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PeyAzhwAr Thirunakshathram- Aippasi Sadhayam- today

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SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all,

Today aippasi sadhayam is PeyAzhwAr TN. Let us enjoy the glories of the 3rd

(mudal) azhwar



1. Article in Tamil was written by Sri Villiputthur Vidwan Sri U Ve KaNNan

Swami, Permabur

2. Dehaleesa sthuthi- Desika Sthotra mala- commentaries compiled and written by

Sri U Ve Vedantha Desikan Swami


I have enjoyed seeing Him- Emperumaan along with Periya PiraaTTi

residing at ThirukkOviloor†declares ThirumangaiAzhwAr in ten (2.10) pAsurams

on ThirukkOviloor:


ThirukkOviloor- near Villupuram.


Moolavar- Trivikraman- the Right foot reaching the sky- Standing

Posture- Huge PerumAL- Most Beautiful Divine face (Thirumukham)

facing East. Sanghu and Chakram have changed their places, due to

Lord’s urgency in taking Trivikramaavathaaram-it is told!


Uthsavar: Aayanaar- dhEhaLeesar - Kovalan (Gopalan)

Thaayaar- Poo~nkOval naacchiyaar.

Prathyaksham- to MahAbhalai, MrugaNdu maharishi, Brahma, Indran,

Kaashyapar, and mudhal three AzhwArs (Swami Desikan composed

dhEhaLeesa Sthuthi)


In this vast world, there are so many languages prevailing. Though there are so

many, the oldest among them- endearing to the Lord Sriya: Pathi Sriman

Narayanan, are Sanskrit and Tamil. These two languages are similar to two eyes

of the Lord. Out of these two, Tamil language was considered even grander than

Sanskrit as AzhwAr saints have chosen to compose their anubhavam laden verses in

chaste sweet Tamil. Out of the 12 azhwArs, the first three azhwArs are called

mudhal azhwArs.


Let us enjoy now the glory of PeyAzhwAr.


“pEsiRRE pEsum Eka kaNdyargaL- “all azhwArs talk in one voice in unison on

unparalleled parama vaideeka sathsampradaya.


Thirumangai AzhwAr –when he sang about Thirukkoilur verses- had sung:


Periya Thirumozhi 2.10.4


thaangkarumbOr maalipadap paRavai yoornNdhu

tharaathalatthOr kuRaimudittha thanmaiyaanai,

aangkarumbik kaNNeersOrnN dhanbu koorum

adiyavargat kaaramudha maanaan Rannai,

kOngkarumbu surapunnai kuravaar sOlaik

kuzhaavarivaN disaipaadum paadal kEttu

theengkarumbu kanVaLarum kazhani soozhnNdha

thirukkOva looradhanuL kaNdEn nNaanE. 2.10.4


The Lord who had appeared on Garudan and chased Maali asuran

and others(of LankA before rAvaNan’s time) and removed the

sufferings of the world. Thereby the Lord became the sweetest

nectar for those whose eyes were welled with tears of joy that time.

Such Greatest Lord- I saw Him at ThirukkOviloor, where the

bees hum in the most fragrant flower gardens.




Angarumpi- is referred to Poikai;

kaNNeer sOrndhu- to BhoothatthazhwAr

anbukoorum adiyavar- to PeyAzhwAr.


Here Kaliyan refers to kuzhaavarivaNdisai paadum paadal kEttu theenkarumbu kaNN

vaLarum. “.. means: the sugarcane plants grow quicker and taller listening to

the humming and singing bees in fertile Thirukkoilur.


AzhwAr refers (inner meaning) sugarcane to the Lord of Thirukkoilur- Ayan.

Poikai, Bhoo, PeyazhwArs are the bees who sang (in chaste tamil verses).

Listening to that- grew Trivikraman in glorious form. This is the swApadEsam.


The same is echoed by Swami desikan in his dEhaLeesa sthuthi sthotra –


7th verse- kaasaara poorva kavimukhya vimarttha janmA..... noonam samAsrayathi

noothana SarkarAthvamâ€


Oh Lord Dehaleesa! You are verily a special quality sugarcane, I would dare say.

The three saints (mudhal azhwars) Poikai, Bhutham and Pey azhwArs enjoyed a

special squeezing experience with you in the narrow “dEhali†on that dark

rainy night. You were perhaps squeezed into an extraordinary variety of juice

that precipitated a novel sugrac candy by admixture with the nectar exuded by

lotus flowers that your Feet are.


Neither the starting material- sugarcane, nor the product is the ordinary one.

The special sugar candy is the most delectable to the special category of

bhaktas, referred to us as Paramaikanthins (i.e. those who spurn any god or any

goal other than You). Here Swamu Desikan refers to 300 verses when he speaks of

unique ambrosia.


vishNO: padE paramE maDhva: uthsa: - says Vedas

Nammazhwar says: acchuvaikkati enkO? aRusuvai adisil enkO?


PeyAzhwAr queries the Lord:


Munnulagam unDumizhndhaaykku avvulgam eeradiyaal

pinnaLandhu kOdal peridhonRE.. – ennE !

thirumaalE ! senkaNNediyaanE! engaL

perumAnE! Nee idhanai pEsu . (3-20)


for the one who had swallowed and spat the worlds that day (during cosmic

dissolution and later in evolution) –is it anything great if He took huge

Trivikrama avathAram to measure the worlds? Oh Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayana! Our

Lord! Please tell.


Poikai AzhwAr mentions the same query: (1-69)


Baalan thanadhuruvaay yEzhulaguNdu aalilayin

mElanRu nee vaLarndha meyyenbar- aalanRu

vElai neeruLLadhO viNNadhO maNNadhO

sOlaisoozh kunRedutthaay sollu.


Oh Govardhana giridhaaari! During praLayam, you had swallowed the earth, the

fire, waters, air and space into your stomach, and reclined as a small baby on a

little banyan leaf floating in the waters. Did that leaf float on water? (which

waters?), was it floating in the skies? Or was it on earth? Where was it?- the

Lord did not respond obviously. He is maa maayan maadhavan.


Nammazhwar queries the same in his periya thiruvandhaadhi


Seeraal piRandhu siRappaal vaLaraadhu

pErvaamananaagaakkaal pErALA – maarbaarap

pulgi nee unDumizhndha bhoomi neerERparidhE

sollu neeyaamaRiyac choondhu. (16)


Kuresa enquires in his sthothra:


tvannirmithA jadaragACha tvayitrilOkee

kim bheekshaNaadhiyamruthE BhavathA dhurApA


Your creation this world; Your spit – this world; Your entire property is this

universe. For such a property of Yours, You took birth as Vaamanan, and begged

for the same; and measured and took it back? Is it a big deal? Tell me.


Vedanta Desika on similar lines queries Lord Rama


You had angered on that day on Samudra raja (ocean) and said, “give me the

asthra Lakshmana! I will dry this ocean in one arrow and let all these army of

moneys walk on the dried land… But not a single drop of water could evaporate

even with your brahmAstra. Why?- Tell me.


Rama did not respond.


Desika gives an answer himself.


From Nandhirgamam, Bharata is performing Aradhanam everyday to Your padhukas and

those waters (perumAL padhuka theertham) unite with Sarayu nadhi and that river

of Sarayu waters come and unite with the ocean. Because of that padhuka power of

Yours, your asthrA could not do anything- enjoys Swamy in Padhuka sahasram.


What a great anubhavam by masters of our Sampradayam, who are blessed with

paripoorNa jnAnam! We are so great to be blessed with such AzhwArs, Acharya

purushas! Let us read their sreesukthis, listen from erudite scholars and

acharyas and enjoy their anubhavams.


Swamy Vedantha Desikan blessed us (in Prabandha saaram)


maamayilaip pathiyathaniR Rulaamaa thatthil

varuNYsathayath thavatharitthuk kOva looriR

Roomuniva riruvarudan Rulanga ninRu

thunniyapE riruNeengac sOthi thOnRac

sEmamuda Nnedumaalaik kaaNap pukkuth

thirukkaNdE Nnenavuraittha thEvE yunRan

paamaruvu thamizmaalai nooRu paattum

pazavadiyE NnukkaruLsey parama neeyE.


Sri Brahmathanthra swathanthra jeeyer blessed us with


Thulaa sathabhishak jAtham mayuoorapuri kairavaath |

Mahaantham mahathAkhyAtham vandhE srI nandhakaamsakam ||


Third Brahma thanthra swathanthra jeeyer blessed us with:


Thiruppolindha maamayilai nagar udithhaan vaazhiyE

Seer aippasi sadhayam siRandha vaLLal vaazhiyE

Nerukkmudan idaikazhiyil ninRa piraan vaazhiyE

nEsatthaal thirumaalin vadivu kaNdaan vaazhiyE

thirukkaNdEn nooRu sonna selvatthOn vaazhiyE

seeraazhi vaNNanaiyE deivam enRaan vaazhiyE

perukka migumazhisaiyar kOn yEttha ninRaan vaazhiyE

peru nilatthil pEyAzhwAr iNai adigaL vaazhiyE


AzhwAr ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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