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vijayadAsara kavacha - part 1

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Dear vaishNavas


As you are all aware, Nov 18th 1999 happens to be kArtIka

shudhdha dashami, the holy day on which shrI vijayadAsaru completed

his human activities and left for satyalOka. It is a very precious

day for all bhagavad-bhaktas, especially those who believe in and

practice the tenets of tattvavAda (dvaita). In honor of this holy

day, Smt. Shobha Srinivasan, shrI C.R. Madhusudhana Rao and shrI

Hunsur Sriprasad worked together to publish a 4 part posting on

" vijaya kavacha " - a devotional paen to shrI vijayadAsaru.


In the service of vijaya viThThala


Shobha Srinivasan (srinivasan),

CR Madhusudhana Rao (madhu_cr)

Hunsur Sriprasad (sripi)






shrI vijayadAsaru is one of the most highly revered and loved

haridAsas in the mAdhva tradition. His contributions to religion,

society and humanity are enormous and too numerous to recount.

However, the one thing that really stands out is the wealth that he

left behind in terms of disciples and his writings. gOpAla dasaru,

jagannAtha dAsaru, mOhana dAsaru, vyAsa vittala dAsaru etc were

some of his more famous followers. In terms of sheer quantum of

output, he is second only to shrI puranadara dAsaru. No other

haridAsa has contributed as much as he has to dvaita literature.

It is believed that he was an ansha (incarnation) of bhrigu muni

and that he received his initiation into haridasatva by puranadara

dasaru himself (through a dream).


We are providing the URL to 2 excellent postings that shrI Keshav

bhat had made years ago. The first is by Dr. BNK Sharma and the

second by Prof. K T Pandurangi.







Some background about the author of the poem:


shri kallUru subbaNNAchArya is the author of this work. He also was a

renowned haridAsa with the ankita - vyAsa viThThala. There is an

interesting story about he became a haridAsa.


He was a famous scholar, renowned for his discourses on nyAya sudha.

He treated haridAsas with disdain, considering them as pretenders

who mislead ordinary people. His special ire was reserved for shrI

vijayadAsaru since he was the most famous haridAsa of those times.


Once subbaNNAchArya was in a dilemma since the cook who was supposed

to provide the dishes for the lunch arranged in honor of his sudha

discourse absented himself with very little notice. However, shrI

vijayadAsaru came there, disguised as a cook and ensured that the

function did not stop. Later when people recognized vijayadAsaru, he

humbly requested subbaNNAchArya to continue with his discourse. But

subbaNNAchArya, who was furious, refused to do so; he heaped insult

after insult on the calm vijayadAsaru, who heard him out patiently.

Finally, when things reached a head, vijayadAsaru looked around and

saw a water-carrier. On questioning, it was obvious that the carrier

was unlettered and a total stranger to the shAstras. vijayadAsaru put

some akshate (colored rice used for devotional purposes) on his head,

and holding him by hand, asked him to lecture on the nyAya sudhA!

Wonder of wonders, a scholarly discourse flowed from the lips of the

water carrier! In addition to delivering a superb lecture, he even

highlighted the portions that subbaNNAchArya himself was not sure of,

and clarified all the doubts that the latter had! As soon as vijayadasaru

removed his hand, the water carrier relapsed to his true self.


subbaNNAchArya was wonderstruck, and truly humbled by the experience.

The divine spark in him was awakened, and in a flash he recognized the

greatness of vijayadasaru. He immediately fell at his feet, and with

tears in his eyes, begged his forgiveness. He realized the foolishness

of his ways, and requested vijayadasaru to accept him as his disciple.

vijayadasaru sent him to another disciple of his, panga nAma dAsaru,

who in turn initiated subbaNNAchArya into haridAsahood and gave him

the ankita of 'vyAsa viThThala'.


This incident proved to be the turning point in shrI subbaNNAchArya's

life and he went on to become a great haridAsa in his own right. He

regarded vijayadasaru as his guru and spiritual father. In fact, before

laying down his mortal coils, vijayadasaru ordered that subbaNNAchArya

should perform the last rites. Such was the bond of affection between

them. It is the in fitness of things that he should have composed this

great poem.



Vijaya kavacha (ITRANS)


(a baraha version is also available, please write to us if you need)


smarisi badukirO divya charaNakeragirO

durita taridu poreva vijaya gurugaLembara || pa ||


dAsarAyanA dayava sUsi paDedanA

dOSharahitanA santOsha bharitanA || 1 ||


gnyAnavantanA balu nidhAni shAntanA

mAnavantana maha (bahu) vadAnyadatanA || 2 ||


hariya bhajisuvA nara hariya yajisuvA

durita tyajisuvA manake haruSha surisuvA || 3 ||


mOdabharitanA pancha bhEdavaritanA

sAdhu charitanA manavishAdha maretanA || 4 ||


ivara nambidA janake bhavavidembudo

havaNavAgadO nammavara matavido || 5 ||


pApakOTiya rAshi lEpavAgadO

tApa kaLevanO balu dayApayOnidhI || 6 ||


kavanarUpadI hariya stavana mADidA

bhuvana bEDidA mAdhavana nODidA || 7 ||


ranganendanA bhavavu hingitendanA

mangaLAnganA antarangavaritanA || 8 ||


kAshinagaradallidda vyAsadEvanA-dayava

sUsi paDedanA ullAsabharitanA || 9 ||


chinte bEDirO nishchintarAgirO

shAnta gurugaLA pAda vantu nambirO || 10 ||


khEdavAgadO nimage mOdavAhudO

Adi dEvanA suprasAdavAhudO || 11 ||


pApa taDevano banda pApa kaDivano

shrIpatiya pada samIpaviDuvano || 12 ||


gange mindarE malavu hingitalladE

ranganoliyanO bhaktara sanga dorakadE || 13 ||


vEda Odalu baride vAdamADalU

hAniyAgadO budhara pAda nambadE || 14 ||


lekkavilladA dEsha tukki bandarU

du:khavalladE lEsha bhakti dorakadU || 15 ||


dAna mADalU divya gAna pADalU

gnyAna dOreyadO ivaradhInavAgadE || 16 ||


iShTu yAtakE kanDa kaShTavyAtakE

diTTa gurugaLa pAdamuTTi bhajisirO || 17 ||


pUje mADalu kanDa gOju bILalU

bIja mAtina phala sahaja dorakadU || 18 ||


suraru ellarU ivara karava piDivarO

taraLarandadI hinde tirugutipparO || 19 ||


grahagaLellavU ivarge sahAya mADutA

ahOrAtrilI sukhada nivaha koDuvavo || 20 ||


vyAdhi bAradO dEha bAdhe taTTadO

AdidEvanA suprasAdavAhudO || 21 ||


patita pAmarA manda matiyu nA balU

tutisalApanE ivara atishayangaLA || 22 ||


karuNadindali emma porevanalladE

durita kOTiyA bEga tariva dayadalI || 23 ||


mandamatigaLU ivara chandavariyadE

nindisuvarO bhavada bandha tappadO || 24 ||


indirApatI ivara munde kuNivanO

anda vachanavA nijakke tandu kODuvanO || 25 ||


udaya kAladi I padava paThisalU

madaDanAdarU gnyAna udayavAhudu || 26 ||


saTeyidallavO vyAsa viThalaballanO

paThisabahudidU kELi kuTilarahitarU || 27 ||


(shrI kRishNArpaNamastu)



(to be continued)

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