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jIva sAdhana vichAra

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Dear Sri Prasanna Krishna,


I have doubt regarding the tamasika souls or tamo yogyas :


1. can there be tamoyogyas among human beings?


2. If so , whatever sadhana they do will not be effective. Is it not?


3. How do I know that I am not a tamo yogya or tamasik soul?

Since there are 6 billiion people how will we know what class each person

belong to?


4. Can a tamoyogya soul or tamasik soul become sattvic by sadhana after a

long time in one or many janmas?


Thanks for your detailed sadhana vichara. This is very informative.

However, I had these doubts long time back when I read the

SriMadhvabhasya of gita :


for the verse : urdhvam gaccanti sattvasthah adhogacchanti tamasah

jaganyaguna vriddhistah madhye tistanti rajasah.




asmadgurubhyo namah

sarvam srikrishnarpanamastu

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!!! srIhi !!!

!!! srI gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srI parama gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srImadAnanda tIrtha gurubhyO Namaha !!!



!!! bimbakriyAyaiva kriyAvAn aham dAsajIvaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||

[harikathAmrutasAra - Sandhi 32 - Padya 53]


This is in reply to a question asked by Sri Krishna Kalale.

>2. Is Garuda a nityamukta or not? and Garuda and Siva are on the same

>category; Are they both nityamuktas or not?


I have already answered regarding nityamuktha.


The current mail would try to give a better insight into kaksha tAratamya.


The mail is too large in size and I request all sAdhakAs/readers to give it

a patient reading.

The subject is too subtle and I have tried to put it in a simple manner.


I do not know whether I would be confusing u at the end of this mail. Hope

I would fail in achieving this.


Pl. excuse me for any mistakes and pl. let me know of any corrections.





jIvajIvara bhedha jadajada |

jIvajada jadajIvarindali |

srIvaranu atyantha bhinna vilakshaNanu lakshmI |

mUvarindhali padumajAndadhi |

thA vilakshaNaLenisutippaLu |

sAvadhikasamashOnyaLendaritIrvaranu bhajisu ||


PanchatanmAtra Sandhi - 7 Padya - 29]


jIvajIvara bhedha jadajada |

jIvajadagaLa bhedha paramanu |

jIvajada suvilakshaNanu endaridu nityadali |

E virinchAndadali ellA |

tavinali tiLidaidu bhedha ka |

LEvaradoLarithachyuthana pada aidu shIghradali ||


pitrugaNa Sandhi - 14 Padya - 24]



The above two padyAs from Srimad harikathAmrutasAra

speak about pancha (5) bhedhAs.

They being :

1. jIva - jIva bhedha

2. jada - jada bhedha

3. jIva - jada bhedha

4. hari - jIva bhedha

5. hari - jada bhedha


When we closely look at the first padya, we can infer 3 more bhedhas which

are implicitly included in the pancha bhedhAs.

" lakshmI mUvarindhali padumajAndadhi thA vilakshaNaLenisutippaLu " in the

following way :


6. Sri Lakshmi - jIva bhedha

7. Sri Lakshmi - jada bhedha

8. Sri Lakshmi - Sriman nArAyaNa bhedha




Sri hari is the only svatantra kartha & rest all are parAdhina karthAs.


We shall look at the first bhedha " jIva - jIva bhedha " in more detail.


At a very broad level the jIvAs (souls) could be categorized into 3 types:

1. sAtvik souls

2. rAjasik souls

3. tAmasik souls


In each of the above categories, there are gradations.

1. Sri Brahma Devaru is highest order soul among sAtvik category

2. puranjana is highest order soul among rAjasik category

3. kali is the highest order soul among tAmasik category.


sathvajIvara mAni brahmanu, |

nithyabaddharoLage puranjana, |

daithyasamudhAyAdhipathi kaliyenipa, pavamAna |

nithyadali avaroLu karmapra |

varthakanu thAnAgi shrIpuru |

shotthamana samprIthigOsuga mAdi mAdisuva ||


sandhi - 29 (aNutAratamya) Padya - 14]


We shall try to concentrate on sAtvik category.


As mentioned in one of my prev. mails on tAratamya, sAtvik souls are grouped

into 30 kakshAs starting from Sri brahma - vAyu in kaksha 3 and

manushyOtthamAs in kaksha 32 (excluding Sri hari - kaksha 1 & Sri Lakshmi

Deviyaru - kaksha 2). There are many variations in manushyOtthma category.


The gradation in souls is existent in

a) asrujyAvasta

b) srujyAvasta, while they are doing sAdhana to attain mukthi

c) mukthi


One important point that we need to note is :

32 kaksha tAratamya (gradation) is 100% applicable in (b) with little

variations in (a) & ©. We shall try to understand this.


A brahma pada (post) yogya jIva has to do sAdhana for 200 brahma kalpAs to

be freed from linga dEha whereas a jIva in manushyOtthama category would be

freed with 1 brahma kalpa sAdhana. This indicates that the maximum sAdhana

is for a brahma pada yogya jIva and the minimum sAdhana is for a

manushyOttama jIva among sAtvik souls.


The following table shows the kaksha and their corresponding kalpa sAdhana


Kaksha brahma kalpa sAdhana

------ --------------------

3-4 100 + 100 = 200

5-7 50 + 50 = 100

8 20 + 20 = 40

9 18 + 18 = 36

10 16 + 16 = 32

11 12 + 12 = 24

12 10 + 10 = 20

13-17 9 + 9 = 18

18 8 + 8 = 16

19 7 + 7 = 14

20-26 6 + 6 = 12

27(i) 5 + 5 = 10

27(ii) 4 + 4 = 8

27(iii) 3 1/2 + 3 1/2 = 7

28 3 + 3 = 6

29 2 + 2 = 4

30 1 + 1 = 2

31 & 32 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 (mAnusha chakravarthigalu and



There is a small confusion here. Some commentators have combined 30 & 31

together and some others 31 & 32. The above table shows the later aspect.


harikathamrutasAra references :

Sandhi - 24 (aparOksha tAratamya sandhi)

Please follow the commas which explains the above concept.


sAdhana of jIvas between 5th kaksha & 10th kaksha


sAdhanagaLaparOkshananthara |

aiduvaru mOkshavanu shiva sha |

krAdhidhivijaru uktakramadim kalpasankhyeyali ||

aidaleyagaivattu, upEndra sa | [starts from here]

hOdaranigippattu, dwinava tva |

gAdhipathi prANanige, gurumanugaLige shodashavu || 45 ||


sAdhana of jIvas between 11th kaksha & 26th kaksha


pravahamarutage hanneradu, sain |

dhava divAkara dharmarige dasha, |

navasukalpavu mitrarige, sheshashathajanarigentu, ||

kavi sanaka susanandana sana |

tkuvara munigaLigELu, varuNana |

yuvati parjanyAdi pushkaragAru kalpadali, || 46 ||


sAdhana of jIvas between 27rd kaksha & 32th kaksha


aidu karmaja surarige, AjA (surarigAjA) |

nAdigaLigEreradu, kalpA |

rdhAdhikatraya gOpikAstrIyarige, pitrutrayavu, |

E divoukasa manuja gAyaka |

raiduvaru eradu, ondu (eradondu) kalpa, na |

rAdhiparige are (rAdhiparigare) kalpadoLagaparOkshaviruthihudu || 47||



The above padyAs explain about the sAdhana after aparoxa.

Supposing that a jIva has to do sAdhana for 'x' kalpAs after being brought

from asrujyA vasta to reach mukthi, then 'x/2' is for attaining aparoxa and

the remaining half is for prArabdha kshaya & visesha sAdhana.

That's what the above table explains. When we say Sri Brahma pada yogya

jIva has 200 brahma kalpa sAdhana, then 100 brahma kalpAs are for attaining

aparoxa and the remaining 100 brahma kalpAs are for vishesha sAdhana.


More Details :



In one brahma kalpa, assume the current brahma kalpa for instance,

a) there would be 199 brahma pada yogya jIvAs, excluding the current brahma

pada jIva.


[ Current Brahma Kalpa Next Brahma Kalpa

-------------------- -----------------

i) brahma pada jIva Attains mukthi

mukhya vAyu pada jIva (199 ruju post) brahma pada (200 ruju post)

lAtavya pada jIva (198 ruju post) mukhya vAyu pada (199th post)

.... ....

kalki pada jIva (101 ruju post) sutheja post (102 ruju post)

.... ....

post 2 jIva (ruju jIva 2) post 3 jIva (ruju jIva 3)

post 1 jIva (ruju jIva 1) post 2 jIva (ruju jIva 2)


In the next brahma kalpa, post 1 is vacant. Sri hari fill it with a brahma

pada yogya jIva brought from asrujyAvasta based on some logistics (there are

again different views) who would do sAdhana for 199 brahma kalpAs to attain

brahma pada and then would attain mukthi.


A brahma pada yogya jIva must attain mukthi only through brahma pada, not

through vAyu pada or lAtavya pada or any other pada.


At kaksha 3, all rujus are included eventhough we say, brahma & vAyu.


Same is the explanation for Sri saraswathi & bharathi dEviyaru.



b) there would be 99 garuda & sesha pada yogya jIvas, excluding the current

garuda & sesha pada jIvAs.


garuda & sesha are two different posts through which a jIva, who is capable

of these posts, would attain mukthi. A jIva who is capable of attaining

sesha pada would attain rudra pada before attaining sesha pada.


Current Brahma Kalpa Next Brahma kalpa

-------------------- -----------------

sesha pada jIva (post 100) attains mukthi

rudra pada jIva (post 99) sesha pada (post 100)

post 98 jIva rudra pada (post 99)

... ...

post 1 jIva post 2


In the next brahma kalpa, post 1 is vacant. Sri hari would fill it with a

sesha pada yogya jIva from asrujyA vasta who would do sAdhana for 98 brahma

kalpa to reach rudra pada and in the subsequent brahma kalpa would reach

sesha pada and then would attain mukthi.

Same is the explanation for vAruNi & parvathi.


As already said, there are 99 garuda pada yogya jIvas and the jIva in the

garuda pada himself. Once garuda pada jIva attains mukthi, the jIva in 99th

post would attain garuda pada. The post 1 which becomes vacant would be

filled with a jIva from asrujyA vasta.


Same is the explanation for souparaNi.



c) there would be 99 jAmbavathi, kALindi, bhadra, nIla, mitravindA, lakshaNa

pada yogya jIvas, excluding jAmbavathi, kALindi, bhadra, nIla, mitravindA,

lakshaNa pada jIvAs.


jAmbavathi, kALindi, bhadra, nIla, mitravindA, lakshaNa are six different

posts through which jIvAs, who are capable of these posts, would attain



d) there would be 39 indra, kAma pada yogya jIvas, excluding the current

indra & kAma pada jIvAs.


e) and so on. The same explanation holds good for all the remaining kakshAs

till 29th kaksha.


Important Note :


1. All the jIvAs starting from 3rd till 29th kaksha are called



Because, there are some fixed number of posts and those many jIvAs holding

those posts as can be seen from the above explanation & the tAratamya chart.


Ex : 200 posts in kaksha 3, 200 posts in kaksha 4, 100 posts of different

categories (Garuda, Sesha, SouparaNi, vAruNi, jAmbavathi, etc. in 5,6,7



2. All the jIvAs in 30th (manushya gandharvaru), 31st (mAnusha

chakravarthigalu) and 32nd (manushyOtthamaru) are called 'asankhyAtaru',

because, the number of jIvAs that belong to these kakshAs are unknown. It

depends on srI hari.


In asrujyAvasta :


There are infinite souls belonging to different kakshAs in asrujyAvasta who

are bound by anAdi karma and triguNAtmaka linga dEha. In each brahma kalpa

srI hari would be filling the posts which get vacated as explained above.


He also gets many souls beloning to manushyOttama category since all the

jIvAs in this kaksha belonging to previous brahma kalpa would have attained

mukthi since there sAdhana is only for 1 brahma kalpa.


The 32 kaksha tAratamya is existent in asrujyAvastha but with the only

exception that there are jIvAs belonging to different kakshAs who would hold

different posts in srujyAvasta, but haven't yet attained them.


In srujyAvasta :


In every brahma kalpa, every jIva brought to srujyAvasta during different

brahma kalpAs would do sAdhana as stipulated by sri hari and by the end of

every brahma kalpa

a) some would be ready to attain mukthi along with current brahma and

b) some would be required to do some more sAdhana based on, which kaksha

they are in and what post they are holding as explained above.


The 32 kaksha tAratamya holds 100% in srujyAvastha.


In mukthi :


At the end of every brahma kalpa (100 years of brahma dEvaru), there would

be mahA praLaya for a period equal to that of 100 years of brahma. During

praLaya, sriman nArAyaNa would swallow entire brahmAnda and all jIvAs.


jnAna balasukhapUrnavishNu vi |

gEnu mALpuvu triguNakArya kru |

shanuvina krimikavidu bhakshipudunte lOkadoLu |

E naLinajAndavanu brahmE | [Please refer to these lines]

shanamukhyasurAsurara kA |

lAnaLanavOl nunguvagI pApagaLa bhayave ||


sandhi - 18 (sarvasvAtantra sandhi) padya - 24]


At the end of this praLaya, he would create different tatvAs, brahmAnda and

all those jIvAs who had completed their sAdhana in the previous brahma kalpa

along with their leader brahma dEvaru would take bath in viraja river, thus

leaving linga sharIra (muktharu). Depending on their kaksha and yogyatha,

they would reside in different muktha lokAs thus enjoying the inner BLISS.


In mukthi, all jIvAs who had completed their sAdhana in the previous

brahma kalpa would be under the leadership of brahma pada jIva of that



Please recollect the phrase, " akilANda koti brahmAndanAyaka " . There are

infinite brahmAndAs headed by different brahmAs and the same tAratamya holds



There is a little variation here.

As seen in srujyAvasta,

in kaksha 3, there exists brahma-vAyu and all rujugaLu.

in kaksha 4, saraswathi-bharathi and all ruju pathni

in kaksha 5, Garuda-Sesha-Rudraru, etc.


In mukthi,

in kaksha 3 there is a single post,that is of brahma and a single jIva

holding the post.

in kaksha 4, only saraswathi

in kaksha 5, only garuda & sesha, etc.



Hope this was informative and I request u to correct me wherever I have gone




In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna





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Dear Ramachandra rao,


> Please quote the authority for saying that Ambarisha or other Jiva >

>jumped to a higher category. There are five categories of

>Muktiyogyas(deva,rishi,pitru,chakravartis and manushyottamas) and each

>category is a closed set. To my knowledge ,one can't jump

>from his category to a higher category..


There is an instance quoted in Harivamsha mahapurana about Pururava.


Urvashi was cursed by brahma to take birth on earth. She was

fasinated by Pururava, who was one among the rajarishis. He had a

charming personality due to which she was not able to depart from

him. Please note that, urvashi was at a higher grade (Apsara sthri).

As it was impossible for her to take him along with her to svarga,

one day she told pururava to serve the gandharavas, who were about

to come the next day to take her back and ask them a boon through

which pururava can be elevated to gandharva status. He served those

gandharvas and as per their directions, performed yagna and became



This instance shows that there is a possibility of elevation from

lower to higher grade. This may be a special case.

This may help in the ongoing discussion in a small way.










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Prasanna Krishna [krish_p]

Monday, January 17, 2000 4:09 PM


jIva sAdhana vichAra


<useful info deleted>


A brahma pada (post) yogya jIva has to do sAdhana for 200 brahma kalpAs to

be freed from linga dEha whereas a jIva in manushyOtthama category would be

freed with 1 brahma kalpa sAdhana. This indicates that the maximum sAdhana

is for a brahma pada yogya jIva and the minimum sAdhana is for a

manushyOttama jIva among sAtvik souls.


.....A Question here.

It is said that bhaktas like AmbarIsha were 'promoted' to a higher kaksha

because of their exemplary sAdhana when they were manushyAs, thus enabling

them to do sAdhana for more than a kalpa.

What qualifies a manushyottama to become a karmaja devata?

Also, isn't it wrong to aspire to move into a higher kaksha?




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Dear Krishna,


Please quote the authority for saying that Ambarisha or other Jiva jumped to a

higher category. There are five categories of

Muktiyogyas(deva,rishi,pitru,chakravartis and manushyottamas) and each category

is a closed set. To my knowledge ,one can't jump from his category to a higher



Best wishes,




Krishna Kadri


Krishna K <KADIRIK wrote:

Krishna K <KADIRIK



Prasanna Krishna [krish_p]

Monday, January 17, 2000 4:09 PM


jIva sAdhana vichAra


<useful info deleted>


A brahma pada (post) yogya jIva has to do sAdhana for 200 brahma kalpAs to

be freed from linga dEha whereas a jIva in manushyOtthama category would be

freed with 1 brahma kalpa sAdhana. This indicates that the maximum sAdhana

is for a brahma pada yogya jIva and the minimum sAdhana is for a

manushyOttama jIva among sAtvik souls.


....A Question here.

It is said that bhaktas like AmbarIsha were 'promoted' to a higher kaksha

because of their exemplary sAdhana when they were manushyAs, thus enabling

them to do sAdhana for more than a kalpa.

What qualifies a manushyottama to become a karmaja devata?

Also, isn't it wrong to aspire to move into a higher kaksha?







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nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


" I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His

worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His

recurring grace "

If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in this

way, it pleases Vishnu.

--- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya






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Dear Prasanna,


You wrote: In Mukti in Kaksha 3 the3re is a single post that is of Brahma and a

single Jiva holding that post.


I hope you mean one Brahma for each Kalpa. it is said in 'Vaikunta Varnane' of

Sri Vadiraja:


'obba brahmanu rigvAkyava pOshisuva gada ma-


ttobba gayatrya sAmavanu


ubbidanmanadinda gAnavapAdutta


obba brahmanu puranagala'


( it says that there are several Brahmas ,one recit4sRigveda,the other SAmavEda

and another sings the praise of the Lord with extacy etc.)


This is also supported by him with sruti.


Will you please clarify.


Best wishes,




Prasanna Krishna <krish_p wrote:

" Prasanna Krishna " <krish_p


!!! srIhi !!!

!!! srI gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srI parama gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srImadAnanda tIrtha gurubhyO Namaha !!!



!!! bimbakriyAyaiva kriyAvAn aham dAsajIvaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||

[harikathAmrutasAra - Sandhi 32 - Padya 53]


This is in reply to a question asked by Sri Krishna Kalale.

>2. Is Garuda a nityamukta or not? and Garuda and Siva are on the same

>category; Are they both nityamuktas or not?


I have already answered regarding nityamuktha.


The current mail would try to give a better insight into kaksha tAratamya.


The mail is too large in size and I request all sAdhakAs/readers to give it

a patient reading.

The subject is too subtle and I have tried to put it in a simple manner.


I do not know whether I would be confusing u at the end of this mail. Hope

I would fail in achieving this.


Pl. excuse me for any mistakes and pl. let me know of any corrections.





jIvajIvara bhedha jadajada |

jIvajada jadajIvarindali |

srIvaranu atyantha bhinna vilakshaNanu lakshmI |

mUvarindhali padumajAndadhi |

thA vilakshaNaLenisutippaLu |

sAvadhikasamashOnyaLendaritIrvaranu bhajisu ||


PanchatanmAtra Sandhi - 7 Padya - 29]


jIvajIvara bhedha jadajada |

jIvajadagaLa bhedha paramanu |

jIvajada suvilakshaNanu endaridu nityadali |

E virinchAndadali ellA |

tavinali tiLidaidu bhedha ka |

LEvaradoLarithachyuthana pada aidu shIghradali ||


pitrugaNa Sandhi - 14 Padya - 24]



The above two padyAs from Srimad harikathAmrutasAra

speak about pancha (5) bhedhAs.

They being :

1. jIva - jIva bhedha

2. jada - jada bhedha

3. jIva - jada bhedha

4. hari - jIva bhedha

5. hari - jada bhedha


When we closely look at the first padya, we can infer 3 more bhedhas which

are implicitly included in the pancha bhedhAs.

" lakshmI mUvarindhali padumajAndadhi thA vilakshaNaLenisutippaLu " in the

following way :


6. Sri Lakshmi - jIva bhedha

7. Sri Lakshmi - jada bhedha

8. Sri Lakshmi - Sriman nArAyaNa bhedha




Sri hari is the only svatantra kartha & rest all are parAdhina karthAs.


We shall look at the first bhedha " jIva - jIva bhedha " in more detail.


At a very broad level the jIvAs (souls) could be categorized into 3 types:

1. sAtvik souls

2. rAjasik souls

3. tAmasik souls


In each of the above categories, there are gradations.

1. Sri Brahma Devaru is highest order soul among sAtvik category

2. puranjana is highest order soul among rAjasik category

3. kali is the highest order soul among tAmasik category.


sathvajIvara mAni brahmanu, |

nithyabaddharoLage puranjana, |

daithyasamudhAyAdhipathi kaliyenipa, pavamAna |

nithyadali avaroLu karmapra |

varthakanu thAnAgi shrIpuru |

shotthamana samprIthigOsuga mAdi mAdisuva ||


sandhi - 29 (aNutAratamya) Padya - 14]


We shall try to concentrate on sAtvik category.


As mentioned in one of my prev. mails on tAratamya, sAtvik souls are grouped

into 30 kakshAs starting from Sri brahma - vAyu in kaksha 3 and

manushyOtthamAs in kaksha 32 (excluding Sri hari - kaksha 1 & Sri Lakshmi

Deviyaru - kaksha 2). There are many variations in manushyOtthma category.


The gradation in souls is existent in

a) asrujyAvasta

b) srujyAvasta, while they are doing sAdhana to attain mukthi

c) mukthi


One important point that we need to note is :

32 kaksha tAratamya (gradation) is 100% applicable in (b) with little

variations in (a) & ©. We shall try to understand this.


A brahma pada (post) yogya jIva has to do sAdhana for 200 brahma kalpAs to

be freed from linga dEha whereas a jIva in manushyOtthama category would be

freed with 1 brahma kalpa sAdhana. This indicates that the maximum sAdhana

is for a brahma pada yogya jIva and the minimum sAdhana is for a

manushyOttama jIva among sAtvik souls.


The following table shows the kaksha and their corresponding kalpa sAdhana


Kaksha brahma kalpa sAdhana

------ --------------------

3-4 100 + 100 = 200

5-7 50 + 50 = 100

8 20 + 20 = 40

9 18 + 18 = 36

10 16 + 16 = 32

11 12 + 12 = 24

12 10 + 10 = 20

13-17 9 + 9 = 18

18 8 + 8 = 16

19 7 + 7 = 14

20-26 6 + 6 = 12

27(i) 5 + 5 = 10

27(ii) 4 + 4 = 8

27(iii) 3 1/2 + 3 1/2 = 7

28 3 + 3 = 6

29 2 + 2 = 4

30 1 + 1 = 2

31 & 32 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 (mAnusha chakravarthigalu and



There is a small confusion here. Some commentators have combined 30 & 31

together and some others 31 & 32. The above table shows the later aspect.


harikathamrutasAra references :

Sandhi - 24 (aparOksha tAratamya sandhi)

Please follow the commas which explains the above concept.


sAdhana of jIvas between 5th kaksha & 10th kaksha


sAdhanagaLaparOkshananthara |

aiduvaru mOkshavanu shiva sha |

krAdhidhivijaru uktakramadim kalpasankhyeyali ||

aidaleyagaivattu, upEndra sa | [starts from here]

hOdaranigippattu, dwinava tva |

gAdhipathi prANanige, gurumanugaLige shodashavu || 45 ||


sAdhana of jIvas between 11th kaksha & 26th kaksha


pravahamarutage hanneradu, sain |

dhava divAkara dharmarige dasha, |

navasukalpavu mitrarige, sheshashathajanarigentu, ||

kavi sanaka susanandana sana |

tkuvara munigaLigELu, varuNana |

yuvati parjanyAdi pushkaragAru kalpadali, || 46 ||


sAdhana of jIvas between 27rd kaksha & 32th kaksha


aidu karmaja surarige, AjA (surarigAjA) |

nAdigaLigEreradu, kalpA |

rdhAdhikatraya gOpikAstrIyarige, pitrutrayavu, |

E divoukasa manuja gAyaka |

raiduvaru eradu, ondu (eradondu) kalpa, na |

rAdhiparige are (rAdhiparigare) kalpadoLagaparOkshaviruthihudu || 47||



The above padyAs explain about the sAdhana after aparoxa.

Supposing that a jIva has to do sAdhana for 'x' kalpAs after being brought

from asrujyA vasta to reach mukthi, then 'x/2' is for attaining aparoxa and

the remaining half is for prArabdha kshaya & visesha sAdhana.

That's what the above table explains. When we say Sri Brahma pada yogya

jIva has 200 brahma kalpa sAdhana, then 100 brahma kalpAs are for attaining

aparoxa and the remaining 100 brahma kalpAs are for vishesha sAdhana.


More Details :



In one brahma kalpa, assume the current brahma kalpa for instance,

a) there would be 199 brahma pada yogya jIvAs, excluding the current brahma

pada jIva.


[ Current Brahma Kalpa Next Brahma Kalpa

-------------------- -----------------

i) brahma pada jIva Attains mukthi

mukhya vAyu pada jIva (199 ruju post) brahma pada (200 ruju post)

lAtavya pada jIva (198 ruju post) mukhya vAyu pada (199th post)

.... ....

kalki pada jIva (101 ruju post) sutheja post (102 ruju post)

.... ....

post 2 jIva (ruju jIva 2) post 3 jIva (ruju jIva 3)

post 1 jIva (ruju jIva 1) post 2 jIva (ruju jIva 2)


In the next brahma kalpa, post 1 is vacant. Sri hari fill it with a brahma

pada yogya jIva brought from asrujyAvasta based on some logistics (there are

again different views) who would do sAdhana for 199 brahma kalpAs to attain

brahma pada and then would attain mukthi.


A brahma pada yogya jIva must attain mukthi only through brahma pada, not

through vAyu pada or lAtavya pada or any other pada.


At kaksha 3, all rujus are included eventhough we say, brahma & vAyu.


Same is the explanation for Sri saraswathi & bharathi dEviyaru.



b) there would be 99 garuda & sesha pada yogya jIvas, excluding the current

garuda & sesha pada jIvAs.


garuda & sesha are two different posts through which a jIva, who is capable

of these posts, would attain mukthi. A jIva who is capable of attaining

sesha pada would attain rudra pada before attaining sesha pada.


Current Brahma Kalpa Next Brahma kalpa

-------------------- -----------------

sesha pada jIva (post 100) attains mukthi

rudra pada jIva (post 99) sesha pada (post 100)

post 98 jIva rudra pada (post 99)

... ...

post 1 jIva post 2


In the next brahma kalpa, post 1 is vacant. Sri hari would fill it with a

sesha pada yogya jIva from asrujyA vasta who would do sAdhana for 98 brahma

kalpa to reach rudra pada and in the subsequent brahma kalpa would reach

sesha pada and then would attain mukthi.

Same is the explanation for vAruNi & parvathi.


As already said, there are 99 garuda pada yogya jIvas and the jIva in the

garuda pada himself. Once garuda pada jIva attains mukthi, the jIva in 99th

post would attain garuda pada. The post 1 which becomes vacant would be

filled with a jIva from asrujyA vasta.


Same is the explanation for souparaNi.



c) there would be 99 jAmbavathi, kALindi, bhadra, nIla, mitravindA, lakshaNa

pada yogya jIvas, excluding jAmbavathi, kALindi, bhadra, nIla, mitravindA,

lakshaNa pada jIvAs.


jAmbavathi, kALindi, bhadra, nIla, mitravindA, lakshaNa are six different

posts through which jIvAs, who are capable of these posts, would attain



d) there would be 39 indra, kAma pada yogya jIvas, excluding the current

indra & kAma pada jIvAs.


e) and so on. The same explanation holds good for all the remaining kakshAs

till 29th kaksha.


Important Note :


1. All the jIvAs starting from 3rd till 29th kaksha are called



Because, there are some fixed number of posts and those many jIvAs holding

those posts as can be seen from the above explanation & the tAratamya chart.


Ex : 200 posts in kaksha 3, 200 posts in kaksha 4, 100 posts of different

categories (Garuda, Sesha, SouparaNi, vAruNi, jAmbavathi, etc. in 5,6,7



2. All the jIvAs in 30th (manushya gandharvaru), 31st (mAnusha

chakravarthigalu) and 32nd (manushyOtthamaru) are called 'asankhyAtaru',

because, the number of jIvAs that belong to these kakshAs are unknown. It

depends on srI hari.


In asrujyAvasta :


There are infinite souls belonging to different kakshAs in asrujyAvasta who

are bound by anAdi karma and triguNAtmaka linga dEha. In each brahma kalpa

srI hari would be filling the posts which get vacated as explained above.


He also gets many souls beloning to manushyOttama category since all the

jIvAs in this kaksha belonging to previous brahma kalpa would have attained

mukthi since there sAdhana is only for 1 brahma kalpa.


The 32 kaksha tAratamya is existent in asrujyAvastha but with the only

exception that there are jIvAs belonging to different kakshAs who would hold

different posts in srujyAvasta, but haven't yet attained them.


In srujyAvasta :


In every brahma kalpa, every jIva brought to srujyAvasta during different

brahma kalpAs would do sAdhana as stipulated by sri hari and by the end of

every brahma kalpa

a) some would be ready to attain mukthi along with current brahma and

b) some would be required to do some more sAdhana based on, which kaksha

they are in and what post they are holding as explained above.


The 32 kaksha tAratamya holds 100% in srujyAvastha.


In mukthi :


At the end of every brahma kalpa (100 years of brahma dEvaru), there would

be mahA praLaya for a period equal to that of 100 years of brahma. During

praLaya, sriman nArAyaNa would swallow entire brahmAnda and all jIvAs.


jnAna balasukhapUrnavishNu vi |

gEnu mALpuvu triguNakArya kru |

shanuvina krimikavidu bhakshipudunte lOkadoLu |

E naLinajAndavanu brahmE | [Please refer to these lines]

shanamukhyasurAsurara kA |

lAnaLanavOl nunguvagI pApagaLa bhayave ||


sandhi - 18 (sarvasvAtantra sandhi) padya - 24]


At the end of this praLaya, he would create different tatvAs, brahmAnda and

all those jIvAs who had completed their sAdhana in the previous brahma kalpa

along with their leader brahma dEvaru would take bath in viraja river, thus

leaving linga sharIra (muktharu). Depending on their kaksha and yogyatha,

they would reside in different muktha lokAs thus enjoying the inner BLISS.


In mukthi, all jIvAs who had completed their sAdhana in the previous

brahma kalpa would be under the leadership of brahma pada jIva of that



Please recollect the phrase, " akilANda koti brahmAndanAyaka " . There are

infinite brahmAndAs headed by different brahmAs and the same tAratamya holds



There is a little variation here.

As seen in srujyAvasta,

in kaksha 3, there exists brahma-vAyu and all rujugaLu.

in kaksha 4, saraswathi-bharathi and all ruju pathni

in kaksha 5, Garuda-Sesha-Rudraru, etc.


In mukthi,

in kaksha 3 there is a single post,that is of brahma and a single jIva

holding the post.

in kaksha 4, only saraswathi

in kaksha 5, only garuda & sesha, etc.



Hope this was informative and I request u to correct me wherever I have gone




In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna





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nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


" I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His

worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His

recurring grace "

If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in this

way, it pleases Vishnu.

--- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya






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