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Thirumazhisai AzhwAr (Sri BhaktisArar) Thirunakshthram - Thai makham)

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SrImathE Gopaladesika manahadesikaya nama:

Dearest all,


Today is Thirumazhiai Piraan Thirunakshathram (Thai makham).


Let us enjoy this most wonderful AzhwAr... His estbalishing Parathvam of Sriman

Narayanan is a great food for our thought.


He had studied first, buddhism, then Jainism and later became a saivite calling

himself as " sivavaakkiyar, till he was transformed by pEyAzhwAr into a great

bhaktha of Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan. (He had even composed a pAsuram

" sakkiyam kaRROm; samaN kaRROm; sankaranaar aakkiya aagama noolaRindhOm; etc..


The AzhwAr was so straightforwarded, outspoken, fearless and established

the oneness and supremacy of Sriman nArAyaNan and sri vaishNavam. He became

an exemplary Sri vaishNava AcharyA and it is told that he spent about 700

years meditating on TiruvallikkeNi perumAL Sri vEnkata krishNan.


Here's Thirumazhisai Vandha jOthi's Naanmukhan Thiruvandhaadhi, 1st and

96th. Beautiful...


First.. Thaniyan on Thirumazhisai AzhwAr's Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi


NaaraayaNan padaitthaan naanmuganai* naanmuganukku/

yEraar sivan piRandhaan ennum chol*- seeraar/

mozhi seppi vaazhalaam nenjamE!* moi poo/

mazhisaip piraan adiyE vaazhtthu.


NarayaNan created Brahman (the four headed one). From this BrahmA,

Siva was born. Such greatest TRUTH was asserted by ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr .

Recite his pAsurams and get saved, Oh Mind!. Praise ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr's



AchAryAs enjoy this AzhwAr's works, and address them as the sword

that has been taken out of its cover (from the waist band) to destroy

" other " non- truthful, false notions and doctrines and to establish that

Sriya:pathi Sriman NarayananE is Parathvam and AzhwAr has NOT still put the

sword back (since the false notion still lingers...!!).


Since the 1st pAsuram starts with " Naanmuganai " , this work is called

" Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi (NMT in short).


1. naanmuganai NaaraayaNan padaitthaan* Naanmuganum/

thaan mugamaay sankaranaip padaitthaan * yaan mugamaay/

andhaadhi mElitaaRivitthEn aazhporuLaich*/

sindhaamaR koNmin neer thErndhu./


NarayaNan created BrahmA (naanmugan- four faced one); BrahmA (thus became the

instrument) and created the universe starting with Sankaran. And this I have

been blessed to announce in this most important truth. Oh People! you all see,

understand the truth in this and don't let it get out of your mind. MahOpanishad

declares this truth that Narayanan is the One who cause of creation for all

dEvAs through BrahmA whom He first created. (Thus, AzhwAr implies, " by getting

to know the Creator, and the births of BrahmA and Sivan, you all can get rid of

your future births " .)


96. iniyaRindhEn eesaRkum naanmugaRkum deivam/

inyaRindhEn Emperumaan unnai- iniyaRindhEn/

kaaRaNan nee; kaRRavai nee; kaRpavai nee- naRkirisai

naaraNan nee; nangu aRindhEn naan/


(A LOVELY pAsuram! An assertive POSITIVE Truth strongly given to us by the One

who had searched everywhere; went into Saivism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc.. and was

initiated by pEyAzhwAr; He has blessed us with these GREATEST TRUTHS AND HIS




TOO! And found the Ultimate parathvam in Sriman Narayanan!)


EmperumaanE! I have now known about You, who is the Lord of BrahmA and Sivan;

who is my Lord also; (Swami Sri Ramanuja says: akila jagadh Swami;

asmath Swamin; - akila jagan maatharam; asmath maatharam); who is the Cause of

all worlds; who is the essence of all that has been known; all that we are

going to know; who is Sriman Narayanan, the One who is so

merciful to protect (us), without expecting anything (from us); (You have such

Grandest Most auspicious attributes with You!); - All of these knowledge- I HAVE





ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr, who is the disciple of pEyAzhwAr- has firmly

established the truth, that Sriman Narayanan ALONE is the Para tatvam; There is

no other God; who can be equal to Him; (why to talk about superior to Him?)

SarvEshwaran Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan alone is Cause of all worlds; and all



He is the antharyaami in all beings; and is the director of all their

efforts, nature, state, etc..; Even BrahmA, Sivan and other dEvAs can NOT get to

know of the Vaibhavam of Sriman Narayanan. Sivan himself, had categorically told

MarkaNdEyar that he also pays his obeisance to Sriman Narayanan and Sriman

Narayanan alone can grant mOksham; Brahman, Sivan and all other demigods too are

protected by Sriman Narayanan alone.


AzhwAr also, tells about himself: I am blessed by the grace of Emperumaan

and am blessed with the correct knowledge (jnAnam); I am blessed to get

rid of all my future births and associated sorrows, by becoming His eternal

servant. I will spend all my time singing in praise of Him alone and paying

obeisance to Him as pastime; That is all what I want and that's enough for me;


Emperumaan, out of His great love for me, had willingly come and has been

residing in my heart. He also, shows Himself most gracefully at all DivyadEsams

to bless me with His darshan. I SHALL NEVER EVER WORSHIP ANY OTHER (IDHARA)

DEVATHA, who is yet another Jivan, mistaken as God by others.


Sri Satakopan Swami adds:


In his more erudite , philosophical composition,

Thirucchandaviruttham , he reveals his Upanshadhic

and Aagamic wisdom . Here he asks the question

" Should not the mind (of humans ) seek out that

happiness of being united to Thee alone ? " . He

laments the bad faith of men , who ought to know

the accessibilty of Sriman NarAyaNA ( Thirucchandha

Viruttham ) :


" Milk -white ( in krutha YugA ) , Copper-red

( in TretA yugA ) , moss-green ( in DvApara YugA ) and of

the hue of blue lotus enjoyed by the bees( in Kali YugA ) ,

are the hues taken by Thee in the four ages.

what color is the hue of the man on earth , who

does not enjoy the accessibility of YOU (Sriman NarAyaNA)

in all of these four ages ? " .


I will conclude this posting on Thirumazhisai with the Dhayana slokams

used by him for the divya Dampathis at Thirukkudanthai ,

which is recited even today :


***Sri KomaLavalli ThAyAr


sakala BhuvanamAthA sagarAdheesajAthA

pranamth avana kaamA Bhaskara kshethradhAmA I

sakalithabhayamoolA SaarngadhanvAnukoolA

pravimala mukhabimbhA paathu maam KomaLAmbhA II


*** Sri SarangapANi ( AarAvamudhan )


thrimsathkoti vasurudradivAkarAdhi

devaathi devagaNa santhatha sevyamAnam I

Ambhoja sambhava chathurnmukha geeyamAnam

VandhE sayAnamigaboghini SaarngapANim II


Sri KomaLa Valli Naayikyai Nama:


Sri AparyApthAmrutha Para BrahmaNE Nama :

AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam


Namo Narayana


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