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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.54- Only after Ramanuja appeared, people realized their eternal servitude to Sriman Narayanan

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SrImathE Gopaladesika manahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all,


Continuing on our pastime of enjoying Bhagavad Raamanuja vaibhavam:

[as part of our series and service to Srivaishnavas to commeomorate the 1000th

year (2017)]


Until Sri Ramanujacharya [Emperumaanaar] appeared and preached even Lord Sriya:

Pathi could not accomplish from his avathArams and the manner in which it

yielded fruits now when emperumAnAr appeared is amazing. He

has made everyone understand the unparalleled Supremacy of Sriman Narayanan and

made them His devotees- Amudhanaar enjoys herein:


maNmisai yOnikaL thORum piRanthu engaL maathavanE

kaNNuRa niRkilum kaaNakil laa,ula kOr_kaLellaam

aNNal iraamaa Nnuchanvanthu thOnRiya appozuthE

nNaNNaru NYaanam thalaikkoNdu, naaraNaR kaayinarE. 41


The world could not realize the greatness and SarvasEshthvam of Emperumaan

Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan [Maadhavan], in spite of His taking so many

avtaarams and showing Himself Prathyaksham to the world. But Emperumaanr, Sri

Ramanujacharya, who considered the sufferings and sorrows of all those who hold

onto His Lotus Feet, as His own, and blessed the world with the great and right

interpretation with Sri Bhashyam and GitA Bhashyam and other brilliant works.


Now the world is richly blessed with the correct knowledge (jn~Anam) and thus

become the servants (sEshans) of Sriman Narayanan understanding our

eternal relationship with Him.


engaL maadhavanae- Our SarvasEshi – SarvEshwaran

Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan on His own accord;

maNmisai yonigaL thORum piRandhu – born in this earth-

in every womb [of Kowsalya, Devaki et al]

kaNNuRa niRkilum- even when stood in front of our eyes

[enchanting to the eyes]

kaaNagilaa ulagOrgaL ellaam- the worldly people who do

not realize and understand that He is our nAThan;

SarvEshwaran who has appeared in our midst;

aNNal raamanusan vandhu thoNriya appozhudhE- The

moment our Swami Ramanuja [Emperumaanaar] having come

here from Paramapadham and appeared in our midst once

naNN aru jnAnam- the most esoteric and important and

rarest Siddhantham has been made crystal clear

thalaikkoNdu- blessed with that clear jnAnam and

realization of the unparalleled doctrine

naaraNaRkku Aayinar- [the people] have become the dAsa

bhUthars [servants] of Sriman Narayanan.


The Lord had tried His best, through various avataras, to emancipate the errant

inhabitants of earth, but failed miserably. However, the advent of Sri Ramanuja

saw even die-hard atheists become ardent devotees of

the Lord.


This says that even if Emperumaan appears in front of the jeevaathmaa they will

not be able to experience Emperumaan but when our great emperumaanaar came to

this earth, everyone in this world experienced Emperumaan’s glories and became

emperumaan's daasa bhoothaas. He says that our beloved emperumaanaar has

achieved what the great saints, aazhwaars and aachaaryas, who were here earlier

could not, by way of making people understand and surrender to Emperumaan's

thiruvadi. [from Sri KV Narayanan Swami's article]


When EmperumAn took His avathAram with aprAkrutha thirumEni [dhivya mangaLa]

everyone thought He is one among them having the material body and is human just

like them. Even He performs grand deeds and preaches

showing to them that He is SarvEshwaran and Parathvam, they tease Him that He is

a magician and is a maayaavi. KrishNa Himself says: avajAnanthi mAm

moodAha.. If people are misled to believe that there is someone or some other

god then it becomes false and hence KaNNan showed Himself as Parathvam on few



But everyone said: this is indhra jaalam. When our SrI Ramanuja appeared just

once, He showed the people with unambiguous crystal clear knowledge

and blessed them with the right and unambiguous interpretation of GithA,

Brahmasoothram, Vedantha and others thru his works. He blessed them with His

enormous dayA. Thus other non-vedic [avaidika] religions were eclipsed by His

sampradayam and siddhantham. People are no more confused or misled.


EmperumAnAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana


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