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tirumaNikkUDam(Periya tirumozhi 4.5.5) – tirunAngUr divyadEsam

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja mahA deSikAya namaH


tirumaNikkUDam(tirumangai AzhvAr’s Periya tirumozhi 4.5) – tirunAngUr



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SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDigalE SaraNam,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri


tirumaNikkUDam - Periya tirumozhi 4.5.5:


karumagaL ilangai ATTi

pilankoLvAi tiRandu tan mEl

varum avaL seviyum mUkkum

vALinAl taDinda endai

perumagaL pEdai mangai

tannoDUm pirivilAda

tirumagaL maruvu nAngUrt

tirumaNik kUDattAnE


A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:

When cakravartit tirumagan was doing vanavAsam, SUrpaNakA paid Him a visit in

pancavaTi. That lowliest caNDALa woman opened her big, cave like mouth and

charged towards sItA thinking that the latter is the obstruction for SupaNakA's

attaining rAma. Treating her as one charging on His own self, rAma had her ears

and nose cut off with a sword.


He is giving darSanam in tirumaNikkUDam with periya pirATTi, who never leaves

SriyaH pathi and bhUmi pirATTi, who never cares to look at the sins committed by

perumAL's followers.



karumagaL ilangai ATTi – Being a very lowly human being, she was acting as if

she was ruling over ilangai



pilankoLvAi tiRandu tan mEl varum avaL seviyum mUkkum vALinAl taDinda endai –

my lord, rAma, had her ears and nose cut off of that woman, who came charging

like a bull, with her mouth wide open


permagaL pEdai mangai tannoDUm – with bhUdevi who ignores the apacArm-s

committed by devotees, and


pirivilAda tirumagaL maruvu nAngUrt tirumaNik kUDattAnE – with mahAlakshmit

tAyAr, who is inseparable from Him (tiruvAimozhi 6.10.10 'agalagillEn iiRaiyum

enRu'), SrI varadaAraj perumAL is stationed permanently in tirunAngUr

tirumaNikkUDam divyadESam.


C. SrI UV:

karumagaL ilangai ATTi – with her tAmasa guNam, SUrpaNakA was terrorizing

ilangai; tamoguNam is usually described by 'black' color; hence the 'karumagaL'.

lankai's king, rAvaNa was acting per the advice of SURpaNaka and hence she was

thinking of herself like lanka's queen and wrecking havoc.


perumagaL pEdai mangai – the young sItA, who appeared in janaka kulam as an

ayonijai (made her 'appearance' as a daughter) to king janaka, an embodiment of

dharmam and gn~Anam, was also the wife of raghukula tilaka rAma and was a

nirdosha kalyANa guNa nidhi (devoid of faults and full of auspicious

characteristics), who does not look at the devotees' sins


It can also be interpreted to mean bhUdevi here.


tannoDUm pirivilAda – mahAlakshmit tAyAr does not leave perumAL for a single

moment; she is 'vishNoH SrIranapAyinI' (vishNu purANam). She was extremely

unhappy that she had to be separated from perumAL and the devotees during

rAmavatAram. In order to alleviate that pain, emperumAn is happily living in

tirunAngUr tirumaNik kUDam permanently with periya pirATTi, sItA, and His



tirumagaL maruvu nAngUrt – that periya pirATTi lovingly lives in tirunAngur

with perumAL.


Thus, this is where rAma and sItA are living; per the alternate interpretation,

this is where emperumAn lives with SrIdevi and bhUdevi.



akarumagaL …. vALinAl taDinda endai – The following event is a very well

known one -When SrIrAmapirAn was in pancavaTi, during a winter season, SUrpaNaka

assumed a beautiful form and requested rAma, without any shame, to accept her as

His wife. rAma explained that He has a wife and jokingly pointed her to

lakshmaNa saying she can be happy with him. When lakshmaNa counteracted saying,

'I am only a servant, if you marry me, you will also be a servant; so, you are

better off marrying my elder brother', SUrpaNaka realized the futility of her

efforts and attempted to kill sItA. Acting on rAmpirAn's orders, lakshmaNa cut

off her ears and nose with his sword.


Even though iLaiya perumAL did the actual anga bhangam, AzhvAr-s enjoy calling

this an act of rAma. A person who gets an act committed by someone else is

praised as the one who actually did it also. Not only that, lakshmaNa is called

'rAmasya dakshiNo bAhuH' (rAmAyaNam.yuddha.28.24) - he is considered the right

arm of rAma. Thus the right-hand lakshmaNa's act can be taken as the act of

rAma, to whom the right hand belongs. This is similar to kaNNan being praised of

doing pralambAsura vadham, even though it was actually done by His brother,





PVP = periyavAccAn piLLai

UV = uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr

PBA = P.B. aNNangarAcAriyAr


End of periya tirumozhi 4.5.5 on tirumaNikkUDam


To be continued …..

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