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Re ; Vaayu mahimaa.

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Namaskaaraa to all Haribhaktaas.

On this auspicious occassion I wish to share with all the devotees about

the glories of Sri Vaayu Jeevottamaaha and do respectful smarana on this

day. This is the outcome of my discussion and exchange of views with

Shri Nagaraja Rao a great devoteeof Srimadaacharyaa yesterday on the

Vaayu mahimaa on the eve of Hanumath Jayanthi.


The Saatvic souls for births together try frantically to get the grace

of the Lord and emancipate themselves from the clutches of samsaara. In

order to attain the blessings they have to know Him through

Vedas,Puraanaas and other shaastraas. It is not enough that an attempt

is made to know a miniscule part of Sri Narayana but the soul must love

Him,adore Him and offer themselves to Him . The sadhanaa thus done by

the souls fructify only if an ideal guru who Himself is bereft of doubts

showers his bountiful grace. Such a perfect preceptor with all the 32

sadlakshanaas is none other than Mukhyapraanaa.

This jeevottammmah is a perfect bhagavottama (beautifully elucidated

in the MBTN chapter XVIII) , He is the king of the devataas and He is

the abhimaani devata for aparoksyha gyaanaa and the darshana of

Mukyapraana is first had and then the bimba roopa darshanaa. In the

Bhaavaprakaashika, Sri Vadirajaru states that he takes 3crores of

roopaas to protect the Saatvikas and help them in their saadhanaa. In

other words usually the saatvikaa population never exceeds 3crores at

any point of time. He resides in all the souls and does the japa of

Hamsasohamswahat 21,600 times a day. He also exists in Pancha roopa in

the body as Prraanaa,Apaanaa ,Vyaanaa,Udaanaa and Samanaa in the body

and executes the perfect functioning of the body. On His exit from the

body he carries away the Lord and the soul along with Him. Thus, as

cited in the Aitreya Upanishad the tatvvaabhimaanidevataas also leave

the body one by one as soon as Vaayu exits from a body.

He is also called as Jeevottama since he has studies and knows the

4vedas,puranaas,ithihaasaas and the pancharaatras and hence he is called

maatareeswa in the Balitta Sukta and Hari Vaayu Stuti.

The brahmandaa is held by sesha and below seshaa Vaayu in kurmaroopa

holds them and lastly the Lord also in the kurma roopa holds the three

together. This is highlighted by SriPadaraajaru,Ada Avakachapa roopadi

andodakadi... The brihadaranyaka upanishad also refers the same as Sa

Cha kurmarupena vaayuh andodake sthitaha....(adhyaayam3 shloka2)

In the Harikataamrutasaaraa Sri Jagannaatha daasaru sums up the size of

the soul as taking a small partof a horse's hair and split it to hundred

times and again a hundred times that is the size of the soul. This soul

has to take a mininum of 1013 janmaas after it has confirmed that the

Lord is supreme and do the saadhaanaa. Then if aparoksha is granted by

the grace of Almighty then with the linga deha it goes to brahma by the

grace of Vaayuh (Sa enaan(Vaayu) brahma gamayati and after the viraja

nadi snaana it has its linga bhanga. Similaryly the taamasic souls are

taken to the tamas and andantamaas with blows from Vaayu.

In the Harikataamrita saaraa (Keertivaasana hindane nalvatu varshaa....)

it is said the Rudra had paataa for 40kalpaas from Vaayu .

The Riju ganaas (Riju literally means no bending or uncompromising as

they do not have vipareeta gyaanaa) have 100 kalpasaadhana to their

credit for coming to that class and then another 100 kalpasaadhanaa to

come to brahmapattaa,the penultimate being Vaayu ,

In the Prata Sankalpa gadya Sri Raghavendra Mahaprabhugalu implores such

a great personality as Swabhaktam maam

uddishya paramadayalu kshamaasamudra bhaktavatsala bhaktaaparaada

sahishnu deenam doonam anaatham......

This Vaayu Bhagawaan implores the Lord and pleads with Him for the

release aand welbeing of the devout and deserving souls and the Lord

never spurns the recommendation of His greatest bhaktaa.

Being so fortunate to have such a Guru we should pay our reverential

namaskarraas again andagain to such a paramadayalu on this Jayanti day

of the first avatara of Vaayu. I conclude this article with the verse

from the first Chapter of the Sumadva Vijaya:


ye ye guNaa naama jagatprasiddhaa yaM teShu teShu sma nidarshayanti |

saaxaanmahaabhaagavataprabarhaM shriimantamenaM hanuma.ntamaahuH || 10



Shri mukyapraanaantargata sri krishnaarpanamastu.

Yours in the Service of Sri Harih,

Dr.B. Basker.

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!!! srIhi !!!

!!! srI gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srI parama gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srImadAnanda tIrtha gurubhyO Namaha !!!



!!! bimbakriyAyaiva kriyAvAn aham dAsajIvaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||

[harikathAmrutasAra - Sandhi 32 - Padya 53]



Here I would like to present some of my opinions. Pl. correct me

if I am wrong.



> This jeevottammmah is a perfect bhagavottama (beautifully elucidated

>in the MBTN chapter XVIII) , He is the king of the devataas and He is

>the abhimaani devata for aparoksyha gyaanaa and the darshana of

>Mukyapraana is first had and then the bimba roopa darshanaa. In the

>Bhaavaprakaashika, Sri Vadirajaru states that he takes 3crores of

>roopaas to protect the Saatvikas and help them in their saadhanaa. In

>other words usually the saatvikaa population never exceeds 3crores at

>any point of time.


Sri Jagannatha Dasaru in harikathAmrutasAra aparoksha tAratamya sandhi


khEtakukkuta jalatavemba thrikOti rUpava dharisi sathatha |

nishAtaranu samharisi salahuva sarva sajjaanara ||

kaitabhAriyapurada prathama kavAtavenisuva garuda shEshala

lAtalOchana mukhyasurarige AvakAladali ||

[sandhi 24 - Padya 21]


In harikathAmrutasAra, it is said that there are 33 crore devathAs &

shatAnashatakOti rushis (100 less 100 crore rushis), this excluding

the mukti yogya souls in kaksha 30 (manushya gandharvaru),

31 (mAnusha chakravarthigalu) & 32 (manushyottamaru - there are many

categories in this).

How would we explain this if we assume that sAtvik souls never exceed

3 crores? I think, the above padya has a different meaning.

Could someone pl. clarify this & explain the above padya.

I shall try to get some info. on this at the earliest.


>He resides in all the souls and does the japa of

>Hamsasohamswahat 21,600 times a day. He also exists in Pancha roopa in

>the body as Prraanaa,Apaanaa ,Vyaanaa,Udaanaa and Samanaa in the body

>and executes the perfect functioning of the body. On His exit from the

>body he carries away the Lord and the soul along with Him. Thus, as

>cited in the Aitreya Upanishad the tatvvaabhimaanidevataas also leave

>the body one by one as soon as Vaayu exits from a body.


Should that be other way round? As we find in mahAbhArata, after

the kurukshetra war, arjuna is asked to get down from chariot before

sri mukhyaprAna & sri hari gets down from chariot and once this happnes,

the chariot catches fire and gets burnt. So also this dEhakya chariot.

Once sri hari vAyu decide that the sadhana of a soul is complete thru

the current body, they would ask tattvAbhimanIs to vacate the chariot

and then sri vAyu vAhana sri hari leave the chariot along with jIva.

Pl. correct me, if I am wrong.



>In the Harikataamrutasaaraa Sri Jagannaatha daasaru sums up the size of

>the soul as taking a small partof a horse's hair and split it to hundred

>times and again a hundred times that is the size of the soul. This soul

>has to take a mininum of 1013 janmaas after it has confirmed that the

>Lord is supreme and do the saadhaanaa. Then if aparoksha is granted by

>the grace of Almighty then with the linga deha it goes to brahma by the

>grace of Vaayuh (Sa enaan(Vaayu) brahma gamayati and after the viraja

>nadi snaana it has its linga bhanga. Similaryly the taamasic souls are

>taken to the tamas and andantamaas with blows from Vaayu.


kudurebAlada koneya kudaluthudhi vibhAgava mAdi shathavidha

Adarolondanu nUrubhAgava mAdalenthihudO

vidhi bhavAdhi samastha jEvara modalumAdi thrunAnth jEvaro

Ladhika nyunathe ellavendhigu jEvaparamAnu

[harikathAmrutasAra Sandhi 9 - Padya 7]



Sri Jagannatha Dasaru clearly states that starting from brahma to

truna jIva, there is no difference in the size, to put it

appropriately, difference comes from quality not quantity (size).

jIva is a paramAnu.


mukti yogya souls (sAtvik in nature) are broadly categorized into

3 types :

a) karma yoga jIvas (karma prAchurya)

b) jnAna yoga jIvas (jnAna prAchurya)

c) bhakti yoga jIvas (bhakti prAchurya)


jnAna yoga jIvas are further categorized into two types :

a) jnAna yoga jIvas &

b) vijnAna yoga jIvas



The above reference of 1013 janmAs is with respect to karma yoga jIvas.


thruna krimi dvIjapashu narOtthama janapa naragandharva

gana ivarenisuvaru amshavihIna karma suyOgigalu endu

thanu prathIkadhi bimbana upAsanava gaiyutha indrayaja

karmanavaratha harigarpisutha nirmamaru enisuvaru

[harikathAmrutasAra Sandhi 24 - Padya 3]


Sri dAsaru goes onto explain in the next 4 padyas about their

sAdhana. dAsaru uses the word " prAnthake mAnushattvavanaidhi " ,

which means that a karma yoga jIva (a sAtvik soul without any doubt),

after getting thru differnt yonIs [sri kanaka dAsaru - Esu kAyangaLa

kaLedu embhuttu nalku laksha jIva rAsi ennu dAtibanda ....],

with the Grace of Sri Hari, who says, " Enam mochayAmi " , must

go thru 1013 mAnusha janmAs without any break in between, of which

first 1000 janmAs are karma prachurya, next 10 janmAs are jnAna

prachurya & the remaining 3 janmAs are bhakti prachurya. In the

1014 janma, the jIva is bestowed with bimba sAtshatkAra. Since,

the karma sAdhana is major contributor, such souls are called

karma yoga jIvas. Once after bimba aparoxa, sanchita karma is burnt,

Agami is nirlEpa & the soul take births to experience prArabdha karma.


dAsaru also explains about jnAna yOga jIvas & bhakti yOga jIvas.

Its a very big subject and could not be covered here.


Hope the above explanation is correct. Pl. excuse me for any

mistakes. Pl. correct me for any mistakes.



>In the Harikataamrita saaraa (Keertivaasana hindane nalvatu varshaa....)

>it is said the Rudra had paataa for 40kalpaas from Vaayu .



Just a pointer - These 40 kalpAs are 40 brahma dina kalpAs.

There is much explanation to the above padya.

One another point which I would like to clarify here at this juncture

is with respect to sri rudra dEvara sAdhana. In some vyAkhyanAs to

srimad harikathAmrutarasAra, it is said that rudra dEvara sAdhana

is 80 brahma kalpas. Its actually 100 brahma kalpAs.


sAdhanagala aparOksha nanthara aiduvaru mOkshavanu

shivashakrAdhi dhivijaru uktakramadhim kalpasankyeyali

aidalegeaivaththu upEndra sahOdaranigippatthu dvInavatva

gAdhipathi prAnanige guru marugalige shOdashavu


" aidalegeaivaththu " (3rd line of above padya) clearly states that

rudra dEvara sAdhana after aparoxa is 50 brahma kalpAs and before

aparoxa, its 50 brahma kalpAs => 50 brahma kalpAs for attaining

aparoxa and next 50 brahma kalpAs are visesha sAdhana & prArabdha



>The Riju ganaas (Riju literally means no bending or uncompromising as

>they do not have vipareeta gyaanaa) have 100 kalpasaadhana to their

>credit for coming to that class and then another 100 kalpasaadhanaa to

>come to brahmapattaa,the penultimate being Vaayu ,


By default, when the current brahma pada jIva attains mukti,

Sri vAyu pada jIva moves to brahma pada, lAtavya pada jIva to

vAyu pada, etc. brahma, vAyu, lAtavya, gavya, etc. are posts

which is attained by a ruju jIva. To attain brahma pada (post),

a ruju jIva after being brought from asrujya must do sAdhana

for 199 brahma kalpAs and then attain brahma pada. The first 100

brahma kalpa sAdhana is for visesha aparoxa and the next 100 brahma

kalpa sAdhana (101 - kalki, 102 - sutEja,...., 197 - gavya,

198 - lAtavya, 199 - vAyu, 200 - brahma) is visesha sAdhana for

more clarity & sampOrnatva.


So the point that, " have 100 kalpasaadhana to their credit for coming

to that class " would not be appropriate, b'cos they are already in

that class.


Correct me for any mistakes.



In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna



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