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Thiruppavai - 6th verse - AndAL wakes up the devotees...

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SrimathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama


Dearest all


Today’s verse: 6th verse for our enjoyment…


puLLum cilampina kaaN puLLaraiyan kOyilil *

veLLai viLicaNGkin pEraravam kEttilaiyO *

piLLaay ezhun^thiraay pEymulai naNYcuNtu *

kaLLac cakatam kalakkazhiyak kaalOcci *

veLLaththaravil thuyilamarn^tha viththinai *

uLLaththuk koNtu munivarkaLum yOkikaLum *

meLLa ezhun^thu " ari " enRa pEraravam *

uLLam pukun^thu kuLirn^thu ElOr empaavaay. 6.


From the sixth to the fifteenth paasuram, Bhagavatha ThirupaLLiyezucchi

(awakening of the devotees of Lord Krishna )are covered. Ten important bhakthais

deeply involved with KrishNa anubhavam are woken up to participate in the Paavai

nOnbhu. Each of the Ten important devotees

of KrishNa are awakened with one paasuram (6-15).


In this sixth paasuram, the first one to be awakened is a young Gopi , who is a

novice in devotion to and love for KrishNa.She does not

know the difference between Bhagavath and Bhaagavatha anubhavam due to her

youth (JananyAcchAr).


" yEka svAdhu bhunjItha, bhunjItha cha dasabhi: saha " - says Saasthram. The

parama bhOgya vasthus should not be enjoyed alone. They must be enjoyed with

tens (many) people " .If that were so for worldly pleasures, then the enjoyment

of the greatest of pleasures – enjoyment of the anantha kalyANa guNams of the

Lord-- must be done with thousands of like-minded adiyArs of the Lord.


Therefore ANDAL and Gopis awaken many represented by the level of spiritual

perfection of this Gopi to join in the enjoyement of Bhagavath GuNAnubhavam and

Kaimkaryam to Him.


The Meaning of the Sixth Paasuram:


Awaken , Oh Young girl! Even the birds have woken up and are chirping about the

arrival of the morning .Don't You hear the loud and sacred sound from the white

conch being blown at the temple of our Lord , who rides on the divine GarudA ?

Oh Young girl ! Wake up! The Yogis and Sages with minds known for uninterrupted

contemplation of our great Lord celebrated for His adhbhutha leelais such as:


(1)destroying evil Poothanai by suckling her poisonous milk-bearing breast and

at the same time sucking her life away


(2)destroying a cunning asuran , who came in the form of a cart by splintering

him into pieces with a swift kick from His tiny (baby) toe .


He(Our Lord) is the primal cause of the whole Universe. He sleeps on AdhisEshan

in Yoga NidhrA at the milky ocean. The Yogis and sages have now come out of

their meditation slowly and are reciting the name of Lord Hari loudly for seven

times. The crescendo of that Hari Naama UccharaNam resounds like thunder and

enters into our hearts and

pleases us. Doesn’t that (sound) aravam enter your heart too?

Oh Young girl! Please Awaken and join us in the nOnbhu!


The Inner Meanings of this Paasuram:


The Lord who took HamsAvathAram KaaNN and the bird like AchAryAs (Parama

HamsAs), who have received His anugraham , are performing upadEsam for us now.


For us like Pakshis ( little birds) and cows (helpless Janthus), that one ,

(white conch) present in the ashtAkshara roopam temple of the Lord (is blowing)


That one (Sankham), which is the embodiment of satthva guNam and which instructs

us on all the rahasyArthams (is sounding).


Haven't you heard of that majestic naatham of the white conch ? Its sound

delivers us the message :(1) EmperumAn is Sarva-Seshi,the Supreme Lord (Swami)

of us all(2)We, the chEthanams , are His seshans(eternal) servants ). Haven't

you heard that uplifting message?


Please discard your childish attitude that the Supreme Lord and You are one and

the same and gain true knowledge about Your Master-servant

relationship with Him and awaken!


Of those (AchAryAs), who destroy the avidhyai named Poothanai, which is the

cause of ahankAram and mamakAram in us


Of those (AchAryAs),who control and prevent our body (cart)drawn by

the indriyAs from running in destructive directions thru their intervention


Of those(AchAryAs),who do not have any desire of swimming in the samsAra

saagaram full of fierce snakes(Taapams)


Of those great (AchAryAs) , who set us on our journey in the Moksha

maargam(path) by being the seed of AchAram & anushtAnam


meditating on them (on those AchAryAs), munivarkaLum YogikaLum the two kinds

of prapannAs recognize clearly their insufficiencies to practise Bhakthi

Yogam(One kind of prapannan is known for Bhagavath guNAnubhavan and the other

known for Kainkarya anubhavam or Karma yOga nishtai ).


approach the Lord and loudly request Him to eliminate the Paapams and PuNyams ,

which are the seeds of SamsAric afflictions (approach AchAryan as Moksha bheeja



That aartha naatham ( sufferer's loud cry) of the PrapannAs entered through the

Lord's(AchAryA's) ears and reached His (their)heart(s).


That sound reaching the Lord's heart made Him happy and contented ; That

anubhavam of the Lord (Achaaryan) made Him PrasAdha-Visishtan for us. Hearing

this uplifting message and its effect on our Lord(AchAryan) , Oh Girl , please

awaken and join in the Nonbhu!


Additional Meanings for individual words

A.The addressing of the Gopi Here as " PiLLAi "


Four Views:


(1) This Gopi being awakened is a novice in Bhagavath-BHAgavatha anubhavam. The

highest among the bhakthAs of the Lord is the One , who

has Bhaagavatha Bhakthi (devotion to the Lord's devotees). This Gopi is not

there yet and She has PiLLaitthanam ( attributes of a novitiate).Her BhAgavatha

Bhakthi is not ripe and needs growing .

Hence , She is addresed as PiLLAI ( Sri PeruKKaraNai Swamy).


(2) The young ones do not know kapatam; they are not adept in the wily ways of

life. It is a guNa visEsham of youngsters. Therefore , this Gopi is addressed as

" PiLLAi " ...Sri PBA Swamy


(3)Our AchAryAs are also addressed as Vadakku Thiruveethi PiLLai , Periya

VaacchAn PiLLai, NampiLLai. In this context , this Gopi who is good as a

youngster in grasping , preserving and growing Bhagavath anubhavam (GrahaNa

DhAraNa pOshana padur Baala:) is given a place of respect by being addressed as

" PiLLAi " ...Sri PBA Swamy


(4) Oh Gopi! You are new to Bhagaathanubhavam. Therefore this sleep has

enwrapped you .Please cast aside this slumber of PiLLaittanam (youth) and make

an effort to grow further in Bhagavathanubhavam . Please grow up in anubhava

rasam and become adhikAri in Bhagaavth anubhavam by joining this group singing

the Lord's ThirunAmams.--Sri UtthamUr Swamy


B.Inner meanings of the Other phrases of the 6th Paasuram

Based on Abhinava Desika Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s commentary:


(1)PuLLarayan Koil= Thirumanthram (AshtAksharam), the place

of preferred rsidence(Koil) of the Lord.


(2)Sanghu = The Conch there (at that temple )is PraNavam .


(3)Inn (ViLi Sankhu+inn ) = Iniya(Sweet) sound of NaarAyaNa

padham in AshtAksharam.


(4)VeLLai= Satthva guNam. " VeLlai ViLi sankhin Peraravam

KettilayO? " = Have n't you heard yet the rahasyArthams

of the sweetest manthram arising from the sankha dhavni?


(5) pEy mulai najunDu= pEy is Moola prakruthi; its mulai

(breasts) are bhuddhi and ahamkAram ; nanju = the dhOshams

arising from them.


(6) KaLLa sakatam kalakkazhiya KaalOcchi= Sakatam is manOratham

(abhilAshai); That sakatam unless directed towards the Lord

is stealthy and defective ( sthEna mana: anrutha vaadhini

vaak--Vedam) . Kalakkazhippathu in this context is the

growth of vairAgyam to eliminate the KaLLatthanam

(stealthiness) of anrutha Vaak ( untrue talk).


(7) VeLLattharavu = SamsAra BhOga pravAham


(8) Thyuil amarvathu = dircting the mind away

from those dhukkham causing Bhogams


(9) Vithtinai ULLatthu kONDu = by treasuring that Koota-sthAna

AchAryan/Bhagavaan deep in mind and meditating with preethi.

" ULLatthuk KoNDu " : When we get up, we uter the ame of Hari,

when we start travel, we say KesavA , when we eat we say

GovindhA and whenw e are about to sleep, we say MadhavA " .

Lord is kept in the heart and meditated upon by

Munis and Yogis.


(10) meLLa Yezhunthu: Hari yenRa pEraravam = arising slowly

with the recitation of the name of Hari ( One who removes

our aj~nAnam and Viparitha Jn~Anam completely) . That Hari

naama sankIrthanam has swelled up to a loud ghOsham . Hari's

naama mahimai has been celebrated by Haryashtakam of

PrahlAdhan : " Taani sarvANi asEshANi Harir ithi akshara Dhvyam " .


[Extracted from Sri Satakopan swami’s translation of exhaustive Tamil

commentary on Thiruppavai by Sri U Ve PerukaraNai Swami]


Andal Thiruvadigale saraNam


Namo narayana


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