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Wonderful divine experience

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Dear Swamin

Today is DWADASI, followed by Vaikunta Ekadasi

Adiyen should say this to you, all, which is an wonderful divine anubhava by adiyen's uncomparable sishya ( adiyen is not at all worth/fit / qualified as such, but this "suhruth" calls adiyen like this with great affection ) SRI SRINIVASAN, Chief Manager S B I . Before that, adiyen wishes to say few words, yes, few words, about this wonderful baktha


He is absolutely absorbed by the soundharya" of Divya thambathis of Thiruvaheendrapuram. He composed plenty of "keerthanas " on Sri Ranganathan, Sri Devanathan and Sri Hemabjavalli Thayar and these keerthanas are sung in "kutcheries " by eminent vidwans. If one hears his knowledge of "ragas ", " mela Karthas " etc, he will immensely absorbed himself in his "vyakyanams" cherished through his linage ( from the ancestors ) and particularly of the anugraha of Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevan. If adiyen's memory is helpful, adiyen wishes to say that adiyen gave Sri Hayagreeva manthra to him as "upadesa". in his tender age He got "Kadhamba Mala " from adiyen , which you know, contains all about Sri Hayagreevan 32 stotras, 32 photos of Sri Hayagreevan from various kshetras , etc etc )


Recently, in his life, one wonderful incident was occured. He, who is fully involved in his official duties, did not miss the divine duty of composing keerthas. He used to tell his keerthanas to adiyen for adiyen's comment over telephone He told this wonderful happening subsequent to a morning call made by adiyen ( after a long long intervel )asking him to come and worship Sri Adhinayaki alias Sriranga Nachiyar in adiyen's gruha as per the command of Sri Hayagreevan who asked adiyen to call him to meet adiyen

Hereafter, adiyen is giving the happenings in his words


Onthe day you called me over phone, I was witnessing the C M S in the previous night ( celestial message). I could clearly HEAR the " Kanaippoli " of a great Horse which was vey very pleasant and musical. It resembled rendition of raagaa by a very very great exponant and expert and arrangement of swaras and changes to every footstep in the Hills. For example, there is a change when the Horse climbed from the first step to second step and the pattern continued upto 72 steps and the entire was covered with celestial sound of music. While the horse was rendering the musical notes( kanaippoli ), legs of the Horse were making various varieties of thalagathis resembled as assembly of jathiswara and thalachakras.


The Horse reached the atop of the Hill which resembles a sathas for an aradhana for music and dance. The followers were Lordess Saraswathi, Naradha, all Devas, all Acharyas, all music vidwans, vaggeyakaaraas, and were chanting , singing and dancing and follows the Horsewith great devotional fervour.( in the Mahamandap construced and dedicated to Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevan by Srikainkarya i.e adiyen) The Horse then proclaimed Himself as Lord Hayagreeva and His entourage of climbing the 72 steps His voice is exhibiting Melakartha Raagaas and His (Thiruvadi )feet were giving the thaalagathis and jathiswaras.

The Hill is the Oushathagiri of our great Thiruvaheendrapuram. The whole episode ended with musical exponents rendering aradhana of music and dance


He came to adiyen's gruha and with full bakthi to Sri Hayagreevan narrated the entire anubhavapersonally with ananthabashpam from his eyes. Adiyen's mind was full of joy and adiyen surrendered before Sri Hayagreevan . Adiyen's mind went back to many centuries. During the golden days of Swami Desikan, Oushathagiri at Thiruvaheendrapuram could not be reached so easily. There were no steps. There was only a pathway with all hindrance added with rough small stones. The entire Oushathagiri belonged to Sri Nrusimhan on those days whose small temple was there at that time. Then the entire Hill was possessed by Sri Devanathan. During the days of Sri Kumaravaradachariar( Sri Nayinachariyar ) divine son of Swami Desikan, 72 steps were constructed to climb the sacred Hills which resemble 72 " melakarthas

". ( these and other divine happenings at the Hills were " hearsay informations" from the elders of yester years ) Years passed.Two steps were added and subsequently it is stated that these 74 steps resemble 74 ""simhasanathipathis " created by Sri Ramanujar ( Sri Bhashyakarar ).

Whatever it may be, adiyen felt that it is the command of Sri Hayagreevan to this baktha to study these steps comparing these with 72 melakarthas and bring these discoveries to the knowledge of " Nathobasanas"


What a wonderful divine experience to him !

Adiyen has no words to show adiyen's joyful feelings to him and at the same time felt what a wonderful act by Sri Hayagreevan to choose a fittest baktha for this


Adiyen's prayer is to all sangeetha vidwans, vaggeyakaaraas, rasikas of Carnatic music etc to get touch with this great baktha and to help him in this very noble kaimkaryam


Those who like to speak with him may please e-mail to adiyen

Sarvam Sree Hayagreeva preeyathaamDasanUruppattur SoundararajanSrikainkarya

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