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tAratamya Vichara

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!!! srIhi !!!

!!! srI gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srI parama gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srImadAnanda tIrtha gurubhyO Namaha !!!



!!! bimbakriyAyaiva kriyAvAn aham dAsajIvaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||

[harikathAmrutasAra - Sandhi 32 - Padya 53]



It is a indeed a long writeup on tAratamya and I request the readers/

sAdhakas to have a patient reading.



tAratamya (Gradation of jIvAs) vichara : Its Importance

----- --------------


In dwaita siddhAnta, tAratamya is one of the most important tenets. I would

like to present a small write up on this subject that I have collected from

the book " harikathAmruta sAra tIkA - pancharatna prakA

shikA " by antaranga sAdhakaru Sri Gorebala Hanumantharayaru. He has given

an extensive writeup on tAratamya at the beginning of aparoxa tAratamya

sandhi/kalpa sAdhana sandhi (Sandhi 24). I have collected some parts of it

and added few of my thoughts and am trying to present it over here for the

benefit of sAdhakAs.


I would request sAdhakAs to pardon me for any mistakes. Pl. correct me

wherever I am wrong.


Introduction :


As soon as we come across the word tAratamya, the tAratamya that we follow

during bhajana strikes our mind.


dAsa kaksha

..... -> Jagannatha Dasaru -> Gopala Dasaru -> Vijaya Dasaru -> Kanada Dasaru

-> Vaikunta Dasaru -> Purandara Dasaru ->


yati kaksha

.......-> Vishnu Teertharu ->Satyabodha Teertharu -> Raghavendra Teertharu ->

Vadiraja Teertharu -> Vyaasaraja Teertharu -> Teekacharyaru -> Akshobhya

Teertharu -> Madhava Teertharu -> Narahari Teertharu -> Padmanabha Teertharu



dEvatha kaksha

Ganapati -> Parvati Deviyaru -> Garuda Sesha Rudraru -> Bhaarati Saraswathi

-> Vaayu Brahmaru -> Sri Maha Lakshmi -> Sriman Naaraayana.


As can be seen from the above categorization, the tAratamya, except for

dEvatha kaksha, is broadly based on time and gruhasta & yati factors.


A closer study of above categorization reveals that all the jNanIs in dAsa &

yati kaksha are after 8th century AD., i.e. after Sri Madhwacharyaru.


This would lead to a set of questions -


Q) Whether dwaita siddhAnta was available before Sri Mahdwacharyaru ?

A) Indeed, the siddhAnta propounded by Jagadguru Sri Madhwacharyaru is a

universal truth. It is applicable to tri kAla, sarva dEsha & sarva varNa.


Q) Were there not any sAdhakAs before Sri Madhwacharyaru who were following

dwaita siddhAnta.

A) Indeed, there were sAdhakAs who were following dwaita siddhAnta.


Q) How were they doing tAratamya upAsana which forms the most important

sAdhana ?

A) I shall answer this question in more detail.


tAratamya doesn't merely mean what we are following today during bhajana.

It is much more than that. It is the hierarchy of souls. Great Masters have

categorized it into two ways at a very higher level:


Sri Jagannatha Dasaru in his magnam opus Srimad harikathAmrutarasAra says

" dEvadaithyara tAratamyava ..... "


All the sAtvik souls are grouped under dEvathas and rAjasik & tAmasik souls

under daithyas.

The classification of sAtvik souls is based on their sAdhana and many other

factors as detailed in harikathAmrutasAra. Sri Jagannatha Dasaru has

grouped sAtvik souls into 32 kakshas that also includes aksharaLu Sri

Lakshmi Devi & Sarvottama Sriman nArAyaNa.


A sAdhaka is supposed to understand this tAratamya, mukhya tatvAbhimAni

dEvathas, amukhya tatvAbhimAni dEvathas, atAtvikAs, their existence in this

brahmAda & likewise in this pindAnda, their gradations, their portfolios,

their respective duties in brahmAnda as well as pindAnda and accordingly

must & should worship them (their Indweller) with the same hierarchy.


Let me present here an analogy :

In loukika, lets consider any Governmental System.

Chief-in Command : Prime Minister

Next in Command : Deputy Prime Minister

Next in Command : Cabinet Ministers (There again would be gradations)

Next in Command : Ministers of State (There again would be gradations)

Next in Command/

limited Command : Elected Representatives without any portfolios

No Command : People who elected them


" nahi drushtAnthe sarva sAmyam " -> An example is just to give an analogy, we

must not relate it to the actual reality in all respects.


In pAramArthika :

Chief-in Command : Sriman nArAyaNa

(Prime Minister)

Next in Command : Sri lakshmi DEvi

(Deputy PM)

mukhya tatvAbhimAnis : All dEvathAs starting from 3rd kaksha to 18th kaksha

(Cabinet Ministers)

amukhya tatvAbhimAnis : All dEvathAs starting from 19th kaksha to 26th


(Ministers of State)

atAtvikaru : All dEvathAs starting from 27th kaksha to 29th


(Elected Reps.)

People : Souls in 30th, 31st & 32nd kaksha


The important aspect to be noted in Sri Hari's administration is, He is the

only svatantra tatva & rest all are asvatantraru. He is the Indweller of

ksharAkshara. " tEna vinA truNamapi nachalathi " . He is Omnipresent, All

Pervasive & Omnipotent.


All dEvathAs should be given their due respect (adhishtana must be given due

importance) with the above knowledge active all the time.


Lets visit some quotes :


Lord Sri Krishna in garuda purANa - brahma kAnda - adhyAya 36 says,


durlabham taratamam jnAnam vaishNavAnAm kalau khaga |

dwishadguNa vApi chaturvEda yutOpi cha || 73 ||


[ In Kaliyuga, tAratamya jnAna (knowledge of hierarchy) is durlabham even

for a vaishnavite who is knowledgeable in 4 vedas & who is dwishadguna yuta



tAratamya vihInAnAm vaishNavAnAmapi dwija |

vEdasya pathanAdwEndra vyarthamEva na samshayaha || 79 ||


[ Reading vedas would be mere waste if a vaishnava is not knowledgeable in

tAratamya. There is no doubt about it ]


|| idam tAratamya jnAnam durlabham vai kalau nruNAm ||



SrimadAcharyaru in chhAndogya bhAshya - adhyAya 7


nAmAdi mArutAntEshu dEvEshwEbhyashcha bhEdataha |

upAsitO harirmuktim dadyAnnAsyatra samshayaha ||


[sri Hari, the Indweller, is abhinna in all dEvathAs starting from

nAmAbhimAnini ushAdEvi to Sri mukhyaprAna dEvaru. With such upAsana, Sri

Hari would release the upAsaka from bondage. There is no doubt about it.


SrimadAcharyaru has indicated in prasthAnatraya that tAratamya upAsana is

the most important sAdhana.



Sri Raghavendra Teertharu in chhAndogya upanishat khandArtha


tAratamya jnAnapUrvam tadantargatatvEnOpAsitO harirmOkshAdi

sarvapumarthaprada ityatO dEvAnAm tAratamyamAha ||


Sri Hari would bestow His Grace, mOksha, to those who would worship

(upAsana) Him as the Indweller of all jIvAs. Sri Mantralaya prabhugalu

says, mere knowledge of antaryAmitva would not be sufficient, it must be

clubbed with tAratamya jnAna.



Sri Purandara Dasaru in one of his Devaranama


madhwamatada siddhAntada paddhati bidabyAdi bidabyAdi || p ||

harisarvottama houdembo jnAnava tAratamya dinda tiLisO margava ||


[ Do not leave the path that shows the truth, that Sri Hari

is Sarvottama supported with the knowledge of tAratamya ]


Sri Bhrigvamsha sambhuta Sri Vijaya Dasaru has stressed upon the importance

of tAratamya jnAna in his upAsanA bhAga suLAdIs.


upAsanA bhAga suLAdigalu


suLAdi 12 : mAnasa pOje mAdu dhyAna pUrvakadinda


tALa : mattatALa


tatva tAratamya tAtparyava tiLidu | [ Note this line ]

satvaguNadalli satya nadedu |

nityavadhika jnAna bhakti vairAgyada |

uttamOttamanAgi uttarOttaradalli |

chittada madhyadalli chittaja pitananna |

stOtranesagutta Atma nirmaLanAgu |

sAtvika daivave vijaya vittala sa |

rvOttamanendu sArutta santatadalli |


[ The first line emphasizes on the knowledge of tatvAs, tatvEshAs, their

gradations & their Indweller Sri Vijaya Vittala ]


suLAdi 4 :


archisu manave nitya anAdi mUrutiya |

nicchaLa nAgi nihsangadalli |

accha bhakutiyalli panchabheda jnAna | [ Emphasis on Pancha Bheda ]

bommAdyara tAratamya tiLidu sacchidAnandAtmaka guNagaLinda |

[ Emphasis on tAratamya ]


suLadi 28 : hariya archane mAdu harushadindali manave


tALa : attatALa


padOpadige ninna hrudayadoLage dhyAna mudadinda mAdOdu |

padumanAbhana vyApti akhandadali untu |

adara taruvAya siri aja bhava indra |

madanavididu shanaishchara vyApti tiLidu ni |

llade ivara pUje AvAva bageyinda |

udayAstamAna pariyanta rachisalu |

ide ide tatvEshara vyApti pariyanta |

sadamala vAgi muttuvadendu dhyAnise |

padavige sOpAna vEgadindAgOdu |

chaduramUruthi namma vijaya vittalarEya |

idanenedare kaikondu sarvarigEva |


[ Pl. note the 2nd, 3rd & 4th line in the above suLAdi ]



Sri Jagannatha Dasaru presents the cream on tAratamya as propounded by

dwaita siddhAnta pravarthakAs in his magnum opous Srimad harikathAmrutasAra.

He has dedicated 8 Sandhis to bring out the importance of tAratamya, viz.

a) guNatAratamya sandhi

b) bruhattAratamya sandhi

c) aparokshatAratamya sandhi

d) ArohaNatAratamya sandhi

e) avarOhaNatAratamya sadhi

f) aNutAratamya sandhi

g) daithyatAratamya sandhi

h) kakshAtAratamya sandhi


guNatAratamya sandhi


dEvadaithyara tAratamyavu |

pAvamAnimathanugarigidu |

kEvalAvashyakavu tiLivudu sarvakAladali ||

dAvashikhi pApAtavige nava |

nAveyenipudu bhavasamudrake |

pAvatige vaikuntalOkakidendu karesuvudu || 22 ||


[ Dasaru says, the knowledge & upAsana of dEvatha & daithya tAratamya is

most essential (kEvalAvashyakavu) for the followers of Sriman

Madhwacharyaru. Its like fire to a forest of sin, a new boat to cross

sansArAkhya ocean & steps to vaikunta loka ]


Dasaru expresses the same view in the following Padya also.


ArOhaNa tAratamya sandhi


praNatakAmadananghri sandaru |

shanadapEkshegaLuLLavage ni |

chchaNike yanipudu jada modalu brahmAnda taratamavu |

manavacAnadim smarisuvara bhava |

vanadhi sOshisi pOguvudu kA |

raNavenisuvudu jnAna bhakti virakti sampadake || 17 ||



aNutAratamya sandhi


dEvadaithyara tAratamyava |

nI vidhadi tiLidellaroLu la |

kshmIvarane sarvottamanu endaridu nityadali |

sEvisuva bhaktarigolidu sukha |

vIva sarvatradali sukhamaya |

srI virinchyAdyamaranutha jagannatha vittalanu || 16 ||



I shall post the tAratamya vichara which is categorized into 32 kakshas in

my next posting. Some achAryAs have categorized Sri Hari,

Sri Lakshmi Devi & all mukti yogya brahmAditruNAnta jIvAs into more kakshas.

We shall not get into all those details and discussions as Sri Jagannatha

Dasaru himself has gifted a gadya indicating 32 kakshAs for the benefit of

sAdhakAs. I shall also post that sometime later.


I request VMS/CMS committe members to give due importance to tAratamya on

their respective websites. I request them to come up with a separate page

which is dedicated to tAratamya and related write up listing down the

importance of tAratamya.


I can send the xerox copies of the material that I have, so that a better

write up could be posted on the net for the benefit of sAdhakAs. Most of

the sAdhakAs are not aware of tAratamya which forms the preliminary

requirement of sAdhana. For sAdhana to speeden up, we must have the

anugraha of all sOttamaru. Hence this humble request.


Pl. pardon me for any mistakes and as I already requested, pl. let me know

of any corrections.


In the seva of Sri Jagannatha Vittala & His dAsAs


Prasanna Krishna






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