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Report on Sarvamoola release function (fwd)

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Report By : B Ramadas Tantri Bangalore, INDIA



Gods descended on Sri Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha on 31st January 1999 to

witness the greatest event of the century – the release of Sriman

Madhwacharya’s SARVAMOOLA GRANTHA’S all (37) at a time.


It was a sea of humanity when exactly at 7:30 pm at auspecious

PUSHYARKA YOGA, the 9 Madhwa peethadhipatis performed SWARNA TULABHARA

and KANAKABHISHEKA to sacred SARVAMOOLA GRANTHA, written by Sri Sri

Akshyobhya teertha swamiji , the direct disciple of sri acharya madhwa..

There was not an inch of space in the vast ground of vidyapeetha and

people had climbed all the vantage positions to witness this great

event. To the chanting of sri sukta, all the 9 peethadhipati’s showered

gold coins on the idol of Sri Madhwacharya after the grantha was weighed

in Gold. This was the sight for the Gods to see.


The three day function was inaugarated by Poojya H.H Sri Satyatma

teertha swamiji of Sri Uttaradi Muth followed by a Seminar on the role

of “BHIMASENA IN MAHABHARATA”. Prof. K.T.Pandurangi, Prof.

N.S.Laxminarayan Bhatta, Prof. A.R.Mitra and Pandit Malagi

Jayateerthacharya participated in the seminar. While Prof. Laxminarayan

Bhatta and Prof. A.R.Mitra dealt with the literary aspect of Mahabharata

in extolling Bheemasena, Pandit Jayateerthacharya threw light on the

philosophical role of Bheemasena . Dr. Prabhanjanacharya brought out the

personality of Bheemasena as depicted in Vyasa Bharata and commented

upon by Srimadacharya in his TatparyaNirnaya.

Dr. U.R. Anantha Murthy ( Jnanapeetha Award holder) who had spear headed

the moment of “SAVE PAJAKA ROCKS” expressed his happiness at the way the

function was organized with seminars on different aspects of Sri

Madhwa’s teachings.


On the Second day, 30th Jan Morning, there was a seminar on “MOKSHA

SADHANA MARGA”. Prof. D.Pralhadacharya was the modelator while Vidwan

K.G. Subraya Sharma explained the path to Moksha according to Advaita.

Prof N.T.Srinivas Iyengar according to Vishishtadvaita and Prof. A.

Haridas Bhat according to Dvaita philosophy. Dr. Prabhanjanacharya

highlighted the aspect of tartamya even in Moksha, subtly explaining

that the tartamya is not discrimination as alleged by the opponents of

sri Madhwa’s Philosophy. Poojya Sri Vidyavachaspati teetha swamiji of

Sri Vyasaraj Muth extolled Sri Madhwa’s concept of Moksha.

In the evening there were two seminars , one on “HARIDASA SAHITYA AND

SRI ACHARYA MADHWA” which was chaired by Vidwan Hayavadana Puranik

participated by Prof. Aralu mallige Parthasarathy and Prof. Dodda Range

gowda. Poojya Sri H.H. Vishwesh teertha swamiji of Pejawar mutt graced

the occasion. The learned speakers spoke about the contribution of

Haridas sahitya not only the spirtual field, but their contribution to

the Kannada literature. Dr. Prabhanjanacharya traced the origin of Dasa

sahitya to the Dwadasha Stotras of Srimadhwacharya. The other seminar

was about “NITYA JEEVANADALLI TATWAJNANA”. Prof. L.S. Sheshagiri Rao and

Dr. D.N.Shanabhaga, Justice(rtd) Nitture Srinivas Rao and Dr.N.R Shetty

VC Bangalore University brought out the relevance of Tatwajnana in

everyday life and how Srimadhwacharya’s dwaita philosophy is most

practical in day to day life. Dr N.R.Shetty referred to D.

Pralhadacharya’s presidential address at the Madhwa tatwajnana sammelana

held in Pajaka last year and said h would try for a chair in the

University for MADHWA PHILOSOPHY. H also said he would look into the

fact that while the school text books carry lessons on Shankara and

Ramanuja, even in Karnataka schools books, Madhwa’s name does not find

a place, though he was born in Karnataka. Dr.Prabhanjanacharya regretted

the indifference of Karnataka Govt. to Sri Madhwa’s life and his

teachings. Poojya Sri H.H. Vishwesh Teertha swamiji graced the occasion

and expressed his happiness as the venue was shifted from Fort High

School to PPVP Vidyapeetha.


On the last day a mammoth procession was taken out with the Sarvamoola

Grantha on the back of the elephant with thousands of devotees joining

the procession, Bhajana mandalis chanting Hari Keertana, Vidwan’s

chanting Veda Ghosha, Dollu Kunita, Birudavali, Nagaswara etc. The

procession started from Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt of N.R. Colony and

reached Vidyapetha around 6 pm. The Joy and enthusiam of the devottes

was unfettered and spontaneous, such was their devotion to

Srimadachrya’s Sarvamoola granthas. To the slogans of Hari Sarvottama

and Vayu jeevottama rising to the sky, the grantha was brought to the

dias in a palanquin from the elephant’s back for Swarna tulabhara and


After the Kanakabhisheka with gold coins inscribed with Sri Vadiraraj

pratishthita Sri Madhwa’s idol at Sri Pajaka, the 7 volumes of the

SARVAMOOLA GRANTHA critically edited by Dr. Prabhanjanachrya, founder of

Sri Vyasa Madhwa Seva Pratishthana were released by the all

peethadhipatis present at the occasion. The Souvenier was released by

Sri Anantha Kumar central Minister. The pontiffs present were Sri

Vidyamanya teertharu of Phalimaru Bhandarkere muth, Sri Vishwesh

teertharu of Pejavar Muth, Sri Vidyavachaspathi teertharu of Vysaraj

Muth, Sri Vijnananidhi teertharu of Sripadaraj muth, Sri Vidyesh

teertharu of Bhandarkere muth (Jr), Sri Vishwaprasanna teertharu of (Jr)

Pejawar muth, Sri Prasanna shoora madhava teertharu of Madhavateertha

muth , Sri Vidyabhaskara teertharu of Kanva muth, and Sri Vidya vinoda

teertharu of podatturu muth Andhra (independent muth)


Sri PVRK prasad welcomed the gathering, Prof. K.T.Pandurangi and Pandit

Pandharinathacharya galagali praised the work of Dr. Prabhanjanacharya

in bringing out the Sarvamoola Granth’s all at a time, a herculean task



All the swamiji’s were honoured with one set of Sarvamoola granthas in

brass boxes with Gold coin of sri Acharya madhwa’s idol at pajaka. All

the swamiji’s present blessed and complimented Dr. Prabhanjanacharya’s

tireless efforts to propagate the teechings of Sri Acharya Madhwa by his

Patha, pravachana and Publications. Through his discourses he has

changed the life pattern of several people including youths in making

them follow the teachings of Sri Madhwa, observing Ekadashi and

performing Pooja and Sandhyavandane etc.


37 Pandits were honoured by giving them Sarva moola grantha in brass

boxes with Silver coin of sri Acharya madhwa. Nearly 10,000 devotees

who had gathered for this historic function were given a copper coin

with Sri Madhwa’s idol as a momento by the trust.

Nirupane was excellently handled by Prof. Aralu Mallige Parthasarathy.


Sri Krishnarpanamastu.


Report By B Ramadas Tantry , Bangalore.

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