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Sri Mahalakshmi Sthuthi---contd 21

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Dear Swamin



With reference to series number 20, Sri U.Ve. Murali Rangaswamy from U.S. has aptly added the following


This set of glorifying the auspicious qualities of Thayar is magnificient. The term alakshmi has extreme sigificance for SharaNagatas. This denotes the inability to attain the goal of uninterrupted kaimkaryam for the Divine Couple in their eternal abode. What is the impediment causing this?. The accumulated pile of sins from time immemorial, which causes the errant jivan to be caught in a seemingly interminable cycle of births and deaths with no hope of redemption . However, a mere compassionate glance of Thayar effortlessly destroys this pile of sins and renders the jivan a fitting receptacle for the Lord's grace. Thus the saluation " ThAm padhnImIm sharaNamaham prapadhyE alakshmIrmEnashya thAm thvAm vruNE " is a sharaNagati to Thayar for the destruction of one's sins and is therefore an appeal to the ShruNAthi and ShrINAthi connotation of Thayar's name( one who destroys the

impediments in the path of the Prapanna and one who confers supreme wealth , which is described by Swami Desikan as sampath DhivyA in the Sri Stuthi)


Adiyenin Kruthagjathai to this Swamin, who makes these series very purposeful


Adityavarna thapasothijatho vanaspathis thava vrukshothi bilva:|

thasyapalani thapasa nuthanthu mayantharayascha bahya alaksmi ||


She is Aditya. She is having the colour of Aditya Because of Piratti's anugraha, aditya got that colour. She is both "Aditya " and " colour " of Aditya. She is "sabtha" of Vedas.

Om aditya varnayai Nama: 32

nine aksharas


Thapasothi jaatho

Because of Her determination, "Vilva" tree (The Bael tree) appeared to give auspiciousness to the world. This tree has got the blessings of Piratti. The fruits of this tree can destroy all evils when "Homam"is performed with this fruitSins disappear when one touches it, says as "VilvaM", thinks it, and sees it


Sreekaamo joohooyadhaknou padmair bilvaise thathaa balai:


Those who aspire abundent wealth , eradicating poverty, all sins, should perform "homam" with the vilva fruits. This will eradicate " Ajjaanaa", "Karma vinai", "prakruthi sambandam " and "Moodevi " ( Jeyshta)


In the previous sloka, we took absolute surrender before Her.

In the above sloka, we made up our mind feeling that the "vilva fruit" connected with Her is enough to eradicate our countless sins


7. Ubaithu mam devasaka: keerthisha maninasaha|

pradurboodhosmi rashtresmin keerthimruththir thathamu mey||


This is "bakthi yoga". There is "mooladhara agni " in the body and there are 12 "Yoga padmas ". With the aid of " VAAYU ' (air) Piratti mooves and halts in every lotus and reaches 12th padma according to "Yoga Sastra". She mooves when "Vaayu" whirls as "mantha Maaruthaa". She fills every thing with Her divine light


Om Keerthyai Nama: 33

Five aksharas


I have born in this world , where "Bakthi yoga " etc can be performed. i.e. This place of karma bhoomi has got "Baghavat sambandam"

Let me get get "fame" from Sri Mahalakshmi through this baghavath bakthi

Om Ruththyai Nama: 34

Five aksharas

( Ishta prapthi )


8. Kshooth bibaasam malaam jeyashtaam alakksmeem naasayaamyaham|

abbothimasamrudhim cha sarvan nirnuthu mey gruhaath | |


Hey, Sri Mahalakshmi, kindly destroy hungry, thirsty, jeshta ( Moodevi) poverty, undivine qualities from my gruha ( from me)

The first one to be destroyed is hungery; then thirsty(if these two are destroyed, the mind will automatically move towards bagavath sambandam ). These two create sins, old age, death etc. For all these, Moodevi is the reason

( sarvam naachayaami)

When Sri Mahalakshmi is with us, there is no place for "Moodevi " to stay here


9. Ganthadhwaaraam dhuradarshaam nithyapushtaam kareeshineem|

Eswareem sarvabhoodaanaam thvamihobahvayesriyam|\

She isd full of "fragrance". She resides in the lotus full of fragrance. She is the origion for all kind of bhoodas (Boomi, jalam, AAhaayam, agni, Vaayu --- earth, water, space, fire, air ), She cannot be conquered by any one either individually or collectively. She is "Eswari" to all elephants. She is ":eswari " to all Jeevathmas. Hey, Sri Mahalakshmi, who is having all these qualities , adiyen calls you here

Om Gandhathdwaaraayai Nama: 35



She cannot be disrespected even by "Asuras", "Raakshasaas" etc. She is "Janakkriyaroopini". She is "Sarvaathmaboothai". She is "Duraadarsha"


Om Dhuraadharshaayai Nama: 36

eight aksharas




She is ever healthy( nithyapushtai) with divine qualities, without routine food etc but with "Jhaanamaya". She is called as "Nithyapushta" by "Jnaanis"

Om Nithyapushtaayai Nama: 37

eight aksharas




Thathva jnaanis call Her as "Kareeshini". These Jnaanis perform three acts " Pravirththi, " Nivruththi", " Pravirththi nivruththi ", with all purity in mind, word and body.

Om kareeshinyai Nama: 38


ESwareem sarvaboothaanaam thvamihobahvaye sriyam


As said earlier, She is "Eswari' to all jeevathmas. She is "Eswari" to sarva boodha Adiyen invites you to reside permenantly in adiyen's gruha( ubhahvaye)



Boodhaanaameechvaraa saasmi priyenesena sarvatha|

varadha bhuvanesaana vasitha cha sadhakilai:||

Vrudhdhitha varththamana cha kshabani cha sadhahmasaam|

Eswareethyeva mey naama dena vedhana roopitham|\

shadaksharo hyyayam manthras savaisvarya samrudhidha:||

Om Eswaryai Nama: 39

six aksharas



10. Manas: kaamamaakoothim vaachas sathyama seemahi|

basoonaam roopamannasya mayisree: srayathamm yasa:||


To be contd








Sarvam Sree Hayagreeva preeyathaamDasanUruppattur SoundararajanSrikainkarya

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