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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.44- Manakkaal Nambi (Sri Raamamisrar)

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all


Let us enjoy Sri Manakkaal Nambhi (also called as Raamamisrar).


MaNakkaal nambhi, Sri Rama misrar, was the sishya of UyyakkoNdaar



As amsam of Kumudan, one of the Nityasuris in Sri Vaikuntam, he was born in

Manakkaal , Trichy District. His devotion to his Guru UyyakoNdaar was great. On

one occasion UyyakoNdaar's two daughters were to cross the mud on their way back

home after bath in the river, he laid down on the ground- on the muddy water and

asked them to walk over on his back. Hence, the sands at the feet of the Guru's

daughters were on his body, and he came to be known as ' Manal Kaal Nambi' .


He rendered personal service to his Acharya, Uyyak Kondaar and it is

told that he took over also as the cook for his AchArya after the demise of

Uyyak Kondaar's wife.


Embar, sishya and the cousin of RamunjA later describes that NammAzhwAr

drank of the ocean of mercy of the Lord Narayana and rained it through

Natha muni and that Pundarikaksha was like the fountain spring that let

the stream reach Alavandar. Pundarikaksha learned the holy collects and

Yoga Rahasya from Natha Muni and passed them on to Alavandar.


Swami Desika in Sloka 7 of his Yatiraja Saptadhi praises Manakkaal Nambi as



Anujjitha Kshamaa Yogam Apunya Jana Bhaadakam |

Asprushta Madha Raagam Thum Raamam Turyam Upaasmahe ||


The one who learned through Upadesam all the Sastaraarthas

from Uyyakkondaar was Manakkaal Nambi. There were only three Ramas

before. Here comes the fourth Rama. The defects noticeable in the other

3 Ramas were totally absent in this 4th Rama.


Parasurama had no patience. Out of jealousy, he fought with

'Chakravarthi Tirumagan'. With an uncontrollable rage, he embarked on

destroying the entire Kshatriya race. But, Manakkaal Nambi never lost

his composure and kept his senses under absolute control.


Dasaratha Rama destroyed the Rakshasas, otherwise known as 'Punya Jana'.

But, Manakkaal Nambi never harmed anyone but always did all the good he

could to Sadhus who are also known as 'Punya Jana'


Manakkaal Nambi never exhibited any pride or prejudice or any excessive

attachment to anything worldly. (like BalarAmA)


So, he is better than other 3 RAMAs. (what a verse from DesikA!)


He had nine disciples.


Thus, there are three Rama-s who have been referred to in the

puranas and the itihasas. This acharya Srirama stands different

from them by having none of their displeasing qualities. Swamy

Deshikan, having celebrated Uyyakkondar as Kannan Himself,

glorifies Ramamishra as the fourth Rama, who is superior to the

previous three. Parasurama was one who had no patience and

could not stand the glories of Chakravarthi Thirumagan Srirama.

But acharya Ramamishra has distanced him from jealousy and

owns patience and self-control as his wealth and strengths.

In such an event can Daasharathi Rama, who is complete

with inherent virtuousness (atma guna-s) like compassion and

forbearance be compared to this acharya? No, he cannot be. The

reason is that Srirama incarnated on this Earth only to eradicate

the demons (punya jana badhakas, punyajana also refers to

demons) while acharya Sriramamishra is one who always

engages himself in preaching the ultimate truths or tattvams to

virtuous and noble subjects and making them understand what

is good for them.


Then, is it possible that Balarama, who toured all the punya

kshetrams, be compared to this acharya? Should not be!

Balarama used to always drink madhu or wine and his eyes were

always red. Also he was overcome by (mada-veri) the after–effects

of such intoxication and it is not advisable for the good ones to

draw themselves near such people. Acharya Ramamishra on the

other hand, replete with inherent virtuousness is free from any

all selfish motives, blemishes and pride. Swamy Deshika

prostrates in front of this great an acharya. There is another

sparkle of fame associated with this acharya. This acharya is said

to have given life to our whole acharya paramparai.


Sriman Nathamunigal had ordained his disciple Uyyakondar to teach his

grandson Alavandar, everything that he had taught him. But

destiny had other plans. When Uyyakondar knew that his end

was near, he delagated this responsibility to his pupil Sri

Ramamishra. Yaamuna (Alavandar), the grandson of Nathamuni

was a king now. Ramamishra met Yaamuna on the pretext of

taking tuduvalai keerai (a thorny shrub bearing fruit which is

edible) and brought him to Srirangam and enabled him to serve

the divine couple and imparted to him all the truths of Vedanta.

The spiritual lineage (upadesha paramparai) that came through

Yaamuna is prevalent even to this day. And so is this great

acharya Sri Ramamishra (Manakkal nambi) held in high esteem

by our Swamy Deshikan. [The above is English translation by Sri CG Balaji swamin

based on Tamil commentary written by asmdacharya His Holiness Srimad

Paravakkottai Andavan Sri Gopala Desika mahadesikan Swami]



Acharyan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana


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