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English Tattvavaada

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Dear Krishnabhaktas,


Akhila Bhaarata Madhva Mahaa Mandala has recently

started an English journal titled Tattvavaada with the

blessings of Shri Vidyamaanya Tirtha Swamiji of

Palimaru Matha and Shri Vishwesha Tirtha Swamiji of

Pejawara Matha. The first issue has been recently

released in India. The journal contains a variety of

articles for beginners as well as for more advanced

readers. It contains interesting articles, subhasitas

and short stories. Messages from Shri Vishwesha Tirtha

Swamiji and Shri Vidyaamanya Tirtha Swamiji are also

included. Some of the articles in the first issue are:


* Essentials of Indian Philosophy - D. Nagaraja Rao

* The concept of Vishesha discovered by Madhvacharya

- Dr. C.H. Srinivasa Murthy

* On the platform and under it - Shri Vishwesha

Tirtha Swamiji

* Earn the grace of God - Shri Vishwesha Tirtha


* Devotion in Dwaitha Darshana - Prof D. Prahladachar

* Vedas in Madhva Tradition - Shri N.A.P.S Rao

* Reasoning - Its place in Metaphysics - Prof D.



For the benifit of mAdhvas residing in United States,

Vishwa Madhva Sangha is co-ordinating with ABMM, to

distribute the journal in United States. Please make

use of this unique oppurtunity by subscribing to this

journal in large no's. The annual subscription fee is

only $30 (including postage). Please send your

subscription request by e-mail to

tattvavada-owner or write to :

Vasudeva Murthy

11413 Potomac Oaks Dr

Rockville, MD 20850


Note : Those of you who have already d will

receive the first issue of the Journal in a few days.


The editorial of the first issue of the journal is

given below.



Journal of Akhila Bhaarata

Madhva Maha Mandala


It gives us great happiness to present the first

issue of Tattvavaada in English on this auspicious

occassion. We hope and pray to the Almighty that this

will fill the long felt need for providing spiritual

advice and solace to the seekers of true Vedanta


Tattvavaada in Kannada has been published regularly

by us since 40 years. It has been widely received by

the discerning public. Though an English version was

also published for a brief period, it could not be

continued for want of oranisational and financial


This issue is not planned to be just a translation

of the Kannada issue, but to cater to a wider audience

on a worldwide basis - Universities, religious and

philosophical organisations and the public.

There will be original contributions of well known

authors not only on Tattvavaada philosophy, and on

other religious and philosophical issues of interest.

Important activities of interest to Madhva community

as well as observance of various significant days will

also be included. We will also include translations of

all Sarvamoola texts and other important compositions

of the great Saints - initially in the form of brief

introductions and summaries to be followed by more

detailed texts with easily readable translations.

Thus, while the emphasis will be on wider

dissemination of Acharya Madhva's teachings,

constructive and healthy debate with other schools of

Vedanta and other systems will be encouraged.

An activity like this needs wide support from all -

readers, scholars of all denominations and

organisations engaged in philosophical study and

research. We appeal to all of you to help us set

upthis forum.


bhaaratI ramaNa mukhyapraNaantargata

shrI kR^ishNaarpaNamastu










Raghavendra Rao Rachuri



H:301 871 4948

W:301 589 6300X247




Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.

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  • 4 months later...

Dear Friends,

Most of you would be aware that an English Bimonthly -

Tattvavada is being published by Poornaprajna Samshodana Mandira

and two issues have already been published. A third is likely to

sent in the next few days.

We, in the Editorial Board have been anxious to get a feed back

as regards its reception and utility from its readership. Except

for a couple of letters in the beginning there has been no

worthwhile feed back on this subject. We would appreciate it

greatly if some of the readership would take the trouble to give

their frank reactions and suggestions for further improvements.

The growth of its r list in US has also been less than

anticipated. I understand that a number of complimentary copies

have been sent to potential rs and have not elicited

further reaction. Unfortunately we are not able to judge whether

some thing is really lacking in us - in the journal itself, or

that the people concerned have simply not had the time to

respond favourably. I would therefore like to request each one

of you to carefully consider enrolling yourself to this journal

and not only encourage us with your enthusiasm and cooperation,

but also enable the only authentic voice of Madhva Philosophy in

English to survive in this competitve world.

The subscription request may be advised by E-mail to me and the

details of subscription and past issues may be obtained from Mr.

Mukund or Mr. Sudhindra Yapalparvi.

Any members of the VMS who would like to contribute articles

for the future issues are also welcome.


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Dear friends,

I have reproduced herewith some of the suggestions received in

response to my letter. Taking note of the sincere attempts to

help made by the correspondents, it is my first duty to thank

you all as well as the friends who have d already, for

your encouragement and efforts. But it is necessary to clarify

many of the ideas raised from the point of view of the

Editorial board. Hence, this letter :

1. The journal is essentially meant for all Madhvas who prefer

to get some authentic information and knowledge in English about

Thathvavada any where in the world. We have no plans to achieve

higher circulation by any of the following methods -

a. making it too general and broadbased and/or avoid stepping on

philosophical toes, as it were.

b. Make it the equivalent of the Kannada Thathvavada, which

already caters to a large segment of readership in India with a

greater content of popular material and less emphasis on

contributions by scholars of a high standard.

We would certainly like to have all serious students of

Non-Madhva origin interested in our philosophy become our

readers. We would also like to maintain high standards of

objectivity, intellectual honesty etc and thus would welcome

arguments or articles of other schools in open debates with a

view of ascertaining the Truths. But we would like always not

to confuse the readership by presenting unrebutted statements of

other faiths leading to dilution of our commitment as an

Authentis and Trusted voice of Acharya Madhva's philosophy.

Within this self-imposed limit, we can do any thing necessary

to make the message reach as many persons as possible.

2. We are not looking for rs either as Charity and fund

raising for other activities. Our immediate goal is basic

self-sufficiency in means so that we can continue to exist for a

long time and if possible, grow. We consider it as very

important that our name, if and when it is established as a

useful and needed addition to the Madhva and other sincere

students of philosophy should do the " Selling' rather than be

supported by the doctrines of charity or gaining Punya. We are

aware that such growth will be slow and we may have to really

work hard to try to fulfill some real need of society. This is

the reason, why I have been stressing the need for Feed back of

audience reaction of the journals. The same policy will also

dictate the nature of the contributions which will be printed in

the Journal.

3. This is of course, not to either belittle or discourage

efforts made by friends to obtain subscriptions. I do believe

that very sincere efforts already made by many of you have

already made some impact and would need to be continued for some

time. Please feel free to respond to this letter by specific

points for Action by us. We have already tried to produce a

superior quality product in the second issue and have added a

Glossy print of a Photograph of the Vrindavana of Sri


4. We have a desire to make the contents available to

Universities and Educational Institutions. If the Get up need s

to be improved we will do it. To start with, is it possible to

sponsor a few copies to University libraries (free for them) to

see if there is any response?

5. A suggestion was made about getting the matter transmitted as

a file and getting it formatted and printed in US also. This may

not be worth it, as the copies required seem to be too few and

costs will be very heavy. Our local subscription is also being

built up and dividing the presently small print order for two

locations will make the costs prohibitive. We could further

consider improving the quality of the issue even when printed in

India to acceptable International standards. But, it is clear

that all this could be done by trying seriously to build up


6. I am of the opinion that the real problem is neither the

financial burden or lack of interest in the subject, but it may

be nothing more serious than breaking the Ice for the first time

with the new rs. Let us adopt all methods suggested

like sending complimentary copies, keeping it for reading and

for future subscriptions in temples etc.

7. I understand that the Kannada Thathvavada does not have any

significant number of rs in US, unless some persons

are getting them with their own private arrangements. If there

is a demand for it, we could arrange it to print it to similar

standards, price it similarly and post it to them. It should be

noted that there will be no duplication as the articles in the

two journals are essentially different both in subjects and

scholastic view points.

Let me once again thank all of you for the efforts made. Let us

continue the good work, with sincerity and commitment. And the

sincere belief - " Naaham Karthaa, Harih Karthaa thathpujakarma

chaakhilam " .

To avoid burdening the Dvaitha and VMS lists, we will try to

discuss suggestions received in future as individual

correspondence. Those of the members who have not d yet

are requested to seriously consider this as a reminder for their

immediate action.


Gist of comments received.

1. In spite of my efforts to mail copies to people I know, I

have not made any significant progress in getting new

subscriptions, unless they have mailed it directly. People

usually just kept it, thanked me and did nothing further. You

have to understand that these are mostly people born in mAdhva

families, but do not practise the tradition in any serious

manner. Actually, they are the ones who need it most, but they

don't seem to know it.

BTW, regarding universities, I do not believe that the journal

is acceptable as a peer reviewed international journal, which is

what university libraries to.

2. I have been fairly unsuccessful in getting more subscriptions

other than the ones I obtained before . I mention it every time

I see people. However, most people here mention that they

prefer the Kannada version. For people like me with limited

Kannada the English one is preferred.

I do not have a good sense yet of why there are so few


In addition, I have not yet contacted university libraries or

city libraries. However, my personal opinion is while the

contents are good, the quality of the magazine itself - the

paper quality, the strength to withstand countless handlings,

the ease of retrieval etc. are not up to par with other

magazines here - both US and international. Generally, the US

has a very high standard of quality - not only for content but

also for appearance. This also attracts potential readers who

may otherwise ignore it. If the aim is to proliferate the

literature, then it has to be marketed. Otherwise, the only

people who will read it will be Kannada Madhwas when they have

the time and a few other personal friends.

It all depends on the goal of the Board. What is the goal in

publishing the magazine? Is it to attract non-Madhwas? Is it to

keep current Madhwas non-versed in the vernacular to be aware of

the literature?

Is it to raise funds for a particular cause? Is it to propagate

the literature or philosophy among others - including

non-Hindus? Once that is known, then the plan of action becomes

clear and those who sign up can do so knowing the goals.

Personally, I signed up because I am interested in the

philosophy and the English version makes it easier for me to

study it as opposed to the Kannada version as I am weak in


3. I found the articles interesting. However, there were a lot

of 'To be Continued'. It breaks the thread. However, if it is

presented as parts, you do not put the 'To Be Continued' at the

end of the article, it preserves the reading chain. May sound

foolish to you, but in technical magazines and others where the

interest of the reader is to be kept alive, I have never seen a

" To Be Continued " . It has always been divided into parts.

My aim in this letter is to apprise you of the situation here

and to also give you my personal motive in subscribing. Once

again, depending on the goals you have, you can tap into the

different motives of different people.

Of course, as usual, comments and flames to my opinion are

always welcome.

4. I tend to echo the sentiments above. I am afraid that it is

true that the current format is not suitable for university

consumption. However, there is no reason why it cannot grow into

the desired format over time.

Regarding the goal, I would advocate making the magazine

suitable for general consumption so that we can attract a large

audience. More importantly, we can teach people te right

philosophy. I am sure that this can be done without offensive

statements. For example, we can stress on what is right rather

than stating what is wrong. But, being a novice in philosophy, I

would gladly allow myself to be corrected in this regard.

5. I have a couple of ideas.

1. If there is no objection, I am willing to work with someone

in the US to reformat the articles according to the formats

preferred here and one used by magazines like " India Currents " .

We can use our home computers for that purpose.In addition, if

it can initially be kept in Indian stores in the US free of

charge or in temples, people may pick it up and read it. I am

willing to incur reasonable expenses to facilitate that. I will

ask my friends here if they are willing to help. We can

initially do it in limited quantities and get some help from the

Madhwa Sangha in the US (Bay Area and others) to help with

registration etc. Once there is a wider audience, it is easier

to solicit the local libraries as well. i was thinking that

after the third issue is out, we do a small survey (similar to

the one conducted on the dvaita list recently). during this

time, we can also try to find out the people who are seriously

interested in providing quality articles to the magazine.

i am willing to talke up the survey with the current members and

summarise it for the editors of the magazine.


6. We had talked about this here. There is nothing wrong with

the quality and contents of the journal. We are also

disappointed in the number of rs.

The problem here is that the number of people who are interested

in a serious philosophical journal is fairly small. For some

reason, people are extremely reluctant to part with $30 to

support such a magazine while they routinely pay $30 or more

for a pizza outing. I can guess some explanations. 1. SuguNa

digest published sri puthige swamiji was also being solicited at

the same time. 2. Some people want to , but the

inertia prevents them from mailing the cheque. 3. There have

been many fund raising activities in the past 6 months for

swamiji's tickets, poojas and other things and people may have a

" charity fatigue " . We may do another fund raising drive for the

CD-ROM project soon to add to the mixture!

I believe only way to increase subscriptions is for volunteers

to call people and actively ask them for subscriptions. I

request volunteers from Detroit and California to see if they

can have a coordinated activity to call up people and remind

them about the magazine. We will look at the Washington area

again. We can also have the magazines available in mAdhva

functions like sri madhva navami etc. to raise the money.

I am afraid there are no easy answers and short cuts to raise

awareness of the people about such products. It is going to be

a long hard road. Unfortunately, this issue is at the bottom of

the list of priorities for most people.

Please suggest any other ideas that you might have.

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