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Please Send Personal Protest Againt Corruption of Lord Krishn's Image.

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Dear Brothers and Sister, Bhagavatbhandus, Adyens, prabhus:



In the Srimad-Bhagavatam a lot of time and effort to refute athiestic

speculations on the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krsna, the

Absolute Truth. The greatest problem of such speculations is they deprive

us engagement in pure devotional service which is the one panacea for all

the woes of everyone's lives.


Although we, at Krishna Software, do not make it our business to

implicate ourselves with the producers of the Xena-Krishna serial, the

misportrayal and misunderstanding of Lord Krsna is of concern for all



The fictional idea that Lord Krsna is a just a supreme *manifestation*

of the deity conveys the idea of the impersonal Brahman being absolute not

Krsna. [This is indicated in other ways as well.] Lord Krsna is NOT just

a *manifestation* of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; this simply

implies Krsna is the supreme form but NOT the Absolute Truth. The

Srimad-Bhagavatam condemns this interpretation since the truth is that

everything is manifested from Krsna including the impersonal Brahman. Krsna

is not just a supreme form but the Absolute Truth. The impersonalism is

conveyed throughout the show. At the end of the show, Kali becomes Xena

(or Xena becomes Kali). What happened to the eternal individuality of Xena

and Kali? Did they merge into one??? Given the speculation that

everything is coming from the impersonal Brahman, it's no big deal for the

Mayavadis to commit rasa-abhasa-- mixing up different mellows of devotional

service-- Rama's pastimes, Krsna's pastimes, Hanuman, Kali etc. They have

no knowledge about the eternal nature of devotional service on different

Vaikuntha planets because for them, there are no Vaikuntha planets.


Mayavadis want to merge into the supreme Brahman to become one with

God and kill the eternal devotional service mood as promoted by both the

Lord and His confidential devotees. Just by assisting in the service of

Hanuman, one can be promoted to Vaikuntha and associate with Lord Rama

eternally. Hanuman is always engaged in devotional service. Is this

service attitude being promoted in the Xena show? If so, then why is Xena

punching out Hanuman??? Why does Hanuman drop his devotional service to

Lord Rama and assist Xena's whims? This shows complete defiance of

devotional service and blasphemy of devotees. To watch the blasphemy of

devotees or perform it or promote it is a major offense. So one may say,

" it had some faults of impersonalism but it spread the name of Krsna to

millions of people. " This is nonsense as indicated in the Srimad

Bhagavatam (3.19.33):


The Gaudiya Vaishnava Acarya " Sanatana Gosvami, therefore, has especially

warned that one should not hear anything about the personality of the Lord

from the lips of a nondevotee. Nondevotees are considered to be like

serpents; as milk is poisoned by a serpent's touch, so, although the

narration of the pastimes of the Lord is as pure as milk, when administered

by serpentlike nondevotees it becomes poisonous... Once one is associated

with impersonalists, he can never understand the personal feature of the

Lord and His transcendental pastimes. "


Nondevotee means one not engaged in devotional service; i.e., having no

connection with devotional service as coming down through the disciplic

succession. A devotee engages things in Krsna's service and everyone and

everything engaged in assisting in Krsna's service is purified. Similarly,

a nondevotee with the malicious intention to defame the Supreme position of

the Absolute Truth, Lord Krsna, poisons everything and everyone who assist

in his desires. Thus, every single frame of the current Xena-Krsna serial

should be rejected because the purpose is defamation of Lord Krsna. It may

not be apparent to most of the producers of the show but their so-called

" Indian expert " is a Mayavadin misrepresentor of Krishna.


So one may say, " Not many people will really deeply analyze things

through the eyes of the scriptures as the audience is neophyte at best. "

This is also nonsense since the mentality and intentions of the person

behind the work shows up in his works. This association has a big impact

whether someone understands the subject matter or not. We have seen it

practically that Srila Prabhupada's books although imperfectly composed

from the grammatical point-of-view caused many people to become devotees of

Lord Krsna. On the other hand, so many so-called 'scholars' and 'experts'

on Hinduism with no devotion wrote books with more elaborate logic and

grammar on the same subject matter and no one became a devotee. Anyone who

belittles Krsna and His devotees' position and eternal devotional service

is a nondevotee. Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.19.37) is very clear regarding

treating all forms as temporary or part of the illusory energy or maya:


" The impersonalist philosophers cannot understand the activities of the

Lord. They think that all His activities are maya. Therefore, they are

called Mayavadis... Some impersonalists are reluctant to hear

Srimad-Bhagavatam, although many of them are now taking an interest in it

just for monetary gain.


Actually, however, they have no faith. On the contrary, they describe it

in their own way. We should not hear, therefore, from the Mayavadis. We

have to hear from Suta Gosvami or Maitreya who actually present the

narrations as they are, and only then can we relish the pastimes of the


[editor's emphasis]


If you wrongly teach a young person mathematics like 2 + 2 = 5 and 3 + 3 =

9, then to correctly teach him is more difficult than to teach another

person with no knowledge of mathematics. You will have to unteach him what

he has improperly learned! So it's better to not hear about Krsna at all

than to hear from a Mayavadi. The best is to hear from a devotee. For

example, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's pure chanting of the

mahamantra caused many drug-addicted hippies to also imitate and chant the

Hare Krsna mahamantra. Since the hippies heard from a bona fide devotee,

their repitition of the holy names purified them and whoever heard them in

turn. So better to hear from pure devotees than to hear concoctions of

Hinduism from non-devotees.


[Thanks to WVA and other devotees for the details about the Mayavadi

Xena-Krsna serial. PLEASE SEND A LETTER OF PROTEST of the Xena-Krsna show

to Universal Studios: EMAIL:

smay , FAX (preferred): (818)866-1402 ]




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