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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.47- our unparalleled acharya Swami EmperumAnAr

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SrImathE Gopaladesika manahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all


We have covered so far upto Swami Sri Mahapoornar (Periya Nambhi) under this

series on Bhagavad Raamanuja vaibhavam.


Let us enter to enjoy Swami emperumAnaar vaibhavam.

Before that a quick look at Guru paramparai.


LakshmI nAtha samArambhAm nAtha yAmuna madhyamAm |

asmadhAchArya paryanthAm vandhE guruparam parAm ||


I worship the entire guruparamparaa that starts with Emperumaan, Sriya:

Pathi Sriman Narayanan; which has SrI NAthamuni (in between) upto my AchArya

(Sri Ramanuja).


This thaniyan is composed by Sri KooratthAzhwAn (Sri Ramanujacharya¡¦s most

ardent disciple); This Thaniyan describes the paramapara of our Acharyas which

starts with Sriman Narayanan. Sri AzhwAn pays his obeisance to the paramapara

upto his Acharya. He does not mention the name of his Acharya (calling upto my

Acharya -asmadhAchArya paryanthAm .. It fits in so well for every one of us when

we recite this upto my Acharyan, I pay my obeisance to the Gurupamarapara:


AzhwAn is known for his intellect and scholarship.


Our Srivaishnava Guru paramparai is:


Sriman Narayanan

Sri Mahalakshmi

Sri Vishvaksenar

Sri NammAzhwAr

Sri NAthamuni

Sri UyyakkoNdaar (Sri PundareekAkshar)

Sri MaNakkaal nambhi (Sri Ramamisrar)

Sri Alavandhar (Sri Yamunacharya)

Sri Periya Nambhi (Sri MahapoorNar)



yO nithya-machyutha-padaam-buja-yugma-rugma

vyaamOhadas dadhi-tha-raaNi thru-Naaya mEnE

asmath-gurOr bhagavathOsya dhayaika-sindhO:

raamaanujasya saraNau saraNam prapadhyE.


[After the entire parampara upto Sri Ramanuja, AzhwAn composes a special slOka

for Sri Ramanujacharya alone.]


I take refuge at the feet of our guru Bhagavaan Ramanuja, that ocean of

mercy who, infatuated with the gold-like, lotus feet of the Lord, considered all

else as mere blades of grass.


ParamAthmani yOrakthO virakthO(S)paramAthmani- Due to His jnAna,

Bhakthi, VairAgyam, Sri Ramanujacharya considered only the lotus feet of the

Lord Sriman Narayanan as the means and the Goal- for that matter- everything.

Nothing else mattered to him. He is not interested in others and considers

others (material, sensual pursuits) as thruNam (blade of grass).


Let us enjoy Swami’s life history in next post

Acharyan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


namo narayana


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