja (Elephant), Simha (Lion) Surya Prabha (The Sun dial), Chandra Prabha (The Arc of the Moon), Hamsa ( Swan) and YaaLi (a hybrid of lion and elephant- a mythological creature)


The highlight of this year’s BrahmOtsavam was the grand and colorful RathOtsavam – a Chariot specially constructed at great expense and greater effort. The car was pulled by hundreds of volunteers to the delight of the thousands of spectators.



Anbil Ramaswamy













-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR___________________________R Rajagopal,Managing Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,

Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office     9144 2249 1971 - Factory     9144 2484 0468 - Fax     9193850 50002 - Mobile,     9194440 57848 - Mobile ___________________________

Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex.com

-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR___________________________R Rajagopal,Managing Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.

INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office     9144 2249 1971 - Factory     9144 2484 0468 - Fax     9193850 50002 - Mobile,     9194440 57848 - Mobile ___________________________Please visit us at:


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Bunch of “devotees” who chose Bogha boomi as their living place, earning

in $, eating free temple food, conducting e-uthsavams! What a joke! Come to

Barathavarsha, see how they slog it out, in hot sun, bare foot. This is real

kaingaryam. Having lived in the bhogaboomi for 7+ years, I can say that the

spiritual vibrations are tremendous here. Come here and see it all.

Participate, walk with the goshti. Experience it once. Your heart will melt for

those Bhagavatas. If it does not, then you have a stone heart like Azhwar said

“Kal pol valiya nenjam” Yes everyone needs to make money. Aren’t you not making

it? That too running away to the bhoga land? You’ll understand when the

Mlecchas drive you back one fine morning. This is ghora kali.


Well said RR.


Dasan Rajagopalan




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Dear Respected Friends, Pardon me for the intrusion. I feel, these exchanges are out of tune with the title of the subject ' Mature Minds'.Let us encourage and adore all who are trying to keep alive our rich tradition in their own humble way.In this age of globalization when our religion and its sects are increasingly getting eroded , let us join together to keep

alive and preserve whatever is left of our great samparayam,lest we will become the cause for the liquidation of our rich heritage. I hope it will be taken in the spirit in which it is being made.Regards,N Bhashyam--- On Tue, 8/4/09, RR <shrirr wrote:RR <shrirr Fwd: Fw: Fwd: MEETING OF MATURE MINDS"Ram Anbil" <ramanbil, "srinivasan.rangaswamy" <r_svReceived: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 2:01 AM



Dear Anbil Swamin,


Adiyen requests that this reply {to your brilliant mail condemning the Utsavams conducted in Divya Desams} be posted in Sri Ranga Sri site.


Sriman R Srinivasan states that he is unable to get his replies posted on your site. You have presented your views on the manner in which the Divya Desams conduct their affairs.


It is fair that the coin's other side be seen by your site members - unless of course you do not wish to receive any critical views bur are only interested to criticise others.


Warmest Regards.


Daasan RR

____________ _________ ____

---------- Forwarded message ----------RR <shrirr (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:04 PM

Re: Fw: Fwd: MEETING OF MATURE MINDSSrinivasan Rangaswamy <r_sv, andavan@ .com


Dear Sevarthis,




Sri RS has forwarded the mail of Sri Anbil Ramaswami {AR in short}.


AR can rightly praise the activities at Pomona Sri Ranganathar Temple and Sri Venkat Kanumalla and the Bhagavatha Goshti therein for their Efforts, Devotion & Commitment to Sriman Narayana. To conduct a 3-4 day Utsavam in a far off land is really a very good affair.


Even allowing for some exaggeration, we will take this as a truthful portrayal.


BUT, his comments about the Utsavams, Bhagavatha Goshtis in India etc., are absolutely irresponsible, factually wrong, immature & malicious to say the least and are totally unacceptable.


Perhaps a title "Meeting of an immature mind with a Bhagavatha Goshti" would be more appropriate. His mail expressing some kind of regrets is even more pathetic.


It has been adiyen's Bhagyam to personally experience some Divine Instances of Utsavams in Divya Desams & Abhimana Stalams in India that AR has condemned outright - just a few of these are listed for the benefit of Sevarthis:

Adhyayana Utsavam at Srirangam Peria Koil:


Araiyar Seva: If Sriman Narayana Himself came down from KsheerAbdi and recited those Pasurams, He cannot do this any better than the Araiyar Goshti during those 10 days.

It is a Divine Bhagyam that cannot be conveyed by mere words. All SriVaishnavaites - Tenkalai OR Vadakalai - must be Blessed by Sriman Narayana to have this Seva at least once in their lifetime/s.

These Divya Prabandhams are recited - from MEMORY {no reading out from dubbed or translated texts!} to a particular TUNE that is unique.

Even daily Parayanams by the Tenkalai Adhyapaka Goshti is a labour of love - who is paying these Bhagavathas what salary? Even outstation Parayanadhars will apply for leave {LLP if need be} and run to Srirangam for participating in those Utsavams,


Koil Thirumalai


Utsavams or otherwise - the Divya Prabandha Parayanams on a daily basis by the Pedda Jeeyangar Swami { & followed by the Chinna Jeeyangar Swami} at the Sri BAashyakarar Sannadhi immediately after the Jeeyar Sathumarai is another Divine Experience that cannot & should NOT missed out for all the wealth in the world.

Apart from a most minor salary, this Adhyapaga Goshti maintains their families - on the Sambavanai from the Sevarthis - speaking of salaries, does AR have any idea of the "salaries" paid to Temple Staff such as Aradhakars, Madappalli Kainkaryaparars?

Only in the recent past, the Prakritham Pedda Jeeyangar has raised funds and started paying these great Bhagavathas some kind of stipends -

The Veda Parayana Goshti's recital during the Utsavams is another disciplined & delightful acitivity - go to Thirumala on the Ratha Sapthami & experience this for your self!

Perumal Koil - Devarajan Sannathi


RS has already dealt with the Utsavams - so no repetition,

BUT the Veda Parayana Goshti in Kanchipuram is unique.

That Goshti is a permanent fixture for Devaraja Perumal.

Morning & evening - without any break - Veda Parayanam goes on Utsavam or NO Utsavam all the 365 days,

There will be a break only if someone in Sannadhi Street attains Acharyan Thiruvadi & the Temple has to close down till the body leaves!!

Labour of Love is a terrible understatem ent here,

HR & CE never paid them {or pays them} any salary or sambavanai.

The grandson of Vaikuntavaasi Sudarsana Iyengar & Sri Azhisoor Suresh - have organised some donations and has organised some Sambavanai to these Mahaans.

If you call any of them during any Utsavam Days, they will decline - "Their Perumal's Utsavam is going on - they will NOT move out of Kanchi" is the stock answer.

Sri Parthasarathy - Thiru Alli Keni


Look beyond the Kalai Disputes and see the magnificence & grandeur of the Prabandha Parayana Goshti in this Divya Desam,

Nammazhwar & Nathamunigal will be proud & will Bless these fantastic performances year after year - over 100,000 sevarthis experience this during every Adhyayana Utsavam every year.

Who is paying these Bhagavathas any salary?

Can we not experience a divine acitvity without picking holes or criticising as if we are a divinely appointed authority?



Adiyen has quoted just a few examples - can quote another 20 examples from personal experience,

VEDA Parayanams originated from here - in spite of the tremendous fall, we still have a fair number of Vedapatasalas springing up -

HH Srimad Andavan has started 10 Patasalas with nearly 280 Vidyarthis,

Even these Vidyarthis participa te regularly in many Utsavams,

Prabandhams originated from here - Azhwar Tirunagari, Kattu Mannar Koil are the HUB's!

In 99.9% cases, Vedas & Prabandhams are recited from MEMORY - NOT read out from Xeroxed & Dubbed sheets,

Adiyen will NOT criticise any community - has submitted enough articles in The Paduka to revive the Vedic Education.

The Bramotsavams conducted abroad in Pomona and/or other temples are to be appreciated and supported.

But they cannot claim to be equal to or be better than the Utsavam in any Temple anywhere in India - these are the originals - may not be perfect but,

This Sannithyam can never be replicated let alone be bettered - the wealth or standing of a sevarthi is no indication of an Utsavam's sacred nature.

Adiyen is willing to engage in a discussion on this with anyone in person - not with eAcharyas on the internet.

We have a fair idea of how many Sevarthis participate in such Utsavam, how many Paryanadhars recite Vedas & Prabandhams as it should be.

In our excitement, we should not go overboard and claim that 1000's participated or did this or that!!

Let us assume - without conceding - that the Pomona Utsavam was conducted in a grand and satisfactory manner - what useful purpose is served by those all the condemnatory statements about the Utsavams in India?

Let AR & others ponder carefully before shooting off such "brilliant" comments!

Warmest Regards & Respects


Daasan RR

____________ _________ _____






On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 8:17 PM, Srinivasan Rangaswamy <r_sv wrote:




Dear Sri RR,

This is the background of the earlier mails.I posted my comments to the also, but it did not go through the moderator. Now, you may be able to link the messages with the last reply from Sri Anbil Swamy




----- Forwarded Message ----

Srinivasan Rangaswamy <r_svraghavan veera <raghavanvee@ gmail.com>; Anbil Ramaswamy <>; andavan-owner; ramanuja mission <@

. com>

Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:03:05 AMRe: Fwd: MEETING OF MATURE MINDS


Dear All,

I think that I have posted at the right time Kanchipuram Sri Deva Perumal Sannathi Sri Andal Thirukkalyana Mahothsavam in you tube link, http://www.youtube. com/rsrinivasan1. Anyone who watch the movie clips posted therein, will have all the answers,which our respected Anbil Swamy has raised. Only those who had the opportunity to witness Kanchipuram Deva Perumal Uthsavams personally,will find no need to look for anything else. All those you see in the movie clips are purely volunteers on their own , for no personal gains, coming from different places,many do not have any ambition except to the service of Sri Deva Perumal . Even if this situation prevails may be only in this temple as cmpared to other temples, it is our Bhagyam to see

Ubhaya Kalai devotees compete with one another to get the blessings of Sri Devaadhi Rajan, for no monetary benefits. In the same you tube link, you can see the Sri Deva Perumal Brahmothsavam video links also.

In the end, what I would like to say is that festivals at each place has their own imporatance. We all have to respect them. Festival is a festival, inspite of some draw backs.Please remember all good things only and for any thing untoward happening, please take corrective actions, to the best of our ability.,





raghavan veera <raghavanvee@ gmail.com>Srinivasan Rangaswamy <r_sv; raghunathan r <rraghunathan_ in >; sampathkumarr7@ gmail.com; S. GOVINDRAJAN <sgovindrajan@ hotmail.com>; narasimhan padmanaban <npn72000 (AT) (DOT) co.in>; SRI PRAHALADA VARADAN SRIPAADAM THANGIGAL SABHA . <spvstsabha >; Ramanujan Patrachari <srisaila (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; srinivasan sowmianarayanan <vasans2004 >; thiruthiru <rajamragu (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; ssaajagan ; narasimhannd@ gmail.com

Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:01:50 AMFwd: MEETING OF MATURE MINDSDear all, It is very surprising that a learned person like Sri.Anbil Ramaswamy shoud pour out on the calibre of Adhyaapaka Goshti in India as also Sripadam Thangigal contributions. I do not post any messages in SriRangasri. If any of you feel what has appeared is not the truth,please react and post a message in this group,if you are a member.Otherwise pease ignore this message.Regards, Veeraraghavan

---------- Forwarded message ----------Ram Anbil <Ramanbil (AT) grouply (DOT) com>

Jul 29, 2009 3:33 PM MEETING OF MATURE MINDSJournal SDDS <>, srtsevak <srtsevak@ s.com>, venkat kanumalla <sridhardikshit@ >







Do you wish to be a part of a “meeting of mature minds�

Come to Sri Ranganatha temple at Pomona, New York during any of the several celebrations being conducted there like the just concluded 3rd BrahmOtsavam, 2009.


What is so special and different about Pomona celebrations that you do not experience elsewhere?

If you read the following, I am sure that you will agree with me.



In several Divya decamps back in India, it is usually a motley crowd of floating population with diverse stages of knowledge and interest - some not even knowing what is going on!


Here in Pomona, you will find hundreds of devotees from coast to coast and even from abroad having absolute understanding of the protocols and with exclusive devotion to the Lord.


In several Diva desams back in India, you will find that the so called “kainkarya paras†called hereditary “Srimaan ThaangigaL†are just “wage earners†- employees†who “work for food†(udara nimittam)


Here in Pomona, the volunteers eagerly look forward and compete in offering their services for FREE. They are not professional “Srimaan ThaangigaL†but hold high positions in the corporate world but have come with a genuine interest to serve the Lord.


In several Divya desams back in India, you will find that members of “Adhyaapaka GOshTis†reciting Veda mantras and Divya Prabandams so mechanically (like the cawing of a murder of crows or croaking of an army, knot or colony of frogs) without understanding what they are reciting! Their concern is on completing the quota of recitals within a time frame.


Here in Pomona when these amateur volunteers holding high positions in life recite in resonance, there is life in it. You feel as if you are in the midst of Nityasooris in Sri VaikunTam praising the lord heartily because they recite with an understanding of the meanings of StOtrams and Paasurams they recite.


The thorough manner of the rites and rituals were organized by “Paramaikanti Sarvabhouman†Sri Venkat Kanumalla Swami and his dedicated band of Trustees like Sri Srinivas Tanikalla Swami, Sri Murthy Ayyala Swami and scores of volunteers was really for “Gods to seeâ€! Due to the diligence and dedication of the volunteers every detail was meticulously attended to without skipping any essentials. Anyone who was someone worthy of being mentioned as “Bhaagavata†was present at the premises coming as they did from far flung areas between the East coast and the West coast. This was a telling attestation of the SlOkam in Srimad Bhagavatam 10.48.31 which says that bath in sacred waters and even worshipping Archa moorthis in temples can purify one’s soul only in due course but the very sight of the congregation of Saadhus can do the same almost instantly.


Na hi ammayaani therthaani na devaa: mrith silaa mayaa: /

tE punanti uru-kaalEna Darsanaad Eva Saadhava: //


I may mention in this regard that my connections with this temple are special for the following reasons -


- Firstly, it was at the feet of Prakritam 45th PaTTam Azhagiya Singhar (in His Poorvaasramam) that I had the Bhaagyam of learning through Closed-circuit KaalakshEpams of Grantha ChatushTayams that any VaishNava ought to learn in one’s lifetime.

- Secondly, it was my own nephew, Late Sri Ranganathan Kuppuswami who dreamed of raising a temple for Sri Ranganatha in the USA (as per the wishes of H.H. 44th PaTTam Mukkur Azhagiya Singhar). He was also instrumental in providing necessary motivation in the first place.


The devotion and dedication with which the priests conducted the various Homams like Vaasudeva Homam, Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha Homam, Srimad Ramayana Homam, Mahalakshmi Homam, Maha-Sudarsana Homam, Kalyana Utsavams. Pushpa Yaagam etc with meticulous attention to every detail were indeed breathtaking. The Alankarams (costumes) for the Lord for Purappadus (Circumambulation) both in the morning and the evening were matchless.


The services of Sri Paravastu Srinivasa Raghavan Swami from Andhra, Sri Naryana Bhattar Swamin from Karnataka and Sri Rajagopalan Swami from Tamilnadu were particularly noteworthy.


It is discipline that differentiates an orderly brigade from a motley crowd. Even the Lord is assisted by Sri Vishwak sEnar in organizing his devotees. We had a couple of such “Masters of ceremonies†in Sri A.M.R. Kannan, Sri Arun Krishnamachari and their group of friends who spared no efforts to regulate the proceedings with razor sharp precision at every stage.



The Nadaswaram party consisting of two grandsons of the famous Sheik Chinna Moulana Saheb of Srirangam (Mr. Kasim and Mr. Babu) on the pipe and two on percussion (Thavil) was ever ready with their enchanting music. The Tavil Vidwans who performed in sync with the modulations of recitation of the mantras set to music by Sri Paravastu Srinivasa Raghavan Swami is absolutely unforgettable.


When the Lord danced our hearts danced in unison and some were tempted to dance physically too! Such an enthralling experience it was!


It used to be said that the gait (naDai) of Sri Ranganatha (in Srirangam), costume (UDai) of Kanchi Varadaraja and the edible cake (Vadai) of Tirumalai TiruvenkatamuDaiyaa n are proverbially famous. In Pomona BrahmOTsavam there was a combination of the best of all the three!

12. FOOD

Food was aplenty and always available on all the days FOR FREE to all those who attended the Utsavam. “Even an army marches on its stomachâ€


The never ending stream of visitors was fed with a variety of items to heart’s content. The food was as filling in the belly as the Darshan of the Lord in various Sannidhis was filling to the heart. The “Anna Daanam†was a 24/7 affair. At no point of time that anyone had to go without food!


The credit for the preparation of such delicious fare goes to Sri Muralikrishnan Swami, who toiled day and night untiringly and with a smiling countenance at all times.


There were a number of entertainments in music and dance which kept the audience spell bound in the afternoons. The notable ones were the music by the Bombay sisters and the Kuchipudi dance by Kuchipudi Arts Academy besides other dance dramas by amateur artists.


The most essential requirement of BrahmOTsavam is the provision of Vaahanams (mounts) on which the Lord goes about giving Darshan even to those who could not or would not come to the temple.


Besides GaruDa Vaahanam, the new additions were Hanumanta Vaahanam, SEsha Vaahanam and Kalpaka Vriksham. I request all devotees to donate liberally for acquiring other Vaahanams (Mounts) for the temple like Aswa (Horse), Gaja (Elephant), Simha (Lion) Surya Prabha (The Sun dial), Chandra Prabha (The Arc of the Moon), Hamsa ( Swan) and YaaLi (a hybrid of lion and elephant- a mythological creature)


The highlight of this year’s BrahmOtsavam was the grand and colorful RathOtsavam – a Chariot specially constructed at great expense and greater effort. The car was pulled by hundreds of volunteers to the delight of the thousands of spectators.



Anbil Ramaswamy












-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR____________ _________ ______R Rajagopal,Managing Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,

Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office 9144 2249 1971 - Factory 9144 2484 0468 - Fax 9193850 50002 - Mobile, 9194440 57848 - Mobile ____________ _________ ______

Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex. com

-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR____________ _________ ______R Rajagopal,Managing Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.

INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office 9144 2249 1971 - Factory 9144 2484 0468 - Fax 9193850 50002 - Mobile, 9194440 57848 - Mobile ____________ _________ ______Please visit us at:

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Dear Sri Rajagopalan,


Adiyen can appreciate your sentiments - BUT no need to reciprocate in kind. Let us record our views in a manner matching your name - mentioned as Dasan Rajagopalan!




Daasan RR


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:38 PM, K Rajesh (kc2kby) <kc2kby wrote:







Bunch of “devotees” who chose Bogha boomi as their living place, earning in $, eating free temple food, conducting e-uthsavams! What a joke! Come to Barathavarsha, see how they slog it out, in hot sun, bare foot. This is real kaingaryam. Having lived in the bhogaboomi for 7+ years, I can say that the spiritual vibrations are tremendous here. Come here and see it all. Participate, walk with the goshti. Experience it once. Your heart will melt for those Bhagavatas. If it does not, then you have a stone heart like Azhwar said “Kal pol valiya nenjam” Yes everyone needs to make money. Aren’t you not making it? That too running away to the bhoga land? You’ll understand when the Mlecchas drive you back one fine morning. This is ghora kali.


Well said RR.


Dasan Rajagopalan






-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR___________________________R Rajagopal,Managing Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,Chennai 600 033.

INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office     9144 2249 1971 - Factory     9144 2484 0468 - Fax     9193850 50002 - Mobile,     9194440 57848 - Mobile ___________________________Please visit us at:


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Respected Sirs,

I wish to request all those who are reading these forum to Moderate their views on whatever was written about mature minds because all the writing is not in good taste and the main focus of the groups Sriranga Sri and all other groups is not to do Bhagavata Apachara . I hope all of us exhibit this restraint : like Sri Krishna who was so patient with all bad comments made about him .

This will be in Good taste and also reflecting a mature minds.

I don't know why at all this writing up about Bhagavatas started and now digressed to Bhoga Bhumi or Tapo Bhumi and I don't think any of our Acharyas will permit this and will not accept all this . Like good men Forget and forgive all those who do Bhagavatha apachra and concentrate on the real saranagati on Alavandar's Bday.


May Alavandar give us the mind which he begs from Lord


bhavantam evänucaran nirantaraù

praçänta-niùçeña-manorathäntaraù |

kadäham aikäntika-nitya-kiìkaraù

praharñayiñyämi sanätha-jévitam ||43||

I don't thinK I will like to critise anybody , Because Lord himself Must have wanted us to introspect and he must have made Anbil mama write this and He must have got into the minds of Others to rebutt and may be it is His desire to bring us all closure to each other and do Proper kainkaryam at our divayadesams and also at Pomano .

I hope these writings are not viewed by our Acharyas as they must be pained at this development.

Adiyen Dasan


On 8/4/09, RR <shrirr wrote:






Dear Sri Rajagopalan,


Adiyen can appreciate your sentiments - BUT no need to reciprocate in kind. Let us record our views in a manner matching your name - mentioned as Dasan Rajagopalan!




Daasan RR


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:38 PM, K Rajesh (kc2kby) <kc2kby wrote:







Bunch of “devotees” who chose Bogha boomi as their living place, earning in $, eating free temple food, conducting e-uthsavams! What a joke! Come to Barathavarsha, see how they slog it out, in hot sun, bare foot. This is real kaingaryam. Having lived in the bhogaboomi for 7+ years, I can say that the spiritual vibrations are tremendous here. Come here and see it all. Participate, walk with the goshti. Experience it once. Your heart will melt for those Bhagavatas. If it does not, then you have a stone heart like Azhwar said “Kal pol valiya nenjam” Yes everyone needs to make money. Aren’t you not making it? That too running away to the bhoga land? You’ll understand when the Mlecchas drive you back one fine morning. This is ghora kali.


Well said RR.


Dasan Rajagopalan







-- Heartfelt thanks & Warmest RegardsRR___________________________R Rajagopal,Managing Partner,ARAVIND LABORATORIES,New No 11, Old No 7,Chakrapani Street,

Chennai 600 033.INDIAPh: 9144 2483 8585 - Office     9144 2249 1971 - Factory     9144 2484 0468 - Fax     9193850 50002 - Mobile,     9194440 57848 - Mobile ___________________________

Please visit us at:http://www.eyetex.com


-- Narasimhan K L

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