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Thiruppavai - 19th verse- malar maarbhA! One with the most generous heart! Pl open Your mouth and accept Saranagati

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SrimathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dearest all


Today’s verse: 19th verse for our enjoyment…


kuththu viLakkeriyak kOttuk kaal kattil mEl

meththenRa paNYcacayanaththin mEl ERi

koththalar pUNGkuzhal nappinai koNGkai mEl

vaiththuk kitan^tha malarmaarpaa vaay thiRavaay

maiththataNG kaNNinaay nI un maNaaLanai

eththanai pOthum thuyilezha ottaay kaaN

eththanaiyElum pirivu aaRRakillaayaal

thaththuvam anRu thakavu ElOr empaavaay. 19.


This passuram is the second of the three

Paasurams, where the most merciful Mother of ours and

the PirAtti of Lord KrishNA, Nappinnai( ILaya Piratti)

is being awakened by the assembled Gopis.


In the previous ThiruppAvai Paasuram, She was addressed as

“NandhagOpAlan MarumahaLE NappinnAiâ€.In this paasuram,She

is addressed asâ€Maitthatam kaNNinAi and Kotthalar

Poonkuzhal Nappinnaiâ€. In the next Paasuram, She will

be addressed asâ€Seppenna mennmulai c chevvAi SiRu-

marunkal Nappinni NangAi " . ILaya PirAtti is thus addressed

thrice like the proverbial three crowings of the Cock

to remind us of the importance of PurushAkara Prapatthi

in one's SaraNAgathi to the dhivya dampathis.Their

SvabhAvam is described AzhwAr asâ€Ninn Thiruvarulum

PankayatthAL ThiruvaruLumâ€. Both ( PerumAL and

PirAtti are needed for successful prapatthi).Some times

they compete with each other to rush to the side of

the prapannan and in that haste create delay in opening

the doors of their AasthAnam as in this case described

by ANDAL.Both KrishNan and Nappinnai were delayed

due to defering on who should answer the call of

the Gopis to open the door to let them in to perform

Naama sankIrthanam about Them.


This is the Paasuram that formed the basis of

Swamy ParAsara Bhattar's famous Taniyan :â€NeeLA Thunga

Sthanagiri taDi Supthm udhbhOdhya KrishNam " .


This Paasuram is also identified by JananyAcchAr Swamy

as the summation of the second part ( UttharArtham ) of

Dhvaya manthram, which prays for the boon of Kaimkaryam

for Sriman NaarAyaNan in the company of Sri Devi.


Literal Meaning of the Paasuram(Dr.V.K.S.N.Raghavan):


(Now the young gOpis try to wake up the dhivya dampathis,

Nappinnai PirAtti and Lord KrishNA). As the cluster of lamps

are glowing beside, Oh Lord KrishNA, You are lying on

the very soft (silky ) bed, on the ivory cot with Your

broad chest resting on the bosom of Sri Nappinnai, who

is adorned with blossome d bunches of flowers on Her tresses.

(KrishNA! even if You are unable to get up ) may You,

atleast open Your mouth. (Now turning to Nappinnai)

Oh Young Lady with black and wide eyes ( adorned with

collyrium)! We think that You won't allow Your Lord

to wake up from sleep even if it is late ( or at any time);

that is because You can not bear the separation from Him

even for a shortwhile. However, Oh Young lady, neither

it is just on Your part ( to keep the Lord only for

Yourself), nor does it befit Your unbounded Mercy!

(na Saasthram naiva cha Krama: according to JananyAcchAr



Inner Meanings of selected Passages( AbhinavaDesikan):


Kutthu ViLakkeriya = AchArya Upadesam


kOttuk Kaal Kattil = Four PurushArthams ( Dharma, Artha,

Kaama, Moksham) representing the four

legs of the Kattil


metthenRa pancha = This prapancham (universe) made of

Sayanam Isvara GuNams


Pancha sayantthin = The five entities can also be dEva-thiryak

mElERi ( animal)-Manushya-sthAvara (insentient ) and

aprANi roopa Jeevans and the Akshara Lord,

who is above all Kshara entities.



Kotthalar poo = the asemblies of joyous nithya sooris


Malar MaarbhA = the PurushOtthaman, who is the overlord of

both nithya sooris and His PirAttis


pirivARRkillAyAl = according toâ€adiyOmOdum ninROdum pirivinRiâ€

You who are always with us in the company of

Your Lord can not abandon us.


TatthuvamanRu = it does not fit with Your Svaroopam

as PurushakAra Svaroopai


Tahavu = since You are the DayA Moorthi


Selected Inner Meanings according to Sri PBA Swamy:


MetthenRa Pancha Sayanam= the artha Panchakam


kOttukkAL kattil = Saasthra pramEyankaL ( chathur-vidhA:

dEha VarNAsramahdikAra Phala Moksha-

saadhana gathi yuga dharma vyUha

roopa KriyA:)


MaitthadamkaNNinAI = the Utthama sishyan, who has got

the special affection of AchArya Saarva-



neeyunn maNALanai = MaNALan is AchAryan;You wont let his

yetthani pOthum merciful KatAksham to fall on us

thuyil yezhavottAi since You have deflected towards You.


yetthanaiyElum = The status of Sath sishyan far away

pirivARkkillAi from his SadAchAryan and despondent

over that seperation


tatthvam tahavu anRu = the intrepretation given by others

( Kudhrushtis) forâ€Tathtvamasiâ€

is to be rejected.


Sri PBA Swamy also intrepretsâ€kuthtu ViLakkuâ€as

EmperumAnAr and contrasts with ThOrana ViLakku,

who is ThirukkOttiyUr nampi. Kutthu ViLakku can

be moved from place to place, where as ThOraNa

ViLakku like Nampi stayed put at ThirukkOttiyUr.

In this context, Sri PBA Swamy elaborates on

the special meanings ofâ€Yeriya, Kaal Kattil,

mElERi ' padhams of this paasuram to illustrate

EmperumAnAr's 18 journeys to ThirukkOttiyUr

to receive rahasyArthams and sharing them with

qualified AdhikAris instead of holding them

just to Himself as commanded by His AchAryan.


Special observations of PerukkAraNai Swami:

Kutthu ViLakku: It has five mukhams.When we

add oil in one Mukham, it spreads evenly to

the other four mukhams and produces illumination

evenly.These five faces also represent the five

states of our Lord and artha panchakam. Kutthu

ViLakku is thus the Jn~Ana Dheepam, which removes

the darkness of SamsAram.


Malar MaarbhA : One with a the most generous heart,

who grants the boons all the way upto Moksham.

This is perhaps the reference to theâ€Akhila

hEya Prathyaneekaâ€svaroopam of the Lord celebrated

in SaraNAgathi Gadhyam.


Vaai ThiRavAI: Sriman NaarAyaNA! I hold on to Your

Thiruvadi. Please open Your mouth and say that You

have acceted our SaraNAgathi as in AzhwAr's

aruLiccheyal :


---kudi Kudi vazhi vanthu aatccheyyum

ThoNdarOrkku AruLic ChOthi Vaai thiRanthu

unn ThAmaraik KaNkaLAl nOkkAi --

ThiruppuLinkudi kidanthAnEâ€


[Extracted from Sri Satakopan swami’s translation of exhaustive Tamil

commentary on Thiruppavai by Sri U Ve PerukaraNai Swami]


Andal Thiruvadigale saraNam


Namo narayana


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