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Shri shrIsha guNa dharpaNam - part VI

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Here is the final part and part-VI of the series on Shri shrIsha


dharpaNam. Please refer to list archives under at

www. for previous postings. This stotra is suitable for daily


pArAyaNa by the whole family including children. The transliteration

encoding is in baraha format.


I pray for the blessings of sri Hari and vAyu which should result in

all the happiness and good things in life to all the list readers

during the new year and century.






Vasudeva Murthy




sarvAlamkAra bharithau sarvajJnyaa saRvasadhguNau |

shaRvAdhisaRvabhakthaugha sarva sarvasva dhAyakau ||15||


(sri Lakshmi and nArAyaNa) are adorned with all ornaments, know

everything and have all good qualities. (I worship sri Lakshmi and

nArAyaNa) who give blessings that fulfill the wishes of all their

devotees beginning with Lord Rudra.


sumuKau sumdharatharau sunAsau suKachiththanU |

surArAdhitha pAdhAbjau ramA nArAyanau sthumah || 16 ||


(sri Lakshmi and nArAyaNa) have beautiful face. They are very beautiful

with a graceful nose and body made of chit. DevatAs worship their lotus

like feet. I sing the praises of sri lakshmi nArAyaNa having such




chathuShkapaRdhA yA dhEvI chathurasyaadhibhisthuthA |

chathuRvEdhOdhithaguNA chathuRmURthERharEh priyA ||17||


sri mahAlakshmi has four braids in her hair. She is worshipped by four

faced brahma and other gods. Four vedAs extoll her qualities. She is

very dear to sri Hari who has four forms named (vAsudeva, samkarshANa,

pradyumna and aniruDhDha).(I worship such a Godess).


GRuthaprathIkAm thAm nithyam GRuthapURNAnnadhAyinIm |

yaThEShta viththadhAthrIm cha nathOsmyaBayadhAm sadhaa ||18||


I worship Godess sri Lakshmi who is (abhimAni) for ghee (clarified

butter). She gives devotees rice mixed with ghee , plentiful money and

blessings of her protection (abhaya) for ever.


Note: Eating rice mixed with ghee was an indication of wealth in India

in the old days.


vAdhirAjEna rachitham shri shrIshaguNadhaRpaNam |

imam sthavam paTan maRthyah shrImAn^syAnnAthra samshayah ||19||


A person who reads this stothra composed by sri vAdhirAja swamiji will

be blessed with great wealth. There is no doubt about this.




It is said that the regular pArAyaNa of this stotra gives great

spiritual and material wealth. This stotra is said to be a condensed

version of sri lakshmi hRudhaya and nArAyaNa hRudhaya which is read and

used in worship to achieve spiritual and material wealth.







Vasu Murthy




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