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Sri Vadiraja Thirtha aradhana..

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Dear devotees


To-day is Sri Vaadirja Thirtha's aradhana. As you are well aware that Sri

Sode swamiji is next to Sri Ananda Thirtha only and is considered as great

saint and literary giant. He encouraged both Vyasa Sahitya and Dasa

Sahitya and he himself contributed to both by his great literary works.


I would like to share with you all one Haridasa song on Sri Vadirajaru

composed by Sri Gopala Dasa. Also I would like to give pointers to the

web resources available on this great saint.


The translation of this song is mine and any mistake be corrected.




Madhsudana Rao CR




vAdirAjamunipahayamu kha



Oh Vadiraja Saint who is devoted to Hayavadana

(Horse Face/Horse in the form of Lord Sri Vishnu)

feets is like Lotus Flower attracting Honey Bee




AdaridalikoTyAdarisennanu |hapa|


Be compassionate on me to pray you and your feets

and Be kind and protect me all the time





kleshhakaLedusaNntoshhava gaiside|1|



You rescued the Mouse when it came out from its cavity (bila)

after Snake (vasuki) was trying to eat as food, without any

hesitation. This act of yours has brought happines to all. (*)










Bhuta Raja (invisibly) use to carry in front of your planguin (pallakki)

and your disciples use to carry at the back. Although wicked people

accused and you have given enjoyment to your disciples/devotees.



shAstraprasaNn gadallinArAyaNabhUtana gelidilli






In a rare cirumstance you won the King (Bhuta Raja) with your impressive

debating skills and for that you got and brought the temple of Srinatha

(Tivikrama Chariot Temple situated in Sonda) as a token of love and

affection. (**)




tura gavadanapAdabhujadalidharisikonDamoda


dharisiuNisida guruvarashubhakara|4|



Seeing your austerity and devotion Sri Hayavadana is sitting in the form

of Horse with legs on your shoulder and you are able to offer the

Hayagriva (Sweet dish) (a preparation consisiting of jaggery, almonds,

ghee and kadale (lentil) (Bengal grams)in your own hand to Lord. You are

so auspicious and have been called great Guru.



AmahA gopAlaviThalannapremapUNapAtra

dhImaNntari gesumitAtha gaLa

nemidindIyuvapAvana charita|5|



Sri Maha Gopala Vittala has graced and loved you so much and you have

earned lot of virtues which you are giving through blessings to others who

are at your feet and devoted.






The story goes like this : When Sri Vadiraja Thirtha was

meditating one mouse came running to resuce its life from

the death trap of a snake which is looking for its food.

At that point of time the great saint rescued the mouse

by giving milk to the Snake. Here one should understand

that for snake, rats are the food to eat and one should

not deny its food. But the saint convinced that the rat

has come for rescue and it should be protected and at the

same time giving food as milk to the snake.



There are two stories reflect the incidences which I can

think of now. Schloars can correct me if I am wrong.


(1)One story goes like this: One big thief was there near Sonda where Sri

Vaidraja Thirtha has selected his place for pious activity and he used to

robb things from those pilgrims who pass the highway. When Sri Vadiraja

came to know this and cursed him to become devil. Then thief came to know

this and asked pardon for the things which he did wrong, then saint

paradoned and told him ask one question and puzzle to all the passerby

piligrims and whoever solves this puzzle he will be liberated. The puzzle

is like this " aa ka ma vy ko na sna "


This act of puzzling continued for long time as none of the pilgrims who

use to travel in that road never bothered to understand what he was saying

and thought he is mad. Many years later Sri Vadiraja himself was

travelling that road and person looking like devil asked him " aa ka ma

yy " . Then the saint answered 'randa'. The puzzle is like this

first the meaning of the word is :


aa ka ma yy


aa - ashada masa

ka - karthika masa

ma - maga masa

vy - vyshaka masa


The question is who are the people who doesnot take bath on the above holy



The answer for this question is given by Sri Vadiraja is 'randa' meaning

sons of Randi ie Devils. Immediately the devil got liberation and on the

orders of Sri Vadiraja he brought the Tivikrama temple from the Badri.


(2) The other story goes like this : There was a king by name

Arasappa Nayaka and he followed Shaiva Siddantha. Because he followed

Shaiva he used to treat other religion as enemies and treat them

differently. He was having Shaiva Guru who had the influence of tantric

devils and use to control the king according to his whims. After some

time neighbour sultan captured his kingdom and was out of kingship.

Incidently he met Sri Vadiraja in his thapovana near Sonda and asked for

his blessings. Though Arasappa Nayaka treated Brahmins cruelly Swamiji

blessed him with this manthrakshate. With that blessing he got back his

kingdom and became devotee of Sri Vadiraja. On his request Sri Vadiraja

started using his Ghanta with Nandi on top for all his pujas. It is also

said that Sri Vadiraja had debate with King's Shaiva Guru and defeated all

his tantric and misdeeds which he influenced Arasappa Nayaka.




Web resources on Sri Vadiraja Thirtha are:


Dvaita Page devoted to Sri Vadirja Thirtha is at:



Haridasa Page devoted to Sri Vadiraja Thirtha is at:



Dashavatara Stuti (ITRANS and its meaning) one of the Magnum-opus of Sri

Vadiraja Thirtha can be accessed at :




Some of the Dasa Sahitya songs in kannada composed by Sri Vadiraja Thirtha

can be accessed at :




The above site contains the following songs composed by Sri Vadiraja



vAdirAjarahADu gaLu


Ari gArokrshhNashUrakumArane(hayavadana)






taneloka guruvedavi khyAta(hayavadana)




kAvudemmanuja gavakAvakaruNeye(hayavadana)


kudurebaNndide cheluvakudurebaNndide(hayavadana)


kaNnDekaNnDenukrshhNaninnayadivyamaNn gaLavi



gollatiyaradrshhTima ga gAyitamma(hayavadana)


tALuvike gintatapavuiIlla(hayavadana)


dAriyatoro gopAla(hayavadana)


dhavaLa gaNn geya gaNn gAdharamahAlin gamAdhavanatorisayya gurukulottun



nenevenudinanIlanIradavarNana guNarannana(hayavadana)




bA gilalibiddihabhajakanunAnushrI gopAlabhUpAlakAyayyanInu(hayavadana)


be gabArobe gabAronIlame ghavarNa(hayavadana)


bhUrini gamavakadda choradaityana gedda(hayavadana)


muddumu khadAtanammamu khyaprANanAthano(hayavadana)


rAjabIdiyoLa gindakastUriraNn gatejanerimeredubaNndA(hayavadana)


raNn gabAronarasin gabAro(hayavadana)


lakshhmiramaNa gemADidaLuuruTANe(hayavadana)


lokabharitanoraNn gAneka charitano(hayavadana)






haNaveninnaya guNavenubaNNipeno(hayavadana)




hyAn gekoTTanuheNNasA garanuvara ge(hayavadana)

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