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tAratamya Chart

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Dear friends,


I have some questions regarding this taratamya chart. I really thank sri

prasanna krishna to have posted this chart. I did not know about this in



1. What is the position of the sons of Shiva - shanmukha, ganesha?


2. Is Garuda a nityamukta or not? and Garuda and Siva are on the same

category; Are they both nityamuktas or not?


3. What are the relative positions of : other popular devatas such as

Aiyyappa, Kali?


4. Clearly who are the NItya muktas and how many of them are there?


5. Which PUrana or Vedic verse or agama vakyas list these hierarchy? and

if you can find that please give the quotation or reference.


For a devotee follower of Madhva Siddhanta how should one meditate based on

this chart?


7) Is Lakshmi included in the " Independent " category with Sri Vishnu or



8) What is the real relationship between Lakshmi and Narayana? - In

visistadvaita this relationship is a little controversial between the two

schools of visistadvaita. I wanted to know separately what the real tattva

is in this regard in Sri Madhva mata.


Thanks alot for this information,


Sri Krishnarpanamastu

asmad Gurubhyo namaha


Krishna Kalale



Prasanna Krishna [sMTP:krish_p]

Monday, January 10, 2000 7:37 PM


tAratamya Chart


[Krishna Kalale] stuff deleted for brevity

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!!! srIhi !!!

!!! srI gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srI parama gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srImadAnanda tIrtha gurubhyO Namaha !!!



!!! bimbakriyAyaiva kriyAvAn aham dAsajIvaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||

[harikathAmrutasAra - Sandhi 32 - Padya 53]



dEvadaithyara thArathamyavu |

pAvamAnimathAnugarigidu |

kEvalAvashyakavu thilivudu sarvakAladali ||

dAvashiki pApAtavige |

nava nAveyenipudu bhavasamudrake |

pAvatige vaikunta lOkakidendu karesuvudu ||


dEvatha tAratamya Krama



Kaksha Name of Tatva

------ -------------


1. Sri Vishnu Sarvottama

2. Sri Lakshmi Devi - Nitya Mukthalu

3. Sri Brahma - Sri Vaayu Devaru [Jeevottamaru]

4. Sri Saraswathi - Sri Bharathi Deviyaru

5. Sri Garuda - Sesha - Rudraru

6. Sri Jambuvati - Bhadra - Neela - Kaalindi - Mitravinda - Lakshana


[sri Krishnana Shanmahishiyaru]

7. Sri Souparani - Vaaruni - Parvathi Deviyaru

8. Sri Indra - Kama (Pradumna/Manmatha)

9. Sri Ahankarika Praana Devaru

10. Sri Swayambhu Manu - DakshaPrajaapati - Bruhaspatyaacharyaru -

Aniruddha Devaru (Son of Kama) - Sachi Devi (Indra Patni) - Rati Devi (Kama


11. Sri Pravaha Vaayudevaru

12. Sri Vivashwan Soorya - Chandra - Yama - Shataroopa Deviyaru

(Swayambhu Manu Patni)

13. Sri Varuna Devaru

14. Sri Devarshi Naaradaru

15. Sri Bhrigu Maharshi - Agni - Prasooti Deviyaru (Dakshaprajapati


16. a) Brahamaputraru : [Mareechi - Atri - Angirasa - Pulastya -

Pulaha - Kratu - Vasishtaru]

b) Sri Vaivasvatha Manu

c) Sri Vishwamitraru

17. Sri Mitra - Nirruti - Praavahi (Pravaha Vaayu patni) -

Tara Deviyaru (Bruhaspatyacharyara Patni)

18. Vishvaksena - Ganapati - Ashwini Devathegalu - Kubera (Dhanapa) -

Shashastha Sesharu (82 in no.)

19. Karmaja Devathegalu :

a) Jaya Vijayaadi Dwaarapalakaru (56 in no.)

b) Vaayu putra Mareechi - Agni Putra Paavaka - Indra Putra Jayanta

c) Shatapunya shloka rajaru :

Priyavrata - Uttaanapaada - Gaya - Mandhata - Dhruva - Pruthu -

Sashibindu -

Kaartiveerya - Kakuthya - Doushyanti - Bharatha - Pareekshita -

Janaka -

Haihaya - Arshabha Bharata, etc. (100 in no.)

d) Chavana - Ucha - Kardama, etc. (92 in no. Rushigalu)

e) Sanaka - Sanandana - Saratsujaata (Brahama manasa putraru)

f) Vishnu Parshadaru :

Chandaka (Gada - Younger brother of Sri Krishna)

Sudhama (Maalakaara)

Vaptaa (Naasika)

g) 8 Gandharva - 92 Apsarastreeyaru - 7 Pitrugalu - 11 Manugalu -


h) Yagna saadhanaabhimaani Devathegalu

i) Archara - Dhumaadi Marga devathegalu

j) Raahu - Kethu - Mangala - Shukra

k) Bali Chakravarthi, etc. (7 in no. Indraru)

l) Sulekha namaka chitragupta

m) Digabhimaani - Ababhimaani Deviyaru (Sri Bheemasena Devara 20 in



n) Vahana's of Devathegalu (Nandi, Hamsa, etc.)

20. Meghabhimaani Parjanya - VarunaPatni Ganga - Sooryapatni Sangnya -

Chandrapatni Rohini - Aniruddhapatni Viraadushadevi


21. Koormadi Anaakhyata Devathegalu

22. Agni Patni Swaaha (Mantraabhimaani)

23. Budha (Jalaabhimaani)

24. Devaki Devi - Yashooda devi - Usha (Ashwini Patniyaru -


25. Shanaishchara - Dharaadevi

26. Karmaabhimaani Pushkara

27. Aajanaja Devathegalu

Aakhyata Aajanajaru :

a) 92 Gandharvas

b) Kratu

c) Sindhu

d) 908 Apsarastreeyaru (Of 1000 Apsarastreeyaru, 92 are in 19th


e) 16,100 Krishnapatniyaru (They are actually children of Agni)


Anaakhyata Aajanajaru :

a) Vibudharu (100 in No.)

b) Deva Bhrutya Pitrugalu (100)

c) Deva Bhrutya Asuraru (100)

d) Deva Gayanaru Gandharvaru (100)

e) Nritya performers Apsarastreeyaru (100)

f) Siddha Sanketaru (70) Devakarya Nirwahakas

g) Vaahana carriers Yaksharas (70)

h) Shibika (Mene) carriers Rakshashas (30)

i) Paricharakas Charanaru (30)

j) Seva karthas Bhutaru (70)

k) Kinnararu (70)

l) Pishacharu (70)

m) Kubera Bhrutyas Guhyakaru (7)

n) Pretaru (70)

o) Vidyadhararu (70)

p) Varuna Bhrutyas Naagaru (5)

q) Shatonashatakoti Rushigalu

28. Chirapitrugalu

29. Deva Gandharvas

30. Manushya Gandharvas

31. Kshitipas (Maanusha Chakravarthigalu)

(Excluding 100 Rajaru who have figured in kaksha 19)

32. Manushyottamaru

a) Nara

b) Pashu (Bhoochara)

c) Pakshi (Khechara/Dwija)

d) Krimi

e) Truna




Pl. let me know of any corrections in the above chart.


In Hari Seva

Prasanna Krishna



Note :


Dear VMS/CMS Committee Members,



Hope u read my previous mail. The web page what I was talking about could

contain the above chart and much more.


1. It can talk about jnAna, bhakti & karma yoga jIvAs

2. mukhya/amukhya tatvAbhimAni dEvathAs & atAtvikAs

3. sankhyAta & asankhyAta vargAs

4. Meaning of karmaja, Akhyata & anAkhyAta AjAnaja dEvathAs

5. amsha & niramsha aspects.

6. The sAdhana of all the mukti yogya jIvas, i.e. No. of

brahma kalpa sAdhana

7. The amsha - Avesha - avatAra of dEvathas.

8. sajAti - vijAti guNAs

9. The tAratamya in their guNAs.

Ex: Sri brahma - vAyu are 1 crore vijAti guNa less to Sri Lakshmi Devi

10. The names of sOmarasapAnArharu, etc.



I suppose the tAratamya vichAra would clear many a doubts in the minds of

sAdhakAs and this would definitely help them in their sAdhana, thereby

speeding up everyone's sAdhana.


Hope to move in that direction.


Thank you once again

In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna




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Dear Krishna,



Here are my answers. Hope this would clear some of ur doubts.



>1. What is the position of the sons of Shiva - shanmukha, ganesha?

A) If u go thru tAratamya chart, u would find that gaNesha is in 18th kaksha

along with dhanapa, ashwini dEvathAs & others.

Reg. Shanmukha, Sri Jagannatha Dasaru in bruhattAratamya sandhi states


kAma or manmatha who is equivalent to shachi pati Indra (both r in 8th

kaksha -

refer to tAratamya chart) is Shanmukha. kAma has a total of 6 avatArAs.

They are

1) bharata (brother of Sri rAma)

2) sAmba

3) sudarushana

4) pradyumna

5) sanathkumAra

6) shanmukha



>2. Is Garuda a nityamukta or not? and Garuda and Siva are on the same

>category; Are they both nityamuktas or not?


A) Except for Sri Maha Lakshmi Deviyaru, none are nityamuktaru.

I shall explain about nityamuktaru for ur 4th question.


Ur next point " Garuda & Siva are on the same category " needs some


which I shall post in detail sometime later.


Garuda - Sesha - Rudraru are in the same kaksha. The only point that

need to be

noted is, Rudra pada JIva must attain moksha thru Sesha pada.



>3. What are the relative positions of : other popular devatas such as

>Aiyyappa, Kali?

A) Ayyappa is not considered avatAra of any dEvatha according to Madhwa


I do not want to comment any further on this. But I strongly recommend


follower of dwaita philosophy to stop worshipping Ayyappa if they are



kAli is an avatAra of Maha Lakshmi Deviyaru. Sri Vijaya Dasaru in his


suLAdi, refers to Kali.


Bharati Deviyaru also has an avatAra as kAli. In BruhattAratamya sandhi,


explaining about Saraswathi - Bharathi, he refers to this.


kAli drowpathi kAshije pAnchAli sivakanyaindra

sEnAkAlamAnIchandra dyusabhAnAma bhArathiyu

ghAlibrahmara yuvathiyaru ELELu aivaththondu gunadhin

kIlareniparu thamma pathigaLindaLAvAga

[harikathAmruthasAra - Sandhi - 23 Padya - 10]



>4. Clearly who are the NItya muktas and how many of them are there?

A) ramA dEvi (Sri lakshmi dEviyaru) is the only nitya mukthaLu. She is


in Kaksha. Rest all, starting from 3rd till 32nd kaksha are linda dEha

baddharu. Only after linga dEha nAsha, they would be free from bondage


are called muktharu. ramA devi is mukthalu from anAdi, i.e. never ever


had linga dEha (which is triguNAtmaka)


nityamukthaLe nirvikAraLe nityasukha sampOrNe|

nithyAnithya jagadAdhAre mukthAmukthaganavinuthe |

chithaIsu binnapava srIpurushOtthamana vakshOnivAsinI

bhruthyavargava kAye thrijaganmAthe vikhyAthe

[harikathAmruthasAra - Sandhi - 32 Padya - 2]



>5. Which PUrana or Vedic verse or agama vakyas list these hierarchy? and

>if you can find that please give the quotation or reference.

A) I am not sure about this. I would request more learned to give

some inputs.


>6. For a devotee follower of Madhva Siddhanta how should one meditate

>based on

>this chart?

A) This requires more explanation. I shall post it sometime later

I request more learned to give some inputs on this.


>7) Is Lakshmi included in the " Independent " category with Sri Vishnu or


A) No. Sri Lakshmi is also dependent. Sri Hari alone is svatantra kartha

and rest all

are parAdhIna karthas. The most important difference between other


and Sri Lakshmi is, Sri Lakshmi is free from linga dEha and other are

linga dEha

baddhAs atleast till they reach mukti.



>8) What is the real relationship between Lakshmi and Narayana? - In

>visistadvaita this relationship is a little controversial between the two

>schools of visistadvaita. I wanted to know separately what the real tattva

>is in this regard in Sri Madhva mata.

A) Can u pl. be more elaborate in ur question. Hope u would get the answer

from above explanations.





In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna



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On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, Prasanna Krishna wrote:


> " Prasanna Krishna " <krish_p


> Dear Krishna,

> Namaskaragalu!

> doing.




> >4. Clearly who are the NItya muktas and how many of them are there?

> A) ramA dEvi (Sri lakshmi dEviyaru) is the only nitya mukthaLu. She is

> second

> in Kaksha. Rest all, starting from 3rd till 32nd kaksha are linda dEha

> baddharu. Only after linga dEha nAsha, they would be free from bondage

> and

> are called muktharu. ramA devi is mukthalu from anAdi, i.e. never ever

> She

> had linga dEha (which is triguNAtmaka)


> nityamukthaLe nirvikAraLe nityasukha sampOrNe|

> nithyAnithya jagadAdhAre mukthAmukthaganavinuthe |

> chithaIsu binnapava srIpurushOtthamana vakshOnivAsinI

> bhruthyavargava kAye thrijaganmAthe vikhyAthe

> [harikathAmruthasAra - Sandhi - 32 Padya - 2]


I would like to know:


1. What is the deha of Chaturmukha made of ? is it made of pancha bhutas

?? What sort of attachment he has with his body ?




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Krishna Kalale <kkalale1 wrote:

Krishna Kalale <kkalale1


Dear friends,


I have some questions regarding this taratamya chart. I really thank sri

prasanna krishna to have posted this chart. I did not know about this in



1. What is the position of the sons of Shiva - shanmukha, ganesha?


2. Is Garuda a nityamukta or not? and Garuda and Siva are on the same

category; Are they both nityamuktas or not?


3. What are the relative positions of : other popular devatas such as

Aiyyappa, Kali?


4. Clearly who are the NItya muktas and how many of them are there?


5. Which PUrana or Vedic verse or agama vakyas list these hierarchy? and

if you can find that please give the quotation or reference.


For a devotee follower of Madhva Siddhanta how should one meditate based on

this chart?


7) Is Lakshmi included in the " Independent " category with Sri Vishnu or



8) What is the real relationship between Lakshmi and Narayana? - In

visistadvaita this relationship is a little controversial between the two

schools of visistadvaita. I wanted to know separately what the real tattva

is in this regard in Sri Madhva mata.


Thanks alot for this information,

Dear Sri Kalale, In the work 'tattvasankhyana',Sri Madhvacharya has stated that

only Lakhsmi is nityamukta and all others are not. Garuda,sesha,Rudra come to

the same category. Ayyappa is not a devata. Kali is in top of Asuras.Deatailed

categorisation is given in Srimadacharya's Brihadaranyaka Bhashya quoting the

authority for it.Sri Jajannatha dasaru has given the same in detail in

Harikathamritasara. The gradtion among devas and asuras are both dealt with

there. Regards, Bannur.R

Sri Krishnarpanamastu

asmad Gurubhyo namaha


Krishna Kalale



Prasanna Krishna [sMTP:krish_p]

Monday, January 10, 2000 7:37 PM

tAratamya Chart


[Krishna Kalale] stuff deleted for brevity




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nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


" I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His

worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His

recurring grace "

If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in this

way, it pleases Vishnu.

--- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya






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Sri rAmachandra rAyare!




I do not think Sri Krishna was asking about kali (top among daithyAs), but

was willing to know about kALi.


My prev. mail explains about the significance of kALi (if Sri Krishna was

looking out for that) and Sri rAmachandra's mail explains about kali (the

topmost daithya).


Some inputs on kali (the daithya)


thamassAthvikarenisikonbaru AmithanAkyAtha asuragunavide

thamOrAjasarenisikombaru daithyasamudhAya

thamasthAmasa kalipurandhriyu amithadurgunapUrNa

sarvAdhamaroLadhamAdhama durAthmanu kaliyenisikomba


The third line refers to kali & his wife purandhri and

Sri Jagannatha Dasaru uses superlative degree to indicate

the daithya aspect/wickedness of kali (sarvAdhamaroLadhamAdhama)

(sarva adhamaroLu adhama adhama)



ivana pOluva pApajIvaru bhuvana mUvaroLilla nOdalu

navavidha dvEshagaLigAkAranenisikoLuthippa

bavaradali bangAradali natayuvathi dyuthApEya mrushadali

kavisi mOhadhi kedisuvanu andhariduthyajisuvudu


There is no other pApi jIva greater than kali in the entire brahmAnda (3

lokAs), he is an encapsulation of nava vidha dwEsha,

bavara, bangAra, nata yuvati, dyutha, pEya, mrusha are the places where his

kArya is spread and hence these be avoided.




In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna




> " kkalale1 " <kkalale1

>CC: Vishwamadhvasangha

>RE: tAratamya Chart

>Wed, 12 Jan 2000 09:13:28 -0800 (PST)







>Krishna Kalale <kkalale1 wrote:

>Krishna Kalale <kkalale1


>Dear friends,


>I have some questions regarding this taratamya chart. I really thank sri

>prasanna krishna to have posted this chart. I did not know about this in



>1. What is the position of the sons of Shiva - shanmukha, ganesha?


>2. Is Garuda a nityamukta or not? and Garuda and Siva are on the same

>category; Are they both nityamuktas or not?


>3. What are the relative positions of : other popular devatas such as

>Aiyyappa, Kali?


>4. Clearly who are the NItya muktas and how many of them are there?


>5. Which PUrana or Vedic verse or agama vakyas list these hierarchy? and

>if you can find that please give the quotation or reference.


>For a devotee follower of Madhva Siddhanta how should one meditate based on

>this chart?


>7) Is Lakshmi included in the " Independent " category with Sri Vishnu or



>8) What is the real relationship between Lakshmi and Narayana? - In

>visistadvaita this relationship is a little controversial between the two

>schools of visistadvaita. I wanted to know separately what the real tattva

>is in this regard in Sri Madhva mata.


>Thanks alot for this information,

>Dear Sri Kalale, In the work 'tattvasankhyana',Sri Madhvacharya has stated

>that only Lakhsmi is nityamukta and all others are not. Garuda,sesha,Rudra

>come to the same category. Ayyappa is not a devata. Kali is in top of

>Asuras.Deatailed categorisation is given in Srimadacharya's Brihadaranyaka

>Bhashya quoting the authority for it.Sri Jajannatha dasaru has given the

>same in detail in Harikathamritasara. The gradtion among devas and asuras

>are both dealt with there. Regards, Bannur.R

>Sri Krishnarpanamastu

>asmad Gurubhyo namaha


>Krishna Kalale



> Prasanna Krishna [sMTP:krish_p]

> Monday, January 10, 2000 7:37 PM


> tAratamya Chart


>[Krishna Kalale] stuff deleted for brevity




>Please click above to support our sponsor



>nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

>taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

>tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

>karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are

>His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not

>otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are

>due to His recurring grace "

>If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in

>this way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya






>Talk to your friends online with Messenger.

>nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

>taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

>tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

>karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


> " I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are

>His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not

>otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are

>due to His recurring grace "

>If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in

>this way, it pleases Vishnu.

> --- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya




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