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A lot of heat has been generated without giving importance to the

actual string of events that caused it.


Sri Gopal Potti has done lot of charity and service to Madhva

community and very likely to others as well. May God bless him and

his family for all that he has done. But this need not come in

the way of philosophical discussions or the position VMS takes

in assserting its stand.


To recap, I am giving only relevent portions. Readers can go back

and check the archives for complete details, if they want to.


Sri Prasanna Krishna was posting a very descriptive account of

" tAratamya " and Sri Krishna Kalale asked the following question.


3. What are the relative positions of : other popular devatas such as

Aiyyappa, Kali?


Sri Prasanna Krishna felt obliged to answer and he wrote:


> " A) Ayyappa is not considered avatAra of any dEvatha according to Madhwa


> I do not want to comment any further on this. But I strongly recommend

>any follower of dwaita philosophy to stop worshipping Ayyappa if they are

>doing. "


Please note that he did not attack any individual. Please look at the

choice of words he used. This has been later twisted and misstated in

various forms like " Worshippers of Ayyappa have to be stopped " etc.


Sri Potti responded:


> " " So to recommend stop worshipping Lord Ayyappa shows lack of maturity on

>one's part and I strongly suggest that madhva extremists lay the facts and

>leave up to the members to decide what to follow. " "


Sri Prasanna Krishna responded:


>Dear Sri Gopal!


>Sorry if I had hurt ur sentiments.


>Note : I definitely agree to the fact the it is up to each individual to

>believe or not any concept.


>Let me clear one point. This I am not pointing to either

>Ayyappa/Saibaba/Santoshimata or any others.


>Pl. take the gist of it.


* deleted *


>Once again, let me be clear that I am not criticising anyone and I request

>the readers to take the gist of my argument.


The participation got bigger with Nataraj asking relevent questions about

validity which should have been taken in proper spirit.


Sri Potti's statement:


>From above one can see that I practice Madhva philosophy and not a


>If maddhva extremists think that Lord Sri Krishna is going to punish Gopal

>for worshipping Lord Ayyappa, they are in fool's paradise. Madhva Philosophy

>came into existance only during 1238-1317 A.D, do these people believe that

>nobody got mukthi and went to heaven prior to Madhva's time. This is just


>Southern Baptists preaching getting to heaven is only through Jesus Christ

>as if no one had gone to heaven prior to that.


>So I do not want anyone telling me what I shoud do with repect to worship.

>I do not care whether I am called a madhva or a nonmadhva.


No one made any personal attacks and the discussion was purely

philosophical. Being a Madhva one should know some of the simple facts

(of course which is based on faith which I will discuss further down):


The doctrine of Tattvavaada is considered to be eternal; in historical

times, it was revived by Ananda Tiirtha (Madhvaachaarya).


Madhva people never went on spreading their religion by the kind of

means Southern Baptists used. Only those who got convinced are the ones

that embraced the dvaita philosophy (more aptly known as tattvavAda).


For a Madhva, to coin a word " Madhva extremists " and equate them to

Southern Baptists is a self-damaging statement.


Another question raised:


>If Pralaya had taken thousands of years back and the whole world was

>under water, Lord Narayana being the supreme deity, must have created

>every thing after that. Is it possible that Sri Lord Narayana must

>have created GODS of other religions ?!!! so that the whole complex

>world can be managed more effectively. Crazy thinking on my part !!!


The basic fact in tattvavAda is that no jIva was created by God. They

are all anAdi (beginningless). Pralaya is not a one time event. In

the cyclic process of infinite time, many pralayas have taken place.

One who is all Supreme is the one who is all independent. The Lord's

name Narayana is not like any name such as devadatta. To know more

about it, one can go to CMS archives and read.


What is most sad situation is that every thing was labelled as

" hatred " and " intolerance " . What shocked me most is Sri Kanekal's

remarks that also went into the same groove. In addition he remarked


>I do find it extremely disturbing that Vivekanda and other were

>regarded with what was tantamount to hatred.


Is there nothing in between " treating someone as God " and " hatred " ?


If " not treating someone as God " is tantamount to hatred, then I

must confess that I hate all my dearest friends as I do not deem

any of my dear friends as a deity.


Let any one worship any god(s). What is wrong in giving Madhva

position and recommendation to those who want to follow the

Madhva sampradaya? How can statements like " show us some pramANa

from sadAgamAs and we will accept " be taken as intolerance? The

real irony is that one who said " sorry " was labelled intolerant

and an extremist and the one who refused to apologize was

sympathized as a " hurt one " . More important is the fact that

this list is supposed to be " Vishvamadhvasangha "

and not " vishva Hindu cultural organization " or " Association

of religions of the world " . In the same context, regarding the

picture of Mohini in NY temple calendar, NY temple is not

Madhva temple. In Connecticut temple, there are Jaina and

Buddha idols as well since those groups also contributed money,

it is made a common place of worship.


Sri Rajaram Cavale wrote:


" If there is an Almighty, who is only That One who is beyond everything,

saving only those who believe in Him and if He can not appear to the

people of different visions in different forms, then He suffers from a

very serious limitation. "


" This is a circular argument used by all religions of the world

including Hinduism.

Therefore we can not write off a person because he recognizes

Ayyappa. "


How can a philosophical discussion be called " writing off a person " ?

Nobody is writing off anybody.


Who says God does not appear in different forms? That does not mean

we can call any body as god. That is where the guidance from the

great gurus comes to our rescue. Faith is a starting point. That is

the one that breaks the circular loop. But that faith has to be a

disciplined faith which is gotten by variuos schools. As this list

caters the needs of Madhvas, the statements from Madhva gurus are

used as standard. That is where the gurus play an important role.


HH Sri Sugunendra tiirtha said:


" One should act like a bee, which collects and stores the

essence from different flowers, and makes its own

special honey. "


To know what is honey and what is poison, one must have the guiding

light of the able gurus of their sampradaya who know the facts.


So, this does not mean just make a conglomerate of all religions

and end up with a totally illogical product.


Also Sri Vadiraja and Sri Madhvacharya accepted people from other

walks of life does not mean that they approved their earlier

life-styles or principles. Some may have changed genuinely and

some jump-shipped but could not alter their life-style. But, if

we accept such a statement then the fact that SrI Madhvacharya

brought Sri Trivikrama Panditacharya into his folds will imply

that advaita is an acceptable philosophy as Trivikrama Pandita

was advaitin before he became a Madhva follower.


Stating the correct philosophical aspect unequivocally does not

imply " hatred " or " intolerance " or " writing off a person " .

Replacing the threats of delete buttons with threats of " quitting "

is not a right approach at all.


" sarvaguNa sampUrNaH sarva doshha vivarjitaH

prIyatAM prIta evAlaM vishhNurme paramaH suhR^it.h "


" God has infinitely auspicious qualities and devoid of all the

flaws. May He be pleased. Lord Vishnu is the most dear one to me. "


One has to love the Supreme Lord more than oneself.




Keshava Rao

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I just want to elaborate on the beautiful comment made by

HH Sri Sugunendra tiirtha:


" One should act like a bee, which collects and stores the

essence from different flowers, and makes its own

special honey. "


This great pontiff has made extra-ordinary service by touring all

over U.S. and spreading the words of knowledge.


It will be a gross injustice to misquote, misinterpret, or

misrepresent the statements made by him. I felt an inspiration

just being in his presence. The context and the place where he

had to speak must be taken into account.


Even his words about " worshipping Ayyappa " , he may have meant not

to hurt Sri Potti's feelings. He would not have said that it is

Madhva tradition to worship Ayyappa.


Just to reiterate, to know what is honey and what is poison, one

must have the guiding light of the able gurus of their sampradaya

who know the facts. If one needed any clarification on his

speech, one should ask the great pontiff only and not take the

statement out in various forms.


Ceratainly the swamijii would not have meant that just make a

conglomerate of all religions and end up with a totally

illogical product.




Keshava Rao

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I was very happy to see Mr. K Thadpathri's voice of sanity and

balance in the welter of highly personalised and emotional

debate. As the Director seems to have decided already that no

further points are likely to emerge on the philosophical issues

involved, I respect his decision. But I would still like to

quote Ishavasya Upanishad and its simple translation to justify

the unavoidable necessity to work towards a final Siddhantha on

such issues, instead of finding either oversimplified arguments

like freedom of choice of beliefs, or sweeping the real points

involved under the proverbial carpet. VMS as a body should

address itself to the principles underlying such debates and

organise frank, fair and valid debates for Thathva Nirnaya

rather than consider victory or defeat in debate.

The following extracts are from a book " Ishavasya Upanishath "

with Bhashya along with Kannada translation published by Sri

Raghavendrashrama , Bangalore.

Manthra No. 9.

" Andhamthamah pravishanthi ye avidyamupaasathe

thatho bhuya iva the' thamo ya u vidyaayaam rathah "

Bhashya - " Anyathopaasakaa ye thu thamondham yanthyasamshayam.

Thatho'dhikamiva vyaktham yaanthi.

Theshaaam anindakaah thasmadyathaaswaroopam thu

naaraaayanamanaamayam ayatharthasya nindaam cha "

Manthra No. 10.

" Anyadevaahurvidyayaa anyadaahuravidyayaa

ithi shushruma dheeraanaam yenasthadvyaachachakshire "

Manthra No. 11.

" Vidyaam chaavidyaam cha yasthavedobhayam saha

avidyayaa mruthyum theerthvaa vidyayaamruthamashnuthe "

Bhashya - Ye viduh saha sajjanaah,

The' nindayaa aytharthasya dukhaajnaanadiroopinah

dukhaajnaanaadisamtheernaah sukhajnaanaadiroopinah

yathaarthasya parijnaanaath sukhajnaanaadiroopathamm yaanthi "

Those who worship the Parathathva in a contrary manner

(vipareetha), they will attain Andhanthamas. Those who are

engaged only in getting the correct Jnana (Yathartha) and will

not reject incorrect Jnana (Ayathartha) will attain even greater

Andhanthamas. Both Ayathartha Jnana and absence of rejection of

Ayathartha Jnana lead to Thamas. Therefore, one should obtain

both the correct Jnana of the Supreme Being, who is free from

all defects and should also reject such incorrect Jnana that

causes attribution of defects to the Lord.

It is stated by the Jnanis that by (Avidya) rejection of

Anayathaajnana, one gets rid of Anishta and gets bliss by

(Vidya) Yathartha Jnana.

Rejection of Ayathartha Jnana leads to removal of Dukha (called

Mruthyu here), while acquisition of Yathartha Jnana, one attains

Mukthi or freedom from bondage (Amrutha).


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!!! srIhi !!!

!!! shrI gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! parama gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! lAtavya chakravarthi bhAvI samIra shrI vAdirAja gurubhyO namaha !!!

!!! shrImadAnanda tIrtha gurubhyO namaha !!!



!!! bimbakriyAyaiva kriyAvAn aham dAsajIvaha !!!




E mahImandaladoliha guru |

shrI madAchAryara mathAnuga |

rA mahA vaishnavara vishnu pAdAbja madhukarara ||

stOmakAnamipe avaravara |

nAmagala nempElve bahuvidha |

yAma yAmangalali bodhisalemage sanmathiya ||

[Harikathamrutasara - Sandhi 32 - Padya 53]



There has been much debate recently regarding Ayyappa. Each one came up

with their own view. I definitely would not like to contribute any further

on this issue, but would definitely wish to thank all those who could

understand my hridaya.


A philosophical discussion :



In my previous posting on jIva sAdhana vichAra, we had come across the topic

of brahma kalpa. I would like to present here an overview of kAla as

defined in Srimad harikathAmrutasAra by Sri jagannAtha dAsa's Indweller sri

jagannAtha vitthala. The basis for the subject is the commentary by Sri

sankarshana wodeyaru.


Pl. excuse me for any mistakes and pl. correct me wherever I am wrong. Hope

the calculations shown hereunder are not confusing.


As usual, the mail is quite long and I request sAdhakAs to have a patient



If the topic is already dealt in the mailing list, I request your apologies.


kAla vichAra (Time Aspect)



The following is a detailed description of KAla wrt. to mAnavAs, dEvathAs &

shrI brahma dEvaru


1) Why so much importance to kAla ?

2) What is so important about kAla ?


The above questions are answered by Sri jagannAtha dAsaru :


kAlAntargata kAlaniyAmaka kAlAtEta trikAlagna |

kAlapravarthaka kAlanivarthaka kAlOthpAdaka kAlamurthi ||

tava dAsOham tava dAsOham


shrI hari is kAlAntaryAmi & He is kAla shabdha vAchya. upAsana of

kAlAnAmaka shrI hari forms one of the most important sAdhanAs.


parama sUkshma kAlAmsha is considered to be 'kshaNa'. kshaNa could further

be divided into smaller portions, but this would be out of human imagination

and hence shrI jagannAtha dAsaru has considered kshana to be the starting




kAla vichAra of mAnavAs



1. kshaNa

2. 5 kshaNAs = 1 truti

3. 50 trutis = 1 lava

4. 2 lavAs = 1 nimEsha

5. 8 nimEshas = 1 mAtra

6. 2 mAtrAs = 1 guru

7. 10 gurus = 1 prANa

8. 6 prANAs = 1 paLa

9. 60 paLAs = 1 ghatika (ghalige)

10. 30 ghatikAs = 1 night (12 hrs.) & 30 ghatikAs = 1 hagalu (12 hrs.)

=> 60 ghatikAs = 1 day considered to be 24 hours.

11. 15 days = 1 paksha

12. 2 pakshAs = 1 mAsa (month)

13. 2 mAsAs = 1 rutu

14. 3 rutUs = 1 ayana

15. 2 ayanAs = 1 varsha (year)

=> 360 Man days = 1 Man year


shrImad harikathAmrutasAra quotations from aparOksha tAratamya sandhi - 24:


paramasUkshma kshaNavaidu truti |

karesuvudu aivattu truti lava |

eradu lavavu nimEsha nimEshagaLentu mAtra yuga |

guru dasha prANavu paLavu ha |

nneradu bANavu ghaLige trimshati |

iruLu hagalaravattu ghatikagaLahOrAtrigaLu || 56 ||


E divArAtrigaLeradu hadi |

naidu pakshagaLeradu mAsaga |

LAdapavu mAsadvayave rutu rututrayagaLayana |

aiduvuvu ayanadvayAbda kru |

tAdiyugagaLu dEvamAnadi |

dwAdashasahasra varushagaLahavadanu pELuvenu || 57 ||




kAla vichAra of dEvathAs



360 Man Days or 1 Man Year = 1 dEvatha Day

=> 360 Man years = 1 dEvatha year

=> 1,29,600 Man Days = 1 dEvatha year





kAla vichAra of ChaturyugAs (kruta - trEta - dwApara - kali



DY -> dEvatha Year

MY -> Man Year


1. kruta Yuga = 4,800 DY = 17,28,000 MY

2. trEta Yuga = 3,600 DY = 12,96,000 MY

3. dwApara Yuga = 2,400 DY = 8,64,000 MY

4. kali Yuga = 1,200 DY = 4,32,000 MY

------------- ----------------

Total 12,000 DY = 43,20,000 MY

------------- ----------------


chatussAviradentu nUravu |

krutayugake trisahasra saleshat |

shatavu trEtage dwAparake dwisahasra nAnUru ||

ditijapati kaliyugake sAvira |

shatagaLa dvaya kUdi E dE |

vategaLige hanneradusAviravahavu varushagaLu || 58 ||


prathamayugakELadhikavare vim |

shatisulakshAshtOtthara vim |

shathisahasra manushyamAnAbdhagaLu shaNNavati |

mitha sahasrada lakshadasha |

dwithiya trutiyake entulakshada |

chaturashashtisahasra kaligidharardha chintipudu || 59 ||



kAla vichAra of brahma dEvaru


1. Chaturyuga = 1 divya yuga

2. 1000 divya yugAs = 12 hrs. of brahma dEvaru

3. 1000 divya yugAs = 12 hrs. of brahma dEvaru


=> 1000 * 43,20,000 MY = 432,00,00,000 MY = 12 hrs. of brahma dEvaru

=> 2000 divya yugAs = 1 Day (24 hrs.) of brahma dEvaru (1 dina kalpa)

=> 864,00,00,000 MY = 1 Day of brahma dEvaru


mUradhikanAlvatthulakshada |

lArumUreradadhikasAvira |

Ereradu yugavarusha sankhyeya gaiyalinitahudu |

sUri pacchise sAviradanA |

nnOru mUvatteradukOti sa |

rOruhAsanagidu divasavembaru vipashchitaru || 60 ||


shatadhrutige E divasagaLu trim |

shatiyu mAsadwAdashAbdavu |

shataveradaroLu sarvajEvOtpatti sthitilayavu |

shrutismrutigaLu pELutihava |

chyutage nimishavidendu sukhashA |

shvatage pAsatiyembuvare brahmAdi divijaranu || 61 ||


5. 30 Days of brahma dEvaru = 1 month of brahma dEvaru

prabhAsa khAnda of skanda purANa specifies the names of these 30 days

This info. has been collected from some other source. Its not mentioned in

harikathAmrutasAra or its related commentary.

The thirty Dina Kalpas of Brahma are:

(1) svEta,

(2) nIlAlOhita,

(3) vAmadEva,

(4) gathantara,

(5) raurava,

(6) prAna,

(7) bruhat,

(8) kandarpa,

(9) sadyOtha,

(10) EshaNa,

(11) dhyAna,

(12) sArasvata,

(13) udAna,

(14) garuda,

(15) kaurma,

(16) narasimha,

(17) samAdhi,

(18) agnEya,

(19) vishnuja,

(20) saura,

(21) sOma,

(22) bhAvana,

(23) supuma,

(24) vaikunta,

(25) archisha,

(26) vAli,

(27) vairAja,

(28) gauri,

(29) mahEshwara,

(30) paitra.


6. 360 days of brahma dEvaru = 1 year of brahma dEvaru

7. 100 years of brahma dEvaru = 1 brahma kalpa



The following info. to an extent has been collected from the discourse of

Sri Bannanje Govindacharya on Srimad bhAgavatha.


kAla vichAra of manvantarAs



1. brahma dEvAs hagalu (Day - 12 hrs.) is considered to be srushti kAla.

2. brahma dEvAs rAtri (Night - 12 hrs.) is considered to be praLaya kAla

(Dina Pralaya).

3. brahma dEvAs hagalu is sub-divided among 14 manUs & they are referred to

as manvantarAs. manUs are adhipatIs of these manvantaras.

The following is the list of manUs in serial order and niyAmaka sriman



i) yajna - svAyambhuva Manu

ii) vibhu - svArOchisha Manu

iii) satyasEna - Uttama Manu

iv) hari - tApasa Manu

v) vaikunta - raivata Manu

vi) ajita - chAkshusha Manu

vii) vAmana - vaivasvata Manu

viii) sArvabhauma - sAvarNi Manu

ix) rushabha - dakshasAvarNi Manu

x) vishvaksEna - brahma-sAvarNi Manu

xi) dharmasetu - dharma-sAvarNi Manu

xii) sudhAma - rRudra-sAvarNi Manu

xiii) yOgeshvara - dEva-sAvarNi Manu

xiv) bruhadbhanu - indra-sAvarNi Manu


4. The first manvantara is svAyambhu.

5. We are currently in vaivasvata manvantara



Division of brahma dEvAs hagalu (1000 divya yugAs) among manvantarAs


Since we have 14 manvantarAs, we need to divide 1000 divya yugAs with 14.


=> 1000 / 14 = 71 is Quotient & 6 is Remainder.


71 Divya Yugas = 71 * 43,20,000 = 30,67,20,000 MY &

6 Divya Yugas = 6 * 43,20,000 = 2,59,20,000 MY (Quotient)


As we can see from above calculations, 1 manvantara is not exactly 71 divya

yugAs or 30,67,20,000 MY, since we are left with a quotient of 6 divya yugAs

or 2,59,20,000 MY. These 6 Divya yugas or 2,59,20,000 MY must be

distributed among 14 Manvantaras.


This is achieved the following way as explained by Sri Bannanje

Govindacharyaru in his lectures on Srimad Bhagavatam.


We divide 2,59,20,000 MY (quotient) into 14 portions of 18,50,000 MY.

=> 18,50,000 * 14 = 2,59,00,000 MY (20,000 MY short of 2,59,20,000 MY - We

shall understand about remaining 20,000 MY within a short while)


[Note : How did we arrive at the figure 18,50,000 MY is not explained

by Sri Bannanje Acharyaru and I request learned scholars to throw some

light on this. Sri Acharya simply says that we should make 14 portions of

18,50,000 MY]



This means that the time period of each manvantara is

30,67,20,000 MY (71 Maha yugaas) + 18,50,000 MY = 30,85,70,000 MY


After each manvantara, there is a manvantara pralaya for a short period of

time and the 20,000 MY must be distributed among these manvantara pralayas.

We must divide 20,000 MY into 13 portions, since, after the last manvantara

there would be dina pralaya.


This again leads to a problem as 20,000 MY cannot be divided into 13 equal

portions. The solution is as follows:


svAyambhu Manu (the first manu) is at a very higher level in Kaksha

(10th kaksha - refer to tAratamya chart) and hence after this manvantara,

the pralaya would be for 2000 MY. Now we are left with 18,000 MY which need

to be divided among 12 manvantara pralayas. This is straight forward, i.e.

all the other manvantara pralayas are for 1500 MY.


A more detailed explanation of Brahma Devara Hagalu :


As seen earlier, during 1 Day (Dina) of Brahma, there would be Srushti &



Srushti starts with svAyambhuva manu which spans for 30,85,70,000.


svAyambhuva 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 2,000 MY

svArOchisha 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

uttama 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

tApasa 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

raivata 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

chAkshusha 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

vaivasvata 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

sAvarNi 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

dakshasAvarNi 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

brahmasAvarNi 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

dharmasAvarNi 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

rudrasAvarNi 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

dEvasAvarNi 30,85,70,000 MY

Pralaya 1,500 MY

indrasAvarNi 30,85,70,000 MY


Total 432,00,00,000 MY



After 432,00,00,000 MY, Dina Pralaya starts which also indicates brahma

dEvAs rAtri (night).





kAla vichAra of Sriman nArAyaNa



As already seen 1 day of brahma dEvA equals 864,00,00,000 MY (864 man years)

=> 30 days of Brahma Devaru equals 259,20,00,00,000 MY

=> 1 year of Brahma Devaru equals 311040,00,00,000 MY and

=> 100 years of Brahma Devaru equals 31104000,00,00,000 MY


100 years of Brahma Devaru is as if opening the eye lid for Sriman


shrI jagannAtha dAsaru say this is only aupachArika, just to explain what it

would mean to Sriman nArAyaNa


AdimadhyAntagaLu illada |

mAdhavagidupachAravendu ru |

gAdivEdapurANagaLu pELuvuvu nithyadali |

mOdamayanAnugrahava sam |

pAdisi ramA brahma rudrEn |

drAdigaLu tamma tamma padaviyanaidi sukhisuvaru || 62 ||



Some more points of interest



tApasa Manu is Almighty Himself

svAyambhu Manu is at 10th Kaksha

vaivasvata Manu is at 16th Kaksha &

all the remaining 11 Manus are at 19th Kaksha (karmaja dEvathAs)





Pl. excuse me for any mistakes. They are entirely mine and let me

know of any corrections.


bAlakana kalabhashe janani |

kELi sukhabaduvante lakshmI |

lOla bhaktharu mAduthiha samsthutige higguvanu |

tALa tannavaralli mAdvava |

hELanava heddaiva vidurana |

Alayadi pAlundu kurupana mAnavane konda ||


karuNAsandhi sandhi - 2 padya - 14]



In Hari Guru Seva

Prasanna Krishna





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Dear Fellow Madhvas and Keshava Rao,

It was my intention to cool down and not

further flames ... and I do hold Mr Keshava Tadipatri in high regard. He wrote:

> " Keshava Tadipatri " <meerakesav


> " hatred " and " intolerance " . What shocked me most is Sri Kanekal's

>remarks that also went into the same groove. In addition he remarked

> [....# my earlier posting (SK)

>>I do find it extremely disturbing that Vivekanda and other were

>>regarded with what was tantamount to hatred.

> .... (SK)]

>Is there nothing in between " treating someone as God " and " hatred " ?


It was not just me who felt this way. There was another posting - i have

forgotten the author's name - which used these very words " hatred " . According

to Mr. Nataraj's orignal posting ( and i quoting from memory here) he asked

his sister to " throw away " Vivekanda's photo which to me seems like a visceral



>If " not treating someone as God " is tantamount to hatred, then I

>must confess that I hate all my dearest friends as I do not deem

>any of my dear friends as a deity.


>Let any one worship any god(s). What is wrong in giving Madhva

>position and recommendation to those who want to follow the

>Madhva sampradaya? How can statements like " show us some pramANa

>from sadAgamAs and we will accept " be taken as intolerance? The


The intolerance shows up in vehemence and the stridency of statements by some

which i still hold to be tanatmount to an assault on Mr. Potti


>real irony is that one who said " sorry " was labelled intolerant

>and an extremist and the one who refused to apologize was

>sympathized as a " hurt one " . More important is the fact that

>this list is supposed to be " Vishvamadhvasangha "

>and not " vishva Hindu cultural organization " or " Association

>of religions of the world " . In the same context, regarding the


True this is vishwa Madhva sangha but it must be borne in mind to the other

religionists we are all hindu (devil worshippers to paraphrase the s.baptists)

and therefore target of conversion...etc. It is to state the obvious that we

are (in the US) living in alien culture. Our children are accosted by others

(see an earlier posting by Balaji Hebbar) and they have to defend themselves.

This and other such considerations should make us pause and use temperate

and dispassionate language when addressing philosophical issues. Whatever

happened to " ekam SAt ... " etc ? PLease do not construe this to mean that

I am condoning anything and everything but just emphasize the " ultimate truth "

is not easily graspable - really one cant do better than the orginal and

repeat " Truth is one though the wise call it by different names " .


Also to say that one has arrived at " the truth " immediately brings to an

end - jijnyasa surely ?


Since this issue, I have seen at least four persons wanting out of this list.

That is no coincidence and the interests of madhva community are not best

served by people leaving. Again I hasten to add that this is not to be

construed to mean that we should water down the philosophical principles to

not offend others. My own solution is to state our doctrine in as unambigiuous

a fashion as possible and leave it at that. Again issues of faith and

philosophy as far as possible may be kept separate. Thus is indeed posiible

and earlier postings about sAkshi,Jijnyasa ... etc are proof of this.


with best regards to one and all,

Shri Kanekal




Shri Kanekal phone: (301)286-6517

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Goddard Space Flight Center

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On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 18:25:12 -0500 KANEKAL writes:




> It was not just me who felt this way. There was another posting - i

> have

> forgotten the author's name - which used these very words " hatred " .

> According

> to Mr. Nataraj's orignal posting ( and i quoting from memory here)

> he asked

> his sister to " throw away " Vivekanda's photo which to me seems like

> a visceral

> response.




I understand your concerns. However, since we are probably looking at the

issue from different viewpoints, it is not easy for us to agree with each

other. When I was in highschool, when I didn't know anything about

mAyavAda or TattvavAda, I also used to think of Vivekananda and

Ramakrishna as great leaders. However, things changed once I started

reading about mAyAvAda and tattvavAda. After reading some works of Srimad

Acharya and Sri Vadiraja Theertha (such as Yukti mallika), I lost *all*

respect for all those who preached mAyAvAda. Those who preach mAyAvAda

kill people's sAkshi. There is no other way one can accept mAyAvAda. If

you want to believe in mAyAvAda, you must first kill your sAkshi. Once

you kill your sAkshi, you lose the ability to discern what is right and

what is wrong, what is sense and what is nonsense.


Also, a mAyAvAdin may preach mAyAvAda because of two reasons.


1. He believes completely in mAyAvAda (that he is non-different from


2. He is just being faithful to his family tradition


If someone believes in and preaches mAyAvAda because of the second

reason, I would have some sympathy (and may be some respect) for him.

However, in my opinion, Vivekananda and Ramakrishna had more of the

former reason than the latter. Since I cannot go against my own sAkshi,

I just can't show any respect for them. If you call that " hatred " , I

really can't help it.


Since many of you give more importance to Vivekananda's and Ramakrishna's

contribution to the society, you probably find it easier to show resepct

for them. Since I give more importance to their philosophy, I find it

impossible to show any respect for them. If you all knew how absurd and

how perverted mAyAvAda is, you would probably better understand my



Let me give you this example (I think this one was given by Sri Vadiraja

Theertha in Yuktimallika, but I am not sure). If two cows are fighting

with each other, it is wrong and insane to end their fight by killing one

of the cows. Because both cows are sacred, a sane person will bring some

grass or other food and coax them to stop fighting. Similarly, when two

vEda vAkya-s seem to contradict each other, it is wrong and insane to

kill one of the vAkya-s to settle the issue. But a mAyAvAdin has no

problem killing one of the vEda vAkya-s. He has no problem killing one of

the cows to end the fight. How can you expect me to have reverence for

such a person?


Let me give another stronger example. It is not my intention to provoke

you but I am forced to make you all understand my position


How would you feel if someone were to say that your wife is his wife

also? You would probably get so mad that you wouldn't mind stabbing him

to death. Now, a mAyAvAdin doesn't stop with your or my wife, he is crazy

enough to say that he is non-different from the Lord Himself and implies

that Lord's consort is his consort too. In the end, he says that there is

no such entity as Lord's consort anyway. There is no way I am going to

show respect such an insane person. Hence, I had to ask my sister to get

rid of those pictures.


BTW, you don't have to agree with me on anything. I am just stating my

position. You are all welcome to give me one good reason why I should let

my sister hang their pictures next to pictures of Sri Raghavendra

Theertha or Sri Hanumantha and show reverence to them also.


I don't despise mAyAvAda because I happen to believe in mAdhwa sidhanta.

I despise mAyAvAda because it is inherently absurd.








> with best regards to one and all,

> Shri Kanekal


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Dear Nataraj,

May I jsut quote two more shlokas of YukthiMallika of Sri

Vadiraja here-

" Ittham vichaaryamaane bhoodyasmanmaayaavinaam matham

sarvam cha lokasammathyaa bhagavannindanaathmakam " - 19

" Atho maayaavaadamathaannamnaivaathijugupsithaath

bheethoham abhajam thathvavaadinaameva paddhathim " - 20

Sri Davangerre Bhima Rao translates these shlokas as under :

In this manner, when one examines the different concepts of the

school of Mayamatha (Advaitha), it will be concluded that all

these are in the nature of denunciation of the Supreme Being

(due to hatred towards Him). Therefore, I am fearful of

following the Advaitha doctrines and have accepted Thathvavada.

How ever, One has to know and understand Advaitha and also

understand why it results in hatred towards God to be a good

Dvaitha devotee. This is also stated by Saint Vadiraja, " Anthe

siddhasthu siddhanthah madhvasya aagama yeva hi " - Madhva

Shasthra is the end result of examining all Poorvapakshas

including Advaitha.


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DearKeshava Rao,


I agree with your last statement that taking the good of others is not making a

conglemeration of religions. In fact even people of other religions would not

agree with it.


Similarly following the tenets of the philosophy of our Acharya and stating

that his philosophy is alone the right one ,and/or following the practices of

Madhvas which has come down during several centuries should not be branded as

Madhva extremism. In no way does that affect anybody's tolerance of other

religions. For example I lived in Secunderabad and had a good no. of muslims

respect me though they knew very well that I am an orthodox brahmin.


Coming to the worship of Ayyappa and other dieties or people like Satya aibaba,

it is left to the individuals who do so . At the same time when it comes to

discuss whether it is correct to do so for those who follow the Dvaita system,it

has to be done keeping accepted authoritative works followed in the system. As

persons who have some knowledge of the system, we have to come to a conclusion

in this regard by looking into whether there a mention of a devata or an avatar

of a devata by that name and if so the place of such diety in the gradation. To

my knowledge,which I do agree is limited, there is no mention of the name

'Ayyappa' in the works treated as authority in the dvaita system. Similar is the

case of 'Santoshima'. So ,it is my opinion that as a Vaishnava,following the

path laid down by Sri Madhvacharya, I should not (or Madhvas should not) worship

these gods(?). I suppose that this does not mean that I am not tolerant of other



In fact,it is difficult to worship daily all the devatas we know in the proper

order. Possibly,keeping this in view,the tradition in Madhva families is limited

to the worship of(apart from the Lord) ,only a few gods. they are :Sri Vayu in

the form of Rama, Hanuman,Garuda, and Sesha. The worship of other deities is

limited to stotras only. All such worship is also with the concept that they are

'parivara devatas'.


I have written these views of mine now as Sri Vasu Murthy had mentioned that

the discussions may continue after the tempers cool down and I hope things are

back to normal With best wishes,




Keshava Tadipatri <meerakesav wrote:

" Keshava Tadipatri " <meerakesav


I just want to elaborate on the beautiful comment made by

HH Sri Sugunendra tiirtha:


" One should act like a bee, which collects and stores the

essence from different flowers, and makes its own

special honey. "


This great pontiff has made extra-ordinary service by touring all

over U.S. and spreading the words of knowledge.


It will be a gross injustice to misquote, misinterpret, or

misrepresent the statements made by him. I felt an inspiration

just being in his presence. The context and the place where he

had to speak must be taken into account.


Even his words about " worshipping Ayyappa " , he may have meant not

to hurt Sri Potti's feelings. He would not have said that it is

Madhva tradition to worship Ayyappa.


Just to reiterate, to know what is honey and what is poison, one

must have the guiding light of the able gurus of their sampradaya

who know the facts. If one needed any clarification on his

speech, one should ask the great pontiff only and not take the

statement out in various forms.


Ceratainly the swamijii would not have meant that just make a

conglomerate of all religions and end up with a totally

illogical product.




Keshava Rao









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nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


" I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His

worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His

recurring grace "

If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in this

way, it pleases Vishnu.

--- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya






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myself and many others on this list would like to know various views and

pramanas on this subject. for this very reason we have created a separate list

" vms-philosophy " so that people not interested in free flowing philosophical

discussions will not be 'disturbed'.


i request our learned members to continue this thread on the new list and stop

further postings on list.


please let me know if any of you have problems accessing the vms-philosophy



naaraayaNa smaraNam


--- RAMACHANDRA RAO <bkrrao wrote:






> I have written these views of mine now as Sri Vasu Murthy had mentioned

> that the discussions may continue after the tempers cool down and I hope

> things are back to normal With best wishes,


> Bannur.R



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