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maNimADakkOvil(tPeriya tirumozhi 3.8.4) – tirunAngUr divyadEsam

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SrImate ra’ngarAmAnuja MahA deSikAya namaH


maNimADakkOvil(tirumangai AzhvAr’s Periya tirumozhi 3.8) – tirunAngUr



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SrImad ANDavan tiruvaDigalE SaraNam,

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri



maNimADakkOvil - Periya tirumozhi 3.8.4 ciRaiyAr uvaNap puL:


ciRaiyAr uvaNap puL onRERi anRu

tisai nAngu nAngum iriyac ceruvil

kaRaivAr neDuvEl arakkar maDiyak

kaDal cUzh ilangai kaDandAn iDam tAn

muRaiyAl vaLarkkinRa muttIyar nAl vEdar

ai vELvi ARangar Ezhin isaiyOr

maRaiyOr vaNangap pugazh eydu nAngUr

maDimADak kOvil vaNangu en mananE!


A. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan:


AzhvAr is instructing his mind to pay respects to sarveSvaran, who suppressed

and subdued rAkshasa-s like mAli, sumAli etc in ilangai and is now stationed in

maDimADak kOvil.


Even before the ages of rAvaNa and others, rakshasa-s like mAli, sumAli etc were

tormenting the deva-s. When the deva-s surrendered to emperumAn, He got on

garuDa, who had wings favorable for flying, and went and fought with the

rAkshasa-s. Some rAkshasa-s ran away in all the eight directions; some died in

the battle. emperumAn who vanquished the rAskhasa-s, who had unclean,

blood-stained spears, is now living in maNimADak kOvil.


The agnihotra brahmaNa-s in this place preserve trikAla-agni-s, do pa'nca mahA

yaj~nams, have learned the six anga-s of vedam-s and are experts in sapta

svaram-s. These special brahmaNa-s worship perumAL who is living in maNimADak

kOvil. No other place has this fame.





anRu – During those days when rAkshasa-s were terrorizing the earth


ciRaiyAr uvaNap puL onRERi – the lord climbed on periya tiruvaDi – garuDan,

who could fly with his strong wings,


tisai nAngu nAngum iriyac ceruvil kaRaivAr neDuvEl arakkar maDiyak kaDal cUzh

ilangai kaDandAn – conquered ilangai surrounded by the ocean, making several

rAkshasa-s having blood-stained spears, fly away from the battle field on all



iDam tAn – that lord is now stationed in this divyadESam


muRaiyAl vaLarkkinRa muttIyar nAl vEdar ai vELvi ARangar Ezhin isaiyOr maRaiyOr

– the elite brAhmaNa-s in this place do homams per vedic methods; they perform

the three agni-s - gArhapatyam, AhavanIyam, dakshiNAgni; they are well-versed in

Rg, yajur, sAma and atharvaNa vedam-s; they do the panca yaj~na-s like brahma

yaj~nam, bhUta yaj~nam, deva yaj~nam, manushya yaj~nam etc; they are experts in

the six vedAngams – SikshA, vyAkaraNam, chandas, niruktam, jyotisham, kalpam;

and, they know the seven musical svarams – nishAdam, Rshabham, gAndhAram,

shaDjam, madhyamam, dhaivatam, pa'ncamam.


vaNangap pugazh eydu nAngUr – this place has become very well renowned from

these very learned brahmaNa-s worshiping perumAL in this tirunAngUr divyadEsam.


maDimADak kOvil vaNangu en mananE! - Oh my mind, enjoy this divine lord who is

living in tirumaNimADak kOvil.



C. SrI UV:


uvaNam is 'suparNam'. Since garuDan has feathers that do not tire for even very

long distances of flying, he has earned the name, 'suparNan'.


PerumAL made sure that rAkshasa-s did not stick around even in islands like

ilangai. Will He let them here in our place? Leaving His abode, upendran

(vishNu) has come to love living in this tiruppati; so, it is very special.




aivELvi –

1.brahma yaj~nam: chanting 'brahmayaj~na praSnam' – one praSnam from vedam


2.deva yaj~nam: doing agnihotram

3.bhUta yaj~nam: offering animals as bali

4.pitR yaj~nam: doing tarpaNam for pitR-s

5.manushya yaj~nam: offering food for guests in the house


ARangar (experts in 6 parts of vedam-s) -


1.SikshA: shows how akshara-s must be pronounced and how to do sandhi with them

[study of phonetics] and other topics


2.vyAkaraNam (linguistic analysis or grammar represented by pANini's celebrated



3.niruktam: (explanation of difficult Vedic words ) show the difference between

prakRti and pratyayam/vikRti/change and their meanings


4.chandas: talks about gAyatrI, tRshTubh, jagatI etc


5.jyotisham: Since veda karma-s must be performed at the right times, this

declares those times


6.kalpam: the kalpam-s written by mahaRshi-s like ASvalAyana, Apastamba etc

explain the vaidika karma-s to be followed.


Ezhin isai (amarakoSam chapter I, part 8 nATyavargaH.1 presents this list)-


nishAdaH Rshabha gAndhAra shaDja madhyama

dhaivatAH |

pa'ncamascetyamI sapta tantrI kaNThotthitAH

svarAH ||


AzhvAr is implying that experts in even heavenly music were living in this



In nArada SikshA 1.5.3 and 1.5.4, sage nArada describes how each sAma veda

svaram is derived from the sounds made by a bird or an animal in its appropriate



shaDajaM vadati mayUro jAvo rambhanti

carshabham |

ajAbike tu gAndhAram kraunco vadati

madhyamam ||


pUshpasAdhAraNe mAle kokilo vakti pa'ncamam |

aSvastu dhaivatam vakti nishAdam vakti

ku'njaraH ||


1.nishAdam: an elephant's trumpeting


2.Rshabham: the mooing of the cow


3.gAndhAram: bleating of the goat


4.pa'ncamam: cuckoo's melodious whistle


5.shaDjam: peacock's call


6.madhyamam: kraunca’s (heron) cry


7.dhaivatam: horse's neigh


So, 'Ezhin isaiyOr' can also be taken to mean that this tirumANimADak kOvil had

all these animals like elephants, cows, birds etc that produce the sweet





PVP = periyavAccAn piLLai

UV = uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr

PBA = P.B. aNNangarAcAriyAr


End of periya tirumozhi 3.8.4 on maNimADakkOvil


To be continued …..

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