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Question on TattvAbhimAni Devata's.

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Dear friends,


I was just wondering if there are any references in Puranic texts which

describe what TattvAbhimAni devatas govern what parts and control functions

in our body. Is this described anywhere in HarikatAmruthaSara or other

books? I am really curious to know this from all learned scholars on the

list. Thanks for your time.




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Sri Jaganatha dhAsaru salutes BhArathi devi in Hari KathAmrutha sAra


krathiramana- pradhyumna- namdhane chaturavimshathi thathvapathi

dhEvathegaLige guruvenisuthiha mAruthana nijapathni

sathatha hariyali gurugalali sadhrathiya pAlisi bhAgavatha

bhAratha purANa rahasya thathvagaLarupu karuNadhali



Daughter of Krutidevi (Lakshmi) & Pradyumna( Narayana), wife (nijapathnI)

of Maruti who is the Guru for abimAna devathas for twenty four principles,

bless me with unshaking devotion to Sri Hari and gurus like Brahma . Let

me clearly understand the quintessence (rahasya) of puranas like Bhagavata

& Bharata.


Krutiramana pradyumna


During the time of shristi, paramAthma Sri Hari takes rUpAs as Vasudeva,

Sankrishna, Pradyumna, and AnirudHa as Yuha avatara. At the same time,

Lakshmi takes rUpas as mAya, jaya, kruthi, and sAnthi. Hence kruthidevi is

wife of Pradyumna.


nijapathni (niyatha pathni)


The consorts of devathas in higher lokAs take janmAs as consorts of

devathAs when they take birth. Hence nijapathni. This need not be true

for manisha janma (regular jIvas still in bondage).


Vayu, guru of 24 tathvAbhimini devathAs except awyaktha thatva abhimani is

Lakshmi devi.


There is a tathvAbimani devatha for each tathva. The 24 tathvas are:


5 pancha bhUtas: prithvi (earth), aapas (water), thEjas (agni), vayu

(air), and aakAsha (space)


5 pancha thanmAthra: sabdha (sound), sparsa (touch), rUpa (sight), rasa

(taste), and gandha (smell)


5 pancha jnaneEndriyas: srothra (ear), thvak (skin), chaksu (eye), jihva

(tongue), aakrAna (nose)


5 karmendriyas: vAk (mouth), pAni (hand), pAdha (legs), pAyu (anus),

upastha (genital)


and awyaktha tathva (?), mahath tathva, ahankAra tathva, and manas tathva.


Perhaps knowledgeble person(s) in the list may want to list the abimAni

devathA for each tathva for everybody's benefit and also explain what is

awyaktha and mahath tathva.


Please refer to




hari saRvOththamma, vAyu jIvOththamma


Shobha Srinivasan




At 09:47 AM 11/29/99 PST, Sudhir Kashyap wrote:

> " Sudhir Kashyap " <vijith18


>Dear friends,


>I was just wondering if there are any references in Puranic texts which

>describe what TattvAbhimAni devatas govern what parts and control functions

>in our body. Is this described anywhere in HarikatAmruthaSara or other

>books? I am really curious to know this from all learned scholars on the

>list. Thanks for your time.





>>nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

>taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

>tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

>karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are

His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not

otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are

due to His recurring grace "

>If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in

this way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya



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>>Perhaps knowledgeble person(s) in the list may want to list the abimAni

>>devathA for each tathva for everybody's benefit and also explain what is

>>awyaktha and mahath tathva.


These details are beautifully depicted in " Pancha Maha yagna Sandhi "


taleyoLage nArAyaNanu gantaleDe oDaloLu vAsudevanu

baladaliha pradyumna eDabhAgadoLu aniruddha|

keLaginangadali sankarshaNa tiLidu Ipari sakala dEhagaLoLage

panchAtmakana rUpava nODu konDADu||


" We should understand and do dhyAna towards Sri paramAtma as He exists as pancha

rUpa as Sri nArAyaNa in the head, Sri vAsudeva from neck to the waist, Sri

pradhyumna on the right side, Sri aniruddha on the left side and Sri sankarshaNa

in the lower side below the waist "


5 pancha bhUtas:

1)prithvi (earth) = Sri krishNa rUpa

2) aapas (water)= Sri Hari rUpa

3) thEjas (agni)= Sri parasurAma rUpa,

4) vayu(air)=Sri janArdhana rUpa

5) aakAsha (space)=Sri achyutha rUpa


5 pancha thanmAthra:

1)sabdha (sound)=pradhyumna,

2) sparsa (touch)=aniruddha,

3)rUpa (sight)= purushOthama,

4)rasa(taste)=adhOkshaja rUpa

5)gandha (smell)=Narasimha rUpa


5 pancha jnaneEndriyas:

1)srothra (ear)=vishNu

2) thvak (skin)=trivikramA

3) chaksu (eye)=krishNa

4) jihva(tongue)=vAmana

5) aakrAna (nose)=sridhara


5 karmendriyas:

1)vAk (mouth)

2) pAni (hand)=padmanAbha

3) pAdha (legs)=dAmOdhara

4) pAyu (anus)=sankarshanN

5)upastha (genital)=vAsudeva


1) awyaktha tathva =keshava

2) mahath tathva=nArayaNa

3) ahankAra tathva=rudra deva

4) manas tathva=govinda.




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Sri paramAtma exists as 16 rUpAs in lingadEha. There are 3 AvaraNas. They are...



1) avyakta tathva - gnAnAtma

2) mahatathva - paramAtma

3)ahankAra tathva- antarAtma

4)manas tathva - Atma rUpi paramAtma



1)sthothra indriya -> aniruddha <- vAk indriya

2)netra indriya -> pradhyumna <- vANIndriya

3)thvak indriya -> sankarshaNa <- pAdhendriya

4)jihvendriya -> vAsudEva <- pAyu indriya

5)nAsikEndriya -> nArAyaNa ,- upasthEndriya


3)thriteeya AvaraNa

1)prithvi-> aniruddha <- gandha

2)Apas -> paradhyumna <- rasa

3)tEjas -> sankarshaNa <- rUpa

4)vAyu -> vAsudeva <- sparsha

5)AkAsha -> nArAyaNa <- sabdha




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!!! Sreehi !!!

!!! Sri Gurubhyo Namaha !!!

!!! Sri Parama Gurubhyo Namaha !!!

!!! Srimadananda Teertha Gurubhyo Namaha !!!



!!! Bimbakriyaayaiva Kriyaavaan Aham Daasajeevaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||


Here is the listing of Tatvagalu & their abhimani devathas.

Mukhyabhimani is Lord Sri Hari and Smt. Taraji has rightly

quoted Srimad Harikathamrutha sara to prove this point.


The following information has been extracted from a small booklet by

Sri Waayikar Krishnacharyaru of Bangalore. He was a great

Jnani & a great Haridasa in its true sense. Most of u would have

heard of Sri Gorebala Hanumantharayaru, who was jeernodharaka

of Haridasa Sahitya. Sri Acharya was the driving force behind

Sri Gorebala Hanumantharayaru.



Tatva Vichara



S.No. Name of Tatva Tatvaabhimani Devata

----- ------------- --------------------


1. Avyakta Tatva Sridevi, Saraswati-Bharati

2. Mahat Tatva Brahma - Vayu

3. Ahankara Tatva Garuda - Sesha - Rudraru

4. Manas Tatva Indra - Kamaru

5. Shrotru Tatva Dikdevathegalu

6. Twak Tatva Ahankarika Prana

7. Chakchus Tatva Soorya Devaru

8. Jihwa Tatva Varuna Devaru

9. Prana Tatva Ashwini Devathegalu

10. Vaak Tatva Agni Devaru

11. Paani Tatva Dakshaprajapati

12. Paada Tatva Jayanta

13. Paayu Tatva Mitra Devaru

14. Upastha Tatva Swayambhu Manu

15. Shabda Tatva Bruhaspati - Praana Devaru

16. Sparsha Tatva Apaana Devaru

17. Roopa Tatva Vyaana Devaru

18. Rasa Tatva Udaana Devaru

19. Gandha Tatva Samaana Devaru

20. Aakaasha Tatva Ganapati(Vighnesha)

21. Vaayu Tatva Pravaha Vaayu Devaru

22. Tejas Tatva Agni Devaru

23. Ap Tatva Varuna Devaru

24. Prithvi Tatva Dharani - Shanaishchara



In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna




nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


" I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His

worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His

recurring grace "

If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in


way, it pleases Vishnu.

--- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya

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