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A common problem that many Maadhva-s, esp. those of us abroad, face is

the lack of sources from which to acquire our texts. In this matter,

the Dvaita Vedanta Studies and Research Foundation is doing excellent

work, which I think is something VMS members would appreciate knowing

about. It is possible to acquire specific works by pre-payment, and it

is also possible to contribute financially towards the publication of

others. Last year I had the opportunity to correspond with the

Foundation's Director, Prof. K.T. Pandurangi, and would like to share

with you some information that he sent me for dissemination among

interested others. I do not believe that anyone would disagree with me

for saying that Prof. Pandurangi's enthusiasm even in his advanced age

for his very important work in publishing rare and otherwise

difficult-to-obtain works of our siddhAnta without taking notice of the

unhealthy abundance of petty and unreasonable controversies, is an

object lesson on how life should be lived.




Letterhead details:


Dvaita Vedanta Studies & Research Foundation

No 33/163, 10-B Main Road, Jayanagar I Block, Bangalore 560011


Phone: 646658 Director's Ph.6648215



The life and conduct of Indian people have been influenced and

guided by Vedanta philosophy for centuries. Vedanta philosophy

is a way of life. It has ennobled the life of man all along,

and has moderated him in his conduct. In the present age of

science and technology, the moderation of man's conduct by the

Vedanta philosophy is needed very much. It enables him to retain

and nourish the moral and human values in the rush of hectic

modern life. Therefore, it is necessary that even modern man

have a reasonable knowledge of Vedanta philosophy and know that

his life and conduct are rooted in Vedantic thought and culture.

It is the responsibility of scholars and academic institutions

to provide such a knowledge to all in the modern context with a

modern perspective. The Dvaita Vedanta Foundation was established

in 1983 to serve this purpose.


The Vedanta philosophy has developed in India in three important

schools, viz., Advaita, Vishishtadvaita, and Dvaita propounded

by Sri Shankara, Sri Ramanuja, and Sri Madhva respectively. The

schools of Vallabha, Nimbarka, and Chaitanya are closer to the

later two. A vast literature of Vedanta has developed in these

schools. Some important classics of these schools have been

published and some research has been carried on both by European

and Indian scholars. However, a vast literature is still in

the form of manuscripts. Books printed in the last century and

this century also need to be critically edited with the right

critical apparatus. When the study and research began in the

last century, philosophy scholars had a limited knowledge of

Sanskrit, barring a few exceptions. Now, the situation has

changed. We have scholars with sound knowledge both of philosophy

and of Sanskrit. Further, there is considerable interaction

between modern knowledge and ancient knowledge in the humanities

and science. Therefore, the time is ripe to comparatively

evaluate the Vedanta thought from a modern perspective. A good

many young scholars have undertaken study and research in Vedanta

thought recently. There is also the need to coordinate and to

provide facilities for these efforts. Keeping all this in view,

the Dvaita Vedanta Foundation formulated its objectives.


The objectives



1> To organize the comparative study and research in Vedanta

with an interdisciplinary approach with the other systems of

Indian philosophy, Western philosophy, ethics, religion, and

scientific thought.


2> To collect rare old Sanskrit manuscripts of Vedanta, and

edit and publish them with detailed introductions in English.

To reprint the Sanskrit Vedanta books published long back

(1904-1916) in Kumbakonam in book form with detailed English



[i believe the reference above is to the publications of the late

G.R. Savanur, some of which have been reproduced by the DVSRF. -- SR]


3> To prepare dictionaries of technical terms of Vedanta,

anthologies of discourses on philosophical issues, lessons on

select Vedanta texts. To translate select works into English



4> To organize endowment lectures, seminars, group discussions,

traditional types of discussions, etc.


5> To fully utilize the electronic media to cater the knowledge

through lessons, discussions of Vedanta topics, and lectures.


Programmes already carried out:



I) Publications



i) Twenty Sanskrit Vedanta works published with detailed

English introductions. Prominent among these are

(a) Nyayamrtam with Advaita Siddhi and four commentaries,

in three volumes; (b) Brahmasutra bhashya with seven

commentaries with a detailed introduction. This is planned

in five volumes, of which two have already been released

© Srimad Bhagavatam with eight commentaries for different

skandhas with detailed introductions in English and Kannada.

This is planned in six volumes, of which two have already

been released.


ii) Six translations and studies in English have been published.

The prominent ones are:


(a) Vishnutatvavinirnaya with English translation. (This

has recently been translated into Japanese also.)


(b) Brahmasutra bhasya with Tatvaprakasika (first five

adhikaranas only) with English introduction.


© Madhva's Philosophy of the Vishnu Faith, by Glasenapp

(translated from German into English).


iii) Six studies in Kannada. Dr. B.N.K. Sharma's History of the

Dvaita School of Vedanta has been translated into Kannada.


II) Seminars:



Four seminars on these topics:


i) Epistemology of Vedanta

ii) Hermeneutics of Vedanta

iii) Creative development of Vedanta during the 19th and 20th


iv) Visnutatvavinirnaya.


III) Endowment lectures:



Twenty endowment lectures in the names of distinguished

scholars like Prof. B. Venkatesachar, C.M. Padmanabhachar,

Lakshmipuram Srinivasachar, and Tirumala Rao Kadakol are

organized annually.


IV) A quarterly newsletter is issued containing information

regarding the activies of the Foundation, Vedanta book

reviews, and popular articles on Vedanta.


[i will try to give a sample of an extract from a newsletter later if I

get the time. -- SR]


To promote and stabilize the academic activities of the Dvaita

Foundation, the following funds have been created:


i) The Library and Research Fund

ii) Endowment Fund

iii) Building Fund

iv) Maintenance Fund


Persons who are interested in the promotion of Indian philosophy,

particularly Dvaita Vedanta, may contribute as follows:


1> To enrol as advance rs to the publications of the

Foundation by paying $250. Under this scheme, a set of thirty-six

books already published will be given. Books to be published

until the end of this century will also be given in future.


[A really good opportunity at a good price; many of the books are worth

keeping just for their introductions; if you don't avail of this

opportunity, no one knows when the next one might come. -- SR]


2> To enrol as a Patron Member at a cost of $250.


3> To institute an Endowment lecture in the name of a revered

person of the family or a scholar, at a cost of $250.


4> To contribute suitable amounts to the Library Fund, or the

Research and Building Fund -- $100 or more.


So far, the Foundation has published books worth Rs. 15.00 lakhs.

These have been supplied to all important educational institutions

in India and abroad. Every Indian, in particular the followers

of Madhva philosophy, should have a set of these books as the

intellectual heritage of thousands of years. This is the

discharge of one's `R^ishhi-R^iNa'. A set of books or a rew

important books may also be donated to the important libraries

where Indians have settled in sufficient numbers. These may also

be presented to prominent Indologists and traditional scholars

settled in the United States.


No system of thought survives unless it is made a part of the

contemporary world knowledge, and preserved painstakingly.


Promoting the publication programme of the Dvaita Vedanta

Foundation is promoting your forefathers' intellectual tradition,

which is a reservoir of wisdom.




K T Pandurangi

Hony. Director

Dvaita Vedanta Foundation




For those of us who may already possess or have access to several of the

books published by the DVSRF, and thus or otherwise be unwilling or

unable to pay $250 for the entire set, here are details of some other

works published by Prof. Pandurangi; for brevity, I am not copying his

descriptions for any except #3 (please note that not all

these are DVSRF publications):


1> Brahmasutra Bhashya with seven comm., vols I & II

$30 each volume.


2> Srimad Bhagavatam, vols. I and II, $25 each volume.


3> Nyayamrtam of Sri Vyasatirtha with Advaitasiddhi and three

commentaries, viz., Tarangini, Kantakoddhara and Prakasa,

in two volumes.

Crown quarto size, 730 pages each, Rs. 240 per volume

(dollar price not listed)


Nyayamrta of Sri Vyasatirtha is a polemical work composed

during the 16th century. It reviews major Advaita concepts

such as Mithyatva, Avidya, Sattatraividhya, etc., and also

the import of the Aikyasrutis. Advaitasiddhi is a reply

to Nyayamrta. Tarangini, Kantakoddhara, and Prakasa

examine the replies given by Advaitasiddhi and affirm the

Nyayamrta position. The views of major early Advaita writers

like Anandabodha, Sriharsha and Chitsukha are compactly

stated in the Nyayamrta and reviewed. A detailed summary

of the Dvaita-Advaita arguments is given in a long

introduction. Six useful appendices are added. References

to the Purvamimamsa and Nyayas made in Nyayamrta,

Advaitasiddhi and in the three commentaries are especially

noted in an appendix.


[There is a detailed introduction in English which is a must-read for

any layperson interested in getting a solid understanding of

Dvaita-vs.-Advaita polemics. -- SR]


4> Pramana Paddhati of Sri Jayatirtha with eight commentaries.

Crown quarto size, 400 pages, price Rs. 120/-


[i paid the DVSRF $25 this last year, and it is definitely a steal at

that price, or even at a much higher one. The commentaries on this text

by Sri Raghavendra and by Sri Janardana Bhatta are especially worth

having seen. -- SR]


5> Brihadarayabhavabodha of Raghuttama Yati. Photo-reprint of

1904 edition in Pothi form with a detailed introduction in

English and a detailed Subject Index. Demi octavo 770

pages, price Rs. 100/-


[Paid $25 for this as well, and is worth it if you're interested in

looking at the bhAshhya on this Upanishad. -- SR]


6> Chandogyopanishatpadartha Kaumudi of Vedesatirtha.

Photo-reprint of 1907 edition in Pothi form with a detailed

introduction in English and a detailed Subject Index.

Demi octavo 466 pages, price Rs. 80/-


[FYI, the previous two works and their authors are honored by none other

than Sri Srinivasa Tiirtha, aka Sri Srinivasacharya, the illustrious

subcommentator on the VTVN-TIkA: `raghUttamamunIn.h vande;

tachchhishhyAnamalAtmakAn.h chhA.NdogyabhAshhyasaTTIkAkartR^In.h

vedeshayoginaH'. -- SR]


7> Aitareya Bhasyartharatnamala of Tamraparni Acharya. Photo

print of 1906 edtion in Pothi form with a detailed English

introduction and a detailed subject index. Demi octavo

540 pages, price Rs. 80/-


8> Nyayamrtodahrta Jaiminiya Nyaya Mala, of

Sri Vijayindra Tiirtha. (no details given)


9> Visnutatvavinirnaya of Sri Anandatirtha with English

translation. Demi octavo 300 pages, price Rs. 40/-


[i'm sure many of us have seen this; gives a literal translation of the

mUla, and extracts from the TIkA. Not the same thing as studying the

text with TIkA/TippaNI-s, but a good start for a beginner. -- SR]


10> Visnutatvavinirnaya with Kannada translation. Demi octavo

242 pages, price Rs. 30/-


11> Brahmasutranuvyakhyanam of Sri Anandatirtha. Crown octavo

342 pages, price Rs. 40/-


12> Sarvamula of Sri Madhvacharya, Vol I Gita Bhasya and

Gitatatparya critically edited with detailed Introduction

in English. Demi octavo 400 pages, price Rs. 70/-


13> Tatvaprakasika of Sri Jayatirtha with English translation.

Demi octavo 136 pages, price Rs. 30/-


14> -- do -- Kannada translation Rs. 25/-


15> Isavasya Talavakara (Kena) and Kathaka Upanisads with

English translation -- according to Sri Madhvacharya's

Bhasya and detailed notes in English. Crown octavo 152 pages,

price Rs. 12/-


16> Satprasna, Atharvana, and Mandukya Upanishads with English

translation and notes. Crown octavo 150 pages, price Rs. 15/-


17> Chandogya Upanisad with English translation and Notes.

Crown octavo 372 pages, price Rs. 30/-


18> Brihaaranyakopanisad with English translation and Notes.

Crown octavo 404 pages, price Rs. 40/-


[Prof. Pandurangi sent this along with #5; very useful if, like me,

you're not all that smart about understanding the commentaries by

yourself, and need a crutch at times. -- SR]


19> Aitareya Upanisad with English translation and notes.

Crown octavo 206 pages, price Rs. 25/-


20> Taittiriya Upanisad with English translation and notes.

Crown octavo 118 pages, price Rs. 15/-


21> Essentials of Yuktimallika. A critical summary of the

Yuktimallika of Sri Vadiraja Tirtha in English.

Demi octavo 250 pages, price Rs. 75/-


22> Advaita Navanitam of Sri Krishnavadhuta Pandita -- critical

edition with detailed introduction in English. Demi octavo

66 pages, price Rs. 45/-


23> Essentials of Upanishads. Demi octavo 108 pages, price

Rs. 20/-


[see the Dvaita Home Page for an extract. -- SR]


24> Essentials of Bhagavadgita. Demi octavo 32 pages,

price Rs. 10/-


[Parts previously posted to the Dvaita list and the MSP list; see

archives for details. Will eventually appear on the DHP. -- SR]


25> Essentials of Dasaprakarana. Demi octavo 48 pages, price

Rs. 10/-


26> Mahabharata Tatparyanirnaya with English translation and

notes (first three chapters). Demi octavo 210 pages, price

Rs. 30/-


[A bit from the beginning was posted to the Dvaita list last year;

see archive. -- SR]


27> Tatvamanjari of Sri Raghvendratirtha -- a commentary on

the Brahmasutrabhasya with Kannada translation. Demi octavo

412 pages, price Rs. 40/-


[iTRANS/PostScript versions (un-proofread) are available from the

DHP. The Kannada introduction to this volume by Sri Palimar Swamiji

was posted to the Dvaita list earlier this year, and was subsequently

translated into English by another member. -- SR]


28> Anuvidyadhisha Vijaya -- A Biographical poem in Sanskrit

with Kannada translation. Crown octavo 210 pages, price

Rs. 12/-


29> -- do -- with English introduction. Price Rs. 12/-


30> Upanisad-darsana Vols. I and II (no details given)


If ordering from the U.S., please note that the listed rupee prices mean

little, if anything; the bulk of the cost is in postage. I would thus

advise sending a *certified* cheque (or an international money order) in

the amount of $25-30 per volume of any major work or part thereof,

regardless of its listed price, with a request. I don't believe the

DVSRF operates on a large budget, and prepayment is only prudent. A

certified cheque ensures that the funds are available immediately and

there is no delay in obtaining the books.




Shrisha Rao

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