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Comments regarding Suguna Maala

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Dear Nataraj,


I noticed your concern about Suguna Maala digest in

the net. I think you didn't grasp the policy behind

the magazine. First of all You should understand with

which policy Suguna Maala started.


The aims and objectives of our magazine as I

understand is to educate not only Dwaithis but also

all the well wishers of Dwaitha philosophy

irrespective of their cast, creed and background.


You should first try to look at the magazine without

any prejudies and with a broad mind. Subjects of oil

pulling, or Siddhi Samadhi Yoga are not published with

any bias. If we get any adverse comments regarding

those articles we will publish that also.


The name 'Suguna' indicates good character. Suguna

Maala receives all Sugunas from any field. It is up

to the readers to choose which ever article they like.


We are publishing many articles related to Madhwa

Philosophy, Bhagavad Geetha and other spiritual

matters. We publish lot of new, unpublished, valuable



We have Sri Bannanje Govindaachaarya, a well known

Maadhwa Scholar and many other scholars in our

editorial board.


We have published a series of unique articles related

to Bhagavad Geetha and Veda written by Sri Bannanje

since fourteen years. No other magazine has given the

wealth of information as much as Suguna Maala. We are

receiving hundreds of appreciation letters from all

over the world for our publications.


A series of articles related to Tantra Shastra which

is acceptabel in the view of Dwaitha philosophy is

also being published. Sri Ramanatha Acharya, a

scholar and disciple of Sri Puthige Swamiji is

compiling this.


We have also published series of articles written by

Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji regarding the

importance of Hindu Festivals and the message of the

same. At present His Holiness is writing a series of

article titled 'Bhagavad Geetha Adhyaya Saara', which

provides unique insight into the Bhagaavad Geetha.


The senrior most Swamiji like Sri Sri Vidhyamaanya

Theertha Swamiji and other Madhwa Swamiji's are also

enlightning all the readers by their articles.


We have 'Dharmika Prashnottara', 'rasa prashna','Pada

Bandha' (Fuzzles) etc where diverse group of scholars

like Sri Nagendra Acharya are contributing their



Because of the quality articles and popularity, Suguna

Maala has more than one lakh readers. In the history

of past 14 years it is standing number one in the

field of religious and cultural publications. Only

minus point is that there are few people who are

jelous about our progress. I hope you do not belong

to the above group. Please think twice before passing

out your comments regarding this distigunished



If you have any questions please contact me by email.


I also welcome good artcles from you so that we can

publish in the Suguna Maala. Set an example to all by

sending articles to our magazine rather than

commenting in an immatrued way.


I request all the members of VMS mailing list to go

through our publications and experience the unique and

valuable contribution that it is providing..


For details contact us at:



Suguna maala monthly digest

Car Street

Udupi-576 101

Karnataka State,



With Best Regards


Prasanna Acharya


Suguna Maala





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Dear Sri Prasanna Acharya:


Thank very much for clarifying the issue. It would really help all the

readers if you include a statement of objectives in every issue of

Sugunamala. This is a common practice in many religious publications.

This may take a page at the most but will resolve any confusion up front.

Without any mission statement or objectives, readers will be confused as

to what exactly is Sugunamala endorsing because it carries articles which

seem to praise the teachings of people who propagated mAyAvAda. I would

not have offended anyone if only Sugunamala carried clear objectives.

All you need to do is mention up front that Sugunamala doesn't

necessarily endorse all views expressed in all the articles and it is up

to the reader to draw his own conclusions.


I admit that it was wrong on my part to openly express my concerns

without knowing what the objectives of Sugunamala are. And I apologize

for that. But how am I supposed to know if you don't print them? Yes, I

should have written a letter to you first but this California-Kapilaranya

issue came out of no where. So I expressed my concerns here.


I don't have anything against Sugunamala. As I mentioned earlier, I

always look forward to reading articles by HH Sri Puthige Swamiji, Sri

Bannanje Govindacharya, Sri Sagri Raghavendra Upadhyaya, and others.


However, If Sugunamala has more than 1 lakh rs and if it has a

policy of accepting and printing articles about teachings of people from

all faiths, it is *very important* to include a clear statement of

objectives starting from the very next issue. This will help the readers

and also maintain Sugunamala's credibility. I hope you will consider my

request seriously.






On Thu, 30 Dec 1999 23:24:30 -0800 (PST) Prasanna Acharya

<laxmiprasanna writes:

> Prasanna Acharya <laxmiprasanna




> Dear Nataraj,


> I noticed your concern about Suguna Maala digest in

> the net. I think you didn't grasp the policy behind

> the magazine. First of all You should understand with

> which policy Suguna Maala started.


> The aims and objectives of our magazine as I

> understand is to educate not only Dwaithis but also

> all the well wishers of Dwaitha philosophy

> irrespective of their cast, creed and background.





> Publisher

> Suguna maala monthly digest

> Car Street

> Udupi-576 101

> Karnataka State,

> India


> With Best Regards


> Prasanna Acharya

> Publisher

> Suguna Maala





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