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Hemant K Rao, Thara[sMTP:TaraHemant]

Sunday, August 01, 1999 7:25 PM




Dear Sri Bindu Madhavan,

We thank you very much for inviting us to Shri Jayathirtha Aaradhane. We

consider ourselves very blessed that we could watch the Aaradhane led by H. H.

Sri Sugunendra Thirtha Srigalavaru of Putthige Mutt. This experience has truly

been a spiritual awakening for both of us, for which we are very much thankful

to you. We are also thankful to your family and Sri Srinivasan & fmly and all

the other volunteers who made this Aradhane a big sucess.

We pray that all of us get more such opportunities to congregate on a

spiritual level.

Thank you,



Thara, Hemant

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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

> Namaskara,


> Washington DC VMS families have planned " Bhaghavatha Sapthaha Mangala " on

> Saturady July 8th at Rao's Residence from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m..

> A traditional devara Pooje and sapthaha managala followed by thirtha

> prasada. Please, participate in this satsung. RSVP by Friday night.

> thank you

> Srinivas and Rama srinivas

> 301-548-0840


PS: sudhindra, you have the book. Please bring it on Sat.

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  • 4 months later...

Dear Haribhakthas,


I recieved this message from Sriman. Srimushnam V. Nagarajachar, SMSO

Sabha. People interested in taking part in this yaga can get in touch with

him at the e-mail address given at the end of this mail...


Hariya Karunadolada Bhagyava Hari Samarpane Madi Badhukiro







N. Sethumadhavan [sMTP:vedavidya]

Sunday, November 26, 2000 8:14 PM

srgmsr; sridharh





Dec. 27th & 28th 2000


Dear devout friends,


With the Grace of Sri Hari Guru, Sriman Madhwa Siddhantonnahini Sabha

proposes to organise and conduct


" Brihatee Sahasra Homa "


in Sabha Mandira on the auspicious days of Vikrama, Pushya Suddha Dviteeya

and Triteeya, Dec. 27th & 28th 2000 Wednesday & Thursday. It is a Mini

Yaga. It includes:-


1. Japa of 1000 Veda-Ricks (Brihatee Sahasra),


2. 1000 Arghya on a Devara Pratima


3. Archana for 1000 Bhagavad Roopas in 1000 Kalasas, (the same Bhagavad -

Roopas mentioned in Vishnu Sahasra Nama)


4. 1000 Naivedyas to 1000 individual Bahagavad Roopas.


5. 1000 Homa (Aa-hu-ties) with 1000 Riks each.


6. 1000 Tamboola Dakshinas


7. 1000 Vipra Bhojana (Anna Santarpane).


For centuries, the practice of Brihatee Sahasra has been a proven path for

success in all human endeavours. Brihatee (or Bruhatee) means big, large

and superior. Ordinary Homa brings ordinary boons and benefits. The effects

of a big-Yaga is naturally superior, big, ample, powerful, abundant and

far-extended. Its vibratory effects reach you wherever you are; no matter

how far away you are.


The efforts needed for this Yaga, are also not ordinary efforts. It is

really a Himalayan task. Yet let us do the work, placing the burden at the

Lord's feet. The place of Homa is the most sacred Punya Kshetra, at the

very foot of Lord Srinivasa, just behind Sri Padmavati Temple and just in

front of Padma-Sarovara. Can we imagine a better spot than this?




As an individual, you get your own prayer answered by participating in this

rare Yaga.


As an organisation for the good of the vast section of our devout men and

women, the prayer in this Homa for SMSO Sabha is two:-


1. To build a beautiful Mandira to Sri Hanuman very near to Sabha, in the

premises donated to SMSO Sabha last year.


2. To establish a pucca wing of SMSO Sabha for systematising Yaajnika

profession. That is, to produce well qualified Purohits at important

Maadhwa Centres. Syllabus has to be prescribed, books in 3 or 4 languages

have to be published, Exams to be conducted and certificates to be issued.

This needs a heavy capital.




S.M.S.O. Sabha makes an earnest appeal to you. Please consider and

participate in this Great Homa. Please sponsor ONE KALASHA and donate Rs.

1000/- only. Suitable memento of Prasada will be offered.


Any lesser amount of Donation will be gratefully accepted. Please





Cheque for Rs. 1,050 and DD for Rs. 1,000 in the name of SMSO Sabha,

payable at Chennai may please be sent to


Sri R. Ananthan, Hony. Secretary, SMSO Sabha


12, Amarjothi Gardens,

Railway Feeder Road, TIRUPUR 641 601.










A word about



It was a great Yajna. The huge Yajna-sala was packed to capacity. All the

Devas and Maharishis were in full attendance. Devendra was presiding.


Viswamitra rose from his seat. Addressing Indra. He began chanting BRIHATEE

SAHASRA. One thousand Mantras compiled from Rig Veda, so sweet to hear. All

in praise of Divine Glories. The whole gathering heard him in pin-drop

silence, with soulful Ananda. It was just Amruta-Paana for them.


The whole text concluded. Indra was pleased so much that he expressed

desire to hear it again. The second round was concluded. Indra wanted it

for a third time and that too was done. And now, Viswamitra suspected there

was someone else in Indra's seat.


Viswamitra observed unusual Tejas and superior Prakasa in Indra's face and

figure. He was very much inclined to know whom he was addressing actually.

Sure, Indra sat possessed by some Superior power. 'But who is this, inside

Indra? Mincing no words, he enquired reverentially:- 'I want to know O

Deva, who you are?' (Aitareya Upanishad Bhashya -2-2-3).


Through the lips of Indra, the possessing power replied:- O Rishi, know me

as the life-giving Supreme Prana for the whole Universe (says Upanishad

Moola; Aitareya: 2-2-3). Prana is another name of Sri Hari because He is

Supreme Ananda Roopi; says Bhashya:- (2-2-3)


Just imagine the height of Ananda of Viswamitra when he came to know that

it was none other than the Supreme Sri Vishnu Who loved so much to hear

Brihatee Sahasra. The great Rishi offered it as sweet Anna to Lord.


Such is the unlimited power of Brihatee Sahasra. Its vibratory effects even

today bring Sri Hari's presence in our mind and heart, sure and certain;

proportionate to our Bhakti. When the Lord is so pleased to come and sit in

our heart, is there anything impossible for us to get? You get what all

you pray for.


Srimushnam V. Nagaraj achar









a.. Please pass on this message to your friends.

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