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Digest Number 257

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Hello everyone,


I do not like the direction in which the well conceived and well

intentioned VMS is heading and I want to emphatically register my protest. I

have seen nothing but literal fisticuffs when it comes to discussing issues

and I have seen divisiveness and people decrying other faiths, gods and what


Hinduism is based on faith and we are living in a period which is

literally thousands of years after the incidents have actually occurred, and

in my opinion ONE LIFE TIME is not enough to understand this, and to keep

making sweeping statements about anything and everything and getting

acrimonious about it has left not only a bad taste in my mouth but I have

almost come to detest the e-mails. Unfortunately short of getting off the

list I don't have the luxury of the ' DELETE ' button as I get it in the '

DIGEST ' format which forces me to have to look at every e-mail as there are

some EXCEPTIONAL e-mails stuck between the debris. Case in point, the

translation of Swamiji's Q & A and the like were delightful and so


The board of directors have to be more forceful and forthright and set a

platform of decorum between members and sensitivity to other faiths and

enforce it if others tend to drift off from the VISIONs and GOALS VMS is

trying hard to achieve.

I am a senior member and an office bearer in one of the largest temples,

Sri Siva Vishnu Temple in MD, and am fully aware that it takes very little

and very few people to tarnish the image of an otherwise wonderful

institution and would like to therefore caution the VMS board to be sensitive

to this phenomenon and pay close attention to preserving the original intent

of VMS, as more such issues can just as easily drive away well meaning

Madhwas who have had enough.


Very disturbed,


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Error in address. Hence forwarding again.




Thu, 13 Jan 2000 11:21:56 -0500

><vishwamadhvasangh >

>Gopal Potti <gpotti

>Fwd: Re: Digest Number 257








>>Hello everyone,


>> I do not like the direction in which the well conceived and well

>>intentioned VMS is heading and I want to emphatically register my

>>protest. I

>>have seen nothing but literal fisticuffs when it comes to discussing issues

>>and I have seen divisiveness and people decrying other faiths, gods and what



>> The board of directors have to be more forceful and forthright and

>>set a

>>platform of decorum between members and sensitivity to other faiths and

>>enforce it if others tend to drift off from the VISIONs and GOALS VMS is

>>trying hard to achieve.

>> I

>>Very disturbed,




>Sri Rama Rao is 100 % right and I agree with him fully and may GOD bless him

>for that.


>For the last time I want to comment Mr. Nataraj's email this morning:


>Acoording to him, he went through web page www.sabarimala.org and found

>Ayyappa is son of Yogi. For your information, let me quote from the

>section of PAST(mythology of Lord Ayyappa) from the web page:


> " Lord Siva, when he went to see Lord Mahavishnu who was in guise of a

>Mohini eloped with him and out of their union, was born a child. Lord Siva

>adorned the child's neck with a golden chain and ordered that the child be

>entrusted to the care of his disciple, King of Rajesekhara of Pandalam. " ..


>Why a madhva wants to mislead VMS members. I am not requesting to believe

>Lord Ayyappa story, but be sensitive to other faiths and beliefs. Now you


>why I quote the word " Madhva extremists " in my previous email.


>Dear Vasu and Bindu,


>As you know, I had sent a proposal to the Board of VMS members for discussion

>with Sri Puthige Swamiji. I would like to know the status of that proposal.

>Like Sri Rama Rao, I am also wondering whether I want to be a member of

>VMS if this trend is continued.


>Gopal Krishna Potti























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--- Gopal Potti <gpotti wrote:



> >

> >Sri Rama Rao is 100 % right and I agree with him fully and may GOD bless him

> >for that.

> >

> >For the last time I want to comment Mr. Nataraj's email this morning:

> >

> >Acoording to him, he went through web page www.sabarimala.org and found

> >Ayyappa is son of Yogi. For your information, let me quote from the

> >section of PAST(mythology of Lord Ayyappa) from the web page:


I didn't go through www.sabarimala.org. When I used that link, it didn't take me


even after several minutes. I thought there was a typo and so I typed


and that's where I saw what I told- that Ayappa was the son of some Yogi. No

mention of

Mohini avatara anywhere.


Now, after seeing this mail, I did type www.sabarimala.org again (from a


computer on a different ISP) and I did access the website you are talking about

and it

does agree with what you said earlier.


As you can see, www.sabarimala.org has a different story compared to


See for yourself. I don't know which one is authorized by the temple. Please

note that I

have not been to all the pages in sabarimalai.org either.


> >

> > " Lord Siva, when he went to see Lord Mahavishnu who was in guise of a

> >Mohini eloped with him and out of their union, was born a child. Lord Siva

> >adorned the child's neck with a golden chain and ordered that the child be

> >entrusted to the care of his disciple, King of Rajesekhara of Pandalam. " ..

> >

> >Why a madhva wants to mislead VMS members. I am not requesting to believe


Why should I mislead anyone? What am I going to gain by that? Go to


and look for yourself. Their story is different. And I told what I saw.


Moreover, I couldn't care less about these things. The only reason why I spend a


minutes expressing my opinions is because this is Vishwa Madhwa Sangha and I

just try to

tell fellow mAdhwas what I know and what I have read with the intention of

helping them,

not misleading them. May be I should just mind my own business and spend all the


studying my books. As they say " dEhakke vriddhapya bandarU, gnanakke


bandilla " (While the body is fast approaching old age, gnAna has not even seen


and I am wasting my time.


> >Lord Ayyappa story, but be sensitive to other faiths and beliefs. Now you

> >know

> >why I quote the word " Madhva extremists " in my previous email.


This is really funny. What have I done here? Did I use the words " nonsense " ,

" stupid " ,

anywhere? I don't think so. What do you want me to do when you say I need to be

sensitive? You can't expect me to agree on everything that everyone says on this

list and

just keep quiet. If just questioning someone's claims using plain language


" insensitivity " on my part, what is the point in having this list?


I did mention that according to your story, Mohini Avatara took place about 800

years ago

and this claim itself is enough to discredit the whole story. Why don't you


think about this? Do you believe that Lord Visnu came as Mohini about 800 years



Anyway, FYI, I remember reading in Srimad Bhagavatam (translated by Sri T.K.


Dasaru, another mAdhwa extremist) that the story you are telling is a tAmasic

story and

we (including you) should take care not to accept such stories blindly. And my


completely agrees with what Sri Dasaru says. Lord Visnu never associates (in the


implied in the story) with anyone other than Mahalaxmi. Period.


Note to the moderators: Don't worry. I won't be posting anything anytime soon.

This is

probably going to be my last posting for quite sometime.





> >

> >Dear Vasu and Bindu,

> >

> >As you know, I had sent a proposal to the Board of VMS members for discussion

> >with Sri Puthige Swamiji. I would like to know the status of that proposal.

> >Like Sri Rama Rao, I am also wondering whether I want to be a member of

> >VMS if this trend is continued.

> >

> >Gopal Krishna Potti




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<krish_p wrote:

> Hi Nataraj!

> Namaskaragalu!


> Hats off to ur deeksha in dAsa sAhithya & dwaita siddhAnta.


Thank you but... I don't deserve such praise. Who am I anyway? Let me repeat

what comes

as an attachment with every VMS message


" I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do

are His worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace

and not otherwise. That devotion and the fruits of the actions that

come to me are due to His recurring grace "

If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to

Hari, in this way, it pleases Vishnu.

--- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya


And to be frank, 99% of the time, I don't have the above anusandhAna in what I

do because

like I said, " gnAnakke bAlyavU bandilla " (gnAna hasn't reached even childhood).


> I hope u maintain the same tempo without loosing ur heart and continue to

> contribute to the list in all respects. I pray Lori Sri Hari to provide u

> with enough strength to say the facts in an appropriate manner.


I think the main problem is that most of us don't look at the big picture. I

don't say

anything with the intention of hurting other's feelings. Yes, I admit that what

I say

often hurts other's feelings but that is not my intention. I think this happens


because they may be older, they may be rich, they may have high positions which


them respect in society, they are used to ordering rather than take orders, etc.

However, when you look at the big picture, all these things suddenly become



Can you say that you are an older jIva than I am? No. We are all anAdi. You are

not older

jIva than me and I am not an older jIva than you. That's why when it comes to


manu puts gnAna and karmAnushtAna ahead of physical age. As far as wealth is


he puts it at the very end. In otherwords, world's oldest and richest man


according to manu, fall at the feet of a beggar boy if the boy has more gnAna

than the

rich,old man.


I am not saying that you all should respect me because I am a gnAni. I am more

of an

agnAni than gnAni. I don't even know 1% of what some members on this list know.

And if

you ask them, they may say that they don't even know 1% of what some present-day


yati-s know. And if you talk to these yati-s, they say that they are nothing in

front of

such personalities as Sri Teekacharya and Sri Teekacharya himself says that he

is nothing

in front of Srimad Acharya. And Srimad Acharya says that his knowledge is


compared to that of the Lord's whose gnAna knows no bounds.


When this is the case, how on earth can you worry about such silly things as


feelings and waste time? All I am saying is that when you have mAnava janma and

when you

have the opportunity-, give up your pride, don't concentrate too much on your


Just drink the nectar of gnAna as much as you can because the drought is sure to


If, when the gnani-s reveal the truth and you reject it because it hurts your


how can you ever learn anything?







> In Hari Guru Seva

> Prasanna Krishna




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Hi Nataraj!



Hats off to ur deeksha in dAsa sAhithya & dwaita siddhAnta.


I came to know thru my friends about u & ur thoughts. In one of ur prev.

mails, u said, u r not a born mAdhwa. This is the proof that the

sathsAdhana is carried forward to the next janma. Unless someone has done

some sAdhana in their prev. births, deeksha in dwaita siddhAnta, would not

be possible.


I hope u maintain the same tempo without loosing ur heart and continue to

contribute to the list in all respects. I pray Lori Sri Hari to provide u

with enough strength to say the facts in an appropriate manner.


One of my friends who closely follows Sri Bannanje Acharya was telling that,

when Sri Acharya's son wanted to read a book on Sriman MadhwAcharayaru, Sri

Acharyaru asked him to do so, but not as a Madhwa. These were the words

that he used it seems...

" mAdhwa nAgi OdabEda - Odi mAdhwa nAgu " .


That's what u have achieved.


If I have deeksha in dwaita siddhAnta, that's NO GREAT. The GREATNESS lies

in the fact that a non-mAdhwa the deeksha.


I pray Sri Hari, the Indweller of haridAsAs, to bestow u with dhAradya &

pramEya jnAna in dwaita siddhAnta and that it grows day by day.


Here, I remember the words of Sri PushkarAcharayaru

" huvudAdare huvudenni - illavAdare illavenni "


In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna



>Nataraj BV <ntj3

>Gopal Potti <gpotti,

>Re: Fwd: Re: Digest Number 257

>Thu, 13 Jan 2000 12:15:40 -0800 (PST)


>--- Gopal Potti <gpotti wrote:



> > >

> > >Sri Rama Rao is 100 % right and I agree with him fully and may GOD

>bless him

> > >for that.

> > >

> > >For the last time I want to comment Mr. Nataraj's email this morning:

> > >

> > >Acoording to him, he went through web page www.sabarimala.org and found

> > >Ayyappa is son of Yogi. For your information, let me quote from the

> > >section of PAST(mythology of Lord Ayyappa) from the web page:


>I didn't go through www.sabarimala.org. When I used that link, it didn't

>take me anywhere

>even after several minutes. I thought there was a typo and so I typed


>and that's where I saw what I told- that Ayappa was the son of some Yogi.

>No mention of

>Mohini avatara anywhere.


>Now, after seeing this mail, I did type www.sabarimala.org again (from a


>computer on a different ISP) and I did access the website you are talking

>about and it

>does agree with what you said earlier.


>As you can see, www.sabarimala.org has a different story compared to


>See for yourself. I don't know which one is authorized by the temple.

>Please note that I

>have not been to all the pages in sabarimalai.org either.


> > >

> > > " Lord Siva, when he went to see Lord Mahavishnu who was in guise of a

> > >Mohini eloped with him and out of their union, was born a child. Lord


> > >adorned the child's neck with a golden chain and ordered that the child


> > >entrusted to the care of his disciple, King of Rajesekhara of

>Pandalam. " ..

> > >

> > >Why a madhva wants to mislead VMS members. I am not requesting to



>Why should I mislead anyone? What am I going to gain by that? Go to


>and look for yourself. Their story is different. And I told what I saw.


>Moreover, I couldn't care less about these things. The only reason why I

>spend a few

>minutes expressing my opinions is because this is Vishwa Madhwa Sangha and

>I just try to

>tell fellow mAdhwas what I know and what I have read with the intention of

>helping them,

>not misleading them. May be I should just mind my own business and spend

>all the time

>studying my books. As they say " dEhakke vriddhapya bandarU, gnanakke


>bandilla " (While the body is fast approaching old age, gnAna has not even

>seen childhood)

>and I am wasting my time.


> > >Lord Ayyappa story, but be sensitive to other faiths and beliefs. Now


> > >know

> > >why I quote the word " Madhva extremists " in my previous email.


>This is really funny. What have I done here? Did I use the words

> " nonsense " , " stupid " ,

>anywhere? I don't think so. What do you want me to do when you say I need

>to be

>sensitive? You can't expect me to agree on everything that everyone says on

>this list and

>just keep quiet. If just questioning someone's claims using plain language


> " insensitivity " on my part, what is the point in having this list?


>I did mention that according to your story, Mohini Avatara took place about

>800 years ago

>and this claim itself is enough to discredit the whole story. Why don't you


>think about this? Do you believe that Lord Visnu came as Mohini about 800

>years ago?


>Anyway, FYI, I remember reading in Srimad Bhagavatam (translated by Sri

>T.K. Venugopala

>Dasaru, another mAdhwa extremist) that the story you are telling is a

>tAmasic story and

>we (including you) should take care not to accept such stories blindly. And

>my intuition

>completely agrees with what Sri Dasaru says. Lord Visnu never associates

>(in the sense

>implied in the story) with anyone other than Mahalaxmi. Period.


>Note to the moderators: Don't worry. I won't be posting anything anytime

>soon. This is

>probably going to be my last posting for quite sometime.





> > >

> > >Dear Vasu and Bindu,

> > >

> > >As you know, I had sent a proposal to the Board of VMS members for


> > >with Sri Puthige Swamiji. I would like to know the status of that


> > >Like Sri Rama Rao, I am also wondering whether I want to be a member of

> > >VMS if this trend is continued.

> > >

> > >Gopal Krishna Potti




>Talk to your friends online with Messenger.




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