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Lately, I have noticed that a new phrase " mAdhva extremist " has been

in vogue on this list. I am not sure what exactly that means, but

reminds one of labels that the western media is so fond of using, such

as " the Hindu fundamentalist BJP " ,etc. Constant exposure to the

western media perhaps rubs off on us. But, it seems somewhat unfair

to attach labels to people we have never met, based only on an e-mail

or two. Exchange of ideas can take place without acrimony, and should

happen among people who aspire to climb spiritual steps.

I pray to Shri Parthasarathy to reign in our fingers when we sit in

front of keyboards.





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I believe that the old adage - " give a Dog a bad name when

hanging him " is appropriate. I find that use of extreme language

is usually an indication of unsureness and trouble with own


I think it is best we stick to the time honoured values of

courtesy, respect for other opinions (when properly expressed

with authorities being supplied where necessary), and above all

a sense of openmindedness and intellectual integrity.

I am of the firm opinion that no devotee of Acharya Madhva can

be any thing other than the above, if he is a true devotee.


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