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Swamiji's Address to Jordan World Assembly

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Amman in Jordan Dec 18 " Religions are like flowers.

Each religion is having its own nectar. A bee

shouldn't miss the nectar from different flowers. One

should act like a bee, which collects and stores the

essence from different flowers, and makes its own

special honey. Like that, each one should study all

religions and all philosophies, digest them properly,

prepare his own philosophy according to his conscience

and practice it throughout his lifetime. But the more

important thing is, the bee should have its own

freedom to wander wherever it wants. Like that, each

one should have the freedom of thinking, practicing,

and preaching whatever he believes.


Like a bee which does not damage the flower, he should

not harm any religion. At the same time, he should

not be threatened or tempted to restrict his thinking

or wandering. This is the essence of Hinduism and

also Shreemad Bhagavad Geethaa, which is in dire need

for the time. In Geethaa, Lord Shree Krishna preached

extensively to Arjuna about the pros and cons of his

options, and left the decision to his conscience.

" Vimrushaithadasheshena Yatheechhasi Thathaa Kuru. "

He said, " It is left up to you to make a decision. "

We are very glad to notice that this philosophy is

behind this conference. " His Holiness Shree Shree

Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji of Jagadguru Shree

Madhwaachaarya Moola Mahaa Samsthaanam Udupi Shree

Puthige Math from India said on his concluding speech,

in the world conference assembly on religion and

peace. He addressed a conglomeration of more than 1500

dignitaries from all over the world representing

various religions and countries including King

Abdullah, Prince Hassan, Arch Bishop of Canterbury,

Presidents of Indonesia, Costa Rica and so on. Here

are the excerpts of his concludingday speech.


" In Hinduism mother is the place of respect and the

place of respect is named after the mother like,

" Bhaaratha Maathaa " , " Gangaa Maathaa " , " Geethaa

Maathaa " , " GoMaathaa " , " Samskritha Maathaa " and so on.

Creating a pedestal of respect for motherhood,

Upanishads in sacred Vedas say, one should first pay

his respect to mother. " Maathru Devo Bhava " . One can

see all couples names have been started by the name of

their wives, like Seethaa Raama, Raadhaa Krishna, in

Hinduism. The scriptures say Gods will dance where

women are happy. " Yathra Naaryasthu Poojyanthe

ramanthe thathra Devathaaha. " In the beginning of all

speeches, all gents and women are addressed as Ladies

and Gentlemen. But sometimes in practice, it is vice

versa. Sometimes the beginning of exaggerated

thinking about suppression is maybe the beginning of

their suppression as well. Society should rectify

this and uphold the dignity of women. At the same

time, women should give up their inferiority complex,

simultaneously preparing men to give up their

superiority complex. Naturally, women deserve fifty

percent reservation. They don't seek it as a gift.

Men and women are like the Sun and Moon, without

either of which the world would not exist. " The

Swamiji reacted to the previous comments in the

assembly from women folk about the suppression of

women society.


Analyzing the meaning of spirituality the Swamiji

said, " The spirit behind all rituals is spirituality,

whether it is the rituals of a priest worshipping God

or the rituals of a modern surgeon cutting the flesh

of a human body. Spirituality is part and parcel of

all human beings in all walks of life. Truly, it is

the " lifespirit " which should be developed by each and

every person. " Swamiji justified the necessary

presence of spirituality, denying the common fallacy

that philosophy or spirituality is only meant for

priests, monks, or those who are tired, retired, full

of problems, and those who lost their business,

elections or properties.


" Although there are differences in their respective

philosophies, spiritual leaders are not quarreling

with each other. There are many records about the

clashes between communal communities, but not a single

story about fighting between their Gurus. There is

not a single story about fighting between the Prophet

Muhammad and Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ and Buddha, or

Buddha and GuruNaanak and so on because the Spiritual

Gurus understand the purpose and spirit behind

spirituality, whereas sometimes their followers do

not. " The Swamiji explained the subject " spirituality

and communal harmony. "


Narrating the similarity in languages and religions,

the pontiff pointed out, " the words " Pithr-Father " ,

" Maathr-Mother " " Bhraathr-Brother " " Swasr-Sister " and

" Soonu-Son. " Like this, the whole family from

Samskrit may be migrated into English. The word

" Maathr " from Samskrit, which is viewed as the mother

language of all Indo-European languages, appears in

Spanish as " Madre " . Similarly, the word " Upari " from

Samskrit is in English as " up " . It seems " Allaa " , the

name of mother in Samskrit that includes all Samskrit

letters by first letter " AA " and by last letter " LA " ,

has come to Persian as " Allaah " and the same may be in

English " All " . The word " Namasthe " from Samskrit may

be in Persian as " Namaaj " , and " Mandir " is " Manjil " .

It is said in Upanishads, that all narrate the same

thing in different ways. " Ekam sad vipraaha bahudhaa

vadanthi. " To find peace of mind we should give up a

mind of pieces that finds differences between

religions. Peacemakers should oust " piece-makers "

first. " The Swamiji paused.


" Actually, in this world one should mainly consider

two types of people: either good people, or bad

people, instead of Muslims, Christians, Jews or

Hindus. The said two types of people are present in

all religions. The religious leaders of today should

engage in converting bad people of their religion into

good people and thereby show them the path to

salvation, instead of wasting their time in tempting

or forcing people of another faith into their own

faith. Otherwise, this would lead to a vicious cycle

of disrespectfulness and chaos.


" In Hindu scriptures, it is said God will take form,

" avathaara " , in this earth, only to protect pious

people and convert or destroy evil ones.

" Parithraanaaya Saadhuunaam Vinaashaaya Cha

Dushkruthaam. " The gaps between religious communities

are widening because of evil people among all

religions. They misuse religion for regionalism to

meet their ends. " It is fact that since humanity has

survived until today, it is mainly on account of

spirituality and not merely by political, economic, or

military power. Actually, the power behind all these

powers is spirituality. According to spirituality,

increasing the defense budget is a symbol of weakness,

not pride. Unfortunately, it is becoming a must for



" Kings should support religious leaders, and spiritual

Gurus should guide kings. A ruler ruling without

dharma will be ruined. Polity without dharma is like

a watching stick in the hand of a blind person. Polity

takes care of solving the problems immediately but

creates more problems in the future. Dharma will take

care of preventing problems. Without support from

rulers, religious leaders can achieve only their

personal enlightenment, but they need support from

rulers and figures of authority to do this on a larger

scale. Religious leaders are like lame people and

rulers are like blind people. If the lame sit on the

shoulder of the blind and show the path, both of them

can reach a goal. The confluence of these two can

conquer any complications.


" If the concept of development is materialistic and

lacking spirituality, it will jeopardize the whole

system and lead to disaster like one trying to ride a

brand new bicycle without knowing how. Spirituality

will provide the balance for riders and also widen

visions and elevate outlooks.


" Sometimes Polity may provoke people, but spirituality

will always create evolution and decrease tension. In

Geethaa, Shree Krishna says that if a person can be

detached from worldly desires, ego and hatred, only

then, he can have peace of mind. " Vihaaya Kaamaan yaha

Pumaan-scharathi Nishpruhaha Nirmamo Nirahankaaraha sa

shaanthima-dhigachha-thi. " " Sa shaanthi maapnothi na

kaamakaamee. "


" In the end of Geetha, Shree Krishna has given a very

precious message by which we can solve problems of

personal, national, or international breadth. The

Lord Shree Krishna says God is residing in everyone's

heart irrespective of gender, color, caste or creed.

" Eeshwaraha sarva bhoothaanaam hriddeshe Arjuna

thisthathi. "


" If this message were practiced properly, we could

have prevented hundreds of unnecessary wars. If we

bring this message into our life, then we will start

to consider everyone as a temple, mosque or church.

We will respect everyone and pour affection on

everyone. Then, we will not find the division of mine

and me. The burning problems of crime and corruption,

which haunt every nation, will also vanish. If this

message is firmly rooted in one's heart he will not

find any place of loneliness because he sees God

everywhere. He will hesitate to commit any crime that

needs loneliness, isolation and no man area. The

present burning problem of storing weapons can also

vanish by this. If this message is adopted, then all

people will feel that everyone is like their kiths and

kin, cutting across their nationalities. They will

not feel threatened by anyone. Then, where will be

the need to store the weapons?


" Now we are in a whirlpool of gun culture and a

weapons race. The creation of one weapon has become

the justification for another weapon's creation.

Holding gun has become the justification for another

to hold the gun. So it is going on and on, without

knowing the end. It is neither in one's hand nor in

anyone's hand. Perhaps those who marched first should

be the first to take a stand against this, and they

should be firmly supported by everyone to solve this

problem. To save the human progeny and to preserve

ecological balance, crossing their limited lines,

without blaming anyone, with one heart, " All together

action " is the only answer for this problem. Without

solving this problem, it is hard for all to prosper.


" When security is eating all our money and energy,

where is the energy and money to eradicate poverty?

How can we get peaceful sleep when we know many

serpents are merely wandering within and outside of

our houses? That's why philosophy says if someone is

provoked, at first pacify him, bring him down, and gun

down the gun, and remove his doubts and establish the

faith rather than incite a bigger provocation.

Provocation will always multiply the problem. This is

the main message of Jesus Christ and also the main

theme of Buddhism.



" Seven hundred years ago Jagadguru Shree

Madhwaachaarya, the founder-promoter of Dwaitha

philosophy, was traveling in north India where riots

were going on and kill-at-sight was in order. In

spite of all local people's requests, Shree Achaarya

entered that place free from fear. Suddenly, all the

soldiers rushed to him. When they were about to

attack, they were taken aback and surprised by his

courage and indifferent response. Then, they took him

to the court of King Ghyas-ud-din Balban, sultan of

Delhi, where the bewildered king asked the Achaarya,

" How dare you enter my place? From whence you got the

courage to surpass the deadly barriers of the mighty

King. " Instantly but firmly, the Achaarya replied in

the Arabic language, " Whom should I fear when I see my

God, who is generating the whole universe, in the

hearts of the meek and weak, and also in this mighty

King? " The king was enlightened by the reply of the

Achaarya and joyfully offered half of the kingdom to

the Jagadguru as a gift.


This story shows how we can come out from the

whirlpool of fear and hatred to bring prosperity.

Giving answers in a peaceful manner should not be

considered as one's weakness. Instead, it should be

considered as a strength of one's high thinking and

balancing nature and the symbol of leadership which

fetches prosperity. This is the main message of

Hinduism, to bring hearts together.


" In Hinduism, there are four faced gods and five

headed gods and also six and more. But one cannot find

a God with double-heart. Oneness of heart is

considered as Godliness. One should have a smart

heart rather than a short heart. By that only, one

can expand his service to a bigger area.


" One should follow the path of the Earth. The Earth

rotates on its own axis and, at the same time, it

rounds the sun. With the sun, it rotates on another

solar system and, with another solar system, it

rotates around the Milky Way. All this time, the

sphere of earth always rotates on its own axis.

Similarly, rendering one's own duty in coordination

with the universal system is considered as Dharma.

Hinduism says the whole world is like one family:

" Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. " His Holiness described the

universal family.


" The universal family has come together in a historic

conference here to foresee the new threat in the

coming millennium. In Hindu scriptures, it says

whenever some dangerous period is about to come, all

good people will assemble at the feet of mother earth

and pray for a solution. Like that, here the

" deadsea " in Jordan, which is considered the lowest

point on earth, is the bottom of the earth and also

the feet of mother earth. We have come from another

edge of earth, the Himalayas, so that the whole world

between these two edges gathered in the feet of mother

earth and seek solace on the eve of the " dawn " of a

new millennium. So, the name Jordan has become

meaningful as " Jor-dawn. " The world has received the

green signal from the land of Islam for a new

millennium. From here, the world gets new air for the

new era. " Shree Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji

appreciated the subjects and the King of Jordan for

hosting this historical conference.


The Swamiji appreciated WCRP, the world-prestigious

organization and its organizers, for bringing together

all religious leaders in one platform, and described

WCRP as a " world tree " and hoped everyone will nurture

it and will receive the fruit of peace. He hoped

everyone would pour their dedication to the root of

this tree and let this tree of peace grow and bear

fruits of universal brotherhood.


His Holiness has received overwhelming reaction for

his speech in English and has been elected as

President of this International Organization which

represents all continents by International leaders

from the field of all religions and also from

political and other walks of







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We have sent a mail containing a report of Swamiji's

speech delivered during the closing ceremony of 7th

World Assembly at Amman, Jordan last month.


His Holiness appreciates help extended by Sri Balaji

Hebbar, Sri Vasu Murthy, Sri Aravinda Acharya, Sri

Dinakar Rai in compiling His thoughts in the speech



Best Regards


Keshavaraja/Prasanna Acharya


--- Puthige swamiji <puthigeshree wrote:










> Amman in Jordan Dec 18 " Religions are like flowers.

> Each religion is having its own nectar. A bee

> shouldn't miss the nectar from different flowers.

> One

> should act like a bee, which collects and stores the

> essence from different flowers, and makes its own

> special honey. Like that, each one should study all

> religions and all philosophies, digest them

> properly,

> prepare his own philosophy according to his

> conscience

> and practice it throughout his lifetime. But the

> more

> important thing is, the bee should have its own

> freedom to wander wherever it wants. Like that,

> each

> one should have the freedom of thinking, practicing,

> and preaching whatever he believes.


> Like a bee which does not damage the flower, he

> should

> not harm any religion. At the same time, he should

> not be threatened or tempted to restrict his

> thinking

> or wandering. This is the essence of Hinduism and

> also Shreemad Bhagavad Geethaa, which is in dire

> need

> for the time. In Geethaa, Lord Shree Krishna

> preached

> extensively to Arjuna about the pros and cons of his

> options, and left the decision to his conscience.

> " Vimrushaithadasheshena Yatheechhasi Thathaa Kuru. "

> He said, " It is left up to you to make a decision. "

> We are very glad to notice that this philosophy is

> behind this conference. " His Holiness Shree Shree

> Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji of Jagadguru Shree

> Madhwaachaarya Moola Mahaa Samsthaanam Udupi Shree

> Puthige Math from India said on his concluding

> speech,

> in the world conference assembly on religion and

> peace. He addressed a conglomeration of more than

> 1500

> dignitaries from all over the world representing

> various religions and countries including King

> Abdullah, Prince Hassan, Arch Bishop of Canterbury,

> Presidents of Indonesia, Costa Rica and so on. Here

> are the excerpts of his concludingday speech.


> " In Hinduism mother is the place of respect and the

> place of respect is named after the mother like,

> " Bhaaratha Maathaa " , " Gangaa Maathaa " , " Geethaa

> Maathaa " , " GoMaathaa " , " Samskritha Maathaa " and so

> on.

> Creating a pedestal of respect for motherhood,

> Upanishads in sacred Vedas say, one should first pay

> his respect to mother. " Maathru Devo Bhava " . One can

> see all couples names have been started by the name

> of

> their wives, like Seethaa Raama, Raadhaa Krishna, in

> Hinduism. The scriptures say Gods will dance where

> women are happy. " Yathra Naaryasthu Poojyanthe

> ramanthe thathra Devathaaha. " In the beginning of

> all

> speeches, all gents and women are addressed as

> Ladies

> and Gentlemen. But sometimes in practice, it is

> vice

> versa. Sometimes the beginning of exaggerated

> thinking about suppression is maybe the beginning of

> their suppression as well. Society should rectify

> this and uphold the dignity of women. At the same

> time, women should give up their inferiority

> complex,

> simultaneously preparing men to give up their

> superiority complex. Naturally, women deserve fifty

> percent reservation. They don't seek it as a gift.

> Men and women are like the Sun and Moon, without

> either of which the world would not exist. " The

> Swamiji reacted to the previous comments in the

> assembly from women folk about the suppression of

> women society.


> Analyzing the meaning of spirituality the Swamiji

> said, " The spirit behind all rituals is

> spirituality,

> whether it is the rituals of a priest worshipping

> God

> or the rituals of a modern surgeon cutting the flesh

> of a human body. Spirituality is part and parcel of

> all human beings in all walks of life. Truly, it is

> the " lifespirit " which should be developed by each

> and

> every person. " Swamiji justified the necessary

> presence of spirituality, denying the common fallacy

> that philosophy or spirituality is only meant for

> priests, monks, or those who are tired, retired,

> full

> of problems, and those who lost their business,

> elections or properties.


> " Although there are differences in their respective

> philosophies, spiritual leaders are not quarreling

> with each other. There are many records about the

> clashes between communal communities, but not a

> single

> story about fighting between their Gurus. There is

> not a single story about fighting between the

> Prophet

> Muhammad and Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ and Buddha,

> or

> Buddha and GuruNaanak and so on because the

> Spiritual

> Gurus understand the purpose and spirit behind

> spirituality, whereas sometimes their followers do

> not. " The Swamiji explained the subject

> " spirituality

> and communal harmony. "


> Narrating the similarity in languages and religions,

> the pontiff pointed out, " the words " Pithr-Father " ,

> " Maathr-Mother " " Bhraathr-Brother " " Swasr-Sister "

> and

> " Soonu-Son. " Like this, the whole family from

> Samskrit may be migrated into English. The word

> " Maathr " from Samskrit, which is viewed as the

> mother

> language of all Indo-European languages, appears in

> Spanish as " Madre " . Similarly, the word " Upari "

> from

> Samskrit is in English as " up " . It seems " Allaa " ,

> the

> name of mother in Samskrit that includes all

> Samskrit

> letters by first letter " AA " and by last letter

> " LA " ,

> has come to Persian as " Allaah " and the same may be

> in

> English " All " . The word " Namasthe " from Samskrit

> may

> be in Persian as " Namaaj " , and " Mandir " is " Manjil " .


> It is said in Upanishads, that all narrate the same

> thing in different ways. " Ekam sad vipraaha

> bahudhaa

> vadanthi. " To find peace of mind we should give up

> a

> mind of pieces that finds differences between

> religions. Peacemakers should oust " piece-makers "

> first. " The Swamiji paused.


> " Actually, in this world one should mainly consider

> two types of people: either good people, or bad

> people, instead of Muslims, Christians, Jews or

> Hindus. The said two types of people are present in

> all religions. The religious leaders of today

> should

> engage in converting bad people of their religion

> into

> good people and thereby show them the path to

> salvation, instead of wasting their time in tempting

> or forcing people of another faith into their own

> faith. Otherwise, this would lead to a vicious

> cycle

> of disrespectfulness and chaos.


> " In Hindu scriptures, it is said God will take form,

> " avathaara " , in this earth, only to protect pious

> people and convert or destroy evil ones.

> " Parithraanaaya Saadhuunaam Vinaashaaya Cha

> Dushkruthaam. " The gaps between religious

> communities

> are widening because of evil people among all

> religions. They misuse religion for regionalism to

> meet their ends. " It is fact that since humanity has

> survived until today, it is mainly on account of

> spirituality and not merely by political, economic,

> or

> military power. Actually, the power behind all

> these

> powers is spirituality. According to spirituality,

> increasing the defense budget is a symbol of

> weakness,

> not pride. Unfortunately, it is becoming a must for

> all.


> " Kings should support religious leaders, and

> spiritual

> Gurus should guide kings. A ruler ruling without

> dharma will be ruined. Polity without dharma is

> like

> a watching stick in the hand of a blind person.

> Polity


=== message truncated ===







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