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Problems of DBJ

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Dear KP:


Here are the logical problems associated with accepting

dharmabhUtajn~Ana (dbj) especially in relation to God.


Is dbj internal or external to God?


1. If internal, then dbj is not different from God and hence

there is no sense in listing it as a separate substance from


2. If internal and yet different from God, the condition of

svagatabheda (internal distinctions) within God ensues. This

would clearly violate Scriptural statements like " ekamevAdvitIyam "

(ChAndogyopaniShad) meaning " one only not two " and " naiha

nAnAsti kincana " (KaThopaniShad) meaning " there is nothing else

here " .

3. If external to God, then the VishiShTAdvaita notion that

everything is internal to God (by virtue of sharIra-sharIrI

bhAva), falls apart. Further, you people would be hard-pressed

to account for the relationship between God and dbj. If dbj

is also ever-changing, would that require another via-media

knowledge and so on leading to anavasthAbhAsa (fallacy of

infinte regress).

4. If external, God would become DEPENDENT on dbj to obtain

knowledge of things apart from Himself and thus His sarvatantra

svantantratva (sovereign self-sufficiency) would stand seriously



Hari-vAyu smaraNa


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