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Fwd: Request/Bone Marrow Drives

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Sorry, missed one " h " in the address and hence it came back. Reforwarding

the original message. Thanks.





>Fri, 17 Sep 1999 17:59:58 -0400

><vishwamadhvasanga >

>Gopal Potti <gpotti

>Fwd: Request/Bone Marrow Drives








>At the outset let me apologize for forwarding the earlier " Spider " message

>erroneously, which, of course, was a joke. I was in the process of

>forwarding that message to my Chief and in stead of placing his email

>address, I typed

>the VMS address by mistake since my mind was set in advance on VMS with the

>message attached below. After clicking the " send " button, T went out to attend

>meetings. When I came back to check my emails before going home, I was

>embarrassed to see that, in fact, I had sent that message to VMS members.


>I work at the National Institutes of Health in developing new investigational

>drug products for clinical studies and have to read JAMA and other medical

>journals. I thank Mr.S.Rao for his timely response to my email confirming it

>to be a joke.


>Now let me bring to your attention to the following message:





>>It is just over a year since Mithun was diagnosed with chronic myeloid

>>leukemia (CML). We were hoping to find an antigen matched bone marrow

>>donor within a year. Since we haven’t found a match as yet, his doctors

>>decided to start him on a combination chemotherapy of interferon alpha

>>and low dose ara-c, given subcutaneously everyday. About 50% of the

>>patients show cytogenic remission following a year of interferon

>>therapy. Initially Mithun tolerated this therapy pretty well and his

>>white blood cell counts came down substantially. But his platelet counts

>>also started coming down and went below a dangerous level (50,000) after

>>3 months of this therapy. Interferon therapy was immediately stopped in

>>late July. Hydroxyurea (oral capsules) was started to control the

>>increase in WBC and to allow the platelets to increase to normal levels.

>>The doctors felt that interferon therapy may not be suitable for him.


>>Now Mithun’s need for a bone marrow transplant has substantially

>>increased. We are again urging all those who have not yet registered

>>with the National Marrow Donor Registry (NMDP), to do so. You may be

>>able to save Mithun’s or someone’s LIFE for a minor inconvenience, if

>>and when your antigens match those of a leukemic child. Finding a match

>>is like a lottery and we believe that by God’s grace and prayers from

>>all of you well-wishers, Mithun will find a perfect match soon. YOU may

>>be that one in a million match Mithun is waiting for. If you have

>>questions about bone marrow transplant and how it affects the donor and

>>the patient, feel free to call or e-mail us any time. We are looking for

>>some volunteers in each community to come forward and conduct bone

>>marrow drives during the coming festival season (Navarathri and Diwali).


>>Conducting a drive needs some advance (about a month) preparation. You

>>can call us for some guidance and help. During the last year, many of

>>you have generously given your time and conducted the drives at many

>>locations, for which we are eternally grateful. May God bless you all.


>>Remember that even if one child’s life is saved because of your

>>unselfish efforts, you will feel immensely rewarded beyond what you can

>>imagine. Please continue to pray for Mithun’s healing and well being. We

>>had a very successful prayer chain on August 15 and many of you (on

>>prior notice by e-mail and telephone) prayed for Mithun for 5-10 minutes

>>exactly at the same time (12 noon EST and 9:30 p.m. Indian standard

>>time). We will continue to do that every few months for Mithun and other

>>sick children. Please let us know your e-mail address if you want to be

>>notified of future prayer chains.


>>Burde Laxminarayan/ Urmila Kamath e-mail: bkamath

>>Phone: 504-466-9474 Fax:


>>INFO at http://www.marrow.org

>>frequently asked questions at


>>Phone # 800-MARROW2


>> http://www.marrow-donor.org/STORIES/lata.html

>> http://www.marrow-donor.org/chance.html

>> http://mall6.register.com/hla/v1.htm





>Burde is from Udupi and was my roommate during our Ph.D program at SUNY at

>Buffalo thirty years back. Conducting bone marrow drive is simple. Just call

>the 800-MARROW2 and ask for your local bone marrow center. They will come

>to your gathering place and take a few ml of blood as your doctor takes when

>you go for a physical. That is all. Your blood type will be registered in

>the National Bone Marrow Registry which becomes availble to the entire

>population. If preliminary match is there, they will call you to give

>additional blood for detailed mapping. If matched perfectly, you will have

>to go to a hospital for one or two day stay during which time doctors will

>take bone marrow cells a certain volume based on recipient's weight. These

>cells will grow back in donors within two to three weeks. Net result is

>some inconvenience or in rare cases some back pain for two to three weeks.

>A simple Tylenol therapy should take of that problem and in most of the cases,

>you have saved a life. Without getting any reward, you are saving

>someone's life

>and this unselfish act will please Sri Madhavacharya and our God SriKrishna.


>I had conducted two drives one in Washington area and another in salisbury, MD

>and recruited 125 people. There are about 20-25 children of Indian origin

>with leukemia in this country and are waiting to get a matching donor. The

>National bone marrow registry has about three million people or so registered

>as donors. Unfortunately, the number of Indians in the registry is too small

>to match the waiting 25 children. So the Department of Navy had given a grant

>to Red Cross so that Asians/Hispanics can give blood for bone marrow matching

>without any cost.


>Mithun is a 12 old boy, very intelligent and had represented his State in the

>National Spelling Bee Contest last year in Washington, DC and I kindly

>request you all to give seriuos consideration to become a member of bone

>marrow registry. I try to follow everyday the most important philosophy, I

>believe, of Sri Madhvacharya is that our existance in this world should


>others WITHOUT expecting and accepting any reward for one's action.


>We are so desperate to save him that I am forwarding this to you all

>whether it is proper or not to send to this organization. I am in the


>of arranging another drive during Diwali Meela time in Virginia. It is better

>that we increase the number of bone marrow donors of Indian origin in the

>National Registry as the population of Indians increases in this country.

>Tommarow, we do not know which family will find out that their child has

>leukemia or other blood diseases.


>Right now,500 special filter papers were taken to Udupi and Mangalore area

>to get blood from all his relatives and these blood stained filter papers

>will be analysed by recombinant DNA technology to see a match with that of

>Mithun. Unfortunately, these tests are rather expensive and insurance will

>not cover these cost. As it is Burde family is at pain because of his son's

>situation, we do not want him to suffer financially further. So my bother

>Ram Potti and myself have promised him that we will pay the entire cost of

>these analysis and more. The important thing is to save children, God's

>creations and these type of actions will please our Guru and God.


>I once again kindly request you to conduct bone marrow drives in your

>area and be a member of bone marrow registry. This way a lot of lives of

>leukemia patients of Indian origin living all over the world including in

>India(National Registries interconnected) as well as other patients of non-

>Indian origin(low %) can be saved. May " GOD " bless all of us.














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