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Bhagavad Ramanuja Vaibhavam- 1.56- Yatiraja Saptathi - Book review by Sri U Ve NSR Swami (appeared in The Hindu)

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SrImathE Gopaladesika manahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all,

Continuing on our pastime of enjoying Bhagavad Raamanuja


[as part of our series and service to Srivaishnavas to

commeomorate the 1000th year (2017)]


There was a book released by Srirangam Poundarikapuram Andavan Ashramam

Book review is furnishsed below for our enjoyment as part of this series



hymn extolling Ramanuja, the king among ascetics








SRI YATIRAJA SAPTATHI OF VEDANTA DESIKA: Edited by V.N. Vedanta Desikan; Pub. by

Sri Poundarikapuram Srimad Andavan Ashramam, 43-A/13, Ashramam Road,

Srirangam-620006. Rs. 200.



Among so many religions flourishing in India, those that are rooted in the Vedas

are termed the ‘astika’ systems, the others being termed ‘nastika’.

Among the astika systems, the Vedanta system is most respected. It is based on

Veda Vyasa’s aphorisms and Bodhayana Maharishi’s gloss thereon.

Additionally, it has the distinction of being transmitted through Nammazhwar’s

Tamil hymns and the works of Acharyas such as Nathamunigal, Alavandar, and

Ramanuja. What has made the system impregnable is its fortification by Vedanta

Desika with his infallible logic and erudition. Desika held Ramanuja in great

veneration and wrote numerous works to uphold his philosophy and commentary.


Desika’s works, numbering over a hundred, are wide ranging. Some are exegetic

and some are independent works. He has written in Tamil, Sanskrit, and

Manipravala, a blend of the two. In the category of Sanskrit hymns are 28, sung

in praise of deities such as Lord Ranganatha, Venkatesa, Varadaraja and

Devanatha. Among the Stotras is the one under review, a hymn extolling Ramanuja

(‘Yatiraja’, the king among ascetics). Born as he was more than a century

after Ramanuja, Desika evidently was sorry he had missed being a direct disciple

of Ramanuja. With this nagging sadness, he has depicted a scene in his play,

‘Sankalpa Sooryodaya’, wherein a disciple meets the guru and gets blessed.

In this context, as Sri Paravakkottai Andavan has emphasised, many verses from

this play are found reproduced in this hymnal work. We may note that just as a

tree is known by its fruits, a poem is known by its rasa, the quintessential

taste. The stanzas of this hymn are

replete with the nectarine sweetness of acharya bhakti.




The first ten verses are crisp prayers to the early Acharyas ranging from the

Lord down to Ramanuja. Thereafter, Ramanuja is praised in verses that are

capsules of elixir, rich in philosophical content. His charming style, his

eclectic reconciliation, his comprehensiveness in summoning Vedic authorities,

and his convincing refutation of the rival systems — all these are

highlighted. The prosodic beauty and diction are remarkable.


This volume has five commentaries. Of them, two were published more than a

hundred years ago — one in Sanskrit and the other in Manipravala. The third

(in Sanskrit) is by Koothappakkam Neelameghacharya, a veritable

‘Apara-Patanjali’, who could speak extempore in Sanskrit fluently and

without a blemish. Then there is a detailed commentary in Tamil by Sri

Paravakkottai Andavan. For his part, the editor has provided explanatory notes

in Tamil and English as well.


A word about the series ‘Desika Stotra Vyakhyanamala’ that gets completed

with this volume will not be out of place. The exquisite commentaries brought

about more than a century ago by a Kumbakonam publisher in Grantha script,

Tamil, and Manipravala had become dilapidated and difficult to access. Thanks to

the support and blessing of the head of Poundarikapuram Swami Asramam, Vedanta

Desikan, editor of the series, has accomplished the stupendous task of

retrieving and re-publishing the whole set of 28 works in Devanagari script,

with his own lucid explanations added. That he could complete the assignment in

just six years testifies to his mastery in the field. The Ashramam and the

series editor have done a signal service to the Vedanta school of philosophy


Acharyan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo narayana


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