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sri Madhva navami celebrations and VMS meetingminutes

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Dear Mr.VasuMurthy,


Well and wish you the same. I have been reading the various letters and the

minutes of the VMS meeting with keen interest.

I am indeed very happy to read the various events happening in USA as well as IN



At times I felt that being in Middle East I have not been to able to render any

assistance to Madhwa community back in India which needs help.


Couple of years back my wife who hails from Dharwad but born and brought up in

Mumbai told me that the Vidyapetha in Mulund ( belonging to Uttradhi Mutt) is

always looking for support either financially or in kind.We then decided to

donate rice or wheat once in a year to the mutt so that they could feed the

students atleast once in a year.


In Jan 1st 99 when I and my wife visited the mutt I realised that it would be

worthwhile to contibute Blankets to these youngsters as we found the winter in

Mumbai was quite severe.We do hope to do this in the coming months.


So in case any of members are interested I can get the address and they may send

whatever they want directly to the Mutt as it will help lot of young children

who are studying there.


Krishnam Vanthe Jagadgurum.


With best regards


Gopalakrishnan PK.



Vasu Murthy[sMTP:vmurthy]

Friday, February 12, 1999 2:17 AM

VMS Mailing list

sri Madhva navami celebrations and VMS



Vasu Murthy <vmurthy


Hi krishNa bhaktas,

Here is a report on the madhva navami celebrations in Washington

DC area at Sri Shiva VishNa Temple held on January 30th. There was a VMS

volunteers meeting held later that day.


sri madhva navami celebrations went off very well at the

temple. There was a good turnout with about 50-60 people at the

celebrations. It was nice to see many new mAdhva people in the

Washington area attending the celebrations for the first time. sri

Harish Baipadhithaya led the celebrations with the right religious

atmosphere. Celebrations started with sri krishNa abhisheka accompanied

by sukta and upanishad chantings. abhisheka for sri vayu with sri hari

vAyu stuthi and sri sumadhva vijaya pArAyaNa were the high lights.


There was a VMS volunteer's meeting later on in the evening. Lot of

good ideas were generated about how to increase the VMS activities.Here

are the minutes from that meeting:


* GV Srinivasan suggested that we should have an effort to have more

VMS chapters in this country. There was a very lively discussion on

this topic. It was agreed to have volunteers call the 40 or so

hosts of sri puthige swamiji's visit itenarary and ask them to

start VMS chapters in those cities. It was suggested that even

though the mAdhva community is small in some of the cities,

mAdhva community can organize at least couple of mAdhva events in

a year and invite mAdhvas and others for the events. sri

rAghavendra swamiji arAdhane and sri madhva navami can be

celebrated in such a fashion to include people from outside the

community. Bindu Madhvavan and Vasu Murthy took an action item to

come up with the guidelines. Smt. Rama Srinivasa Rao and G.V.

Srinivasan volunteered to help in calling the hosts. It was also

suggested that these hosts can be invited for one of the

celebrations where active VMS chapters are present at northern

California, Michigan and Washington DC so that they can see a VMS

chapter in action.

* GV Srinivasan mentioned that he has brought a copy of the address

list collected by sri sugunendra theertha swamiji during his trip

last time. We can use the addresses to reach people outside the

Internet and snail mail them the newsletter to inform them about

the VMS activities. We need some volunteers to put them in a

electronic database format.

* Bindu Madhavan suggested that the newsletter should have an item

that suggests some ideas for helping madhva causes in India. He

talked about how one family in California provides the cost of

providing rice for one mAdhva maTha for one month every year. Bindu

Madhvan will write this article for the newsletter.



sri krishNaya namaH,

Vasu Murthy







Vasu Murthy

Bell Atlantic Global Networks

web page: members.xoom.com/vmurthy


W:703-247-7314 Fax:703-247-7359




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yatatopi hareH pada saMsmaraNe sakalaM hyaghamAshu layaM vrajati |

smaratastu vimukti padaM paramaM sphuTameshyati tat kimapAkriyate ||

- sri madhvAcharya - dvAdasha stotra


Whosoever even atempts at meditation upon the feet of shri Hari, his entire

sin gets destroyed immediately and surely. The supreme state of final

emancipation will certainly come to him who meditates (upon the feet of

shri Hari).therefore why is that (worthy means) relinquished ?

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