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jIva sAdhana vichAra

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!!! srIhi !!!

!!! srI gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srI parama gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! srImadAnanda tIrtha gurubhyO Namaha !!!



!!! bimbakriyAyaiva kriyAvAn aham dAsajIvaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||

[harikathAmrutasAra - Sandhi 32 - Padya 53]


I would like to answer some of the questions.

I request learned scholars to correct me and pl. let me know

of any shortcomings.



Sri Krishna Kalale wrote:


1. can there be tamoyogyas among human beings?


A) Pardon me, I did not understand what u meant by human beings.

Even dEvathAs are born as human beings.

Ex: Sri vAdirAjaru, Sri vyAsarAyaru, Sri rAghavEndraru, etc.


Let me clarify some points here.


Since jIva is not created by sri hari and as we understand jIvA is anAdi &

nitya like sri hari, the svarUpa svabhAva itself would either be sAtvik,

rAjasik or tAmasik.


Among infinite sAtvik souls, there is tAratamya as has been explained thru

my prev. mail. There are infinite souls who are capable of holding brahma

pada, there are infinite souls who are capable of holding garuda pada, there

are infinite souls who are capable of holding sEsha pada, ....., there are

infinite souls who are in the category manushyOtthama whose sAdhana is for 1

brahma kalpa.


The tAratamya kaksha not only speaks of their tAratamya in kalpa sAdhana,

but also speaks about the tAratamya in jnAna, Ananda, bhakti. In Srimad

harikathAmrutasAra, Sri jagannAtha dAsaru has dedicated an entire sandhi

which speaks about sAtvik souls guNatAratamya. The sandhi is befittingly

called " guNatAratamya sandhi " . The more the guNAs, the more the jnAna,

bhakti & Ananda. All these qualities are intrinsic in jIvAs.


In other words, the adhama jIva in the category of sAtvik souls is

manushyOtthama jIva since his sAdhana is only for 1 brahma kalpa.

Naturally, he is adhamAdhama when compared to brahma pada jIvA

by guNAs, jnAna, bhakti & Ananda, but jIvA is full in itself.


Ex: We have water containers of different sizes, say

a glass which holds 100 ml

a vessel which holds 1 litre,

a vessel which holds 5 litres, etc.


When u fill a glass to its brim, it is paripUrNa.

When u fill a vessel (1 lt.) to its brim, it is paripUrNa.

When u fill a vessel (5 lt.) to its brim, it is paripUrNa.


Similarly, among rAjasik souls, there is tAratamya. There are jIvAs whose

sAdhana is more than 1 brahma kalpa and there are jIvAs whose

sAdhana is exactly 1 brahma kalpa.


puranjana is the highest order soul among rAjasik category.

Pl. can someone indicate the number of kalpAs, he has to do sAdhana.

Hope this number is 100 brahma kalpAs (just a guess).


Similarly, among tAmasik souls, there is tAratamya. There are jIvAs whose

sAdhana is more than 1 brahma kalpa (kali has to do his sAdhana for 100

brahma kalpAs) and there are jIvAs whose sAdhana is exactly 1 brahma kalpa.


kamalasambhava mukhya manujOttumara pariyantharadhi muktharu

sama shathAyushyuLLavanu kali brahmanOpAdi

kramadhi nIcharu daithyaru narAdhamarapididhu kulakshmikali

pamarenisuvaru asurarolu dvEshAdhigunadhinda


sandhi - 30 (daithya tAratamya) padya - 9]


Refer to line no. 2 which says " shathAyushuLLavanu kali " . This clear

indicates that kali & his wife purandhri have to do sAdhana (9 vidha dwEsha

in sri hari) for 100 brahma kalpAs.


This implies that there are souls among rAjasik & tAmasik categories who are

counterparts of manushyOtthama jIvAs of sAtvik category whose

kalpa sAdhana is 1 brahma kalpa.


Hope this answers ur question.



2. If so , whatever sadhana they do will not be effective. Is it not?


A) By the word sAdhana we mean all the 3 types of sAdhanAs.

sAtvik sAdhana, rAjasik sAdhana & tAmasik sAdhana.

As sAtvik souls proceed in their sAdhana, the jnAna, bhakti towards sri hari

grows and its counterpart AnandA also grows.


For rAjasik & tAmasik souls, as they proceed in their sAdhana (nava vidha

dwEsha), the ajnAna, viparItajnAna & dwEsha towards sri hari grows and its

counterpart dhukkha also grows.



3. How do I know that I am not a tamo yogya or tamasik soul?

Since there are 6 billiion people how will we know what class each person

belong to?

A) We cannot know whether a soul residing in sthUla dEha is sAtvik or

rAjasik or tAmasik. Just by looking at someone or looking at someone's

attitude/day-to-day living, we cannot decide his svarUpa guNa.

During the initial stages of sAdhana, the linga dEha & anAdi karma

contribute a lot to the janma that a jIva gets, the attitude that one would

possess, etc.


So if we find a person doing some bad thing, then we must infer that

it is due to tamO/rajO guNa, but never we must say he is a tamO/raJo jIva.


Only jnAni's can know about someone's svarUpa yogyatha. As we see in Sri

vijayEndra tIrthara charitra.


The pramEya is too subtle and I would request learned scholars to contribute

in this regard.


4. Can a tamoyogya soul or tamasik soul become sattvic by sadhana after a

long time in one or many janmas?

A) No. Its not possible. As I already stated, sAdhana for a rAjasik or

tAmasik soul would be taking him away from sri hari and in no stage he would

be moving towards sri hari.

Hence a rAjasik/tAmasik soul becoming a sAtvik soul is 100% ruled out.

So also a rAjasik soul cannot become tAmasik soul.

So also a tAmasik soul cannot become rAjasik soul &

a sAtvik soul would never become rAjasik or tAmasik soul.





Sri Krishna Kadrik wrote:


....A Question here.

It is said that bhaktas like AmbarIsha were 'promoted' to a higher kaksha

because of their exemplary sAdhana when they were manushyAs, thus enabling

them to do sAdhana for more than a kalpa.

What qualifies a manushyottama to become a karmaja devata?

Also, isn't it wrong to aspire to move into a higher kaksha?


A) A manushyOtthama jIva (who is 32nd kaksha) cannot move to any of the

other kakshAs by sAdhana. This is pramEya.

For that matter, no jIva from a particular kaksha can move to some other


As u rightly said, it is 100% wrong to aspire to move to a higher kaksha.


As the name indicates, those who attain dEvathva by performing karma are

called karmaja dEvathAs which is intrinsic in jIva of that category.




[sri Bannur R wrote :


I hope you mean one Brahma for each Kalpa.

it is said in 'Vaikunta Varnane' of Sri Vadiraja:


'obba brahmanu rigvAkyava pOshisuva gada mattobba gayatrya

sAmavanu ubbidanmanadinda gAnavapAdutta

obba brahmanu puranagala'


(it says that there are several Brahmas ,one recit4sRigveda,

the other SAmavEda and another sings the praise of the Lord with extacy



This is also supported by him with sruti.]


A) Yes what u thought is correct. I meant one brahma for each kalpa.



Hope this could clear some of ur doubts and I request learned scholars to

correct me wherever I am wrong.



In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna



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Dear Sri Badari,


According to Tattvasankhyana of Srimadacharya there are 5 main categories of

mukti yogyas (Deva,Rishi,Pitru,pa,nara) as given in my last mail. There are

sub-categories of these given in the vyakhyana to Harikathamritasara by Sri

Sankarshana Odeyaru. According to this there are Deva-gandharvas and Manushya

gandharvas. Pururava ,being a Manusha chakravarti, might have become a Manushya

gandharva and these two categories are eligible for similar Aparoksha(when He

graces them). If you are having the vyakhyana of sankarshanaOdeyar you can get

full details on the subject.


With best wishes,




Badari Devanahalli <badari67 wrote:


Dear Ramachandra rao,


> Please quote the authority for saying that Ambarisha or other Jiva >

>jumped to a higher category. There are five categories of

>Muktiyogyas(deva,rishi,pitru,chakravartis and manushyottamas) and each

>category is a closed set. To my knowledge ,one can't jump

>from his category to a higher category..


There is an instance quoted in Harivamsha mahapurana about Pururava.


Urvashi was cursed by brahma to take birth on earth. She was

fasinated by Pururava, who was one among the rajarishis. He had a

charming personality due to which she was not able to depart from

him. Please note that, urvashi was at a higher grade (Apsara sthri).

As it was impossible for her to take him along with her to svarga,

one day she told pururava to serve the gandharavas, who were about

to come the next day to take her back and ask them a boon through

which pururava can be elevated to gandharva status. He served those

gandharvas and as per their directions, performed yagna and became



This instance shows that there is a possibility of elevation from

lower to higher grade. This may be a special case.

This may help in the ongoing discussion in a small way.










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