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Summer school for mAdhwa boys

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This is very encouraging and happy to read about Summer school for mAdhwa boys

in Madras, India. I am thinking, if enough parents show interest in US, may

be we should plan on inviting Mr. S.P.Krishnan to come to USA to conduct a 3 or

4 week camp for our children. Participating families can easily come up with

his travel and living expense and that can be a part of VMS sponsored program.

Also, if we have to move forward with this idea then the camp will have to be

be for Boys and Girls.




Just in case some of you have missed the following email from Sri Srinivasan -




" Srinivasan, G V " wrote:


> " Srinivasan, G V " <SrinivasGV


> > Hari Sarvottamma Sree Gurubhyo Namaha VAyu JEvOthamma

> >

> Dear Devotees:


> Sri Puthige Mutt swamiji said that many of the devotees

> asked him whether his mutt or someone could conduct a month long

> summer school for children brought up here in USA when he visited

> USA in 1997. When I met him last December in India, Sri Swamiji

> asked me to contact one Sri Krishnan at Madras who has been

> successfully conducting a summer course based on Gurukula style

> for young mAdhwa boys. Sri Swamiji highly recommeds that parents

> can send their boys to this summer school run by Sri Krishnan.

> The summer school conducted by Sri Krishnan is held in

> high esteems by many madhwa scholars in Madras and is

> well recognized by many madhwa matAdhipathis.


> I met with Sri Krishnan at Madras last December and

> discussed with him. The mission of his school is given below

> (I just copied it from one of his fliers). He does it as a service

> to Sri Hari, Vayu and Guru and does not accept any money.

> He has been conducting the summer school for nearly 10 years

> and receives hundreds of applications. He typically chosses

> about 15 boys for the summer school that lasts over three to four weeks.

> The school is run in Gurukula style, that is students stay in his large,

> spacious house in Anna Nagar (a posh area in Madras). Boarding and

> lodging are free. There is a pediatrician next door to attend to minor

> illness.


> His summer school is typically run in the month of May. I told him

> that boys in USA would be able to visit only during July/August as

> they have their summer holidays only around that time.

> Sri Krishnan is willing to have another session during

> July/August for boys from abroad. He will consider

> another session if atleast 10 boys can attend.


> Some conditions (especially for boys from abroad):


> Boys in the age group of 8 to 16 years who have had their

> > Brahmopadesa (Upanayanam) done.

> The parents need not be there. However, there should be

> a gaurdian in India for the boy(s) who will be able to

> come to Madras within a day or two if the boy developes

> some serious illness.


> If any of you are interested in sending your son(s)

> for this summer school this year or next year, please

> contact me by April 10. Also let other interested parents

> who are not on this list know about this. Please send

> e-mail to the following address (don't respond to the list)

> if interested:


> Srinivasan

> SrinivasGV

> phone number: 607-936-3524


> In the service of Sri Hari, Vayu and Guru


> GV Srinivasan


> I have reproduced below a flier sent by Sri Krishnan.



> > Plot # 3362-F, A/E 8th Street

> > Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040

> > Tel # 626 4174

> >

> > Organising Trustees:

> > Smt Saraswathi Krishnan & Sri S. P. Krishnan

> >

> > Intensive Gurukula Course

> > ----------------------------

> >

> > By the benign grace of Hari VAyu & blessings of our Gurus, we have been

> > successfully conducting the above training Programme during Summer

> > vacation

> > every year for a period of three weeks on the model of " Gurukula " for

> > school going boys in the age group of 9 to 14 years who have had their

> > Brahmopadesa (Upanayanam).

> >

> > The objectives of this programme are to inculcate Bhakthi & devotion &

> > create an awareness in the participants that they are the followers of

> > Jagatguru Sri Madhwacharya; to acquaint them with the dailly observances

> > in

> > any ordinary Madhawa house hold by imparting in them knowledge of

> > essential

> > Sukthas, Stothras, & Stuthis & a glimpse of the principles & practices of

> > Madhwa Philosophy & Devara PUje.

> >

> > It is hoped that such an exposure will instill in the young minds a

> > spritual conciousness, which they can develop as they go along, without

> > hindrance to their other pursuits in temporal sphere. A four year

> > integrated course has been tailored to meet the specific needs.

> > Experienced & select teachers (Adhyapakas) conduct the class & stay with

> > the boys through out the course. The course is fully residential & is

> > free

> > of charge, in respect to boarding, lodging & tuition, to all the

> > participants alike, belonging to different strata of society. It should

> > therefore facilitate out station students as well.

> >


> >

> > Interested parents should write to us for application forms which when

> > completed in every detail, should be sent to us well before April 10.

> > Candidates chosen by the Selection Committee will be informed by post by

> > April 20th.

> >

> > Regards,

> > S. P. Krishnan

> > Organising Trustee

> >

> >

> >


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> yatatopi hareH pada saMsmaraNe sakalaM hyaghamAshu layaM vrajati |

> smaratastu vimukti padaM paramaM sphuTameshyati tat kimapAkriyate ||

> - sri madhvAcharya - dvAdasha stotra


> Whosoever even atempts at meditation upon the feet of shri Hari, his entire

> sin gets destroyed immediately and surely. The supreme state of final

> emancipation will certainly come to him who meditates (upon the feet of

> shri Hari).therefore why is that (worthy means) relinquished ?

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