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Sri Raghottama Teertharu Part 5

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Raghottama Teertharu part 5.


Namaskara to all Haribhaktaas.


Raghuttama Teertharu entered the brindaavan in 1596 and the devotees could not

behold him physically. Is it possible to see the great saint now. I narrate an

incident which dates back to nearly half a century when there was a great pandit


Vaadiraajaachaar at Coimbatore. He was the personification of orthodoxy and an

example of humility to be emulated. Whenever He used to take the teertha or the

holy water of Sri Raghavendra Sripadaru he used to kneel down and take it with


Really a classic example of a true Haribhaktha. Some people who were really

moved by the nature of the great pandit and asked Him ,Have you seeen Mantralaya

Mahaprabhugalu? The answer was in the affirmative. I see Him daily all the

times a day. The

interrogators were astounded by that reply and considered how fortunate He was.

The answer as to how he saw the saint was even more stupendous . Vadirajachaar

said in the morning when I chant Praatasankalpa gadya I see Him,In the afternoon

when I teach

Geetha Vivrithi,Dashopanishad Khandaarthaa,etc. to the students I behold Him and

in the night I have His darshan by chanting the Sarvasamarpana Gadyaa and then

only go to bed. Yes. I see Him in all His works. This is the greatness of

dvaita Siddhanta.

The saints must be visualised in their great works that they have left behind

for posterity. Unfortunately not many people realize the value the works of

these great scholars . Hence, nothing is lost and we can have the darshan of

Sri Raghottama Teertha

by reading or atleast doing smarana of the seven wonderful works that He had

composed in such a short span.

Sri Raghottama teertharu was a junior contemporarian of Sri Vyaasa Raayaru,Sri

Vaadirajaru and Sri Vijayeendraru. It is said that Vyaasa Raaja's works was

criticised by an advaitin and He asked His shishya to go to Sri Raghottama Swami

to counter the

khandana, since by that time Vyaasarajaru was ripe in age. Sri Vijayeendraru on

the other hand the chatus shasti kalapoorna , vehemntly attacked the defects of

the other faiths and the arguments with Sri Appaya dikshitar was the best

example of such

staunch belief of Sri Harisarvottamatvaa of Sri Vijayeendra Sripaadaru. Sri

Raghottama teertharu on the other side was a prolific writer without criticising

in any harsh terms any of the philosophical systems and carried the work of Sri


Mahaprabhu in writing the commentaries on the works of Sri Madaachaaryaru and

Teekaraayaru. The reading of the works of this great saint would make the work

of the sadhaka easy to read terser works like the Nyaya



Vishnutattvanirnaya etc. Raghottama teertharu was blessed in the dream by the

Lord Himself and He was able to visit the Badari and get the blessings of Sri

Vedavyaasaa and Sri Madhvaraayaru Himself. Hence, His works must be held in the

highest esteem and

reverentially read by every Madhvaa. I also narrate a painful experience of the

work of this great saint. The Tatvaprakaashika Bhavabhoda was taken by a

particular institution (about 100 copies) and even after 40 years there were no

takers for it and it

was a rude shock that all the copies except one were thrown away as waste paper.

When my friend who took that one copy and xeroxed it for posterity narrated this

incident it shook my very nerves. What is the reverence our community has shown

to this great

saint ? Something has to be done to preserve His works from becoming extinct.

All of us should put our heads together to atleast bring out a simple

translation of some parts of the works atleast and in my opinion that will be

the best resolution on the

405th aradhana of this great saint.

Bhaavabhodas of Sri Raghottama Teertharu.


As already stated the bhava bhodas of Sri Swamigalu have been written to bring

out the nature and the hidden meanings of Srimadaachaaryaru and

Teekaakritpaadaru. We can compare the five bhaavabhodaas as five fragnant

flowers of the parijataa tree of Madhva

shaastra each exulting exotic fragrance soothing the saatvik souls.

1.Brihadaaranyaka Bhava bhoda.


If we ask a writer as to which is his best work it will be a difficult task to

him to name a work. Similarly to say which is best of the Swamiji's writings is

impossible but we can easily say that this work is the magnum opus of Sri

Raghottama teertharu.

Out of the dasopanishads this upanishad is the longest one and a part of the

Satapata brahmana of the Sukla Yajur Veda. Madhvachaaryaru had written a

commentary on this great work and Sri Raghottama teertharu coments on the above

work of Srimadhaachaaryaru.

He gives the meaning of the bhasya of the work of the paramaguru and also has

written a khandaarthaa of the upanishad. He also points out the correct

interpretation of Srimadaachaaryaru while compared to that of the other

philosophical systems. He also

quotes profusely from sruti to make the understanding of the upanishads easier.

This work of Sri Ragottama

teertharu clearly establishes the polimical acumen of the great saint and also

serves as the initial reader to philosophers who want to step into the higher

realms of Srimadaachaaryaa's bhaashyaa on the same topic.

2.Nyaayavivarana Bhavabhoda


Nyaya vivarana is a terse work of Srimadaachaaryaru and and Teekakritpaadaru

had commented on this work and left it unfinished for his worthy successor who

was to come to do so. As Sri Raghottama Teertharu was resolved to comment on

the works of both the

saints , He completed the mission of Sri Jatateertha Mahaprabhugalu. He finished

the commentary on Nyayavivarana and earned the title anutteekaakritpaadaru.

Gitabhaasya Bhavabhoda(Prameya dipika bhava bhoda)


Sri madaachaaryaru had explained many knottical questions regarding the song

celestial of the Lord in the Gita bhasya,Gita Taatparyaa and also to some extent

in the MBTN. It was possible by Him also because of the fact that Vaayu devaru

was present at the

time of the discourse of Sri Krishna paramaathama at Kuruskhetra in two forms.

One as Hanuman in the kapidvajaa of Arjunaa and the other as Bhimasena devaru

actually participating in the war. Sri Jayuteertha Mahaprabhugalu the

incarnation of Arjuna had

taken up the Gita Bhasya and rendered a tike on it. Sri Raghuttama Sripaadaru

effectively wrote a commentary on this work of Sri Jayattertharu .

Once we read the work of Sri Raghottama teertha on the Gita bhasyaa much of our

doubts on the Gita in particular and the other bhasyaas wil be fully cleared.

Vishnutatvanirnaya Bhavabhoda:


The VTVN is the greatest Praakarana granthaa of Srimadaachaaryaa. As the name is

self explanatory the work established the Vishnutaa

tvwaa or the Supremacy of Sri Harisarvottamaa. The crux of the philoshophy of

Sri madaachaaryaaru lies in this work. The tika of the Teetkaachaaryaru is quite

terse and it required the masterly stroke of the pen of Sri Raghottama Sripadaru

to simplify it

and make the work of the preceptors clear to the students of Madhva Siddhanta.

In many places in this work the saint brings out the essence of Sri

Harisarvottama and also clarifies the works of Srimadhaachaaryaaa and Sri


Tatvwprakashika Bhavabhoda.


Tatvaprakaashika is awonderful work of Teekaakritpaadaru on the Anuvyakyaana of

Sri Madhvaachaaryaru. The author in this work highlights the Nyaaya vivarana

and sutra bhaashyaa on the same line of interpretation. Sri Raghottama Sripadaru

in each adhikarana

has indicated the exact achievemtn and purpose of each sutra. Sri Raghottama

teertaru has also frequently referred to the Taatparya chandrika in this work.

At the last quarter of each adhikarana the author summarises the content matter

which simplifies the

whole work in a nutshell. This work of Sri Raghottam Sripaadaru has been quoted

often by a great pandit and devotee of Sri Raghavendraswami , Sri

Krishnaaavadhuta pandita in his works.



Some passages on the Nyaayavivarana was explained by Sri Teekaaraayaru in the

Tatvwaprakaashikaa. Sri Raghuttama Sripaadaru perhaps not fully satisfied with

the Tatvaprakashika bhaavabhoda went on to comment on the select saying of the

Nyaayavivarana in

the TP Bhavabhoda and hence the name Nyaaya

(vivaranoddharaa). He comments on the difficult verses of the same and

enlightens the reader on the message of Sri Jayateertharu.

Nyaayaratnasambanda deepika


The great saint chose to write a work on the Anuvyakyaana and theBrahmasootra

bhaashya of Sri Vedavyaasa. Anuvyaakyaana is one of the greatest works of

Srimadaachaaryaa and the Sudha of Teekaacharyaru is based on this work. The

Sudha itself is yardstick to

decide the status of a scholar. To combine the two monumental works and write a

individual work can only be done by the philosophical giant called Sri

Raghuttama teertharu. If anyone has any doubts regarding the line that divides

the poorvapaksha and

siddhanta then he shlould immediately refer to this work. Inspite of doing such

a monumental work I get gooseflesh to write that Sri Raghuttama Sripaadaru

writes that he has only taken the essence of what Teekaachaaryaru had already

worked upon. Ido not

find any other fitting example of highest gurubhakti by sucha highly realised



When people give more value to the materialistic world it is natural that such

works get extinct. Civilization just passes to one generation to another but

culture is the advancement of a literate few. One can only expect a few great

souls to preserve the

works of Sri Raghottama teertharu. I request with all humility to all the

learned scholars and pandits to come forward and do this service which is

perhaps the greatest seva to the Swami. Shri Puthige mutt swamiji already

praised one of my friends who had

the copy of the brihadaaranyaka upanishad bhavabhoda and was kind enough to ask

Him launch upon the project with all assistance from His Holiness. The works of

Srimadaachaaryaru and Sri Teekaakritpaadaru can never be fully understood

without the blessings

and the works of Sri Raghuttamateertharu. The sadhanaa of all good souls is only

complete after trying to understand little of what the great saint has voiced in

all His works. Throughout His works it is noteworthy that the saint has not

even uttered a

harsh word at anyone whatever the nature of the mistake may be. Also, even if

the writings were original He has attributed everything to tGrace of Sri Harih ,

and the blessings of Sri Madhvaraaayaru andTeekaaraayaru. That is why the works

of SriRaghuttama

teertharu deserve much reverence and a haridaasa of recent origin Coimbatore

Syaama Rao with His ankhita Tandde Purandara Vittala extols the saints as thus:

Kaaneno ninna sari guruve........... (Behak raagaa.)

I am unable to find a guru equal to you.

Another Haridaasa with the ankhita of vijaya hayagreev sings ..

in a rare ragam hussaini as under.....

RAghuttama gururaayaa raghuraamapriyaa.....

Sri kargi daasappanavaru in kalyaani raagaa out of ecxtasy of seeing the

brindaavaan goes into raptures as under:

Nodide gurugala nodide..........


For those devotees who hadnot visited tirukkoilur I hereby enclose the route for

the destination.

Chennai -----Villupuram-------Manampoondi(via Mambalapattu short route). From

Villupuram there is a train service also but by road it is easier and stops on

the edge of the brindavan itself. If one goes by car or otherwise also we can

also have the

darshan of Satyanaatharu on the way( an amsha of Viswamitra) and this brindavan

is also located ata wonderful scenic place nearby.


Kaashi Kaanchi sumaaayaa himagiri mathura dvaarakaa venkatadri


gulmaadivyaadhihartha grahajanitamahaabhirtividvamsakarta

Bhootapretaadibhedi raghuvaratanayo mangalaanyaatanotu.


The brindaavan of Sri Raghuttama teertharu has the holiness of KaashiKaanchi

,maayanagari,himalayaas,mathuraa,dvarakaa,tirupati,srirangam and a host of other

religious places and the guru of this holy place may be kind enought to cure us

of all our maladies

and b ring succour and untold happiness in ourlives.

Thus, one of the greatest saints who was simple though the situation of the mutt

was grand,blessed even a unlettered cook like Venkanna to become a highly

erudite scholar whose works were even referred to by Mantraalaya

Mahaprabhugalu(a claassical example

being myself who is worse than the cook and been blessed to try to write

something about this great saint in a childish manner and only due to


continues to bless from His resting place at panchakrishnaaranya kshetraa at

manampoondi. As already stated let us serve Him best by reading His work and

singing His glory. I had given some important shlokas in my last issue and the

mangalaashtaka in this

issue and I pray that the devotees be blessed by chanting them daily. I had

been blessed by Sri Raghutama Teertha Sripadaru for having attempted to recite

them daily . I also hope that this small effort of mine has pleased Sri Seetha

Sametha Digvijaya

Raamaa and His Holiness Sri Raghuttama Sripadangalavaru. I also will be very

happy if this writeup had increased the devotion of the devotees towrds the feet

of His Holiness and generated jnaana,bhakti and vairaagya amongst the

Haribhaktaas for this saint

is the personification of the three and in another song syaamaa rao says that

His Holiness immediately grants what the soul deserves when it prostrates before



concluded with anata namaskaras to Sri Raghuttama Sripaadantargata Sri Seetha

Sametha Digvijayaraamaa

Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu.


Yours in the service of Sri Harih,

Dr. B.Basker.

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