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RE: Digest Number 264

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Many, many thanks to Balaji Hebbar for bringing out the historical aspects

of Tulu Madhvas! I am more interested in the historical facts of Tulu

brahmanas, language,script(!?) etc. and thus I was a silent observer of the

all these days. I met Dr. Gururaja Bhat in 1976 and

admired his work even though some findings might have gone contrary to the

local belief he was a true scientist, archeologist and iconologist.


I am glad Dr. Balaji Hebbar is acquainting the coastal madhvas their

sampradaya and how historically influenced to other non-tulu speaking

madhvas. Historically speaking, of course, can we forget Sri madhvAcharyA's

original name, community, place and the language he spoke and wrote?


Balakrishna Rao




[ ]

Friday, January 21, 2000 5:16 AM


Digest Number 264




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nAham kartA hariH kartA tatpUjA karmachaakhilam.h|

taThaapi matkR^itaa pUja tatprasaadhEna naanyaThaa|

tadbhakti tadphalam.h mahyam.h tatprasaadaat.h punaH punaH |

karmanyaasO harAvevam.h vishNOsthR^iptikaraH sadhA ||


" I am not the doer, shri Hari is the doer, all the actions that I do are His

worship. Even then, the worship I do is through His grace and not otherwise.

That devotion and the fruits of the actions that come to me are due to His

recurring grace "

If one always practices to do actions with a dedicated spirit to Hari, in

this way, it pleases Vishnu.

--- Quoted by Sri madhvAchArya in GitA tAtparya




There are 10 messages in this issue.


Topics in today's digest:


1. Re: rAyarA gadyAs


2. Re: Delete my name from VMS list/Second Request

napsrao <napsrao

3. Re: Digest Number 263

Balakrishnan Basker <bbasker

4. ReDigest Number 263- Ref: Ayaappa

rajcaval.kkh (Raja R Cavale)

5. Coastal MAdhvas

Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar

6. Ayyappa and demigod issue

Vasu Murthy <vmurthy

7. Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue


8. Re: Coastal MAdhvas



hema rao <hema_rao

10. Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue









Message: 1

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 01:56:26 -0800 (PST)


Re: rAyarA gadyAs



Dear Mutalik,


There is an article on 'Sarvasamarpana gadya' also written by me in the

dvaita-list. You may find it useful.


There is a translation of 'Pratah sankalpa gadya' by Davanagere Bhima Rao.

It is an excellent book on this great work of Sri Gururaja.


There is an English translation of this work by Srimushnam Nagarajachar

published by SMSO sabha (or a sister organization of it.). It is also very



THe 'Sarvasamarpana gadya' has been translated with a lot of details of the

prameyas involved by late Sri P. Vishnuteertha. Possibly the book is

available in some bookshops in Bangalore.


With best wishes,




Both the above books are not in print.




Venk Mutalik <vmutalik wrote:

" Venk Mutalik " <vmutalik


Sri gururAjo vijayate


Does anyone on VMS have a translation in full of rAyarA gadyAs. Also, is a

recitation of the gadyAs on audio cassette available?


The dvaita list has a gloss on the prAtah sankalpA gadyA, by Sri Bannur.


A complete translation of these would be a very good supplement for our

VMS's literary pursuits.





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Message: 2

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 16:34:16 +0530

napsrao <napsrao

Re: Delete my name from VMS list/Second Request


Dear Friends,

I find that the subject is being changed from the correctness of worship of

Demigod Ayyappan to the the sense of wrong felt by Mr. Potti. Arguments are

also being offered about

Broadmindedness, Tolerance etc. I have no wish to contribute to this aspect

of the matter, but I will quote a statement made by Sri 108 Vidyamanya

Tirtha Swamiji (whom I believe, most of us respect) about the practice of

arriving at the Siddhantha by pointing out the errors of the Purvapakshas

considered earlier. The original is in Kannada and has been translated by

me. Mr. Nelamangala ha also made this point, I believe. As far as I am

concerned, I am interested in the subject to the extent that Pramanas are

made available about the validity of the beliefs. If such Pramanas do not

exist, the conclusion is obvious. " There will be no harm done to Hindu Unity

due to critical examination of concepts (of philosophy or religion). " " When

we see Yathi Pranava Kalpa of Sri Madhvaacharya, about the manner of

behaviour of Ascetics, we see that most of our activities go against the

Shasthras. But we can not accept the charge made against us in recent times.

Some persons feel that expounding the Siddhantha of Srimadacharya in big

public functions by criticising and showing the errors of other systems is

wrong. But, if one should get real devotion in God, it is

necessary to have clear knowledge about God without any doubts. Such

knowledge is only obtained by Khanadana and Mandana - (showing the errors in

Purvapaksha and showing that the

Siddhnatha answers all doubts and has no errors). Therefore, if the normal

people should become true devotees of God, such critical appreciation of

Siddhantha is necessary.

Because we criticise such Siddhanthas, does not mean that we hate the

followers of such schools. We will continue to have affection and

appreciation of such persons also. Therefore, we feel that our activities in

this direction will not harm Hindu Unity. "

I feel therefore, that if at all, there is conviction and faith on

the issue, it should be discussed freely or we should close this discussion








Message: 3

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 11:16:00 +0530

Balakrishnan Basker <bbasker

Re: Digest Number 263


Respected Sir.

In this digest though there are 12 messages in the digest only seven are

sent as shown under . Can you kindly send the left over messages or the

whole digest No.263.








Message: 4

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 23:18:14 +0300

rajcaval.kkh (Raja R Cavale)

ReDigest Number 263- Ref: Ayaappa



" If there is an Almighty, who is only That One who is beyond everything,

saving only those who believe in Him and if He can not appear to the people

of different visions in different forms, then He suffers from a very

serious limitation. "


Dear Friends,


The above statement is made by none other than myself at the

beginning of a future book of mine on a personal view on Hinduism which I

hope I will be able to publish one day.(This is not a 'Plug-in'). I have

made a halt to its possible publication because I am working in the country

where the origin of the second religion of the world started in the 6th

Century of the last Millennium. The above statement is made as my reaction

to their motto that 'The God is The Only One and is the Greatest'. Greater

than Whom? If something is the greatest then it is so in comparison to

other things whose existence can not be denied. Otherwise the statement

should be just 'God is'. Here the people say that what they believe is the

correct one and if you ask them how do they know about it, they say it is

given in their book. How is that true? because it is revealed by God. Who

says so?, it is given in their book. This is a circular argument used by

all religions of the world including Hinduism.

Therefore we can not write off a person because he recognizes

Ayyappa. We need not reject a person just because his belief is not clearly

supported in Puranas. Whole creation is God's manifestation and different

forms of worships and all point towards the Ultimate God and form an

ascension towards full Knowledge. I believe that 'Avatar' of God did not

stop at Puranas, it is still continuing in one form or the other to the

present day.


Yours sincerely,


Rajaram Cavale.


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Message: 5

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 19:56:28 -0400

Balaji Hebbar <bhebbar

Coastal MAdhvas


Dear shrI Acharya:


Let me give you a few examples of how hinterland MAdhva customs

differ from coastal MAdhva customs, some of which had (perhaps?)

the candid approval of ShrImadAcArya himself.


One example that readily comes to mind and the one that perhaps

clearly demarcates the difference between the two cultures is the

fish-eating habits of the GauDa-SArasvat MAdhvas (who can be

readily recognized by their typical " Mangalorean " surnames such as

Pai, Prabhu, Kamath, Shenoy etc.). It has

been an officially long-accepted habit among the GauDa-SArasvats to

eat fish. These peoples were converted by ShrImadAcArya himself

(who, I am sure, was quite aware of their dietary habits even as

he converted them) on his way back via

Gomantaka (Goa) after his Second North Indian Tour. Until 1476 AD,

the entire GauDa-SArasvat community were parishoners of the PhalimAr

MaTha of UDupi. HH RAmacandra TIRtha, the 10th Pontiff on the

pITha of the PhalimAr MaTha, on account of certain marked

differences between the TuLu and the KonkaNI MAdhvas

decided that they ought to be goverened by their own maThas. As

such in 1476, he choose a young lad from among their own ranks

and ordained him as nArAyaNa TIrtha at Bhatkal (North Kanara). The

paramparA descended from HH nArAyaNa TIrtha today goes by the name

" JIvottama PartagALi MaTha " (alias GokarNa MaTha). Later on, in

1542 AD, after the Portuguese conquest of Gomantaka, another maTha,

the KAshI MaTha based at Cochin came into being. In fact, the

present pontiff of the KAshI MAtha HH SudhIndra TIrtha thinks that

ShrImadAcArya was KonkaNI-speaking and not TuLu speaking. This has

become a rather sticky issue between the TuLu and the KonkaNI

MAdhvas. Hon'ble Dr. BNK Sharma however has argued (and quite

successfully so, I might add) that ShrImadAcArya was a Taulava and

not a Konkanastha.


To complicate matters further, inscriptions were discovered four

decades ago within the precincts of the KRSHNa Temple at UDupi by

one of my late professors, the late Hon'ble Prof. Padur Gururaja

Bhatt (MA, PhD and a TuLu MAdhva himself) that funds were donated

by Messrs. DAmarasa Prabhu and LingaNNa Pai (both GauDa-Sarasvat

MAdhvas) to make extensive addittions and renovations to the KRSHNa

Temple in 1614 AD. This would have been roughly 14 years after

the sajIvavRndAvana pravesha of HMVH VAdirAja GurusArvabhaumaru at



Further, in both the GokarNa and the KAshI MaThas (it may be

noted), the pUjAparicArakas (i.e. devaraseve avaru) when they go

home on vacation eat fish and afterwards resume their duties

normally once they are back in their mAthas assisting their svAmIs

in their daily pUjAs to the paTTada devarus of their

respective maThas. The SvAmIjIs themselves in their pUrvAshrama

would also perhaps have eaten fish. Anyway, nobody even bats an

eyelid about all this. Such an action would be unthinkable in the

hinterland or the TauLava mAThas. Yet I have

personally seen shrI Gopinath Galagali's father, the Hon'ble PaNDit

Pandarinathachaya Galagali do " shAstrIya pATha " to HH VidyAdhirAja

TIrtha svAmIjI, the incumbent pontiff of the GokarNa MaTha.


Another one that comes to my mind is the " mInu hiDiyo habba "

during TuLu MAdhva weddings (clearly a coastal habit). These were

done, of course, when weddings lasted 13 days. Today, in this age

of ready-made divorces, one should be happy if the marriage lasts

longer than the actual wedding ceremony itself.


There is no such thing as " melugacche " among orthodox TuLu MAdhva

women. The Konkanasthas, however, DO have it.


And there are many others.....


Anyway, these are " deshAchAra " issues and they are better off left

in their own cultural settings. ShrImadAcArya taught us the

glorious doctrine of tattvavAda, and bearing this in mind, let us

all be united as MAdhvas under this banner through ABMM, VMS, CMS

etc. to preserve and perpetuate this.


I know both your good self and shrI Gopal Potti equally well.

Both of you are wonderful people who have done a lot for the

MAdhva community in the New York and Washington DC areas

respectively and will (I am sure) do much more in the years to

come. And so, it pains me to see two well-meaning and devout

MAdhvas to have this harsh verbal duel. I am deeply sorry to see

my good friend Vasu Murthy, a VMS director, and a man of deep

sincereity, patience and goodwill to have been caught in the

middle of all this. With his usual dignified demeanor he has done

some superb tight-rope walking on this issue. My hats-off for him

on that. He is truly fit to be the director.


I pray sincerely that all parties effect a compromise on this

matter as expeditiously as possible. In any organization and on

any given issue, there are bound to be differences of opinion

along conservative and liberal lines. That is a given. The idea,

however, is to work together despite these differences. I

am sure you both know all this. Sorry for the sermonizing.


My deep praNAms to you both and one and all in the MAdhva



kindest regards,

Hari-vAyu smaraNa,







Message: 6

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 21:06:59 -0500

Vasu Murthy <vmurthy

Ayyappa and demigod issue


krishNa sevakas,

I was out of town and not in E-mail contact for the last two days. The

thread has taken unexpected turns. Let me expand on a couple of things.


1. I know Gopal Potti very well. I have seen krishNa pujas in his home.

They are full of devotional atmosphere and tradition. In my opinion, he is

one of the most ardent devotees of krishNa. I deeply respect and admire his

devotion. His service to

the Hindu and mAdhva communities in the area are exemplary.


2. We should respect his and other's choice of beliefs and worship. As Sri

Hebbar has said, various factors come into the play in the choice of beliefs

and worship and we should respect his and everybody's choice of worship.

There is no question of

advocacy or pressuring any one to change his choice of worship. My original

intent of the thread was to show that Gita does not preclude people from

worshipping demigods. I definitely did a poor job of conveying the intent.


3. Let treat with respect minority and unpopular opinions on the list. Even

if we disagree with some body, let us show respect, kindness and compassion

towards the individual and the view point. Let us try to approach " Sthitha

praj~na " as much as

possible. This also creates an atmosphere suitable for honest debate. Let us

keep a spiritual atmosphere in the list. This is the approach of sri

Jayatheertha and other in our tradition in their writings. Let us try to

emulate them.


4. Let us close this thread. All the philosophical issues seem to have

been exhausted.


5. I also request sri Gopal Potti to stay on the list. I understand his

desire to leave following the rancour in the threads. I request him again

to stay.


I pray to Lord krishNa to bless all the bhaktas and readers of the list.



Hare srinivasa,


Vasu Murthy




Vasu Murthy










Message: 7

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 22:29:55 EST


Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue


I have been keeping silent on this issue. I was very much disturbed by the

direction in which this arguement was going. I totally agree with Vasu

Murthy and Dr. Balaji Hebbar. We should respect or atleast tolerate others

beliefs and values. I was planning to call and talk to Mr. Potti. Please,

see that this type of rudeness will not be repeated in this platform. I

request Mr. Potti to stay in this VMS group and continue his service to Shri


Best regards,

Srinivasa Bhat, Troy, Michigan






Message: 8

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 23:44:33 EST


Re: Coastal MAdhvas




> I know both your good self and shrI Gopal Potti equally well.

> Both of you are wonderful people who have done a lot for the

> MAdhva community in the New York and Washington DC areas

> respectively and will (I am sure) do much more in the years

> to come. And so, it pains me to see two well-meaning and

> devout MAdhvas to have this harsh verbal duel.


I think you may be confusing me with someone else, I did not have any duel

with anyone. Usually, I end up with a monologue as I am very vocal in

expressing my opinions and mince no words; but on the issue of legitimacy of

worshipping Ayyappa, I did not have anything to say. I merely stated after

the fact that calling Madhva theoreticians " extremists " is a disservice. I

certainly do not practise the perfect Madhva way of living but I have high

regard for those who do. Those who are now creating new " hybrid " Madhva

communites by worshipping false gods through ignorance should not be

mollycoddled. I agree with NAPS Rao's comments; I reiterate again that if

truth hurts one must learn to be deaf, not cry foul!



Arvind Acharya






Message: 9

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 20:54:46 -0800 (PST)

hema rao <hema_rao




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Message: 10

Thu, 20 Jan 2000 23:57:26 EST


Re: Ayyappa and demigod issue


Vasu Murthy <vmurthy writes:


> 2. We should respect his and other's choice of beliefs > and worship. As

Sri Hebbar has said, various factors > come into the play in the choice of

beliefs and > worship and we should respect his and everybody's > choice of

worship. There is no question of

> advocacy or pressuring any one to change his choice of > worship. My

original intent of the thread was to show


Vasu: Hebbar has said that there are local variations. Hebbar's e-mail DOES

NOT SPEAK of any local variation that includes Ayyappa worshipping. The

usage of Hebbar's writing to justify this is completely flawed.


No question of advocacy? Nataraj wrote that this is unacceptable to the

Madhvas and that whoever is doing this needs to understand it. Nataraj

never pressured anyone to do anything. It is Potti who started this saga on

the lines of " Oh, I am sooooooo hurt that you said so " etc.


> 4. Let us close this thread. All the philosophical > issues seem to

have been exhausted.


This is an escapist attitude. The philosophical issue is very clear and you

do not seem to want to call a spade a spade.


> 5. I also request sri Gopal Potti to stay on the > list. I understand

his desire to leave following the > rancour in the threads. I request him

again to stay.


OH, please! What is this supposed to accomplish? That we will not discuss

any topic openly again?


In case none of the arguments can convince anyone with an open mind, I refer

you to Sri NAPS Rao's e-mail. We have his word that H H Vidyamanya

Theertharu said that " as long as truth emerges, it is OK to indulge in

debate " or something to that effect.


> I pray to Lord krishNa to bless all the bhaktas and > readers of the list.


Thank god, there is something in your e-mail that I agree with!







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Dear shrI Balakrishna Rao:


I stand humbled by your kind words. However, all credit should

rightfully go to that late great savant, the Rt. Hon'ble Prof.

Gururaja Bhat. He was a superb academic, an archeologist, a

historian of religion and an authority on MalabAr culture.

Hon'ble Pt. Bannanje Govindacharya has great regard for him and

took over as Director of the Institute of Indian Studies

founded by the late professor at KaDiyALI, UDupi.


I remember the time when Prof. Bhat went (sometimes walking

literally for miles in the hot humid MalabAr climate) to each

and every temple in South Kanara and photographed all the

deities and wrote extensive notes on their origin, period etc.

For his work, the University of Heidelberg in Germany was

planning to not only invite him to occupy the chair of

Indology but eventually award him a D.Litt. degree. Of course,

tragedy struck and he was snatched away from us.


It was he who brought up the very pertinent point that the

BRhaspati (Guru) and vAyu cult existed among the MalabAr

brahmins. Hence a connection between UDupi KRShNa and GuruvAyUr

KRShNa. In the case of the latter, Guru (BRhaspati) and vAyu

established GuruvAyUr KRShNa (as the local legend says) and in

the case of the former, it is vAyu who became a Guru (i.e.

ShrImad Ananda TIrtha) and established UDupi KRShNa (also as

per local legend). In addition, both were BAlakRShNas. It was

an important discovery which caused many an academic to view

in askance the local legends. Pt. Bannanje has never believed

in the Malpe miracle theory of ShrImadAcArya obtaining KRShna

from a boat. Neither does the Sumadhvavijaya make mention of

it. Prof. Bhatt's discovery only reinforced these.


As you have rightly pointed out that we must never forget the

MalabAr/TauLava origins of shRImadAcArya, but it is also equally

important to bear in mind that it is the illustrious pontiffs

and paNDits of the Deccan hinterland " Deshastha " MAdhva MaThas

who have been the real vanguards and defenders of the faith

over the centuries. Other than HH Vijayadhvaja and VAdirAja

TIrthas, there are none amongst the TauLavas who came even

close to the hinterland scholars in terms to calibre and

quality of erudition. It is they who periodically and

systematically measured their intellectual swords with their

Advaitic counterparts to produce metaphysical masterpieces of a

superb quality. If it were not for them, (other than the

Grace of God factor), our beloved Dvaita for all purposes

would have probably remained a MalabAr metaphysic.



Hari-vAyu smaraNa


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